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Normally, when I talked about a movie I've seen, I like to go into detail about it. However, I just don't have time to write such a piece at this point in time. But since I've seen Logan twice this past weekend, I decided that I'd post a quick summary of my thoughts on it. And here is said post. There are only mostly mild spoilers below, just to give anyone who doesn't like those a heads up. 1. The main cast, which includes Logan, X-23 AKA Laura, and Charles Xavier, are all great in this. Hugh Jackman in particular does a great job of showing the struggles Logan is going through in the story. The other characters are good too, but this is Logan, Laura, and Charles's story. It doesn't stray from them too often. 2. The story itself is definitely different than previous X-Men movies. It's more of a personal story, one that really doesn't huge huge action scenes. Don't get me wrong, the actions scenes in Logan are great. But they are not on the scale as some of the action scenes in other X-Men movies, and I actually think that that makes Logan's story even better. It didn't need a giant showdown to make it interesting, and one wasn't shoehorned into it either. It was allowed to tell its own story, and it was better off for it. 3. This movie uses its R rating really well. It has a lot of adult language in it, but none of it felt forced, as if they were just saying adult language to say it. It felt like it was used organically. Same goes to the action scenes. While they didn't feel as big as action scenes in the previous movies, they were definitely more graphic. This movie isn't afraid to show you what Logan's claws can do to someone, as he stabs people in the head with them and cuts off people's limbs. X-23 also takes out a lot of people just as violently. It's brutal, but many people have been waiting for this to happen in a Wolverine movie. And Logan gives them their wish. 4. The year that Logan takes place in is 2029. It does have some futuristic stuff, like people with robotic limbs and vehicles that can drive on their own. But it still feels grounded. There is nothing futuristic in this movie that I saw and said to myself 'We'll never have that by the time 2029 actually gets here.' I could see these things being real by the time that year gets here, and I thought that was really cool. 5. I do have one minor complaint about the film. I will note that this is sort of a big spoiler for the film, so stop reading now if you don't want to be spoiled. This complaint is about X-24, the soulless Logan clone. It's presence just kind of felt off in the movie. I just feel like they could've used another character to be this final villain for Logan to face. This being said, my issue with it isn't really that big, as it's only in a few scenes and when it is on screen, it's actually kind of terrifying. I really felt afraid for the lives of the other characters when X-24 shows up, which is what a good villain is suppose to do. I just think that this could've been executed differently. Overall, Logan is my favorite Wolverine movie and second favorite X-Men movie in the series. (Days of Future Past is still my favorite) This movie has a great story and its a fitting sendoff for Hugh Jackman's Wolverine. I'll miss him playing the character, but all things come to an end at some point, I guess. At least he goes out on a high note. Have you seen Logan? And if so, what did you think of it?
So a new trailer for Logan was release today. Said trailer is below. I will note that there is somewhat of a spoiler in it for those who read the comics that involves one of the characters. If you want to see this film knowing as little about it as possible, then don't watch the trailer or read anymore. otherwise, let's get on with this. While I liked the first Logan trailer a little more than this one, I still think this is a good one too. I think the biggest reveal in it is that the girl is Laura Kinney aka X-23. It was speculated that she was this character when the first trailer was revealed, but this one all but confirms it. I'm interested in seeing what her origin story is, and how much influence it will take from the comics. Because in said comics, she is a 'clone-daughter' of Logan. I wonder if she will have the same backstory here, or if she'll just be a Mutant similar to Logan and that they just put adamantium on her bones. We'll just have to wait for the film to come out and see. The other thing that really caught my attention was the fact that the X-Men comics exist in this universe. I'm not sure how I feel about them existing in these movies. But if people with powers actually did exist in the real world, someone probably would make a comic book based on them. So I guess it could make sense for these to be a thing in the X-Men movies. Again, we'll just have to wait and see what Logan does with this plot point. And as with the first trailer, there is a red band version of this trailer out there too. While the violence in it is the same as in the green band, it does have some adult language, which is why I won't link it here. But you can find it on YouTube if you want to see it. Overall, this trailer has made me even more excited to see this. Like I said, I thought the first one was better. But this is still a good trailer on its own. March 3rd can't get here soon enough. What do you all think of this trailer? Will you be seeing Logan when it comes out?
