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Warning: Studying Might Affect Your Dreams

Taka Nuvia


Well I guess most of us have already experienced it at some point: dreaming about things they studied. Last night, it was my first time. xD But it was all so awkward and out of context - I'm standing in the coolest shoe-store* EVER, and suddenly I start thinking about Goethe?! Really?! I don't remember what it exactly was about, but it was all rather important and elaborate, I think. D:


*the boots, THE BOOTS! D,: They were so beautiful. But I knew I could never have them because I would wake up, for some odd reason. O.o


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Oh how I dislike those kind of dreams. I remember we were studying arachnids in class. I went to sleep that night and dreamed that I was going to a zoo. I entered the spider exhibit and got locked in there with all the spiders in there. To say I was scared for my life is an understatement. After I woke up 3 hours later I didn't sleep for the rest of the morning.


Its okay, I'm sure you'll find those beautiful shoes in a store some where on sale.

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That sounds like a nnightmare indeed...


*sigh* I wouldn't be so sure about that. Some of the boots were rather... extraordinary. Nothing you'd ever find in a real store D:

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