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Oh hey guys have OOC discussions and post your profiles here please and thanks. Probably won't be keeping much of a comprehensive list of characters, much like last time, so if you could edit your profiles into your initial post here that'd be great, cheers. Also, another reminder: every profile here needs two staff to go through it. Thanks, and it's great to be back. -Profile Form- Name: Codename: Age:Gender:Loyalties/Faction:Power(S): Appearance: Weapons: Skills: Personality: Weakness:Bio: -Tyler
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The SP//DR suit is a specialized agile mechanical suit used by Peni Parker in Earth-14512, appearing in the Spiderman "Edge of Spider-Verse" comic series, taking clear inspiration from Evangelion. As soon as I saw it the first time I felt like it had to be done in bricks - I wanted a balance between size/scale and detailing. More pics:
Marvel: Rebirth -The Story So Far- It’s been a year since the combined power of the American war machine, coupled with S.H.I.E.L.D.’s fledgling reboot of the Avenger Initiative, defended New York City from the HYDRA terrorist forces ravaging the metropolis. Recognized for their efforts and the tactical edge they offered, the surviving members of the Avengers were honored and acknowledged as heroes; for the first time in years, the limelight once again fell upon S.H.I.E.L.D., drawing it and its mysterious commander Col. Nick Fury out of the shadows and into a position of public defense befitting its original United Nations charter. In response, S.H.I.E.L.D. brass began collecting volunteers, America’s best and brightest soldiers, for another mysterious reboot of a previously successful project - the ARCHANGEL Initiative, a modern day spin on the infamous Super Soldier project that generated Captain America. However, after going through training, wave after wave of these recruits are vanishing into thin air, unable - or unwilling - to establish any further contact with the outside world. Meanwhile, on the mutant rights front, the wars no longer rage in American cities; they are waged in the courtroom and on Capitol Hill, where it seems every day that alliances, resolutions, and even Congressional views on the mutant issue shift and shatter like fine china - the political climate isn’t helped by the uneasy fact that there is still not a single mutant representative in any branch of government in the world, as protestors on both sides are increasingly fond of pointing out. The Xavier Institute, once a go-to talking point for mutant debates, has faded into relative political obscurity and now takes in mutants at a slightly declining rate. The X-Men had little-to-no representation in the counterattack against HYDRA, and with two of their most known public faces - known mutant rights crusader Dr. Hank McCoy, and Ashlynn Summers, oldest child of Scott Summers and the Phoenix, Jean Grey - apparently dead as a result of the aftermath of the battle, the team is considered all but disbanded, and many members have taken up supporting roles in the Institute itself. On the flip side of that coin is the increasingly-leftist, always growing Brotherhood of Mutants, which has undergone a seemingly radical shift in tone since the public execution of Magneto’s son and heir Pietro “Quicksilver” Maximoff over a year ago. Heading up the new organization is Dominik Lord, a former lieutenant of Pietro’s who survived the government purge of what Brotherhood forces remained on Genosha. As a charming, new age former thief from the streets of Chicago, he has become the face of the mutant equality movement, and pro-mutant activists have taken to Lord the way Internet freedom activists took to Edward Snowden or liberal arts students took to Che Guevara. Handsome, charismatic and well-mannered, he has utilized video broadcasts, “fireside chats” on Reddit, and public appearances in the mutant underground to garner support for the oppressed and the reviled before using his power of escapism through light sources to slip through the fingers of authorities like sand. Dominik’s movement gains more traction everyday; mutants and their supporters are massing more and more in cities large and small, circulating petitions, demanding change from Washington. Sitting on the sidelines of the entire conflict is the ubiquitous, powerful Hellfire Club. Over the course of the last year their public activity has boosted now more than ever, gaining more funds, forging more connections, and swaying more allies in a year than the previous Inner Circle could in seventeen. The considerable inflation in power comes courtesy of Alaric and Anberlyn Worthington, children of Warren Worthington III, or Angel, current headmaster of the Xavier Institute. In answer for their father’s real and perceived wrongs they led a coup inside the very power structure of the Inner Circle, assuming the roles of Black King and White Queen respectively as well as all titles and benefits inherent. The twins work as a solid unit, trusting no one else above each other, and have stuck now