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A good work day =D

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. Its me again. I am just popping in again just to give guys a life update. Apologizes in advance if this is boring to most of you guys. I am sorry about that. :(


Hm...I am not sure how many of you read the previous entry, but I am back to work this week. Unfortunately for me, it is rather slow week since technically it is still shut down week for the company that I work for. The first two weeks of July are usually the weeks that my company has most of shop people off from work, so they clean the shop. So there generally not a lot people out in the shop during these weeks, nor much going on in Engineering department (Beside working on really hot jobs like FT Part Project, which is just about most bothersome project that I have seen us work on in my two years at this company.).


I am mainly in because I am only entitled to one week's vacation from the place. That and if I were off this week too, I would just be spoiling my sleep schedule even more. lol Yeah, I really don't want to make my sleep schedule any worst than it is now. After all, I was just about to pass out yesterday when I got home from work. So folks, do not be surprise if I am not on BZPower much this week since I probably be heading to bed early a lot. lol


But anyway, today was actually been bit better for me both energy wise and work wise since I did not feel very sluggish today and I had plenty of work to keep me busy. Those non-FT part details, that I mention in my previous entry, were not what was keeping me busy though since apparently we wisely decided to not press forward with those parts until we get the finalized models from Boeing (Those parts were still in-work much like the FT parts.). Instead what was keeping me busy was working on some old repeated jobs (Which basically means that I get the book from our library, look it over, check to see that it has the current drawing, add revisions to any sketches with mark ups, and print a new updated manufacturing plan with current job card numbers.).


These repeated jobs were kind of special though since we actually have their books out in the shop already, so I had to spent sometime out in shop looking for them since I got to check them for mark ups and determine if I am to sleeve them or release an entire new book with mark ups included. Eventually I found them all and we determined that we were going to release a new book for the one out by the Fadal CNC machines.


As for other two in deburring department, we will probably be sleeve-ing them since they are about done. *shrugs* I won't know until I pick them up tomorrow from there since I was mainly focusing on book from Fadal CNC Machines today. That and I was taking some set up pictures for a couple other parts.


Alright, I think I did enough work talk. So let's talk about something else...How about the 3DS? Like did you know that I actually have it open right now with KH: 3D Demo on its title screen and I am just letting it sit there to listen to it repeat? Well, you do now. :P Yeah, I know that kind of weird, but I really like title screen music for the demo and I kind of afraid to look it up online because I might be tempt to spoiling other music from the title.


Also am I only one that thinks that there should seriously be game music playing app for 3DS? I would seriously buy such an app from Nintendo eShop in a heart beat considering how much I love listening to video game music. Heck, that Legend of Zelda music CD from last year was first music I ever put on my iPod.


*looks at clock* Well, I don't have much time left until Royal Pains is on, so I better wrapped this up. Oh, uh...My set review thing is probably not going to be up until like this weekend since my sleep schedule issues have kind of been keeping me from working on it. Sorry about that, guys. :(


I also think I might be cutting down on entry posting here since I don't have much to talk about and in general, writing these eat up a lot of my free time from work. So yeah, there is not going be like daily entries. lol Not there ever was daily entries here, but you get what I mean.


Alright, that's all I got for you today. I am sorry once again if this was not very interesting to read. Thank you though for at least reading some of it. I'll see you guys later.



Listening to Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance Demo Title Music


Recommended Comments

I think you are mistaking "not very interesting" with "completely impenetrable and full of really cool sounding technical jargon that you don't understand."


On the plus side it makes it sound like you have some sort of awesome job!



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One of the many things I love about Kid Icarus: Uprising is the fact that it has a music gallery. Some of my favorites are Magnus's theme, the little girl's theme, and the music from any level with Hades' theme in it. Of course, a lot of the music has to be unlocked, so I still lack some like the dog's theme. Still, I wish more games have this feature.


Golden Sun: The Lost Age also had a complete music test feature, with all the music from that game and the previous game. Unfortunately, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn lacked this awesome feature. And one thing Kid Icarus has over other games with music tests is that every track is named. I hate having to remember the number of any track on a given game.

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@Janus: Hm...You make a good point, sir. Although what I meant was you guys probably could careless about hearing me ramble about work because it does not really interest most of you. :P


Still I do agreed with you that I am probably using too much technical jargon that most of you folks do not really understand what I am talking. I am sorry about that, sir. I will try to make more effort to explain things in more detail than I have here.


@Lyichir: Yeah, I love that about Kid Icarus: Uprising too. My favorite track has got to be Dark Pit's Theme though. Closely followed by Little Girl's Theme and Dog's Theme. But yeah, I wish more games could have features like that.



"I'm a heartbreaker...My name...Charles."

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