Well, here is a trailer I wasn't expecting to see so soon. I really like this trailer. Just based on it, it looks like the movie will have a more emotional weight to it than the previous solo Wolverine movies. As it should, since this is Hugh Jackman's last time to play the character. Here are my thoughts on it. 1. I think one of the biggest lines of the trailer is Logan saying that Mutants are gone. That is interesting IMO because it mirrors what's going on with the mutants somewhat in the Marvel Comics. That is, Mutants are becoming extinct thanks to a pathogen related to the Inhumans, from what I understand. Though I don't think Inhumans have anything to do with the apparent extinction of Mutants here, I do find it interesting that the story of the movie would go in that direction. That, or Mutants have just gotten really good at finding from the world, and Logan doesn't know that. 2. You can definitely tell this movie is based in the future, just based on how old both Logan and Charles look alone. I wouldn't be surprised if one or both of them die in this. I just hope that if that happens, they'll get a proper send off. 3. I guess we'll still not get an explanation for how Logan got his metal claws back after the events of The Wolverine. He had them back in Days of Future Past, and he has them here too. I know it's not the biggest plot point in Logan's story. But I would at least like a mention of how he got them back. 4. The villain is shown in only a couple of shots, though you can tell he has a case of the Skywalkers regarding his hand. (Bad joke, sorry. ) 5. And then there is the girl. Charles says that she is a lot like Logan. A LOT like him. Maybe she is a Mutant with powers similar to his? The trailer doesn't really go into detail on this, but I wouldn't expect it to as this is the first trailer. I look forward to learning more about her. 6. Johnny Cash's cover of 'Hurt' is used in this trailer. And boy does it fit with the tone of it. This is how you use a song in a movie trailer. (Looking at you, Assassin's Creed.) I should mention that this is the green band trailer. There is a Red Band Trailer, though the only scene it has that isn't in this one is Logan stabbing a guy with his claws through his skull. Other than that, they are identical trailers. Overall, this trailer has succeeded in getting me excited for this movie. I look forward to seeing it when it comes out in March. So what do you guys think of this trailer?
So, I liked X-Men Apocalypse. Haven't had more than a few hours for it to sink in yet, but, you know, so far so good. I like how the main villain's early actions make it understandable how someone could choose to follow him without personally desiring the end of the world. I mean... nuclear disarmament? Good start, buddy! But What if What if there were a story where some mighty immortal, trapped under rocks for literally thousands of years, woke up, got to see the world And had an overall positive reaction at first? Like, They saw cars, and were impressed with the speed at which a machine, unaided by any beasts of burden, could move And they saw trains, and got excited about trains, because trains are exciting And then planes. Wow, planes. Planes! If I were that old, and had been asleep that long, planes would blow my mind. And then someone tells them that smallpox isn't a thing anymore, and oh my good golly gumdrops, smallpox isn't a thing anymore! Again, coming from that far back in history, I'd be blown away. So they're impressed by that, and by the scale on which people live now (because Cairo ca. 1984 is much, much bigger than Cairo back when there were still working out the issues in pyramid-building), and at first this mighty, immortal ruler, this ancient world-ruler, is just walking around, taking in the sights, and they're thinking, y'know, this is good. I like what you've done with the place. A+ work, kids. And where they go from there kind of depends on the tone you want to set. Do they remain impressed? Do they decide that humanity, while it has progressed, still needs them at the helm for some reason? Do they see something, some darker side to this advancement, that convinces them that they need to do something big to change things? Can't really get into that last one without discussing what it is that would convince them that the world needs re-making, and I'm not in the mood to make it something ridiculous like Adam Sandler movies (though, to be fair, "burn the world" is a perfectly understandable reaction to Adam Sandler's financial success), so... yeah. Fun thing to think about.
I saw X-Men: Apocalypse last Thursday at a midnight showing, though I haven't had a chance to talk about it until now. While I didn't think that it was better than X-Men 2 or Days of Future Past, I did enjoy it a lot more than I thought it would. Not to the extent that I enjoyed Civil War or Deadpool, but its definitely a movie I don't regret seeing. I'll put the rest of this in spoiler tags, as what I'm about to talk about is spoilers and I don't want to ruin anything about the movie to those who want to see it and haven't yet.