to biding their time until the right moment; Alaric in particular, as a former team captain of the X-Men thought dead by those at the Institute, has stuck to pulling subtly on the strings of the mutant rights debate raging throughout the country, inflaming and assuaging his political or business contacts where need be while Annie is left to her own devices, plotting her own, darker revenge against the Worthington name. Lines in the sand are drawn and erased every day; friends and enemies thought dead appear from thin air, and those whose loyalty once seemed unshakable can now be swayed with no more than the light breeze of vague promises and unproven words; mutants and humans are forced to take new sides every day, or even form their own sides. The conflict is coming to a head at last. -A Brief Refresher Course- Though a year has passed since the end of the darkest days, the ramifications from the events during them are still being felt heavily in the world at large. Eighteen years ago, the Phoenix Force returned and wiped out the vast majority of empowered beings, reducing the superhero, and villain, population to a shadow of what it once was. Seventeen years later, Hank McCoy, the then headmaster of the Institute, formed the next generation of the X-Men to counter the resurgence in Brotherhood activity, and the increasing abuse by the Enforcers. Though their skirmishes made headline news, they did not know that a more sinister threat lurked. Weapon X struck a surprise blow against the Institute, capturing the majority of its residents. The few that remained were forced to flee and hope to fight again another day. Eventually, they joined forces with the Brotherhood against the mutual enemy, storming and razing the Weapon X facility. Meanwhile, the Avengers Initiative began again in secret, it's roster filled with descendants from the original members. Thus, as the Hellfire Club began to reform, began a shaky, two month long peace. But it was not to last. In response to conflict in Las Vegas, the X-Men's temporary alliance with the Brotherhood, and the assassination of President Binder, MACE was formed to stop the mutant threat. They succeeded. The majority of the mutant population was rendered toothless, a fact that an old enemy quickly took advantage of. Hydra attacked New York City, quickly eliminating the SHIELD forces caught off guard within the city. The Helicarrier quickly fell, leaving the defense of the city to the assorted personnel nearby, including the fledgling Avengers and members of the Pantheon Initiative. Despite their efforts, defeat seemed inevitable, until the military successfully mobilized to give aid. Following the battle for New York, as it was quickly dubbed by the media, the world has not been the same. The X-Men were decimated, the Avengers sustained heavy casualties, and SHIELD's lack of readiness had been revealed. Hydra was a viable threat once more, the Brotherhood had scattered to the winds, and the United States was in political shambles. A year has passed since then. Factions S.H.I.E.L.D (Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division) – Founded to combat technologically advanced threats on world security (specifically the menace of Hydra), S.H.I.E.L.D. has, throughout the years, remained on the front lines fighting terrorism and extraterrestrial menaces as an international intelligence agency. Led by Nick Fury. UPDATE: After the resounding success of the Archangel Initiative in repelling HYDRA, SHIELD is riding a public relations high equal to that of their popularity with the first Avengers Initiative. Xavier Institute for Higher Learning - A preparatory school in Westchester, New York, the Xavier Institute is a safe haven for any mutant adolescents - or even adults - who feel the need to take refuge, learn to hone their own genetic abilities, and learn to manage themselves in social environments around other humans and mutants. Led by Headmaster Warren Worthington III. UPDATE: In the face of the HYDRA threat, the X-Men reunited for the first time in two years at the Second Battle of New York. The team's future is looking to be at its most solid since their shattering defeat at Las Vegas. The Brotherhood of Mutants – An increasingly public, but still enigmatic, organization of mutants organized to promote, at the very least, mutant equality, if not outright leadership over society. Their members are often outcasts from society due to their mutant status. They fight against the abuse and hatred of mutant-kind in all its forms, by whatever means necessary. Led by Dominik Lord. HYDRA - HYDRA is a criminal organization dedicated to the achievement of world domination through terrorist and subversive activities on various fronts, resulting in a fascist New World Order. Its extent of operations is worldwide; always attempting to elude the ongoing counter-espionage operations by S.H.I.E.L.D. At its height, HYDRA was the most extensive, powerful, and dangerous such organization in history. Led by Red Skull. UPDATE: After a final pitched battle with the forces of SHIELD and the resurgent X-Men, Red