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Hmm... some might not understand the context, but considering the video I don't think I'm allowed to post the context... ^^;
As with many things I end up making this came to be suddenly with zero reasons and I just had to make it. It ended up only taking five minutes two of which was spent downloading the 'Yo, Yo, Piraka' rap and the various other images in the video. Anyway, tell me what you think. Enjoy
This topic is for all the dank memes of the internet. Credit for this concept goes to BZPower member SPIRIT with his topic Dank Bionicle Memes. Go check it out if you haven't. Rules 1. All BZP rules apply 2. Don't post anything inapropate 3. All Bionicle memes go to the Dank Bionicle meme topic over at the Bionicle Disscusion forum. 4. Have fun with it.
Pretty sure this belongs here Toa Han
I questioned my sanity multiple times when making this. I still doubt I should be allowed around people. Anyways, here come dat toi. And, as a bonus: Link for GIF is here. (Animation uses XanisKit and was made in Gif Maker)
- 10 replies
- 15
...But since my post count has reached a certain amount yesterday, I feel I have no choice but to use to express my reaction to it. I have to regrets.
There are a few good memes floating around online. Philosoraptor is one such meme. And now he's come to LEGO: The PhiLEGOphy Raptor! (Cell phone pic with decently solid background at WAMALUG using a friend's raptor.) Make your own! Maybe more to come? Enjoy! -CF (Totally stole that thought from a LEGO Movie character guide.)
- 5
- Jurassic World
(and 3 more)
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Due to the recent gain popularity of Bionicle, I was looking into doing so research for the site Know Your Meme in regards to Bionicle related memes and injokes. Unfortunately, I have not really kept up with the community much, so I have missed a few things. While I have a general idea for some of them, I am either missing some information (often about it's true origin or need help in showing spread) and was hoping that coming to a group of people dedicated to Bionicle might be able to clear up a few things, and make it more clear for anyone else curious about them. Please note, I'm looking for Bionicle based memes/ injokes. Popular BZP fads that had nothing inherently to do with Bionicle (such as 92% of people signatures) are not really what I'm looking for. Toa Voriki Origin: using google search by specific time, the oldest post I found of Toa Voriki was on a Neoseeker thread about a Bionicle add on story, posted on January 1st, 2002. I've read a post on Eurobricks that claimed the origin of Voriki to 2001 on BZCommunity. While the exact origin may be difficult to pin down, fortunately a surviving 2002 webpage on still exists which provides his "backstory". More clear signs of his spread, as well as clear origin would be useful. Tuggles Origin: Created by BZP user Authraw in 2005. Love them or hate them, the were very popular for a time. As Biosector01 put it: "(a) well known fad resulted in the making of literally hundreds of “cute MOCs”, which many attribute to Authraw’s Tuggles." Unfortunately, all these old threads were lost. While there are still a few files on brickshelf that have tuggles and tuggle parodies, including Authaw's original, these do a poor job of showing spread. If anyone happened to have screen caps, or know of some tangible way to show spread of this (such as if tuggles spread to other sites), please let me know. Bonkles Origin: this one I have no Idea on. when I first saw it, it was after the 2015 rumors had surfaced, so I assumed it had originated with that. However, after doing some digging, I found at least one Tumblr post from 2012 using the term. This one should be the easiest to find spread of, as it seems to be the most currently popular one, but the actual origin of the term would be nice to find out. Good guy/ Bad Guy Origin: BZPower first reported the sets known as "Good Guy" and "Bad Guy" on August 10th 2006 being promotional Bionicle polybags. While they were well know to having uninspired builds, and even less inspired names, they seem to have increased in popularity recently, gaining a sort of ironic fandom. People have made surprisingly good fanart of them, as well as photoshoped images with them. If anyone knows when this kind of stuff originated, that would be useful. Others The ones listed are the biggest ones I can think of. While there are other smaller injokes that I can think of , some new and some old (I didn't slip, the plushies, Who ate all the pies?, the Piraka Rap) none of them really hit me as being particularly notable. However, if you know one I have not listed, or think that one I thought was not notable really is notable, please let me know, and try to support why you think that way.
