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Never has a fantastic movie been so terrible.

Or never has a jumbled mess of a film looked so great.


Which is actually saying two different things.


I had heard, going in, that it was very scenic and introduced some very nice "big ideas." I had also heard it had too many big ideas to satisfactorily answer even a few of those. What I did not know was that some of the things they put in made no sense and provided nothing to the story, or that there was potential for foreshadowing that was not followed up upon.


But I'm still trying to make sense of Prometheus. Not in a really detailed plot kind of way, but in a "why did they decide to do this? And why couldn't they touch on this again? And why was there a Xenomorph at the end?!" (seriously, the Xenomorph just might have been the worst decision of all their bad decisions)

Yet still...I wouldn't mind watching it again on DVD

So many parts of it were still wonderfully made, despite all its problems.

But they definitely could have had David grow even more if he referenced "the trick is to ignore the pain" from Lawrence of Arabia he was watching.

What really got my goat was how cliche and stereotypical tropish so many scenes were. I had expected more from Ridley Scott.


I'm glad I free passes, but I don't blame you for paying full price to see it (which apparently now is $12 at my theater D: ). But I also don't blame you for wanting your money back, or waiting.


-CF :kakama:


Recommended Comments

It needs a sequel. Or two.

It set up a bunch of ideas and concepts into the Alien universe but hasn't answered all of them. I believe this is intentional in order to prolong the Prometheus story without losing any of the mystery. Even when the Prometheus story is finished, I don't think it will be a direct link to the Alien movies. It will explain everything about the space jockeys and the xenomorphs in more detail than was even suggested in the series but won't lead directly into it.

But all in all, I don't think people should look at this movie as just one movie but rather the first chapter in an ongoing series. Even when the movies are finished, it'll probably be continued through comics or something.

That's not to say that this movie has its faults, just that some people may be mistaking some faults for metaphorical seeds that will grow as more of the story is revealed.



It wasn't quite a xenomorph at the end. Certainly close but not quite there. All of the elements for a xenomorph are around, though. The acid blood and coiling tail of the mutated worms, the... um... oral insemination appendage of the trilobite, and the chest-bursting birth and close resemblance to the xenomorph of the creature at the end. They just need to be mixed together.


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