Skull has been killed. HYDRA is battered and broken, and what remains of the organization is now led by a splinter cabal that includes Ophelia Sarkissian, the Viper, and the resurrected Howard Stark amongst its members. Hellfire Club - A society for the rich and the prestigious, the Hellfire Club is a seemingly noble and ancient gathering of the world’s wealthiest or most endowed personalities to discuss world events and make connections. Their secretive Inner Circle, however, takes that purpose to a new and often sinister level, maneuvering governments, starting wars, and assassinating figures who pose a threat to their own agendas and interests as singular members or a group. Co-led by former X-Men deputy and Black King Alaric Carlisle and Romulus, former Emperor of Rome and White King. ??? - A mysterious splinter organization headed up by Norman Osborn, CEO of Oscorp. One of its operatives is Daken Akihiro, Wolverine’s eldest trueborn son and world-famous assassin, revived from near-death by mysterious means. Nothing else is known of their influence or agenda at this point in time. Profile Form: Name: (What your character calls him/herself) Codename: (Your character’s name on official missions; may or may not be used as a sort of nickname for your characters.) Gender: (No explanation needed, we’re all informed people here) Age: (It’s just a number, but try to include it anyway!) Loyalties/Faction: (One of the factions listed above, other faction, or unaligned. Can also list certain other characters important to your own character’s life here. ) Power(S): (What can your character do? Please try to make your character’s powers within reason and balanced and non-overpowered. No more than three powers per character; don't try and give your character as many powers as possible, because the primary reason we approve characters is not for how many powers they have, it's whether those powers are balanced fairly and able to fit into the game's setting.) Appearance: (What your character looks like.) Weapons: (Within reason please.) Skills: (Things your character is good at.) Personality: (Your character’s behaviors, how they interact with others, how they think about things.) Weakness: (Everyone has weaknesses, powers or no. Try to make them clear.) Bio: (Your character’s history. Can be almost anything really, try to make it at least a couple sentences.) Rules 1. No godmodding. This includes metagaming, autohitting, bunnying, and performing actions your character should be incapable of doing. 2. Use IC (In-Character) and OOC (Out of Character). 3. OOC only posts are forbidden. That’s what the discussion topic is for. 4. Profiles should be posted in the discussion topic for approval. The phrase “Darkest Days” must be included at the beginning of said post to prove that you have read these rules. 5. Respect the staff. 6. This game uses a tier outline for its punishment system. We do, however, reserve the right to skip over a tier if the offense warrants it. The first offense will result in a warning. The second in either in-game character injury/death, or a temporary ban. The third offense will result in a very weighty consequence, while the fourth and final offense will result in a permanent ban. The Staff's Guide to Common Sense This RPG is based around superpowered individuals, and there will always be a discrepancy between that and what we would call realistic. However, that does not give you free rein to toss realism aside. First of all, this game's science is the same as the real world unless otherwise noted. That means that fire will not form into a bullet like projectile, you cannot pull off feats beyond a normal human unless noted in your profile, you cannot shrug off attacks, and you cannot simply beat NPCs senseless. Nor are the police and military incompetent. A teenager is not going to easily beat a trained soldier, powers or not, without a good explanation. Especially in the Marvel world, where superheroes are a known occurrence. Expies and This RPG Expies are strongly, strongly, strongly discouraged. Don't come in here expecting to make Master Chief, don't come in here expecting to make Mass Effect characters, don't come in here expecting to expy Solid Snake. Don't come in here expecting to make Marvel characters, either. You do not get to play a generations xerox of Wolverine. If you want to do that, go play one of the video games. Which leads me to my next point... Healing Powers and This RPG Healing powers are not an insta-heal ticket. This happened a lot in the original game, and it will not be tolerated here. This section is divided into two major portions; Healing powers that target the self, such as healing factors, and healing powers that target others. I will begin by covering the latter, because it is simpler. Healing powers cannot instantly heal major injuries with no effort. This happened a lot last game too, even though the powers were supposed to have limitations to keep this from happening. They can start to heal a major injury, even heal it most of the way, given enough time, but never completely. Not unless