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How good is this game? Im thinking of purchasing it, but Idk if its worth the money. :B


Would anyone here recommend it?


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I've only played it halfway through but I've enjoyed it so far.


I feel as though most of it's recognition comes from artistic quality and less from gameplay, but it also has some fun platforming mechanics that fit the style quite nicely.

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I only played the demo, but I thought it was pretty interesting. However, I don't know if it's redundant, like if the levels are just more of the same things as they progress. I like puzzle games like that though, so I know I would have enjoyed it for the first gameplay. I can imagine though that once you beat all the levels and know how to solve the puzzles, it's probably not as fun a second time through.


But then again, I beat Portal 2 a million times and still haven't got tired of that puzzle game. :P

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Dude, limbo is one of the simplest and most fun games to play and all you need for it is a stick. Why would someone charge money for it? Just go get a stick and play it with your friends.

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??? All you do to play limbo is, two people hold a stick, and everybody leans back to walk under it, and then the sticks keeps being lowered and everybody sees how low they can go. It's a classic childhood party game, and a classic drunk adult party game.

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In a nutshell you will die a lot (that is an understatement) you can even get an achievement for not dying more than five times (impossible). But it is still fun however a little overpriced.



I only played the demo, but I thought it was pretty interesting. However, I don't know if it's redundant, like if the levels are just more of the same things as they progress. I like puzzle games like that though, so I know I would have enjoyed it for the first gameplay. I can imagine though that once you beat all the levels and know how to solve the puzzles, it's probably not as fun a second time through.


But then again, I beat Portal 2 a million times and still haven't got tired of that puzzle game. :P

Trust me, even simple constantly flipping a switch for the lulz becomes very useful, it however not quite repetitive. I mean if there's a magnet puzzle it will prepare with boxes being hard to reach only if you constantly flip a magnet switch.

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Get it. The simple black-and-white theme of it makes it eerie, and it being just this little kid makes it even more interesting. However, depending on your tolerance for blood, you might want to filter the gore a bit if you can - sticks can go through his head, and he can be...well, it's a little too violent to go into. :P If you turn the gore off, anytime he dies, the screen will just go black.


But seriously, get it. It's an amazing game, I haven't beaten it myself, but I'm about halfway through it. Expect it to be no easy task to beat it, though, it's pretty difficult, much harder than any puzzle game I've ever played.

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