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A love letter to the Mata Nui Online Game. Le-Koro Platform Le-Koro Platform
Flickr Gallery Undoubtedly one of the most iconic Star Wars characters, R2 has been there since Episode 1 and beyond. I know this little droid's shenanigans have made me laugh over and over, and it was great to be able to put him together. I know I'm a little close to the System limit, but I think the level of detail I achieved was worth it.
'Tis high time I finished something. For more info and explanation behind the design, check out my Flickr post: Good luck to everyone else and stuff.
While uploading my images to Flickr I noticed I hadn't built anything since November... of 2013. Yikes! 01 02 03 04 05 I've been so busy and creatively drained lately it was only today I was able to sit down and build the Manas that's been rattling around my head for the past couple weeks. I tried to keep it simple and not use too many parts, use only modern parts (excepting the masks and faces they're attached to) and legal techniques, while still having some character and action features that should be expecting of a larger set. Squeeze the orange tabs to open the claws and twist the yellow gear to punch them. Hope you like it!
Coming from another dimension, Brutaka suddenly appeared and started wandering Okoto on an unknown mission, often heard rambling about an "Ignika", and "crazy silver half breed skakdi". Having proven to be more formidable than a Master, Brutaka is left alone aside from the occasion skull spider that dare try and pry his mask away. Entry Picture Comparison with Protector of Fire Comparison with Lhikan Comparison with Kopaka Comparison with Axonn Side Back Back spikes? No, actually his back daggers. Gallery when public. Good luck to everyone in the contest.
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Click to view Brickshelf gallery. The swamp is under attack by the evil Swamp Hunter! Grab the enemy with your Beetle Claws to keep them trapped. When the heroes fight back, spread open the poseable wings to take flight. Evade attacks with the Swamp Hunter's highly poseable limbs. You must prevent the forces of good from entering the Silver Chamber. Comments and criticism highly welcome!
"Welcome to the Pit..." Well. Here he is. My entry for BBCC 69. I had a lot of fun building him, trying to make him look as much like Hydraxon as possible while keeping with the theme of the contest. I chose to downsize him due to a lack of parts and a fear that if I made him too tall, he would be either too gappy/lanky and/or his legs wouldn't be able to hold his torso. I hope you like him as much as I do. (Some votes in the contest would be nice too.) ][ Flickr Gallery ][
I didn't have a whole lot of time, and I'm not the best MOCist, so I made a Space Invader. Why not go back to the game industry's humble yet awesome beginnings? Entry pic Flickr =)
Okay guys, I didn't try to go overboard, because you can't really do much with a bird MOC. I figured that the image of something like a Finch would be triggered by the word "bird", so I thought outside of the box and came up with something that is pretty uncommon. So, without further ado, I give you Ozzy. My top three choices were: Ozzy, This vulture thing, and a T-Rex/Velociraptor (no matter how many times I'm told that it's a lizard, it's not. It's skeleton is more bird-like than anything). But in the end, Ozzy won. Because Ostrich's are AWESOME!!! LINK C&C Appreciated! Ozzy will be being displayed at BrickFair Virginia!!!
Blind warrior of the wolves. ^ CLICK THE BANNER ABOVE FOR THE GALLERY ON FLICKR ^ Notes:- Yes, he's eyeless. Couldn't find a way to attach eyes which I liked, so I left it as is.- I decided to give him a cape and sword belt, to make him more warrior-like, to balance out the wolf qualities.- The black 2-length axles on the upper back are there to attach the cape.- Some of the proportions are a bit off, but I like them.- Decided not to go with the Bulk 3.0 helmet- it would be too easy. (Also it looked too small on the MOC.)- As you can see here, Vadalan is quite tall. So, wish me luck for the BBCC, and best of luck to everyone else entering! Don't forget to vote for Vadalan!
The tyrant has arrived. Front: Left: Right: Lower Legs: Upper Legs & Torso: Tail: Size Comparison: Pose 1: Pose 2: Fight: Brickshelf (when public): Once the tyrannical ruler of a small island in the Southern Islands, he was later over thrown. He was imprisoned on an island, until he escaped and joined the Dark Hunters. His current mission: Assassinate the new ruler of his island. This MOC is based of a scorpion. The head design, I was going for Chro's Deadlock Locust. Hope he wins. The masks and rahkshi heads are all kills that he made. The trans-green eye crystal symbolizes that person as a king.