you have plenty of time to work and a lot of energy. I expect players to use their judgement, but healing powers will be monitored closely in this game. Now, healing factors. Last game, healing factors were treated as miraculous powers that could heal anything as long as there was a single cell with intact DNA. And do it quickly. This is not even remotely the case. A healing factor is an increased speed of healing, which means that it cannot heal anything that the body could not heal from normally. It just does it much, much faster. Healing factors are going to be heavily monitored in this game, and their speed must be kept within reasonable limits. As it is most usually associated with healing factors, adamantium skeletons are explicitly forbidden. Power Levels and This RPG You may note that the profile sheet reads three or so powers. That is the guideline, but it is not the entire way that it works. Multiple powers will be approved if they are all reasonable, and not too powerful together. But you may be limited to one power, maybe two, if it is an extremely powerful one. We are not looking at numbers, we are looking at power balances. Which means that in addition to the above, if you have a powerful ability that might be approved on another character, but no real weakness, we reserve the right to disapprove it on the grounds of power imbalance. Staff -Aikuro Mikisugi [Tyler] -Riku Tryon [Alex] - Sam Vimes [Nick] -Lara Croft [stari] Staff NPC Profiles The staff control a variety of NPCs important to the plot. Though another staff member may make use of them if necessary, they will primarily be controlled by the named staff member. Daken Akihiro (Tyler) J. Jonah Jameson (Snark Knight) -Tyler
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in the improvment that ccbs has had in the time it has had, what characters would be great to see using this system? personally i would love to see Ultron, Spawn, Predator, WarMachine, Cyborg (DC) Deathstroke and Sauron and some monsters like werewolves and vampires but very mature. Though honestly i would just love to see more mature sets using ccbs, i am 23 and love the design ccbs is going with since bionicle g2 and starwars characters. but what ideas do you have? p.s i know mature sets arnt coming any time soon
Talk about an awesome trailer. Now I really can't wait to see this in November.
Quick Thoughts on Black Panther Teaser Trailer 1
Toa Smoke Monster posted a blog entry in The Island
When I learned that this trailer was being revealed last night, I was a little surprised. I thought that we wouldn't see anything on Black Panther until at least after Spider-Man: Homecoming was out in theaters. But I'm not complaining, because this trailer is great. I like how it continues to trend in recent Marvel movies of showing just enough to get you interested in the movie but not give the majority of the plot away. (Though Spider-Man is an exception to that. ) It's a trend that I hope Marvel continues to use. Overall, this looks really good. I'm interested in seeing it when it comes out in February. What do you all think of the teaser trailer?- 1 comment
- Black Panther
- Marvel
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Quick Thoughts on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Toa Smoke Monster posted a blog entry in The Island
It's been awhile since I've done one of these. Anyways, I enjoyed Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. A lot of the jokes were really funny, the action scenes were great, and the movie itself just looked beautiful. It also had a really good soundtrack. It's not as memorable as the first movie's, but it's still good. Everyone in the movie gets a moment to shine, from Peter to Rocket to Baby Groot. Yondu is probably the one who gets the most character development, though everyone from the first movie who is in this one gets more development. Even the villain is developed well. At least better than some villains from previous Marvel movies. But even though I did liked this movie, I still prefer the first one a little bit more. I felt like this movie was a little too silly at times. Don't get me wrong, it does have some serious scenes, and they are really good. But I do think that they did go a little overboard with the jokes. Also, the villain does one thing that I thought was kind of baffling. I'm putting it in spoiler tags, so if you haven't seen the movie and don't want to be spoiled, don't open it: Overall, this is definitely another hit for Marvel. Anyone who enjoyed the first Guardians will probably really like this one too. It has it's flaws, but it's still a good film to kick off the summer season of movies. So if you haven't already, go check it out. You will be entertained. Have you seen GotG Vol. 2? And if so, what did you think of it? -
It's funny how three years ago, hardly anyone knew about the Guardians of the Galaxy and nobody expected it to be a hit. And now I just saw Geico, Hanes, and Ford all run commercials about them. Groot was hanging out with the Gecko and underwear will help you save the universe. Hollywood is weird.