X-Men Darkest Days: Fire and Ice The following is a Fan Fiction that Tyler gave me the idea to write today when he said he always wondered what if the Hellfire/Phoenix plot had played out. So what you have before you is an alternate universe from the XMDD RP. In this Universe things go pretty much exactly the same up to a certain point, which is towards the end of the X-Men's last great battle, Las Vegas. After that you will see where this universe starts to divulge a lot and go its own way. Another change that happened earlier, before Vegas is that Jace never killed the Black Queen Katherine, so keep that in mind for future parts. I tried to write the characters featured here to the best of my ability, if anyone thinks some things need to be changed with their characters then I can edit. You'll see some characters you love and some you might hate. If your character is not featured its either because they didn't seem overall important to the plot I'm going for, I don't remember their powers or that I can't juggle too many characters, I'm going to do the best with the ones I've selected. That doesn't mean other characters from the RP who aren't in the first part won't appear in future parts. So with that out of the way... enjoy the story and would love to hear what players of XMDD think about it! Discussion Thread Part 1 "Ashlynn, it's okay. It's not a trick; it's me, Warren." She felt his hands pressing gently against her neck. His voice was calm and trusting… but Ash’s dark passenger, the Phoenix force that was now a part of her began to scream something else entirely. “No… no… no NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!” Ashlynn Summers screamed as she threw both arms out and her head snapped upwards towards the sky. Warren went in for the kill, trying to twist Ash neck and snap it instantly but it was too late. Liquid fire exploded out of Ashlynn literally in every direction, Warren was thrown backwards like a rag-doll as the merciless Phoenix fire washed over him for the second time in his life… It was over quickly. Ash now sat crouched on the skyscraper rooftop. She blinked her eyes, not truly understanding what had just happened. That she had lost herself for a second, taken over by that thing inside her. “Warren?” she asked as she cast her ultra-green eyes around and then paused. Almost as far as she could see all she saw was ruin; burned; charred and desolate ruin. Entire buildings had been turned into burnt up husks. “Oh… my god… no… I didn’t do that! I didn’t do that!” Ash said on the verge of a melt-down. No… I did. I had too; he was going to kill you Ashlynn. I saved you, we saved you. You can’t trust your friends; they don’t understand… they will try to kill you like Warren. A voice said within Ash’s mind. It wasn’t a voice per-say, more like a thousand voices stitched together. “I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean to do this… I didn’t mean to hurt anyone.” Ash said as her tears fell against the charred concrete. There was a blur of motion and then suddenly a man dressed in a black suit stood before Ashlynn. He had a sort of, old timey air about him. His hear was dark and pulled back behind his head, and a scruffy black beard coated either side of his face. “Who are you?” Ashlynn’s voice cracked. “Are you here to kill me?” she added. “No my dear, I am not here to kill you.” He started. His voice was eloquent and powerful. “My name is Sebastian Shaw. I have come here because I know what you are going through my dear. I’ve seen it before. With your mother, everyone will think you are a monster now. Your friends will turn into enemies and your enemies into friends. But to me, the Phoenix Force is beautiful. It can be controlled, I can teach you.” Shaw said. He cast a hand at the burned ruins of Vegas that surrounded them. “This… all of this… so much destruction and so many innocent lives lost. It can all be avoided Mrs. Summers. The Phoenix Force can be controlled, but to do this you must trust me. What happened with your mother 17 years ago can be avoided. We can save the world together; we can change it with your power. No one else has to die.” His words were so swaying, Ashlynn wanted to trust him but she’d heard that name before. She knew he was affiliated with Hellfire, even if she didn’t know much about them. Something inside her, maybe it was the Phoenix told her, that she could trust Shaw. She slowly got to her feet; sniffling her nose and trying to be strong. “Fine I will trust you. I will come with you. But if I decide that you’re not telling the truth, that you want to use me for your own selfish and evil goals then I will destroy you. You’ve seen what I can do.” “There is no doubt in my mind that you can and you will. But I assure you it will not come to that. You are making a wise choice Mrs. Summers. Now let’s be off, shall we?” **** John suddenly sat up and groaned. The last thing he remembered was that the X-Men still alive and able to move had made it to a small run down building for shelter from the assassin and Delta Squad