- 11 replies
- Dark Hunters
(and 3 more)
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It's been a while. I haven't posted in quite a long time, but I wouldn't miss a contest. I finished this just last night. I heard late that there was a BBCC going on, and feared I had missed it, but luckily the deadline was extended. So I had eight hours to build a decent animalistic warrior, or five, because sleep. I found that rushing and haste hinder creativity, and I ended up with something... unsatisfactory. This That isn't my entry. This is my entry; Don Toise, lieutenant of some army somewhere. The entire building process was chaotic and confusing. I found a couple of unfinished projects and smashed them together. Pieces went everywhere, and while picking them up, I decided to take a different unfinished MOC and upgrade him with the parts of the... dismantled ones. BUILDING PROCESS -I started with a plain Makuta skeleton. The shoulders extended up and over, where dozens of tiny connectors held it together. He was equipped with two layers of plated cladding on his upper body. The plain shielded arms were stuck in there to help the shelled look. The legs were originally very short and sturdy, but to make it more animalistic, an extra part was added to each side along with extra cladding. The head is very awkward and large, with random tusks with no visible mouth. The other two white spikes gave a mustachioed illusion in the prototyping stage. This has since deteriorated into a weird mask covering his lower face. - He doesn't have much of a story, really. All that is known is that his jaw was injured in battle, so he wears... that white junk with the silver thing sticking out of the bottom. His name was inspired by Donatello of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the old version) and Blastoise from the Pokemon games. His title was chosen because he looked like some kind of biomechanical military dude. General Don Toise didn't give off the same feel as Lieutenant , so the latter was chosen. I'll bet you can't guess what animal he is. ^Click the picture for the gallery (when public)^ Comments and constructive criticism appreciated! Thanks!
Mantra, the anthromorphic ant combatant. In the form of a mutant insectoid, Mantra is armed with a primitive dagger and giant natural digger claws. Gallery when public
Here's my entry for the contest. Took me about 3.5 hours to complete, and I'm quite proud of it. His name is in the style used by the dragons in the stories I write. Click for entry pic ^Click for entry pic^ Front Back Pose Pose 2 Flight Flight 2 Comparison with Toa Nidhiki Gallery (when public) Thanks for looking! (5 imaginary points to anyone who votes for me in the contest )
I'm sure a lot of you remember this. I admit it was rather foolish, but there's another part of the story: I actually was hosting (mostly) for the member Makuta_Of_Oz. It started out as a joke. Then he wanted it to be real and I hosted it for him. Then it got out of control. I am sorry to anybody I may have offended.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to end it. Not enough members, it's causing to much arguing which means trouble for the staff, every time I check my inbox I have +15 comments on one entry. It's just all to much. I'm sorry MoZ and everybody else who joined, but it's better off this way.
Hey guys, We currently have 12 members who have joined BBCC! And I realized something. Unless you're popular here, you will be bashed for any ideas you have. Look here. They are trying to get people to link to images instead of posting them. But Aho's not being bashed. We want Bionicle back, and are being bashed by other "fans." 'Tis a dark day on BZP. We must stick together, and not loose hope. “Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired and discouraged men who kept on working.”
If everyone who has joined could please write a little note for Lego and send it to me that would be awesome. Also, you don't have to PM to join. Just let me or Makuta_Of_Oz know. And please tell people about this! We need more members!
Too bad I canna use the word I wanted to. Just as silly as the last time they did it, but probably will have worse MOCs. Need something less humanoid-oriented and more System-oriented, since most of the people who make good MOCs are the ones who use System. Durned rare to see a good MOC that's pure Bionicle(actually I can't think of one that's not like ancient when the world was new). This entry = massive POV. Expect comment editing for humourous effect if I decide to not be lazy.(I know, I know, that probably just scared you off.)
Attn: Moderators Stop Posting - Love, Bzp
cags//cunninghat/2x2b posted a blog entry in blogs_blog_238
Bluh, Copper Huna thing isn't working, and anything at the scale I'm working on takes weeks to get right, and I only have one. So I may end up not entering. Also, Subdermis is taking up more time than I'd thought it would, so yeah. Oh wait nobody here has the slightest inkling about Subdermis. Bluh I should of the whole thing rather than just the scenery piece. -
But since it's 12:38 and I'm in a horrible mood, you're going to have to do the work if you want to know what about. There's one hint in this entry, and another if you check one of the recent lists in my profile.
In Which People Are Incorrect, And Pointed Out As Such
cags//cunninghat/2x2b posted a blog entry in blogs_blog_238
wut First post on that page, assuming you're viewing at 40 posts per. Who wants to bet that I won't be? -
Can we go back to popularity voting now? Because at least a number of the popular people(no, not you, I can make a list if you want) are actually good MOCers.
Yay I can make better use of the ninety percent of my light grey pieces that were in Contrail. Still going to do deconstruction pics, though.