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Twilight Shenanigans



Today at work I met this girl, and her parents... They were looking for a computer for her to use at school in the fall. They weren't buying just getting some information. It was a complete fluke I even met the girl, because the new guy came over to get my help answering questions. He could have went to anyone.


We started talking and eventually the new guy just left the group, and went and helped out other customers. After a bit the conversation had moved entirely somehow... We just ended up talking about unrelated things entirely.


The girl was two years behind me in school. She lives in my town. We knew the same people in school. I hung out with the band geeks, she was a band geek. I probably talked to her and her parents for at least an hour straight. There was not any sales talk... just talk in general. I have never had that kind of discussion with any customer before or for that long.


She was such a nerd too and it was awesome.


Then her parents were inviting me to their booth at a local festival we have in our small town each year, so they could introduce me to everyone...


It was just a really weird, awkward, cool, awesome, experience that pretty much made my day.


The funny part is I thought I had it bad with my name... I have one of the most common names ever.


Her name... well she sort of has it a lot worse. I never thought it possible.


The name of the girl I met today? Kristen Stewart.


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