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A love letter to the Mata Nui Online Game. Le-Koro Platform Le-Koro Platform
I just recently starting re-reading the comics/books right around when this contest started had some inspiration to create a revamped version of infected Lewa so here's my take. BBC#78 Voting Infected Lewa Revamped Brickshelf Gallery I was a bit limited on pieces as much of my collection is in storage so I made due with what was easily accessible at the time. Might consider updating down the line but pretty happy with how it turned out. Thanks for checking it out and hope you like it enough to vote for it.
When I first posted the Tahu build, people immediately started asking after the other Toa... so here's the first one! Lewa's shapes were super challenging to break down into system pieces, so I had to sacrifice stability in a couple of areas, but I'm really happy with how the mask turned out. If you haven't voted for the Tahu project yet, here's the link! and here are a few WIP sketches it took to get to this result... what Toa would you guys like to see next?
A reimagining of Lewa and Kongu, built for New Elementary. You can check out the post and more images here: Inthert came up with the idea that inspired Kongu's mask.
The last of the Toa Mata... Thousands of years after the Reformation of Spherus Magna, the Toa, having fought and won countless battles, now lead the new society as Turaga. They may look different as time has caused many changes, but inside of each of them beats the heart of a Toa Mata. Turaga Onua..... Since becoming a Turaga, Onua spends much of his time in the New Atero Archives. His wisdom is unsurpassed, and though he lost his eye in a battle against the Skadi Federation warlords, he can see the truth with more clarity than any other being. Nuparu built a device that enhances his vision when worn over his good eye. It tracks the movement of his good eye and simultaneously scans the area before him. That information is then fed directly into the socket of his damaged eye, allowing him to "see" artificially. Though it is one of Nuparu's favorite inventions, the old warrior is known to prefer his natural sight and will often disable the device while looking over a landscape or watching wild Rahi. While protecting a group of Agori traders from a pack of Baterra, Onua's left arm was torn off. It was replaced by a telescoping arm that he uses frequently in his old age. His staff is carved from black rock, and the blade at the tip is made of hardened Protodermis. The serene and wise Turaga has a passion for teaching, and loves bringing groups of Agori and Matoran into the New Atero Archives to see rare Rahi up close. However, the normally jovial Turaga has a deeply hidden sense of guilt-he blames himself for the fate of Whenua, who was killed by Visorak. When Onua and Lewa reunited, Lewa offered the Drill Staff to Onua, but he refused, wanting to honor Whenua's last wishes. Turaga Hordika Lewa..... While investigating reports of a small group of Visorak, Lewa disappeared and was not heard from for an age. It was discovered that Roodaka had been attempting to reassemble the Visorak horde, and the reports were merely a trap to lure in unsuspecting victims. When the New Visorak Legion was finally defeated and Roodaka killed, rumors began to surface that Lewa was alive and in hiding. A search and rescue team finally found him in a complex network of caves, where he had been hiding and protecting the Matoran and Rahi he had rescued from the Visorak. When he emerged from the caves, it was the first time he had seen the sun in a hundred years. Roodaka had been cruel, and had experimented on him before he had escaped her clutches. Fearing for his sanity as the Hordika within him grew stronger, he released his Toa Power and became a Turaga Hordika. The wisdom and serenity of a Turaga was enough to keep the beast at bay; however, as a Turaga, Lewa remained a very capable warrior. His