threat. Then the whole place had exploded around him. He’d seen fire wash over everything through the windows and then everything had gone black. He suddenly cast his eyes around him, first noticing that the roof of the building was now completely gone, burned away by something. John thought he knew what that something was; the same thing that had killed Jeremy Walker not an hour before, The Phoenix. John suddenly glanced around, trying to see if everyone was okay. That was when he noticed Liliana. She was lying near John; half covered by rubble and badly burnt. “Liliana?!” John shouted as he moved towards her. Her chest wasn’t rising and falling, he quickly checked for a pulse but found none. She was gone… “No… NO!” John shouted as rage and sadness overtook him. The one girl he had ever loved was lying dead before him and there was nothing he could do. “Is anyone alive… anyone… please.” John sobbed; too busy crying to look around him. He heard some groans and movement and looked up to see a few others rising from the ashes and rubble. Nathan stood up, his wing still clearly broken. “I’m alive…” Nathan said, “And so is Jesika.” He added. Good the little girl is okay. John thought. He knew he had to be strong now; there wasn’t time for him to mourn. “I’m okay,” Matt Summers chimed in. “What the ###### happened?” “Looks like my sister blew the place up.” Zack said, John remembered he’d been shot, but it was good to know he was still kicking. “I’m alive.” Julia said as she got to her feet, John was immensely happy that she was, especially after he lost control and their little fight. “So am I…” Alec sat up and shook his head before dusting off his metal arm. “I’m alright but my wheelchair is trashed.” Nero said, coughing from the dust. “Resident shape-shifter is alive.” Chris said. John slowly counted the names of the survivors off in his head, himself, Nathan, Jesika, Matt, Zack, Julia, Alec, Nero, Chris and Alex. He gulped when he thought about who they had lost. “Not Jordan… no he can’t be gone.” Zack said, he seemed to be in shock. “Poor Fauna…” Jesika said, John couldn’t imagine what the kid had seen today. “We didn’t all make it,” the almost emotionless voice of Alex said now as he adjusted his glasses. “Blake, Scott, Spirit, Jordan, Tyrone and Fauna are all dead. I can’t see any body for Ultimate Chris but he is presumed dead or missing in action.” He said; John wasn’t sure how he was being so calm about that fact. “Liliana is dead too.” John said. “I’m sorry John.” Julia said. He cast his eyes on what was left of the X-Men; they all looked scared, burnt, injured but happy to be alive. “We need to get out of the city. There is no telling if the Phoenix will strike again.” Alex said taking the lead. “I agree with slim. We carry those who are too injured.” John said as he got to his feet. A few minutes later and the X-Men were slowly moving through the ruins of Las Vegas. It seemed that any assassin had been vaporized in the blast, there didn’t seem to be another human being alive in sight. “Where did those giant Enforcer mechs go?” Matt said, referring to the ones he’d tried to blast earlier and had ended up getting Aleks very wounded. Rebekah had shown up before taking Aleks away from the scene and Christine had gone after both of them, he felt severely guilty. Alec and Nathan were helping to carrying Nero, Jesika sticking close to Nathan. “Gone, they were right over the city, no way they survived the explosion.” Alex said. “Sorry to make you guys carry me, I would shift into my lycan form but I’m kinda out of juice.” Nero said. “The Blackbird was shot down, and everything is destroyed, how are we supposed to get back to Westchester?” Chris asked. “Zack needs medical attention; we have to find a way out.” Julia added. “Too bad that Spirit guy’s dead, I sure could of used his healing powers.” Zack muttered, wincing from his gunshot wound. John looked at Zack and his eyes softened. The kid had gone through too much in one day, for one his sister had gone Phoenix and killed Jeremy, now she’d blown up half of the entire city killing Jordan too along with a lot of good other people and countless innocent, and some not so innocent lives. Thirty minutes or so later of walking through the ruined city and John noticed some movement. There seemed to be someone running through the streets, with someone else slung over their back. “Christine?!” John shouted. The person stopped and turned, it was her sure enough, bloody and covered in ash but her. The person on her back looked to be an injured, and unconscious Aleks. “Ah followed Rebekah to a hospital… she left and Ah found Aleks then the whole place exploded.” Christine said breathing hard, it was clear she was happy to see the group. “Where is everyone else?” Christine asked. “Dead or missing,” Alex said. She shook her head but said nothing. “Aleks is badly hurt; we have to get him out of the city. We have to get him some help.” Christine said. “And we will. I promise.” Matt said. “We just have to keep going, there has to be an end to these blast