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Assembling Avengers



I had a grand plan of "yay I'm going to get all the Avengers!" because I have the Jeep set and will get the Quinjet, which just means I'd need to shell out some cash for the Hulk.


And then I realized LEGO is making more Avengers: Wolverine, Spider-Man (already made ^_^) and Iron Fist.

Which means I'll need to acquire Wolverine and Iron Fist somehow too.


No biggie. I was going to get the X-Men helicopter set anyway. And will figure out a way to get Hulk at a decent price for a complete set of 2012-movie Avengers. But I'll probably just buy Iron Fist separately (because the set he comes in is $30, and I already have Spidey and Doc Ock, though Ock isn't built :( ).


Decisions of a recent-graduate who shouldn't be spending money on LEGO. Luckily the Quinjet and Helicopter won't be out of my pocket and gifts instead!


This also means I'll have to get any other Avengers they make. ~Crosses fingers for Storm, The Thing,* Nick Fury (or Furies (Furys?)),** Venom, Beast, and tons of others...~


-CF :kakama:

*I should build the Thing in miniland scale which would fit in with the minifigs.

**They should totally make Fury, Coulson, and Hill. In their own set.


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Wait, just cause they're Marvel doesn't mean they're all Avengers, right?


Also you'll have to get the stupid $11 bike set for Capt. America. (I'm assuming you don't have that already since it isn't listed.)


Also, I'm excited to see what figs they're going to be releasing next year. :)



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Oh right I will be buying the Cap bike as well.


Wait, just cause they're Marvel doesn't mean they're all Avengers, right?



No, just because LEGO is making some Marvel sets does not mean they are all on the Avengers team. But most of the Marvel characters they are making have been or are on the Avengers team. It's just coincidence. If they make figs like Shadowcat, Cyclops, Spider-Girl, and Mr. Fantastic (just off the top of my head), they are not on the Avengers. But folks like Wolverine and Spider-Man are, so I might as well collect them all for fun.



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Yeah, I will be using $75 of LEGO gift cards and the 30% off to get the Quinjet, Cycle and Helicopter with only like $.80 out of pocket at BrickFair.

But I doubt I can get a good deal on either type of Hulk from vendors, compared to BrickLink's price of under $20 (not taking into account processing and shipping fees). Iron Fist isn't out yet.



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