Me: 'I've saw Kong, Beauty and the Beast, and Power Rangers a couple weeks ago. I really would like to post something about at least one of them today...' Marvel Studios: Here's a teaser for Thor: Ragnarok! Me: Those movies can wait. As for what I think of the trailer, it looks great IMO. They picked a great song to go with it. Plus, it has a Guardians of the Galaxy feel going for it, which makes it even better. November can't get here soon enough.
Normally, when I talked about a movie I've seen, I like to go into detail about it. However, I just don't have time to write such a piece at this point in time. But since I've seen Logan twice this past weekend, I decided that I'd post a quick summary of my thoughts on it. And here is said post. There are only mostly mild spoilers below, just to give anyone who doesn't like those a heads up. 1. The main cast, which includes Logan, X-23 AKA Laura, and Charles Xavier, are all great in this. Hugh Jackman in particular does a great job of showing the struggles Logan is going through in the story. The other characters are good too, but this is Logan, Laura, and Charles's story. It doesn't stray from them too often. 2. The story itself is definitely different than previous X-Men movies. It's more of a personal story, one that really doesn't huge huge action scenes. Don't get me wrong, the actions scenes in Logan are great. But they are not on the scale as some of the action scenes in other X-Men movies, and I actually think that that makes Logan's story even better. It didn't need a giant showdown to make it interesting, and one wasn't shoehorned into it either. It was allowed to tell its own story, and it was better off for it. 3. This movie uses its R rating really well. It has a lot of adult language in it, but none of it felt forced, as if they were just saying adult language to say it. It felt like it was used organically. Same goes to the action scenes. While they didn't feel as big as action scenes in the previous movies, they were definitely more graphic. This movie isn't afraid to show you what Logan's claws can do to someone, as he stabs people in the head with them and cuts off people's limbs. X-23 also takes out a lot of people just as violently. It's brutal, but many people have been waiting for this to happen in a Wolverine movie. And Logan gives them their wish. 4. The year that Logan takes place in is 2029. It does have some futuristic stuff, like people with robotic limbs and vehicles that can drive on their own. But it still feels grounded. There is nothing futuristic in this movie that I saw and said to myself 'We'll never have that by the time 2029 actually gets here.' I could see these things being real by the time that year gets here, and I thought that was really cool. 5. I do have one minor complaint about the film. I will note that this is sort of a big spoiler for the film, so stop reading now if you don't want to be spoiled. This complaint is about X-24, the soulless Logan clone. It's presence just kind of felt off in the movie. I just feel like they could've used another character to be this final villain for Logan to face. This being said, my issue with it isn't really that big, as it's only in a few scenes and when it is on screen, it's actually kind of terrifying. I really felt afraid for the lives of the other characters when X-24 shows up, which is what a good villain is suppose to do. I just think that this could've been executed differently. Overall, Logan is my favorite Wolverine movie and second favorite X-Men movie in the series. (Days of Future Past is still my favorite) This movie has a great story and its a fitting sendoff for Hugh Jackman's Wolverine. I'll miss him playing the character, but all things come to an end at some point, I guess. At least he goes out on a high note. Have you seen Logan? And if so, what did you think of it?