It was Halloween night, and don't think it's November 7th BECAUSE IT'S NOT OKAY!? Ugh. The doorbell rang at the old, abandoned Mansion. The three Trick-or-Treaters dressed as the Toa nuva shivered at the thought of what was inside, as they heard the wood flooring creak from inside. The door opened, and a suited, tall figure appeared with apparently no head. Screaming, all the trick-or-treaters ran away, dropping their candy. Eventually Tahu got his head out from inside the suit. "Okay, here's your..." "...Candy." GET TO THE HALLOWEEN THING A 2014 HALLOWEEN Let's get this over with. Gali paced through the house, worried. She turned to Onua. "Where is Lewa and the apples? We're expecting the guest soon!" She was dressed as a mummy, all wrapped in toilet paper bandages. Onua, dressed as a zombie, said "He said he was headed to the store to get 30 apples, but that was 3 days ago." Out of the basement came the wizard, with a fake beard and star-covered cloak. "Why did you guys decide to use the duster as the beard? It tastes like mothballs..." Lewa suddenly burst through the door, dressed as a mime. "Hey guys, I got the apples!" Gali saw him and demanded an explanation for being gone three days. Lewa said "I, uh, saw a penny on the sidewalk." Tahu came back inside. He had two LEGO spacers stuck to the sides of his head, to look like bolts. Lewa looked around, and then realized Kopaka was missing. "Hey Kopaka, get down here!" They heard a grumbling and thuds as he came downstairs. Kopaka was a vampire, complete with the entire outfit. His looked the best. "It's hald to tawk trough tese plactic teeth" he complained. Then, Pohatu came in. "Hey guys, I'm the flash!" "But.. Then who..." Everyone looked at the wizard. It was finally time to begin, and everyone was in a costume. The mime was talking to Turaga Dume, who was a werewolf. "Nice job picking the graveyard mansion for the party spot, Turaga!" Lewa said. "We have the punch, the bobbing for apples, and pin the tail on the Kane-ra!" Turaga Vakama got up on a podium and viewed the crowd. "A sight for sore eyes, if you want them" He muttered. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first annual Halloween party, and please enjoy the 'fun' games we have tonight! Now, a word from Kopaka." Kopaka got pushed on stage. "Um, thahnk you for haffing us tonigh, Um, pleathe enyoy thuh sthay, an make thure you enter the raffue ticked prige, uh..." At that moment Onua announced "Bobbing for apples and free punch is now open!" All the Matoran raced to the two games and treats that were open, Kopaka went to the punch stand and punched everybody, while Lewa operated the bobbing for apples game, where everyone jumped in freezing water and tried to bite the apples glued to the ceiling twenty feet above. "The things people will do for fun, right G-Gali!?" Tahu said as Gali headed the kissing booth. Tahu grinned. "Say Gali," he handed her his wallet. "Nice idea." "I liked it." said Gali and, while Tahu had his lips puckered and his eyes closed, Pohatu the flash placed a pumpkin pie instead of Gali. Tahu angrily spat out pie crust and swiped his wallet back, while Gali stood there laughing. While this was going on, Takua arrived late. He scrambled to the door as he was deathly afraid of graveyards, when he thought he heard a tombstone fall over. He rushed inside, and slammed the door. And in the darkness, Tahu watched. The party was going great. Kopaka punching people, Tahu repeatedly trying to kis Gali without getting pied, Lewa freezing Matoran in the impossible-to-win game, Onua running the strength test, and Vakama talking into the microphone while no-one wished to hear him. Onua saw when Matoran swung the hammer, they averaged out at about 30 pounds of force, except for that old lady, who averaged out at about 963.6 tons of force. Takua noticed drool on the outside of one of the windows. Looking closely at it, he was suddenly surprised by a hideous Tahu face. He, naturally, screamed. All the hall echoed his girly noise, and every one said at the same time: WHAT IS IT NOW TAKUA!? It's... It's... It's Tahu! Kopaka looked at Tahu and said "I thaid taht costhume look hineous." Tahu frowned, and suddenly the window shattered. In barrel-rolled an odd, hideous amalgamation of Tahu. He was tall, wore gold armour, and had a mask like a rotting pumpkin. Gali leaned over. "He's more muscular than you, at least." she whispered. Tahu growled, and was about to strike when the door burst open. The rest of the Toa monsters were there. The version of Onua yawned, and said sleepily "For Emiku! attack!" All chaos broke loose. Well, not all of it, but you get the hint. Tahu took on his doppleganger, and each Toa theirs as well. He swung his fire sword at it, and it completely took the hit with no damage. Confused, Tahu accidentally left himself wide open for a backhand from his pastry-faced lookalike. Kopaka's archenemy (just declared as so) swung frantically at the valiant ice vampire. He had little sence of balance, though, so he swung around 'till he fell over, and rammed his head into the strength. It was the old lady's turn, and she didn't like line cutters. "Get out of the way, sonny!" and she flung him out through the side window and into the distance. Kopaka grinned, and slowly inched away... Onua's opponent just collapsed after the first attack and went to sleep. Onua took the chance to talk to Vakama and Dume. "What the heck are these things?" Dume spoke up. "It is as we feared..." "Many years ago, Turaga Matau had a vision concerning the year 2015. He saw these monstrosities hailing from the island of Okoto in the Emiku universe. An alternate dimension that fights against lame spiders and protects floppy protectors. But I know how to deal with it." Reaching into his bag, he pulled out a golden mask with a grin and glasses. "This is the Kanohi Dealius, the mask of Dealing with it." He handed it to Onua. "Give it to lewa. Tell him to use it." Pohatu found out quick his opponent had no speed power, so he went and sped him around 'till he went unconscious. Gali and her fake just slapped each other, in standard girly style. Lewa was getting several head injuries. His much bigger double was beating the sense out of him, and knocked him flat on his back. When Onua showed up with the mask, Lewa hastily put it on. "Geez, I need a headguard like this convenient mask here!" The power of the mask glowed, and all the doubles started screaming. "No! we're not meant to be dealt with! help!!!" Before long, they had shriveled into dust. As everyone was leaving, Tahu handed the mask back to Dume. "Thanks. You really saved our necks back there, but.. Will they ever return?" "Most likely." said Vakama. "Which is why you much be ready for when they do." "What I want to know," butted in Lewa "is why can't we ever hear of impending doom before it happens, when afterwards it is shown you obviously knew the whole time?" Dume and Vakama looked at each other, and then said "Ooh, look! a reindeer!" The Toa turned to look, and the two Turaga bolted away. "Well," said Kopaka, taking out the plastic teeth, "I think this ended well. Except for the two broken windows." "Yeah." said Pohatu, and they all went inside to have some more candy corn. Outside, in the marsh, a strange creature looked at his calendar. It's almost time, it thought. It quickly placed on a Santa hat. THE END
So I read about this obscure meme about Orange Transparent Chainsaw, so I tried to make a MOC out of that, under the name of Energy Saw. Obviously I couldn't make it spin in the conventional way, so I was thinking of those hedge trimming saw things.Gallery
Hey guys, I just had the idea to use Tahu as a base for a meme on quickmeme. These are all I've got so far: Anyone want to help come up with more?