mutated arm was cybernetically enhanced by Defilak and Balta, who were among the Matoran he rescued. The cybernetic arm functions as a sort of energy cannon, capable of firing sustained beams of pure energy. Lewa found Whenua, who had been captured, and rescued him. But the Turaga of earth had been fatally wounded, and as he died he gave the Drill Staff to Lewa, who used it to carve new tunnels and hiding places in the caves. Balta designed a headlamp for Lewa, which attached to the left side of the Turaga Hordika's head. Lewa became much more solemn and pensive from his many hard and difficult years in the caves, and he developed a deep bitterness against the Visorak. Since returning from the caves however, he has regained his old free-spirited side, and is known to have a mischievous streak. He has unexpectedly found a close friend in Keetongu, who understands and shares both his pain and anger against the Visorak. Tahu..... Of the three remaining Toa Mata, Tahu is the only one who has not become a Turaga. He fears relinquishing the power that he might someday need to protect his people. He remained an active warrior for much longer than any of the others; he was the one who actually killed Roodaka and lead the Toa-Dark Hunter alliance against the New Visorak Legion. His battle with Roodaka was fierce, and Roodaka became desperate, mutating herself into a violent beast while they fought. Tahu won, but not without paying a price: his body was badly wounded, and he lost his right arm and leg and his mask was badly damaged, making its power intermittent and unreliable. He was also forced to kill Roodaka in self defense, driving a pike from a fallen warrior into the beast's stomach. He had his right forearm rebuilt, but left his mask and damaged leg as reminders of the battle (because of Vakama's history with Roodaka, the confrontation was both emotionally intense and physically demanding). After the battle, Tahu joined the team that eventually found Lewa; however, Tahu's wounds had slowed the team down, and he was forced to turn back for his own good. Realizing that the group had found Lewa ultimately without his help, he realized that though he would always protect his people, they might not always need him to. Since then he has become a Mask Maker, using his elemental power in his profession. He had his artificial arm outfitted with a device that can channel his power over fire with incredible precision for Mask Making. He often assists on construction projects in New Atero as well, and is frequently seen hobbling about wearing a bandolier with the various tools he uses for his work. Though he greatly enjoys his new work, he has never lost his desire to protect, and always carries the pike that he slew Roodaka with. ****So a few things: First, Onua's telescoping arm was inspired by another MOC I saw years ago, but that's the only thing I remember about... so if that was you.... thanks! Second, Tahu was (VERY) loosely inspired by Matoro1's Canister Builder on Brickshelf-check it out! Third, sorry about the pics, I don't have a good camera. Let me know what you guys think! More MOCs to come!
Hello again, It has been a while since my last post. Here I present to you all some images I took of the glorious inhabitants of Le Wahi. Lewa observing a Shrine. Vira conversing with a fellow Le-Matoran. Makuta... Lehvak emerging from the darkness. Matau giving out instructions. Nuhvok in the depths of the Fau Swamp. Lehvak attacking. I do hope you enjoyed them. Please comment!
After seeing others take pictures of their bionicles in real life landscapes I was inspired to try it out myself. Please let me know what you think.
Hello all... As an avid 2001-2003 enthusiast, I was browsing BioncleSector01 until I stumbled across these lovely pictures. I have no idea where they are from and would like to find out. Below are the pictures. If anyone knows anything about these or what they might be from, please let me know. Wonderful aren't they...