(or there's an if you prefer a more action-y one) There's just something so surreal and awesome about seeing Spider-Man existing and crime-fighting in the MCU, even after Civil War already did that. I'm really excited to see what Marvel can do with the ol' Webhead, and I'm glad that it looks like Sony is letting them take the reins. Tom Holland is great, the humor is funny, the Vulture looks pretty intimidating (although villains have never been Marvel's strong suit so I'm not sold just yet), and I like the idea of a mentor relationship between Peter and Tony. (Also, for anyone who says Marvel movies have no stakes, skip to 1:23 and tell me that's not a tragic loss)
Thoughts on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Teaser Trailer
Toa Smoke Monster posted a blog entry in The Island
Two Notes. One, I know this trailer came out a few days ago. I just didn't feel like making a blog post about it until now. And two, the trailer has a word in it that is not BZP appropriate, so I can't post it here. But you can find it on Youtube easy enough. As for what I thought of the new trailer, I liked it. As with the first 'teaser trailer,' this one doesn't really give us an indication on what the story is going to be about. It's either characters talking among themselves and just clips of actions scenes. I don't have a problem with this at all, since the story isn't spoiled in this as trailers for other movies have done. I do have two concerns though. One is Drax's character. It definitely seems like he's going to have a bigger comedic role in this one than in the first movie. I'm okay with him being a little more comical, but I just hope it isn't overdone. I hope he still has some dramatic material to work with in this films's story. My other concern is Baby Groot. I watched someone on Youtube talk about both trailers for this movie, and he brought up that Marvel could keep Groot in his baby form in it to help sell Baby Groot toys. I can see people wanting to own such a toy, so I could see Marvel doing something like this. But as long as the character is used right in the story, I don't have a problem with him being a baby for the majority or all of the film. I just hope he's grown up by the time he shows up in another Marvel movie after this one. But even with those concerns, I'm still really excited to see this movie. I really enjoyed the first Guardians of the Galaxy, and I hope that this one will be just as enjoyable. What did you guys think of this new trailer? -
It was strange. .... Sorry, bad joke. Anyways, Marvel's latest movie came out over the weekend. It's definitely a departure from anything that's been done in the MCU before, especially when it comes to its amazing special effects. Here are my thoughts on this movie. Spoilers for the film are contained in this, so don't read this if you haven't seen it yet. 1. Marvel continues with their success at casting the right actors or actresses for their movies. Benedict Cumberbatch does a great job with the role of the title character, Stephen Strange. He kind of reminds me of Dr. House from the TV show House from a few years back, especially at towards the beginning of the film. But he does have more heart in him than House, and he does become a more caring person towards the end of the film. (Then again, that is to be expected from the starring character in a Marvel Movie. ) My point is that he's great here, and I look forward to seeing him in future Marvel movies. 2. There has been some controversy with the casting of the Ancient One in this film in the past. I won't get into it here though. All I will say is that the actress that played her, Tilda Swinton, was great in this movie too IMO. I really enjoyed her performance. It's a shame that she was killed off by the villain, but who knows. Maybe she'll show up somehow in a future movie. 3. Mordo, played by Chiwetel Ejiofor, was another interesting character in the film. I liked that he stayed on the same side as Strange for most of the film, as it could've been easy to just rush him into being a villain. Even though we do see him start down that path in one of the film's after credit scenes, I do like that the film's story showed how he came to the conclusion to go down said path. I'm very interested in see what is done with him in upcoming Marvel movies. 