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Who gave the crab dynamite?!
It has been ages since ive drawn a Bionicle let alone posted one here, figured i'd just do a quick drawing of what is Constantly my favorite, Visorak! Anyway, hope y'all enjoy, time for me to disappear for another half-decade or smthing.
I am looking for any help that I can get with the Kanohi Dragon. I have looked all over but have not really found much to help with the build. So far I have the front and back legs, tail, and head done. Not quite sure how to do the body, but have heard it is in three pieces (1. head, neck, and front legs 2. mid body 3. back legs, tail). If there is anyone that has tried to get it faithfully built, I would love to chat with you. Or if anyone has any ideas or input I would love to hear it.
- Based on a canon Rahi that appeared in the Rahi encyclopedia, but had no set appearance. These vicious and dangerous Rahi were named for their natural habitat much more than for any link with the power of Stone. Rather, their power lay in their raw physical strength and tenacity, as well as their ability to pour heat into their manes, turning the tips into flaming-hot whips. One injured individual was able to fight off Toa Lesovikk for three entire days- and won.
Built for the latest Time for Crab collaboration
Been quite sometime since I posted a moc to bzpower, but then again been quite sometime since I seriously sat down and built. College does that to a person, and lack of motivation in general. But alas hoping to catch up with my backlog of mocs and wips, and post them here to bzpower alongside my other platforms. So to start off we have an amphibious Rahi that is a cross between some sort of feline and some form of turtle, probably snapping turtle.. I know real descriptive. The whole build started with the head, and I worked from there. For me the shell and the head were the most enjoyable parts of the build. Legs are not perfect but I wanted to keep things simple instead of trying to do custom limbs and get burnt out. Look at that tongue. Probably my favorite little inclusion in the whole moc.
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Domain: Po-Wahi & Ga-Wahi The Papaka is a tiny crustacean Rahi related to the larger Keras. It is easily frightened, and its dull, shovel-like pincers are useless for self-defense. When startled, it will dig itself deep beneath the sand on the beaches where it dwells in the blink of an eye. Built for a collaboration with other builders where we made new combiner models from certain waves. Check out the other creations via the links in the description!
Flickr album Waamehi-Nui are gorilla-like Rahi that reside in forests throughout the universe. These creatures are more physically imposing than their Lava Ape cousins, but they are also friendlier and more social. Rumor even has it that a troop on the Southern Continent accepted several Bo-Matoran into their ranks. Good-natured these Rahi may be, but provoke a Waamehi-Nui and it will use its strength and horns to wreak the sort of havoc that gives Skakdi nightmares. The term Waamehi-Nui was made using Tolkien's Matoran Language: [wāmehi "(Rahi) possessing hands" < wai-amehi, from the possessive particle wai (originally denoting possession of the object) and amehi "hand"] (Alternate backstory: Good Guy Hordika :P) Thanks for taking a look. I'd appreciate your thoughts!
Time for crab! Links to the other mocs crabs in this collab found in the description here.
A crab Rahi that can be tamed and used for transportation, mining and sport. Ussal are prized by Matoran for their friendliness, strength, and swiftness. They also have a remarkable ability to tunnel, making them useful for Onu-Matoran miners.
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The Gana is a small, peaceful lizard Rahi more likely to be afraid of anything it encounters than the other way around. Found in the secluded areas of Ga-Wahi and Le-Wahi, these little gentle creatures often end up as pets. Gana born into domestic environments tend to be less afraid of Matoran, but more so of everything else, than their wild counterparts.
The Kopi is a small Rahi found primarily in deserts, where it hides under the sand during the daytime to escape the searing sun, emerging to hunt during the night. Last moc of 2018/first moc of 2019. I built this hastily on New Year's Eve with the intention of quickly putting something together before midnight.
The Bird Blue Bird by Toa TimeLord, on Flickr A simple MOC I made this time last year.
***Built for BBC Contest #76*** The Zoli is a diminutive but dangerous Rahi native to the darkest corners of the Le-Wahi jungle. Comfortable in the undergrowth, in dark caverns or among twisting roots where humidity is trapped, the Zoli relies on two defenses - its highly toxic venom, and its abdomen that resembles the head of a Bohrok. Generally scared of larger creatures, most times when an unfortunate Le-Matoran encounters such a spider, it is a result of mistaking it for a flower due to its colours. Some particularly courageous Matoran have taken to capturing and taming Zoli and keeping them as pets, much to Turaga Matau's chagrin. All comments appreciated.
I'm sure you all remember the fun game that Lego released for Bionicle in 2006, called the Voya Nui Online Game. I've always thought the Rahi in the game looked interesting, and I was disappointed that Lego never released any models of them. So I decided to build some of my own. While building them, I tried to challenge myself by only using parts that were available at the time of the game's release.If you're wondering why the Piraka heads are cut, it's because I bought them from a guy who offered me Zaktan, Hahkan, Vezok, and Thok, all of them for only a dollar a piece, the only catch being that the spines were cut off. they actually worked better because the spines don't look like the ones in the game.sorry for the low quality pictures (the big one turned out nice though), my battery was almost dead and there are no extra batteries, gotta go get some pretty soon here...Also in the scenes, I did a slight revamp of Vezon, I gave him a dagger, and put a bunch of gold teeth on him to make it look like the Olmak fused to his body.Gafna, Burnak, and Lava Ape Together Full sized: http://www.brickshel...Nui/scene_3.jpgGafna Front: http://www.brickshel...gafna_front.jpgGafna Back: http://www.brickshel.../gafna_back.jpgGafna Reference: http://biosector01.c...VNOLG_Gafna.pngBurnak Front: http://www.brickshel...urnak_front.jpgBurnak Back: http://www.brickshel...burnak_back.jpgBurnak Reference: http://biosector01.c...NOLG_Burnak.pngLava Ape Front: http://www.brickshel...a_ape_front.jpgLava Ape Back: http://www.brickshel...va_ape_back.jpgLava Ape Side: http://www.brickshel...va_ape_side.jpgLava Ape Reference: http://biosector01.c.../6f/LavaApe.pngScenes: Scene 1: Jaller is out for a nice stroll on the Bara Desert. Scene 2: oh no! it's a bunch of angry rahi! Scene 3: Jaller is outnumbered! Scene 4: Hahnah Crabs to the rescue! Scene 5: What sorcery is this?! It's...Vezon?
Hoi, the Ga-Matoran fisherwoman, takes her pet Moke for a fishing trip in the early evening. It is the warm season on Mata Nui, and fish are bountiful. Fortune smiles upon Hoi, as she encounters an elusive and dangerous Tawa fish. She will not let this opportunity pass her by, and with her well-trained Moke, the Tawa soon falls. It was a good day.
The tribal Garara are a semi-intelligent race of Rahi who are an odd cross between rodents and reptiles. Though half as big as the average Matoran, physically weak and primitive, the Garara are convinced of their own superiority and consider themselves the apex life-form with all other species below them, and get violently angry if they feel they are not given the respect their superiority demands. They have a fascination with gold and all that is the color gold, revering it like some sort of deity. The gold pigment is natural in their skin - possibly the reason for their perceived superiority - and the individuals with the most gold on their skin are the most desirable and attractive. While they mentally and technologically primitive, they have oddly enough highly advanced cosmetics intended to make individuals more gold. They are generally passive and harmless, but if offended, are willing to rush into wars they have no chance of winning. They have a characteristic head-tilt, signifying either curiosity or confusion, depending on circumstances. During his many adventures, Brutaka once encountered a Garara tribe. Ever since, they are convinced he is some sort of deity. Flickr album As always, all comments are appreciated!