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It has been ages since ive drawn a Bionicle let alone posted one here, figured i'd just do a quick drawing of what is Constantly my favorite, Visorak! Anyway, hope y'all enjoy, time for me to disappear for another half-decade or smthing.
I posted this on the TTV Message Boards. Thought the folks here would find this interesting. I am a relatively new fan lore-wise, so I’ve been reading the books for the first time. Some of my favorite characters are the Rahaga. Something about them that I don’t see many people talk about is the significance of their mission after they steal the Mask of Light. Makuta’s original job was to create and look after the rahi of the universe, but he abandoned that in order to pursue more tyrannical goals. In doing so he cast his body guards, the Toa Hagah, aside, probably thinking that they were not worth much. On top of that, he relied heavily on the Visorak for his army. The Visorak are Rahi, but I get the impression that they are an aggressive and invasive species. So Makuta is favoring a single rahi species at the expense of every other, all in the name of conquest. The Rahaga saw the wrath of the Visorak first hand, so they know what kind of damage they can do. What I love is that the Rahaga decide that if Makuta is going to abandon his duty as protector of the rahi, they’ll do his job and they’ll do it better! The Rahaga then proceed to document every single rahi in existence and rescue a huge number of them! TLDR: The Rahaga decided that if their old boss Terry was going to be a bad zookeeper, then they would spite him by becoming the best darn zookeepers that ever existed!! What do you guys think?
simple visorak for my reboot this time body articulation and the rhotuka are glowing colored this time. using method of the barraki mandible and pressing down the head makes the jaws pince together sadlly i cant fit the pully in the model, still with articulation it will work. rhotuka wiill be florescent & glow in a dark in different colors, and it will be many more rhotuka powers. it should have been a main monsters of 2017 visorak
Since us old fogeys love to sit around and reminisce about the "good ol' days", I figure as one of the few still-active remnants of BZPower's glory days, I have a unique platform to keep the old BIONICLE flame alive, both just for fun and for future edification of fans born well after BIONICLE's start that may need some insight on what the theme was like in the early years of the 21st century. Today, I'll dive into the summer of 2005, the middle of a very convoluted year for BIONICLE. The first, in fact, if you ask me. The first big upset was, as a person living in the USA, only being able to obtain the Toa Hordika and Rahaga for the first half of the year. The Visorak, Roodaka, Sidorak, Keetongu, and the first BIONICLE playsets were all summer releases here. Lucky Europeans had been enjoying most of that (sans the playsets) since the year began. Feelings aside, this also created some storytelling difficulties, as in order to promote the Hordika in the USA, the magazines and comics couldn't really show off the Visorak or their masters. Unlike the case with the Vahki in 2004, there was no "substitute" enemy for the Toa to deal with until summer rolled around. Therefore, right out of the gate, we have the Hordika dealing with the Visorak and appearances of Roodaka, which was frustrating since there was no way to get the sets unless I wanted to buy foreign. So that set the stage for summer 2005. That year, I would spend the longest time away from home alone (to date) at a summer academy for math and science. That would begin in late June, so I hoped the Visorak at least would start making an appearance on Wal-Mart shelves by then. No such luck. But anyways, I had another important distraction! In 2004, I was one of the 50 first place winners of the LEGO Club Magazine Rahi Building Challenge. It was an amazing accomplishment for 15 year-old me, and it saved me a lot of money by having all six Vahki as my prize, along with a letter from the desk of Greg Farshtey himself congratulating me. Therefore, I hoped to have similar success in the Dark Hunter Building Challenge. By the start of summer vacation, I was just about done with him. I gave him no name, but after photography with my dad, he just christened him "Plasticman". My dad wasn't overly fond of my LEGO obsession, especially the BIONICLE component of it, but he humored me enough times, especially when it came to competitions like this. "Plasticman" was, in my opinion, a vast improvement over my Rahi from last year. Unlike my Rahi, he had a function! Instead of a left arm, he had a grafted wheel of assorted Kanohi Masks, pried from his fallen Toa foes (or other kinds of mask-wearing entities). By spinning a gear on his back, you could select the Kanohi he would use to augment his battle abilities. In this way, his species was able to utilize the power of the masks in a brutish way. In his remaining right hand, I gave him a "hunting staff", a probably remnant of his tribal upbringing before being recruited by the Dark Hunters. As you might guess from the attached picture, his whole look and design was born from looking at a Rahkshi spine and thinking, "Hmm, this would make one wicked mohawk". One Metru shoulder armor and two Bohrok teeth later, and I pretty much had his head. The torso was a bit of a puzzle, particularly integrating the gears for driving the mask selection spinner, but I finished it and quickly assembled his hips. The Hordika chest armor and Metruan silver chest piece made for a great "loincloth", fusing a tribal look in clothing with a "punk" sensibility to the coloring and "hair" style. With a week or so to spare before my departure for the North, I took my pictures of "Plasticman" with dad and mailed them to the LEGO Magazine. I wish I could remember the name and description I gave him, or even had a copy of the letter. But alas, that is lost to history, unless the LEGO Magazine keeps the photo and card in an archive somewhere. But the big news, of course, would be if I would win this time. Unfortunately, it was not to be. I was not selected even among the runners-up, and I lost again a chance to be a part of BIONICLE. You can look at the winners in the Official Dark Hunters Guide (if you own it; I don't). From what I've seen of them on BioSector01, I must admit I was a little out of my league. But I'll let you judge for yourself! Attached is my sole surviving photograph of my Dark Hunter. In all probability, I likely made a topic for him in the BBC Forum, but that was back in 2005 and is lost forever now. That pretty much wrapped up my summer as far as BIONICLE went! When I came back from the academy in August, I managed to spend the remainder of living expenses money on a Visorak (Keelerak, I think), along with Roodaka and Sidorak. At that point, they were old hat to me, but the "Web of Shadows" movie was still on the horizon for October. Fall would bring more surprises (and even more convolutions!) to the BIONICLE story. Stay tuned for further reminiscing!