4. The rest of the cast does a good job too. Wong, played by Benedict Wong, is a neat character. From what I understand, he's given a bigger role in this story than what he has in the comics, which I think is pretty cool. Christine Palmer, played by Rachel McAdams, is also somewhat of an interesting character, though she doesn't have the biggest role in the story. But she does good with what she's given to do. As for the villain Kaecilius, played by Mads Mikkelson, I would say that the Marvel curse of 'every villain besides Loki feeling underdeveloped in their movies' affects him as well. Don't get me wrong, the movie does a good job explaining why he does what he does. And I personally think that he is one of the cooler villains to be seen in a Marvel film. I just feel that he could've been developed a little more. 5. Speaking of villains, Kaecilius isn't the only one in the movie. One of Doctor Strange's greatest enemies, Dormammu, also makes an appearance. It's mainly just a cameo, but he shows up. The way Strange defeats him is actually kind of clever, though to me it also felt a little underwhelming. Still, it's cool to see him here, and it's probably won't be the last time either. (Fun fact: Benedict Cumberbatch actually did the motion capture for Dormammu's face. So it was like he was facing off against himself. ) 6. The film's story has some of the familiar beats of some of the other Marvel origin films, but it also has a lot of things to help separate it from them as well. And one of those things was magic. Like the first Thor film did with introducing the concepts of beings living in other realms aside from earth, Doctor Strange is tasked with introducing the magical side of the Marvel Universe, along with the multiverse, to the MCU. And for the most part, I think it succeeds with that goal. It gives us just enough to keep the viewer entertained without going overboard with it and becoming too confusing for the casual fan. That's an accomplishment IMO. That's being said, I do think other Marvel movies had stronger stories than Strange. I still liked the story, and it's definitely not the worst movie in the MCU lineup. But I will admit that I enjoyed some of the other films more than this one. 7. The special effects in this movie are great. Really, really great. They're definitely one of the selling points of this film. I've seen people compare the city folding in on itself scenes here from those seen in Inception. While I do see the comparison between them, I will point out that Inception had it's city only fold on top of itself. In Strange, the concept was expanded upon to a greater extent, like having buildings twist around and sink into holes. It's really cool to see. Another standout scene is when the Ancient One shows Stephen the multiverse for the first time. What is shown there is very interesting, to say the least. 8. While this is a mostly standalone film in the MCU, there are a few scenes in it that connect it to the other films. For example, there is a shot over the city of New York that shows the Avengers Tower. In another scene, Stephen is talking to a fellow doctor over the phone about someone to broke their spine in an experimental exo-suit, which I believe is the guy who got his upper body turned 180 from his lower body in a suit made by Justin Hammer in Iron Man 2. Also, while the Ancient One is showing Stephen the multiverse, I believe that he passes briefly through the Quantum Realm first shown in Ant Man. That last one is just a personal theory of mine, but I'm sure that's a realm Stephen is shown. But the biggest connection this film has to the MCU is in the first mid-credit scene, where Stephen is talking to Thor about is brother Loki and about finding Odin in New York. I personally think this is a scene from the next Thor movie that they added to this film, similar to how a scene from Captain America: Civil War was added as an end credit scene to Ant Man. There have been rumors about Doctor Strange making a cameo in Thor: Ragnarok. So if this is a scene from that movie, it looks like that rumor is now confirmed. So overall, I think Doctor Strange is a really entertaining movie. It's not the best film that they've made, but it does open the door to a new side of the MCU that I can't wait to see explored in upcoming movies. I recommend checking it out, just to see how strange it is. Sorry, another bad joke. Will you see Doctor Strange? And if you have, what did you think of it?
- Doctor Strange
- Marvel
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Just a heads up, if you don't want to know who the villain (or at least a villain) is in the upcoming Spider-Man movie, don't read any further than this. So Kevin Fiege, the man who oversees the Marvel movies for the MCU, confirmed last night that Michael Keaton will play The Vulture in Spider-Man: Homecoming. This really isn't a surprise to me, because it has been rumored for awhile that he was up for this role. Now it's just confirmed. I'm excited for this. I thought he did a good job in Birdman, and I would really like to see what he does with the character. I just hope Marvel gives him more to do than all the villains that they have that are not named Loki. What do you guys think of this?
