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My Bionicle Story



Okay so Ive got a blog so I might as well use it. This isnt an actually story as in a Novel yet but Im going to be telling you guys the plots in Bullet points and things like that. If you guys can find any plot holes or things you dont like then that would be good.

I am basically rewriting Bionicle. Please not I do not have anything against the original cannon but I just want to do my own thing. Be warned, it is not for the VERY young. It will involve: some things people may find controversial like homo sexuality(please not I am not against it. It will base heavily on character developmental and will follow many of the characters and delve deep into their lives. It will be based VERY loosely on the original canon, sometimes closer than others.

If any one interested my next entert will be an introduction of the characters and stuff.


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The original cannon sounds dangerous.


(I also don't really see Biodrugs working. Sounds like an angsty YA novel honestly)

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Oh I see. I can see why you would think that. I hope you feel differently once its all in words but other than that, I cant really sway your opinion.

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If it is in fact going to include the first item listed above, then you should not put it on BZPower:


No pornographic, sexually offensive, sexually explicit, or objectifying material. Sexually suggestive images will be heavily scrutinized. We'd like for our readers to be able to read the forum at work and at home without fear of retribution. If it's not something you'd see walking down the street or in the normal course of public life – don’t use it.


Source: BZPower Rules & Guidelines

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If it is in fact going to include the first item listed above, then you should not put it on BZPower:




No pornographic, sexually offensive, sexually explicit, or objectifying material. Sexually suggestive images will be heavily scrutinized. We'd like for our readers to be able to read the forum at work and at home without fear of retribution. If it's not something you'd see walking down the street or in the normal course of public life – don’t use it.


Source: BZPower Rules & Guidelines


I dont really need it any way come to think of it. In fact I wasn't even going to put it in. it was just a disclaimer. I take it attraction is okay though, as long as its clean

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That shouldn't be a problem at all. :)


Sorry if my previous comment sounded brusque....

Dont worry it didnt. Besides, better its you that tells me than finding out the hard way from a moderator

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So where will the homosexuality come in; which characters are going to be gay for each other?

Okay for starers no Characters are going to be camp gays. Onewa and Hakann will be but they wont be in a relation ship so to speak

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Sorry, I deleted all the comments that were unrelated to my blog. I dont mean any offence by it but please stay on topic

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Interesting choices. Usually when people make Bionicle characters gay they pick the 'best friend' pairings; Onua/Pohatu, Vakama.Nuju, etc. I'd never have thought about choosing Hakann so can't wait to see how that's done.

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Interesting choices. Usually when people make Bionicle characters gay they pick the 'best friend' pairings; Onua/Pohatu, Vakama.Nuju, etc. I'd never have thought about choosing Hakann so can't wait to see how that's done.

Well the first person to come out is Onewa. There will be a few sort of insults but mainly people will accept it. I cant imagine some of the Piraka will be to happy when Hakann says hes gay hahahaha

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