ruins, there has to be a useable hospital somewhere up head.” “Ah hope Rebekah got out of the city before this happened.” Christine added. “I’m sure she’s fine, Rebekah doesn’t seem to be easily killed.” Alec said. “Maybe we should try stealing a car.” Chris advised. “There’s no cars’ left; they’ve all been melted down.” Join pointed out. “We just have to keep going and hope we can make it out of this.” Another twenty minutes of walking and then the group of rag-tag X-Men survivors suddenly paused as they seemingly reached the end of the blast radius. Beyond that there seemed to be nothing but normal city. “We made it…” Christine said with tears in her eyes. “You guys see that? Is that what I think it is? Or am I hallucinating?” Zack asked squinting through his red glasses as he pointed at a large and familiar looking aircraft. “The second Blackbird,” Alec whistled. “What would it be doing here?” Chris wondered. “I told you it’s going to be okay.” Nathan told Jesika. A few minutes later and the entire crew were inside, most of them sitting down or strapping in. John watched as Christine tended to Aleks who was still out cold. “There is no one in here.” John pointed out. Then they heard someone banging one of the lockers. "What the ****?" Zack said. Alex crouched down and opened the locker. It was none other then Alaric. "Warren... where's Warren?" Ric asked. **** Genosha was under attack. The Enforcers were here. Pietro stood at his window as he watched them bombard the force field protecting the mutant nation. It was only a matter of time before they broke through, before they killed them all. Nate, Scorcher, Destruction, Shiloh and Magnitude all stood near Pietro watching the assault. “We must leave.” Pietro said finally. There wasn’t time to save everyone; no he would only be able to save those close to hand. That was when Pietro got a call. He pulled out his cellphone and answered it. “Hello?” Quicksilver asked. “We are in position, should we move in? President Binder will be dead in minutes.” A crisp voice said over the line. Then Pietro suddenly remembered his assassination plans, the assassin squad he’d sent into DC to take the President out. This was the wrong time, completely. The Brotherhood was already on the verge if destruction of they moved forward the Enforcers would make sure they hunted them all down until the Brotherhood was extinct. “Negative, back out, the operation is over.” Pietro commanded. “But…” “No, the operation is over if you do this you will be doing it alone. I will take no part.” Pietro then closed his phone. “What was that about?” a voice said from behind him. Quicksilver glanced at the few assembled Brotherhood mutants who were in his chamber: Scorcher, Destruction, Magnitude, Abraham, Dominik, Shiloh, and Nate. The rest were either defending the force field attacking the Enforcers or Quicksilver didn’t have time to collect them. “Never mind that.” He said before he raised both hands. Pietro had rebuilt Genosha out of scrap metal; that meant he could un-build it as well. The entire room crumbled and warped, forming into a massive metal ball surrounding the Brotherhood mutants inside. Pietro then focused his power over metal, the orb levitating into the air before taking off into the sky just as the force field dissolved. **** Hank McCoy continued to work on the control panel for the Danger Room. It had gone haywire not long ago, throwing the entire mansion into chaos and turning it into a Danger Mansion. He was alone with Sarah and Francesca. Something didn’t feel… right. Call it intuition, call it whatever you want. But something made Hank McCoy turn around at the last second, and he was glad he did. Francesca was holding a pistol now, aiming it towards Beast. “Pietro sends his regards.” She said coldly before she pulled the trigger several times. Beast jumped to the left as the gun went off, using his enhanced reflexes to dodge most of the shots. One of the bullets pumped into Hank’s shoulder but he hardly had time to react instead he lunged forward, relying on his speed and strength. He knocked the gun away with one of his feet, his hands pressed against the ground. He then jumped to his feet, freeing his hands. He twisted Francesca’s arm once, forcing her to drop the gun before he kicked it away. “A spy? You’ve been a spy this entire time!” Hank roared now, filling with rage. He’d trusted Francesca, he’d cared for her. She’d been a danger to him and the kids of the institute this entire time. The Danger Room malfunction had to be her, the time Beast had been shot before must have been her first attempt. His big furry hands closed around her throat and he began to squeeze. Francesca struggled but it was over very quickly she suddenly went still her last breath leaving her as the life left her eyes. Breathing heavily Hank slowly lowered Francesca’s body to the ground. He then pressed a hand over his injured shoulder and then turned back to the control panel to finish his work. He had to make sure the mansion was safe before he tended to himself. TO BE CONTINUED….