- Spider-Man
- Homecoming
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Pretty sure this belongs here Toa Han
The following contains my thoughts on Marvel's latest film, Captain America: Civil War. It does contain spoilers about the film, which is why it is in spoiler tags. So read at your own risk if you haven't seen it yet. Thanks for reading! Did you guys like the movie?
We'll be streaming on Twitch again tonight, since it is once again Tuesday. As we've done in the past, you get to pick what we play! The game selection has not changed since last time. The stream will kick off at 7:30 PM Eastern time over on our Twitch Channel. You can follow us there to get notified exactly when we kick things off. Your questions, comments, and feedback on the streams are always welcome!
We'll be streaming on Twitch again tomorrow night, since it will once again be Tuesday. As we've done in the past, you get to pick what we play! The game selection has not changed since last time. The stream will kick off at 7:30 PM Eastern time over on our Twitch Channel. You can follow us there to get notified exactly when we kick things off. Your questions, comments, and feedback on the streams are always welcome!
Our Twitch stream will be back tomorrow night, since it will once again be Tuesday. As we've done in the past, you get to pick what we play! The game selection has not changed since last time. The stream will kick off at 7:30 PM Eastern time over on our Twitch Channel. You can follow us there to get notified exactly when we kick things off. Your questions, comments, and feedback on the streams are always welcome!
Our Twitch stream will be returning tomorrow night, since it will once again be Tuesday. As we've done in the past, you get to pick what we play! The game selection has not changed since last time. The stream will kick off at 7:30 PM Eastern time over on our Twitch Channel. You can follow us there to get notified exactly when we kick things off. Your questions, comments, and feedback on the streams are always welcome!
Our Twitch stream will be returning tomorrow night, since it will indeed be Tuesday. As we've done in the past, you get to pick what we play! We're adding a new game to the list this week, thanks to the Xbox One's recent addition of Xbox 360 backwards compatibility! The stream will kick off at 7:30 PM Eastern time over on our Twitch Channel. You can follow us there to get notified exactly when we kick things off. Your questions, comments, and feedback on the streams are always welcome!
We'll be doing Twitch Tuesday again tomorrow, and once again you get to pick what we play! So vote above and leave some comments below so we know what we're doing right and what we can improve on. The stream will be back to it's normal 7:30 PM Eastern time over on our Twitch Channel. You can follow us there to get notified exactly when we kick things off. Your questions, comments, and feedback on the streams are always welcome!
We're not going to even bother trying LEGO Dimensions again this week, and instead we're going back to the tried and true voting. You get to pick what we play! Although we beat The LEGO Movie Videogame last week, some people expressed interest in seeing us go back and collect everything, so that's still an option in the poll. LEGO Batman 3 and Marvel Superheroes are the other options. The stream will start around 8:00 PM Eastern time (a half-hour later than usual) over on our Twitch Channel. You can follow us there to get notified exactly when we kick things off. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback on the streams to share, we'd love to hear it!
...I don't like the concept of The Simpsons in the Minifigures line all too much, But I do wonder if the line is going to be branching out for other licenced themes. If so, Marvel characters sounds like a nice idea. If they read my mind/read this topic, these are a few characters that,I think, would be good for such a series. 1) The Bombastic Bag Man...(look it up). Yes, of all of the Spidey suits that I would suggest, I chose the most rediculous. The namesake paper bag could either be a new headgear mold or a variant of the minecraft cube head. 2)Pirate Deadpool. This costume or any other suit worn by The Merc with The Mouth requires no further explaining...NEXT! 3)Lawyer She-Hulk The cousin of Bruce Banner in lawyer garb sounds good to me. A formal green hairpiece,lime head,printed tile and briefcase all sound collectible to me. I will add to this later. Any thoughts?
After our unfortunate attempt to stream LEGO Dimensions last week, we're going back to a traditional LEGO game for this week's Twitch Tuesday. As usual, you get to vote on what you'd like us to play. The stream will start around 7:30 PM Eastern time over on our Twitch Channel. You can follow us there to get notified exactly when we kick things off. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback on the streams to share, we'd love to hear it!