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This is a redesigned Kanohi Weha, the original design and concept was created by Galva. The requester wanted a smoother version of the mask with hexagon cells. These hexagon cells represent the kanohi's power. This is a redesigned Kanohi Arkahna, the original design and concept was created by Scarabax Forgeries. The requester wanted the mask optimized to print on a FDM 3D Printer, Have an axle holder and a smoother surface. Axe-Head Klingon Mek'leth Conquest Armor Sonic Sword
This is how I make my resin masks. If anyone has any questions please ask. I use a clear transparent resin base and add a blue resin dye to my base. The reason I add a blue dye is to prevent yellowing of my printed models. A very light tint of blue is required to prevent yellowing, however with these masks, I wanted a stronger blue tint, so I upped the amount of blue dye used. ============================================================================================================ It takes about 2 hours to print out the two masks. ============================================================================================================ Then they are cleaned in 99% Isopropyl alcohol, I have a washing machine for the parts. ============================================================================================================ The next step is that all the masks are placed in a UV chamber and cured for 30 minutes. ============================================================================================================ After this the masks are primed for painting, each mask is dipped in a custom dyed food grade resin, that is used to make cutting-boards. Then the masks are cured with dry heat for 72 hours. The last step is to use a pen-knife to remove anything, from around the mask’s connector pegs. ============================================================================================================ Completed Masks
No story for this guy, I just wanted to try and convert my old MOC into something cooler. Feel free to comment on MOC and its diorama. What do you find interesting and what 3d parts do you like the best.
3-D printing and 3-D design services. Hello, I am offering 3-D printed custom designed parts that are compatible with Lego Bionicle, such as masks, weapons and armor. Almost any design that can be found on sites such as can be printed with my service. I reserve the right to refuse any design. My own designs which can be found on shapeways are also available for 3-D printing with my new service. Standard shipping is restricted to the continental United States. All fees Include PayPal Fees Service Fee’s 1 Item 6 Items Printing NA NA Air Brush Gray Primer Optional NA NA Air Brush – Primer, Color, Sealer. NA NA Shipping - USPS Priority Mail Flat $8.50 $8.50 No Returns – Only Shop Credit The following are examples of masks and other items that have been printed from my personal online portfolio as well open-source masks found on Hau Mata Krana Fussed Hau Mata Mask of Light and Shadow Mask of Partial Beam Travel Mask of Power Mask of Life -Thingverse Mask of Growth -Thingverse Armor Stand Armor Stand Equipped Swords And Spears
Recently, @Vahkiti on Twitter posted the 3d models for Bionicle: Legend of Mata Nui. I decided to take the liberty to convert those to .stl files and post them on Thingiverse for ya. I uploaded all six toa (4 without masks), all the in game kanohi, the Toa Kaita, The Chronicler, tohunga without mask, all the ingame rahi, and the elemental bosses in the game (which are... very interesting looking). Additionally, I did the same for the Bionicle: The Game models and a life size fan Bionicle mask/armor cosplay by PunkDrunk-182. I'm particularly excited about the Rahi's because there's a number that I've never heard of and some unnamed rahi. You can see the models here: I recommend adding custom supports and 10-20% infill. Let me know if you have any problems printing any of them. I've printed Gali and tahu this far without problems. Enjoy'!
These two masks took up 2 months of my time to make and I considered them one of my hardest projects. However, the commission fee was not paid and the buyer disappeared. These can be fond on my Shapeways.
I bought villiger scale MoUP in White Strong & Flexible Polished, to paint it in gold. First I used paint in spray. But it doesn't look too much like lego gold, so I bought Citadel's Auric Gold, that few people recommended already. Big gallery:
Shapeways was having a promotion a while ago so I'd thought I'll model one of the mask concepts that I really liked (it's like a Hau combined with an Akaku!) Objective of this was to get a feel of how one would model a mask to fit the G2 heads and as such, learn the more numerous requirements for the masks to fit (i.e the jawline should line, a notch must be fitted over the forehead, etc.) Admittedly, I ignored a characteristic found in the prongs which turned out to be important after all but 1) no space because the side cheek holes didn't give me any and 2)I ran out of time before the promotion would end. When I got the print, the mask fit incredibly well into the head but the connection was not that supportive. Thanks for looking! Original Model (Modeled in Maya, Rendered in Zbrush) Printed from Shapeways in White Strong Flexible Polished material (Eyepiece is glued on; I want my Hau and Akaku 2) Looks like a Hau here: But Tahu, this is Kopaka's Mask.
