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i have been waiting for a long time, making ... stuff... my G3 is slightly popular! it is kind of though... with a help with khingk the mask making boy, i have finally made some of my new kanohi. G3 olisi G3 vahi (upper) G3 vahi (bottom) G3 gaaha G3 kafai G3 tepan more to come
I don't know why, but the old Bionicle parts' tendency to break has always bothered me. If you look back on my older posts (of which there are few) you'll notice I have chimed in on a few topics about this subject, trying to see if someone's come up with a solution. There have been solutions to an extent, but they all seem a bit unstable for my liking. As a result, I decided to make this. It's essentially a double ball cup, but with the redesigned sockets that Lego introduced in late 2010. However, I attempted to retain full functionality of the original joints. For example, I have decided to open up the holes on either side of the socket so that an axle or pin can go through like so: So far, that hasn't affected structural integrity, and when inserting a ball you are greeted by the typical muffled pop. I've only popped it in and out a few times, so I'll certainly have to do some more testing before I can confidently say that it won't break on me. As for tolerances, it's a little more loose than I'd like and won't support some more heavy structures, so on the second build I'll have to fix that. As you can see in that picture, it's a bit shorter than an actual Lego piece, so I'll need to fix that as well. However, as other dimensions go, it's satisfactory. Overall, as a first build, I'd say I'm happy with what I did. For those of you wondering, I modeled it in Autodesk Fusion 360, and ordered it from Shapeways. Just as a disclaimer, I am associated with neither of the two, and I am making no money by promoting them. Any who, here are a few more pictures, so you can get more of an idea of its scale and whatnot. Ehlek wonders if these come in lime green... Well, that will do it for me. Let me know what you think!
Well, I've been 3D modelling for nearly three years now, but only in the last six months or so have I turned to designing pieces for 3D printing. And now, I am finally ready to show off the fruits of my labors: Kanohi Arkahna, Mask of Tension "Kanohi Arkahna, Mask of Tension. Allows the user to visualize the stress and compression of objects within their view. Example usages include analyzing a structure for weak points or even locating footsteps in a darkened room." This mask was designed for my self-MOC based on a concept I have been drawing for years. Just in the past few months, I gave it a drastic revamp and finally finished 3D modelling it for printing. Here it is, displayed on the current WIP of my Self-MOC. Shapeways Link Kanohi Angaru, Mask of Splitting "Kanohi Angaru, Mask of Splitting. The mask which allows the user to duplicate his or herself. However, each time the user duplicates, their power is divided in half, as is their size." This mask was designed as part of a Bionicle Art Squad challenge, and I took the opportunity to model one of my old Kanohi concepts for 3D printing. Shapeways Link Both of these masks are available on Shapeways for a decent price in a wide variety of materials, and I hope to have a few more projects up there soon.
i have a new test prodoct. if you want it, you will buy it. (( i just need help. all i ask is for you, is to donate your money to me. so that someday i can buy my projects on shapeways.
Mata Nui: The Online Game Collectors Edition Development Thread and Discussion - What is MNOLG: CE? - Mata Nui The Online Game: Collector’s Edition is a fan-produced remastered edition of the original Mata Nui Online Game created as one of the main projects for It is intended to be a tribute to the game treasured by many BIONICLE fans and the outstanding work of Templar Studios. MNOLG: CE is based off the original game files of the Mata Nui Online Game, but with many changed aspects. A large majority of the image assets used for scenes and characters is inconsistent early in the game due to its episodic nature, (i.e. the beach in the very first scene). In MNOLG: CE, we replace these low quality images with remastered, high quality SVG images that will look perfect on any screen size. The beach is one image among a plethora of lower quality images throughout the original game, such as the sky in many scenes and a select few Matoran. Other aspects of the game are being improved as well, and will be revealed in the coming months. Other aspects of the game are being improved as well, and will be revealed in the coming months. Additional features that may be included in the game include a video featuring the development of the original MNOLG, possible extra minigames inspired by unfinished concepts, and more. - What does the MNOLG: CE Bundle include? - The MNOLG: CE bundle is set to include a 3D printed and dyed MNOLG-style Pakari and Takua's backpack, along with a CD and CD case with printed MNOLG: CE graphics. Both 3D printed items will attach to a Tohunga figure normally.The disc will NOT contain the game itself; It will be available to download for free on, and can be burned to the included disc. Although the game will be free to play, the full MNOLG: CE bundle will be available to enhance the experience greatly. - Current project staff - Our staff right now is quite minimal, and as such, we are currently seeking assistance in a couple of fields. Our staff at this time consists of the following people: Vrahno: Creator of the BIONICLE short film “Struggle in the Drifts”. Currently our modeller for creating the custom parts for 3D printing. XONAR: Founder of, project manager, & graphic designer. Currently our only flash developer. Vahkiti: Project founder / manager & art director. My current main focus is simply overseeing the entire project, however I also create the promotional images and assist in those used in game. We are currently looking for flash developers, vector graphic artists, sound engineers, and general Photoshop / Illustrator experts. If you possess any of these skills, feel free to PM either myself or XONAR to apply for a staff position. (Be sure to include some type of example of your past works!) - When will MNOLG: CE be released? - There is not yet a concrete release date for the project. We are looking to finalize MNOLG: CE before January 2015, so it could be any date between now and the holidays. In the meantime, feel free to add the banner from my own signature to yours. We could use all the support and publicity we can get! Much more will be added to this topic in the coming months, so stay tuned, and thanks for looking! Feel free to ask questions and discuss below. [url=][img=][/url]
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