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Oh man am I so excited. Last Sunday I bought tickets to see The Dark Knight Rises opening day in IMAX. Which is going to be amazing. Today I bought tickets to go see Les Miserables which is being performed at a theatre near my house (seeing it this Sunday)...I really, really wanted to see the play again before the movie comes out, so I'm very glad I'll be able to. This will be the second time I've seen it done professionally (I also saw it twice performed at a high school) in person (as I also have a video of the 10th Anniversary Edition which is awesome).


Aaaand that really doesn't sound like I'm excited that much, but that's because it's 5 AM and I haven't gone to bed yet. =P But seriously, I'm so excited! Les Miserables and The Dark Knight Rises are both going to be amazing. Less than a month away for TDKR!


Last thing before I go to bed (I tell you, John/55555 is really having an influence on me...he hardly ever goes to bed before 4 AM and I think that's rubbing off on me as the past week I haven't gone to bed before 4 haha), the ECC Contest has now been posted, and remember: only a short time left to vote in the Flash Fiction Marathon Final COT Polls!


Okay, time to go to bed. Even though I'm not tired so I'll probably end up staying up another half hour at least anyway...


~ Velox


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Oooh, Les Mis, you lucky butt! I am a very jealous person right now. I mean, Batman is awesome and all, but I can go see it same as you. To see Les Mis again before the movie comes out, I'd have to drive cross country

:( Have an awesome time for me.

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Is it bad that I've never seen Les Miserables in my entire life?


After listening to some of the songs from it, I want to.

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Oooh, Les Mis, you lucky butt! I am a very jealous person right now. I mean, Batman is awesome and all, but I can go see it same as you. To see Les Mis again before the movie comes out, I'd have to drive cross country

:( Have an awesome time for me.


Aww, man. =( I'll definitely have an awesome time, though! =]


Is it bad that I've never seen Les Miserables in my entire life?


After listening to some of the songs from it, I want to.


Yes. Yes it is. =P But yeah, I'd definitely urge you to try and see it. It's an amazing play.

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