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I was just at LEGO Land in Billund, Denmark (woo!) and I noticed that there was next to no BIONICLE sets left, however both phase 1 G2's Lewa and phase 2 G2's Gali were in massive leftover quantities, left in bargain bins while a mix of other G2 sets remained at full price on shelves. Looking back, was there just less love for the G2 Lewa and Gali sets, or do you think it was a coincidence at one of LEGO's most highly visited stores? photo credit
I questioned my sanity multiple times when making this. I still doubt I should be allowed around people. Anyways, here come dat toi. And, as a bonus: Link for GIF is here. (Animation uses XanisKit and was made in Gif Maker)
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Lol, this: Lewa fanboy is clearly biased. Firstoff, Lewa's Midak Skyblaster, Air Katanas, and Air Axe are all from different forms, and it is unfair to pit him with 3 forms worth of kit against Reidak with one, especially since Lewa can't just shift between forms at will. Aside from this, in the canon, Reidak easily snaps his Air Katanas, rendering them useless until they are later repaired, his Air Axe, being from a weaker form, would likely suffer such critical damage just as easily, if not easier. Finally, his Skyblaster fires light energy, which is great against shadow based beings, like Makuta, which is the whole reason he uses it against them in that part of the story... while it would certainly do damage to Reidak, it wouldn't deal nearly as much to him as a Makuta, and since it alone didn't have enough stopping power to just obliterate a Makuta, it wouldn't be enough to be a finisher against the Skakdi either. The blogger forgot entirely to mention the sword Lewa wields in his Phantoka form as well. Furthermore, Reidak is a BEAST of a tank, he is probably one of, if not THE tankiest character in the franchise, and Lewa is typically depicted as a speed user, high speed and quick strikes, but little power. Lewa simply does not have the sheer force to even phase Reidak WHICH IS EXACTLY why Lewa loses to him in the canon. No, I am not a Reidak fanboy. I just find it extremely annoying when I see "who would win" outcomes that fail at all to acknowledge anything about the characters or how they fight, or pit them against each other on a level playingfield. Long story short, Lewa should only get the benefits, including equipment, of one form, and the characters' abilities and fighting styles need to be considered beforehand, not just "I think Lewa could win because I like Lewa". =\
Lewa just got his final mask and is a little eager to show his collection off. But is he a bad enough dude to kick all those Rama butts?? Story here is that I really liked Jonathan Kaplan (Lewa11)'s compositions for a scene in his defunct BIONICLE: Quest of the Toa fan film that had to do with Lewa fighting a swarm of Nui-Rama. He never provided visuals for the scene he had planned, but this is what I imagined based on the music he put up. The idea is that this leads into the Le-Koro chapter in MNOG. HIGH QUALITY SWF VERSION NOW AVAILABLE HERE
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Lewa, the Arrow of Jungle (combination build of Master of Jungle/Protector of Jungle). When a skull spider attacks and poisons Vizuna, he makes the ultimate sacrifice to help Lewa in his quest. Video Remove the shoulder armor from Lewa and move the friction extenders from the hips to the shoulders. This helps compensate for the large weight of the bow. Everything else should be clear from the pictures; the bow shape can be changed and there are a few pieces left over to customize further. A few connections are a bit flimsy due to the limited parts, especially near the bow-cannon. Action feature still works, though isn't of much use, stud shooter works as well. --- I will be making a similar combination for all of the 2015 sets and then I will be moving on to do combination builds for all 4 of the 2015/2016 sets. I want to follow a set theme for each of the Toa to make sense canon wise. The bow for Lewa is an extension of the bow that the Protector of Jungle gives Lewa as part of their official combination.
I know the 2015 Bionicle is all the rage at the moment, but I still like drawing the old favorites more, lol XD; (A bigger PNG version here) I made this a few months back technically, but I haven't posted here in a thousand years and the last art thing I posted was back when it was garbage looking so... (like 2010 or 2008 or something) I wanted to try posting again 8U; and thought I'd put up this one first since I like how it came out xD;
Here we go: First pic: I'm not sure what he's doing: How he's normally displayed on my shelf: Eh: Poor guy can't go five minutes without being possessed: Luckily, Onua's there to bail 'im out: Front: Side: Back: Side: Skeleton: Shells: Comments? Upvotes? Congrats on putting a miniball on his chest? Oh yeah, I'd also like to mention, the only parts not from Lewa or PoJ are the miniball, the axles on the axe, and the foot making up the left hand. Eh, all the normal schnazzy stuff would be fantastic.
Would anyone could measure the size (in inches) on a regular Kanohi Miru Mask? Thanks.
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- Kanohi mask
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As with Gali and Pohatu, I drew Lewa and Kopaka 2015, both in their current and their classic colours. Meant to post these here earlier but forgot, oops. Click the thumbnails to check out the full pics!
- I don't own this yet, but I know the guy that does and he's willing to sell it. Is anyone interested in these types of displays?