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Well, I've been 3D modelling for nearly three years now, but only in the last six months or so have I turned to designing pieces for 3D printing. And now, I am finally ready to show off the fruits of my labors: Kanohi Arkahna, Mask of Tension "Kanohi Arkahna, Mask of Tension. Allows the user to visualize the stress and compression of objects within their view. Example usages include analyzing a structure for weak points or even locating footsteps in a darkened room." This mask was designed for my self-MOC based on a concept I have been drawing for years. Just in the past few months, I gave it a drastic revamp and finally finished 3D modelling it for printing. Here it is, displayed on the current WIP of my Self-MOC. Shapeways Link Kanohi Angaru, Mask of Splitting "Kanohi Angaru, Mask of Splitting. The mask which allows the user to duplicate his or herself. However, each time the user duplicates, their power is divided in half, as is their size." This mask was designed as part of a Bionicle Art Squad challenge, and I took the opportunity to model one of my old Kanohi concepts for 3D printing. Shapeways Link Both of these masks are available on Shapeways for a decent price in a wide variety of materials, and I hope to have a few more projects up there soon.
3D-Printable Kanohi Updated 2-25-15 Full Gallery (High Res) (when public) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope this is an OK forum for this topic. These "creations" are certainly "Bionicle-based." Let me start by saying that I am an extremely n00b-ish, amateur 3D modeler. I do not claim nor guarantee that these are of amazing quality. But I was really bored and if you've read my Toa Hagah topic (see sig), it's obvious how much I want the impossible-to-find Blocko knock-off Kanohi. So I decided to try my best to make them myself, and that spiraled into all the stuff you see below. These are all for sale on Shapeways. My shop is at I'm not selling these to get rich, (my markup on each is only $3,) I'm selling them so that anyone who wants them can have them! Again, I'm a verrrryyy new 3D modeler, and these are not of jaw-dropping quality. But it realllllyyyy grinds my gears that there are at least 3 people I've seen online who have made awesome Boinicle stuff via 3D printing.... aaand then never offered them up for public sale. So that's why I'm doing it. Note: The axle-connectors are adequate, but imperfect. I used the exact same dimensions for all of my masks, but some of them ended up fitting quite snugly, while others are pretty loose/wobbly. It probably has something to do with the polishing processes and the difference between different colored plastics. But with a little modeling putty or hot-glue they stay in place fine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mask of Alternate Futures (Olisi) Shop: Wiki: This one was pretty straightforward, actually. I made it larger because Karzahni's a bigger dude. The smaller "teeth" on the right side of his face were supposed to be more pronounced, but evidently the polishing process wore them down to teeny-tiny. (You can tell how sooper-awesome I am at making curvy 3D things by looking at his eyebrow *sarcasm*.) I'm trying to paint it at the moment, with blue and silver. I'll let you know how it turns out. Update I am a much worse painter than 3D-modeler But here's an idea of what's possible. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update 2-2-15 Mask of Elemental Energy Shop: Wiki: I used the actual model from the PC game for reference on this one. I'm happy to announce that version-2 fits a Toa head very well! It's a tiiiny snug so I'll do a very minor tweak and feel safe taking it off Beta. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mask of Healing Shop: This is a recreation, to the best of my ability, of one of the bootleg Blocko Kanohi that I've never managed to get my hands on. I'm actually pretty happy with how it came out. It's not perfect, but considering that the real thing is next to impossible to find... Update 2-25-15 Eeeeveryone wanted it bigger and swoopier. Result? A mask that is WAY too big and swoopy. Seriously, it is huge. And the connector was placed too high. I accept 10% of the blame. I'll try to scale it down. Shop: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update 2-2-15 Mask of Emulation Shop: This is the other Blocko mask. This is the updated version. Works equally well with the Metru head. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mask of Mechanics Update 2-25-15 Everybody thought that v1 was too flat, so I give you v2. You're welcome. Wiki: Shop: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mask of Sensory Aptitude Shop: Wiki: No offence to the other guy who's made one of these in 3D, but his... looks nothing like the image. I'm happy with my rendition. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mask of Elasticity Shop: Wiki: I wasn't happy with the side-cover on this, and the bottom was too narrow to fit on a Toa head. I've widened it and extended the sides back for more cover, but until I have the new version in my hands this is also beta. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update 2-2-15 Mask of Life This took soooo long. It's kind of rough around the edges but if I spend any more time on this, I'll go insane. (For those who don't know, this was our first glimpse at the MoL from the VNOLG. Then the Toa Ignika set was revealed and everyone was all, "Whaaaat?" And they had to invent some story about how the mask can change shape because reasons.) I'm happy with how it turned out, although I may spend some time thickening the protrusions for durability's sake. Shop: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update 2-25-15 Mask of Diminishment This is based on 2015 concept art. When I first saw it in person I thought, "aww, it's too big." But actually, it's only slightly larger than Toa Nuju's Kanohi Matatu. So I don't feel so bad. I might try and make it slightly smaller. The eyes are a bit far apart (ironic, since a couple of people thought that they'd be too close together - save your judgments, people,) so I might tweak that, but it wouldn't be simple. Shop: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update 2-25-15 Mask of Weight Increase I'm very happy with how this came out! This is based on a tumblr drawing by just-a-drawing cat. (Link This took a very long time because I made at least three bone-head decisions that made me waste a bunch of time and go back to the drawing board. Shop: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update 2-25-15 Mask of Psychometry Not much to say here except this is based on art by GarryTheSkrall from I'm happy with the finished product! The eyes could be brought in a bit, I'll see what I can do. Shop: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update 2-25-15 Mask of Growth Even though I own the real version of this Blocko mask, some people wanted their own after they saw mine in my Toa Hagah topic. I'm very happy with how it looks - I know the forehead looks a little weird but trust me, most of the weirdness is from the oddities of the renderer and once it's printed and polished it should all be one nice smooth surface. My only concern is the size. I've done my best to make it able to fit an old fashioned Toa head but since the Blocko mask is too small to fit one, I had to increase the size on this model. So we'll see how it turns out. Shop: Update: OR, holy cow, you could just buy one directly: Update2: Shapeways made a mistake! They forgot to send me this one for some reason! So, still waiting! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update 2-25-15 Mask of Clairvoyance Even though I own the real version of this Blocko mask, some people wanted their own after they saw mine in my Toa Hagah topic. What you might not realize about the Blocko masks is that they are designed to be used with the Blocko head, which is much skinnier than the Bionicle heads, so I had to widen this out a bit while trying to keep as much of the "feel" as I could. Update: The mask is actually too big. I'll see about narrowing it and shrinking it a bit. I was concerned about the old Mata head being compatible but I think I'll focus on the Metru head here. Shop: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In case you were curious about the names I assigned them above. (I hope you notice that almost all of the fanon-canon weirdo masks of strangeness do not exist for me. I hope you are the same.)
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Some of you old timers may remember me from a fan project that went on waaaaay back when to create 3D media for Bionicle called Bionicle: Next Generation, or as the guy who made the 3D model which was later turned into a solid bronze vahi ( and 3D printed a voya nui online game style Ignika ( A few months back I was with a friend who shares my love of Bionicle and he showed me a redesign of a Miru he drew. Since his birthday was coming up I suggested that I could model his design and get it printed. As you can imagine he jumped on the idea and after a month or so of on and off work I finally had a final model, and a couple weeks after that his present arrived in the mail from Shapeways. I unfortunately forgot to ask him to get some pictures of it before he painted it, but with that aside I really like what he did with the white paint and I feel it gives it a tribal feeling reminiscent of those early years. Here is the Photobucket gallery: inside it are also some progress pictures (that are pretty bad quality I must admit as at the time I was just using them for feedback from my friend) as well as some of the original drawings my friend did. I apologize for not having better quality images of the mask itself, I'm just using what I have. After seeing the mask, me and my buddy were really happy with how it turned out, so we thought we might as well make it available to anyone else who wants one! I have a topic discussing the details of obtaining that along with my old Ignika model (which I am now also putting up for you guys on Shapeways) right here:
In August, Shapeways was offering money for new modelers to try out their services so I modeled the movie version of the Avohkii (the one Jaller and Takua were lugging around, not Takanuva's mask). I didn't add the connector in the back so it's being held onto the headpiece via a piece of clay. White Strong Plastics painted using Krylon Metallic Gold From Left to Right: Frosted Detail, White Strong Flexible Plastics, WSF (painted with Citadel Auric Armor Gold), WSF (painted with Krylon Metallic Gold Spray Paint)
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