This be the discussion topic for X-Men Darkest Days: Fire and Ice. If you have any questions, or would like to request one of your characters to be in the story that I haven't put in it you can do so. Comments/critisicms are appreciated. If you have ideas for the story or for your character or want to make changes on something they did or said you can put that here as well and I will make edits to the story. Hope you guys enjoy.
Just saw the movie today. It was really awesome, probably the best X-Men movie yet. It was even better because I just watched First Class like a week ago, so I didn't have to go back and rewatch anything to understand what was going on. Really loved Young!Charles and Young!Erik the most, TBH. Their actors are just really good. Definitely looking forward to X-Men: Apocalypse, which is coming out in 2016. If it's gonna be anything like Days, it is probably going to be awesome. -TNTOS-
Synopsis: Mutants are simply humans who have a genetic mutation that gives them an astonishing and sometimes dangerous superhuman power. Every mutant has the X-Gene within them, though the power it gives a mutant is unique for every one. The X-Gene can be passed down through heredity, but two normal human parents can also have a mutant child. Scientists have called mutants the next step in human evolution, but society as a whole looks at mutants with fear. They fear their power, and they fear what the do not understand. America is in an uproar over what they should do about the mutants, and violence and protests have broken out all over.Certain politicians move against mutants, while others aim to help them. So Charles Xavier formed the X-Men to help create peace with mutants and man-kind. The X-Men would were a powerful combat team that accomplished many amazing missions, and helped protect innocent lives. They defeated Apocalypse, the Brotherhood of Mutants, and many other threats in their time. They helped bridge the gap between homo-sapiens and homo-superior (mutants). Many years ago Charles Xavier opened the Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngsters. He created a school that would be a safe place for mutants to attend and to get an education. But the school would also harbor his secret team of fighter’s, the X-Men. Not all students were in the X-Men, and not all X-Men were students in the school, though they could be both, most of them were too old to be in high-school and some of them are teachers in the school instead. The X-Men suffered many crises. Apocalypse, the Civil War and even M-Day. Except in this Marvel universe M-Day was reversed by Scarlet Witch months after the disaster.But seventeen years ago everything changed. The Phoenix came back from the dead and allied herself with Magneto, and subsequently killed off almost all of the X-Men; including Professor X. She then turned on the Brotherhood of Mutants, wiping them out as well. In the end Jean Grey went to the grave once again as Wolverine ended her life, but she managed to turn him to ashes before he was finished. It seemed like all was lost, that the X-Men had finally collapsed. But a lone survivor, the X-Men known as Beast had survived the blood-bath. He returned to the mansion, and reopened the school, now as the new Dean and leader of the X-Men. Now seventeen years after that terrible day, Beast has recreated the X-Men, with his own group of bright-eyed teens and gifted youngsters.It turns out that Quicksilver, survived as well, and he took up his father’s mantle as leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants, he has now grown the size of his organization, as new mutants have joined the faction. The brotherhood is very much the opposite of the X-Men; they work against peace, and strive to cause a war between humans and mutants, a war that Beast fears would be the extinction of both sides.Even more ominous, a corporation known as Weapon X has survived all these years. They were the ones responsible for implanting the adamantium into Wolverine, and many other terrible deeds. They have now captured a team of mutants, and turned them all into their personal weapons, and they plan to use them for evil. The Sentinel’s are still around, their one function is to hunt down certain mutants and kill them for the good of mankind. They are mutant killers, and they are highly efficient at it. The newly re-formed X-Men and the newly reformed Brotherhood of Mutants have yet to clash; but soon they will and everything will be changed forever. Staff: GM: Flex Capacitor Staff: .:Advent Aeternale:. Rules: 1. You must post IC when you are speaking “in character,” and OOC when you are speaking “out of character.”2. Don’t take control of other players’ characters without their permission.3. If your character is in a position where there is no way to escape or survive they will and can die.4. No god-modding. You can’t ignore physics and you especially can’t ignore your characters’ weaknesses. No auto-hitting! Also you must allow your character to be injured, it’s part of the fun of fighting.5. Double posting should not happen.6. Remember that if you’re fighting other mutant NPCs, or Sentinels, you can’t just blast your way through an army of them, they are still strong. Now, humans on the other hand, most mutants would be able to mop up a large number of them.7. Limit of 10 characters total. Try not to make too many that some of your character's don't get enough attention etc, be responsible and only take on as many as you can handle.8. And as always, all regular BZPower rules apply9. Avoid straight OOC posts, if your gonna post post IC too. Warnings and Offenses: Numbers equal warnings for each offense 1. Warning. 