NOTE: I know that I post it here far late, and I know that I have uploaded pics to flickr and submitted to BZPower group in flickr long ago. This is not the most sensible way to do it, post it here late. The reason why I haven't post it here for 3-1 week(s) is that I have been drained and have been busy at college. Most of a time I have time to upload the images to flickr and dA, uploading video takes some time, but posting to the forums takes a lot of time, so my apologies for that. I'm posting now rest of my revamped Toa Okoto, that being, Lewa, Onua and Tahu. I know this may be spamming, but I want post them so that I have my own time to do something else than sitting here and writing stuff. Hello again people! My apologies for my lateness, I have been busy, yet again. But now, shall I introduce to you ladies and gentlemen, The Daredevil itself, Lewa, Master of Air ... I mean Master of Weed (Smoke weed everyday)... D'oh! I mean Lewa, Master of Jungle (2.0 version), finally the correct term! More pics: Video review: So, here we have him in his revamped form. Now obviously, I removed from previous version of Lewa. I removed jungle leaves and other plants, mushroom also, because it didn't catch 2015 Lewa look. Also I changed the feet design, the previous version of Lewa had "high heels", which was too inappropriate. also the loin cloth, dear Mata Nui, it was too inappropriate and people said some PINGAS jokes. So I decided to remove it. Also I painted those #3 armor parts and the stomach area into green, but it''s a bit darker comparing to the lighter green color. In an end result, this Lewa is much better than pre-redesign version of himself. Mainly it was far from 2015 Lewa version, so the idea was to keep the original look. But I'm still happy that I change the look of it.
Hey, everypony! Sorry, brony reference. Anyway, after digging through this site I've found out how to start a new topic, so I wanted to discuss my theory. I think that Lewa has been made a Toa of plantlife in the 2015 reboot, or "The green" as the Matoran used to call it. Speaking of Lewa, do you think that the new Toa will get Nuva forms in 2016, or will it just be new enemies from here on out?
Hello there BZP, Just uploaded another of my Stop Motions on my Youtube channel and wanted to share it here with all of you. If you seen my Prior one it was with Onua and the Protector of Earth Battling Skull Spiders and the Lord of Skull Spiders himself in order to save the Protector of Fire from being eaten. This is not that Video. This time we see the Protector of Jungle Leading Toa Okoto Lewa to the shrine of his Golden Mask. While not in a jungle setting, instead the two heroes find themselves in some tall grass. Oddly there seems to be a lack of Skull Spider activity in this one. You will have to watch and see what develops. In this clip it is not only Lewa who is rewarded for the two's efforts. Feel free to comment here or on directly. You can even try to add dialog for the two Members of the Jungle Element. So without further delay, Here is my Clip of Lewa and the Protector of Jungle's quest for the Golden Mask of Jungle!!
Hey all you crazy cats. It's been a while since I arted Bonkles. So here's this. Eeeeey. 2015 is hecka pretty. ~Zeta
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Some of you old timers may remember me from a fan project that went on waaaaay back when to create 3D media for Bionicle called Bionicle: Next Generation, or as the guy who made the 3D model which was later turned into a solid bronze vahi ( and 3D printed a voya nui online game style Ignika ( A few months back I was with a friend who shares my love of Bionicle and he showed me a redesign of a Miru he drew. Since his birthday was coming up I suggested that I could model his design and get it printed. As you can imagine he jumped on the idea and after a month or so of on and off work I finally had a final model, and a couple weeks after that his present arrived in the mail from Shapeways. I unfortunately forgot to ask him to get some pictures of it before he painted it, but with that aside I really like what he did with the white paint and I feel it gives it a tribal feeling reminiscent of those early years. Here is the Photobucket gallery: inside it are also some progress pictures (that are pretty bad quality I must admit as at the time I was just using them for feedback from my friend) as well as some of the original drawings my friend did. I apologize for not having better quality images of the mask itself, I'm just using what I have. After seeing the mask, me and my buddy were really happy with how it turned out, so we thought we might as well make it available to anyone else who wants one! I have a topic discussing the details of obtaining that along with my old Ignika model (which I am now also putting up for you guys on Shapeways) right here: