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Computer Problems - Any Help Would Be Appreciate.

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. I actually was going to make a Pokelog today, but unfortunately my computer appears be having issues. So instead of Pokelog for today's entry, I am here inquire about an error that my computer just experience today, which cause my computer to like blue screen five times (It actually happened as soon as I made a comment on BZPower, but I don't think it is related. *shrugs*).


Admittedly I am not sure if you guys can really help me with this problem, but I think it is at least worth trying to see if one of you computer experts can figure out what could of went wrong. Of course, you guys do need more information than just that it is blue screen, so I will elaborate further. The blue screen message that read each time my computer start up was telling me there was hardware issue causing the crashes. The text seem to subject to me that it thought I install like a graphics card or something to computer as it read like something tell you install the device not properly. *shrugs* And well, I have nothing installed in my computer like that. Everything in it came with the computer.


We (my mother and I) think it might be a Window Vista issue since I did have Window Update recently and more often than not, I get most of my problems from Microsoft's Updates themselves. I don't think that makes much sense though. As wouldn't it have happen sooner than this? *shrugs*


I am not computer expert, so I appreciate help that you could offer. I probably will be asking our IT guy, Kevin, at work tomorrow during lunch to see if he has any clue what could be the issue. In the meantime, I am going to be taking it easy with this computer and mostly just be scanning things and checking things to see if they are update to date since I did have use the time travel function to stop the crashes. Wish me luck with that, guys. And I guess I'll see you all later, if my computer does not have more problems.



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."


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You could try doing a system restore to a few days before that update was downloaded...?

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Could you provide a few more details on the bluescreen? It should have listed an error code, something like STOP 0x00000034 or something like that.

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@Sisen: Yeah, it already gave me that option to fix it, which is how I am on my computer now. However I do not know if it is actual Window Update problem or something else entirely, which is why I am trying to inquire what might of actually have cause it.


Thanks though for trying to help.




@GSR: It is difficult for me to recall to be honest since each time it happened, the blue screen was up for like less than a minute. And well, I don't have the fastest reading skill, so I only was able to read so much of it.


It is times like this that I wish computers would take screen caps of their error screens and store them in a directory of some sort. *shrugs* I did see it say STOP with a similar code to one you listed.


I do have problem report, but I am not entirely sure how useful it would be to you. *shrugs* Thanks though for trying to help.



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."

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Yeah, I hate how it gives you barely any time to read the bluescreen before it reboots.


Thankfully, though, you can use this tool (Direct download link, 61KB zip file) to look at the error codes after the fact. No installation necessary, you just open the BlueScreenView application and it will pop up with a list of dumped log files from every crash, and all sorts of technical info.


If you click+drag to select a few of the most recent ones, then click File > Save Selected Items, it will let you make a nice little text file with info about each crash.


You can open the text file it makes, and copy/paste it here, and we can try to help troubleshoot the problem based on the info.


I've used this tool several times to diagnose crashes on my own PC, it's pretty handy for geeks and IT workers like me!



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Maybe one of the updates broke a driver? Though, typically that just results in you not being able to see anything, from what I've experienced.

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@AT: I'll try to do that after work today. I think I might want to back everything up first though.


Do you know how to get to Steam saves folder? Just wondering because that's only thing I don't know how to backup properly.


But anyway, thanks for trying to help me, AT.


@Pit: Well, the screen did go black for a bit. Although it does not appear to be that type of problem since it appears to be working fine now. *shrugs*


Thanks though for trying to help troubleshoot what the problem was.



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."

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Valve games like Portal and Portal 2 back up your save file automatically. As for other games, it varies.


Taking a quick look through your Steam games list, here are the save file locations you might need:



My Documents\My Games\Terraria


Knights of the Old Republic:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\swkotor\saves

(Note: If you don't see an x86 folder, it's under regular Program Files)


Cthulhu Saves the World:

My Documents\SavedGames\CSTW\Cthulhu Saves the World\AllPlayers


Breath of Death VII:

My Documents\SavedGames\BoDVIIPC\Breath of Death VII\AllPlayers


Plants vs. Zombies: (May be a hidden folder, but it's here)

C:\ProgramData\PopCap Games\PlantsVsZombies\userdata



C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\bastion\Content\Saves


Hope that helps!