2. Character mortally wounded. 3. Character death. 4. Several day ban. 5. All characters killed. 6. Permanent ban. Character Rules: 1. Try to avoid making your character overpowered, if you are a mutant, stick to two to three different powers tops!2. If you’re a member of the X-Men you don’t use weapons, unless they are a part of your power. Most mutants don’t use them period, but if you’re a human, then yes you can use weapons.3. No canon characters from X-Men or Marvel allowed. If you want to play as a character similar to existing X-Men; then make them similar. Also, you are permitted to make your character, the child of existing X-Men. This RP is obviously non-canon, so children of known X-Men can exist, as long as they have some level of originality.6. Your character is not omniscient. Everything they know has to be learned in some way.7. And most importantly, your character MUST be approved by a staff member before you post as that character. Mansion Layout: Here is a layout of the mansion and grounds so you guys know what’s on what floor and all of the rooms for the mansion.Reference for the mansion and estateBasement- Blackbird hanger, Dangeroom, Cerebro, X-Men only medical wing, Hanks’ lab, war-room, armory, interrogation roomThe Basement is a metal underground base; the hallways are completely made out of metal, with large oval shaped doors that open when you approach them with X’s on the front. Cerebro is a long metal hallway that opens up to a large abyss, which is actually a massive circular metal room. At the end of the lone hallway is the Cerebro consol, which only Ashlynn Summers can use. The Blackbird hanger is a massive metal hanger room, which the Blackbird sits in. The Blackbird is a large black, futuristic jet that belongs to the X-Men.Reference for the basement levelThe Dangeroom is a large metal room, with specialized machine traps and obstacles the X-Men must face while training. It also has very realistic and believable holograms for training, and the illusions the walls can create are quite advanced. The war-room; is a simple metal room, where the X-Men are called to meet before missions. It has an advanced computer system within the room that Beast uses to display things for the team, or search for information.First floor- Classrooms, library, teacher’s offices, computer lab, dinning room, kitchen, student cafeteria, lobbyThe first floor has brick walls, with nice paintings and expensive furniture, the library is large, and filled with many books, with large open windows that show the grounds outside. When you enter the mansion through the front door, you see the front of the house, and a large grand stair-case that leads up to the rest of the floors.For reference, first floor is in this styleSecond floor- student dorms, one for girls one for boys, School wide medical wingThe second floor has white walls, with white and black décor. It has many windows in the dorms, and each room for each student can be decorated the way they’d like, with personal items like Xbox 360 etc.Third floor- staff bedrooms, guestrooms, Beasts office, empty room for partiesThe third floor also has brick walls, except for the rooms for each of the staff, which is painted, and decorated however they like. Beast’ office is large, with a well polished wooden desk, large open windows, and shelves full of books. The office used to belong to the late Professor Xavier, there is a picture of Xavier still in the office, along with a picture of Beast.Mansion ground- pool, basketball court, garageThe pool is a large swimming pool for staff and students alike to enjoy, same with the basketball court, which is an outside court, with six hoops. The garage is a large separate garage; that has about ten cars in it, which all used to belong to past X-Men, or Xavier. X-Men are allowed to take them out if needed, but students are not allowed to drive them without permission, thought that doesn’t stop a few of them from breaking the rules. Factions: X-Men- The X-Men are a group of mutants founded by Charles Xavier. The original X-Men all died, all of them except for Beast. Beast has reformed the X-Men with all new members; the new X-Men are soldiers, fighting for Xavier's dream of peaceful coexistence with mankind. Even though Xavier is dead, this dream is now slowly being forged into reality.The Brotherhood of Mutants- The Brotherhood is a group of rogue mutants who are lead by the powerful mutant Quicksilver. The faction was founded by Xavier’s arch enemy Magneto, but after his death his son took over. Their goal is to bring down mankind and put mutants at the top of society; if this means killing all of the humans on earth than so be it.The Enforcers- The Enforcers, are a relatively new group, they were formed in the last seventeen years. They were created by the American Government, by the same people who created the Sentinels. They are a group of average humans who want to wipe out all mutants. Mutants must register with the government by law, and if they don’t they are legally allowed to be killed without trial. They will stop at nothing until all mutants are erased from the face of the earth. They used special high-tech technologies and Mech-suits to compensate for their lack of powers.Weapon X- Weapon X is a shadow organization run by unknown persons. They are obsessed with mutants with healing abilities and have created their own personal force of powerful mutants. These mutants are usually, captured, brainwashed and experimented on. They are then used as assassins to take out high paid contacts for the organization, or dangerous missions to further Weapon-X's lucrative goals. Recently the Weapon-X facility in Canada has been destroyed by the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants. There seems to be little loyal Weapon-X members left. The Hellfire Club- The Hellfire Club is a secretive cult within the upper echelon of human and mutant society. The Hellfire Club was founded in the 18th century, and even today many members adhere to an 18th century dress code. Additionally, the hierarchy of the Inner Circle is modeled on the pieces of a chess set, with Black and White sets of Kings, Queens, Bishops and Rooks and Knights. The soldiers and grunts that the Club control are the Pawns. The Club counts among its members some of the most powerful, wealthy and influential members of society. Membership is passed on to descendants, and can also be earned through wealth, influence or power.While many accept the invitation simply for the pleasures that the Club offers, others seek wealth and a place of power. In fact, the purpose of the Hellfire Club is to obtain and exert power through politics and economic influence instead of outward conquest and domination, though since after many years of these tactics not working they are going to more unconventional means. Since its foundation, the Hellfire Club has been involved in wars and assassinations to further the agendas of the Club's most powerful members.SHIELD: SHIELD stands for: Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. SHIELD. is an extra-government intelligence and security organization dedicated to protecting the nations and peoples of Earth from all threats, terrestrial or extraterrestrial. SHIELD was organized to meet the threat of the highly technological subversive organization called Hyrda. Its current Executive Director is Colonel Nicholas Fury, an ex- C.I.A. operative. SHIELD’s Supreme Headquarters is the huge mobile Helicarrier, but there are also regional offices in all the major cities of the free world and several secret bases in Communist countries. Although most of SHIELD’s operations are covert, the organization’s existence is known to general public. SHIELD. even maintains public offices in several cities. There are two teams that are affiliated with SHIELD. Neo-Avengers- Group of children of the original Avengers, led my Patriot. No spots currently available. Pantheon- A SHIELD strike team that uses the names of mythos gods as their codenames, main directive is to stop disasters before they occur. Location: The RP takes place primarily in NYC and New York State; but characters will be allowed to travel to other locations if they chose to. Also some missions within the story will take place in other countries and locations, which will be accessible by the Blackbird (The X-Men’s jet). To Join: Simply fill out this form and post it in the topic:Name: (Your full-name)Codename: (Your superhero/villain name)Age:Gender:Faction: (X-Men, Brotherhood of Mutants, the Enforcers, Hellfire Club, SHIELD or Weapon-X)Power(S): (Choose your power here. If you want to have a power, or powers, you must pick between one to three powers. For example: Telekinesis, flight, super strength.Appearance: (What your character looks like)Weapons: (Be realistic, X-Men won’t use these, most Brotherhood won’t either, Weapon-X members and Enforcer’s can have them)Skills: (Things your character is good at.)Personality: (Your character’s personality)Weakness: (Every-one should have one)Bio: (How and when did your character come to Xavier’s School for the Gifted Youngsters? When did they join the X-Men or the Brotherhood etc) Important NPC List:
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Welcome, to the new Darkest Days Discussion topic. Here you can have all those little OOC discussions that you couldn't have before. I would request, however, that for the reference of staff and your fellow players that you repost your profiles at the start of the topic. They're getting hard to find. Not mandatory, but it would be helpful. And if you decide to do so, those of you who know how to use spoiler tags, that would also be appreciated. Because otherwise things will get a bit too chaotic in the first few posts.
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