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I typed away furiously at the black keyboard before me. I glanced at the clock on my computer screen. One-hundred words to go, nine minutes left to enter. I focused on the task at hand, pushing all other thoughts aside and only caring about the story in front of me. I continued to type, my stream of consciousness flowing straight from my mind to the keys and subsequently onto the computer.

..........There, I said to myself, finished. I looked at the clock again. Perfect. Three minutes left. I quickly switched to my internet browser and clicked on the Fast Reply box at the bottom of the screen. I quickly typed out my Member Name, the Theme, Word Count, and then copied and pasted my story from the Microsoft Word document and into the white box. No time for any formatting – not that it was allowed, anyway – so I gave it a quick once-over, spotted a single grammar mistake, fixed it, and then clicked the “Post” button.

..........The page loaded and there it was: my story entered into the contest with a minute left. I smiled to myself, proud that I accomplished my goal and entered in time, even if just barely.

..........I scrolled up the page, glancing at the other entries. Forty entries all together.

..........“Quite a good turnout, wasn’t it?” Velox asked as he posted the new theme.

..........“Indeed. And just one down; still eleven more to go.”

..........“Time to start on ‘Treasure’,” he said, the second theme posted.

..........There it was. The next theme. Treasure. Already the wheels in my head began turning, thinking of a myriad of possibilities I could use for my story. I sat down and began writing, excited to write again.




~ :: ~


...Five Days Later


Amor Omnia Vincit. I wracked my brain trying to think of a story idea for this theme. But nothing came. Only six themes into the contest and my inspiration was already dying. My writing seemed to get worse and worse with each story.

..........Not matter what I did, nothing came. Come on, I shouted inwardly. You can do this, you can do this, just focus. I sat there for a few minutes, head resting in my hands, probing my brain for answers, ideas. Something.

..........And then it hit me. The inspiration inside me flourished once again; an idea had popped into my brain. I opened up a blank Word document quickly, and began to write, my fingers flowing across the keyboard. It was exhilarating, enlivening.

..........But that feeling didn’t last long.




~ :: ~


...Six Days Later


There. Last one, I think to myself after I had finished writing my entry for the twelfth theme. I drop my hands, exhausted. Relieved that the twelve days are over. My fingers are sore, my mind tired. But I know it’s over. I completed them all, entered every single theme. And now finally I can relax. A sense of pride filled me. I did it. I leaned back in my chair, propping my feet up on the desk, resting my head in my hands.

..........“Why are you laying back?” Velox asked. “These were just the beginning. The warm-ups. Simply a preparation for the real contest. So get back to your computer and start typing. The BZPower Library Summer Olympics 2012 are about to begin.

..........And that invigorated feeling hit me again as my passion for writing consumed me. I was ready for the challenge. Ready to write.




~ :: ~


From here. Yes, not the best writing, I realize that (most-likely due to getting my wisdom teeth taken out and not being in the mood to write), but it served it's purpose, I think. The Library Summer Olympics have now officially been announced.


~ Velox


Recommended Comments

. . . Velox, could you and the other powers that be in our beloved BZP library get any more awesome?


That's like asking if Avatar (the one from which my avatar comes) could be any more awesome.




You don't think so, and then it proves you wrong.


BZP Library Summer Olympics. This . . . will . . . be . . . great.


From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

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@ Jason ~ Haha, well, I make the rules, so I don't have to follow them, right? =P


@ Everyone else ~ Thanks for your enthusiasm! I'm glad you're as excited as I am! And if you haven't seen it yet, I urge you to visit the COT and Comedies forums, both of which have the Olympics.

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