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Thanks for the help, AT.


Oh, and I did what you told me to do. So here is the report from my dump file:


Dump File : Mini061812-01.dmp

Crash Time : 6/18/2012 10:44:38 PM

Bug Check String :

Bug Check Code : 0x00000124

Parameter 1 : 00000000`00000000

Parameter 2 : fffffa80`0b5c8030

Parameter 3 : 00000000`f2000000

Parameter 4 : 00000000`00060151

Caused By Driver : hal.dll

Caused By Address : hal.dll+78ba

File Description :

Product Name :

Company :

File Version :

Processor : x64

Crash Address : ntoskrnl.exe+57ad0

Stack Address 1 :

Stack Address 2 :

Stack Address 3 :

Computer Name :

Full Path : C:\Windows\Minidump\Mini061812-01.dmp

Processors Count : 4

Major Version : 15

Minor Version : 6002

Dump File Size : 269,432




"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."

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Hmm, according to those error codes, it looks like the cause is most likely a hardware issue, not a Windows Update software issue


You mentioned seeing some sort of error about your graphics card? That could very possibly be the problem, if so.

(All computers have a graphics card/chip, often built right into the CPU/processor)


Any kind of information on error messages you might have seen (other than the bluescreens) would help me to narrow it down.



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Yeah, I figure as much. I was merely mentioning the Window Update thing because I do know I have trouble involve it in the past.


But yeah, the error was saying that driver was uncorrectable or something along those lines. I mean I guess it is the graphics card, but what does that mean if it is that? *shrugs*


All I know is that eventually repair thing came up and it told me to restore my computer to previous point, so I did. Well, it appears to be working fine now.


Sorry, I am not sure what to tell you.


EDITED: Could Minecraft be the problem? I have notice that it only program on my computer that won't run currently (Portal 2 and Bastion did not run at all before, but I already know why that is. Plus, I hadn't even try using either of those games since last December.). *checks* LEGO Designer works, Autodesk Inventor works, Google Earth works...So far, Minecraft the only non-functioning one.



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."

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Well, hal.dll crashing is Very Not Good, and this is coming from someone who works on Windows. Hal is the Hardware Abstraction Layer, eg. the thing that helps all your device drivers play nice with actual hardware. If it crashes with 0x124, odds are you have a pretty nasty hardware or driver issue.


Unfortunately 0x124 is notoriously tricky to debug because it could come from a variety of sources. Windows Repair helping suggests it's a driver issue, which is a good sign (comparatively speaking). I doubt Minecraft is the cause, though it's interesting that it isn't working. Does it simply not work at all, or does it crash after playing a while?

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Well, hal.dll crashing is Very Not Good, and this is coming from someone who works on Windows. Hal is the Hardware Abstraction Layer, eg. the thing that helps all your device drivers play nice with actual hardware. If it crashes with 0x124, odds are you have a pretty nasty hardware or driver issue.


Unfortunately 0x124 is notoriously tricky to debug because it could come from a variety of sources. Windows Repair helping suggests it's a driver issue, which is a good sign (comparatively speaking). I doubt Minecraft is the cause, though it's interesting that it isn't working. Does it simply not work at all, or does it crash after playing a while?

I'm helping him update his graphics drivers right now, actually. We'll see how that goes!



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@GSR: Yeah, I kind of figure that after the web search, I did while waiting for AT to reply back.


As for question, it just would not open. Like I would clicked it and it would behave like it was going to open for a bit and then nothing would happen.


But anyway, like AT say, I just updated my drivers and so far it appears to be fine. It did bluescreened though before I could check for updates since I also had to update Java. And well, as soon as that finished updating, the computer bluescreened with same message as previously (It also did not listen to me. I told it start up in safe mode and yet when it finally loaded up it was Windows normally. Not sure if I should be worried about that.).


Obviously though, I am not out of woods yet with this. Since even though, nothing weird is happening now (Minecraft opens and everything appears to be functioning correctly.), the crash might happen again like it did out of the blue during the Java update today.


Here's hoping that what AT did fix it. But anyway, thanks to you both for trying to help me.



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."

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