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Hi, guys! This year, 2020, is the 15th anniversary of Bionicle’s 2005 storyline. It takes place right after the events of the 2004 storyline and long before the 2001 storyline. After the Toa Metru defeated Makuta in the 2004 storyline, they went to rescue Matoran, who were imprisoned in Matoran Spheres by Makuta, but they got captured by Visorak, which turned them into monsters called Toa Hordika. Aided by the Rahaga, the Toa Hordika went to fight the Visorak and find a cure to their mutations. This storyline also explains how Makuta got out of his Toa Seal prison, how the Vahi was found from the sea in the past storyline, how the Mask of Light was found and kept in the island of Mata Nui, and how and why Nuju speak bird Rahi. I would love to have us celebrate this storyline’s 15th anniversary when I explain what it is about. The storyline is where Vakama was continuing telling the Toa Nuva and the Matoran of Mata Nui the story of him and his fellow Turaga as the Toa Metru. The storyline takes place after the Toa Metru defeated Makuta by imprisoning him in a Toa Seal at the end of the 2004 storyline. They discovered the island of Mata Nui, but they had to go back to Metru Nui to rescue Matoran, who were imprisoned in Matoran Spheres by Makuta. They first had to deal with a prototype of the Morbuzakh called the Karzahni, who was created Makuta long ago, but was rejected because the Karzahni was too powerful and willful, and wanted to have Energized Protodermis. After the Toa went through a perilous journey to get a little bit of the substance and then gave it to the plant, he tried to use it to get rid of the expiration date that Makuta gave him, but he was destined to be destroyed. Before he completely died, he told the Toa about Metru Nui changing and Makuta has to be killed. When the Toa arrived in Metru Nui, they discovered that the city was ruined and dominated by Visorak, which are an evil species of various giant spider Rahi with four legs, large mandibles, and natural guns on their backs called Rhotuka Launchers, which shoot magical spinners called Rhotuka with various powers. The spiders are led by two Titan villains, Sidorak, the red-armored King of the Visorak Army, and Roodaka, the female, reptilian, and black-armored Viceroy of the army, who were allies of Makuta. Vakama became arrogant after Makuta’s defeat, and then the Visorak paralyzed and captured the Toa. The spiders imprisoned them in cocoons and then used their magical venom called Hordika Venom to turn them into creatures called the Toa Hordika, which were half-Toa, half-Rahi. The cocoons were clipped while hanging in the air with webs attached to the buildings, so the Toa fell, but a group of flying dwarf-sized creatures with Rahkshi-like heads called the Rahaga saved them. The Toa were freaked out about their mutations, and one of the Toa, Matau, blamed Vakama for this. The Rahaga explained the Toa about what happened to them and a legendary Rahi named Keetongu being able to cure them of their mutations, otherwise if they couldn’t find him in time, they would be stuck being freaks forever. The Toa and Rahaga went to find some stuff that they could use to make Airships that could carry the Matoran to Mata Nui first. They had many adventures along the way, as they fought against the Visorak and rampaging Rahi, some are mutated. A shape-shifting Rahi from the 2004 storyline, who looked like a mix of all six Toa Metru and was forced by Roodaka to help her fight the Toa, came to help the Toa instead a little bit because she actually hates the Visorak for what they had done to her kind, which made her the last of her kind. The Rahaga taught the Toa on how to control their new forms and use their Rhotuka Launchers, which shoot Rhotuka that were based on their elemental powers. Their primary weapons that they are holding with their hands could charge up their Rhotuka. They couldn’t use their masks’ powers in their new forms, and these new forms had animalistic impulses, which made the Toa angry and impatient. The Rahaga were trying to tell the Toa to resist those impulses, which were hard to do. The Rahaga were once a Toa team called the Toa Hagah, who used to work for Makuta long ago. There were other Toa Hagah for other members of Makuta’s evil brotherhood that he led called the Brotherhood of Makuta, which were members of his species called Makuta. These guys were called the Makuta or some place in the Matoran Universe, as in titles, because they were assigned to watch over people in these places. Makuta, the villain that the Toa Metru fought, was called the Makuta of Metru Nui. The Makuta species have real names, so the leader’s real name was unknown. His Toa Hagah went rogue, defeated him in a fight, and ran away from him. They stole a magical mask called the Mask of Light from the late 2003 storyline. However, they got mutated by Roodaka long ago, but they kept the Mask. They hid it in Metru Nui, and then had the Toa Hordika get the Makoki Stones to get the Mask. One of the Toa Hordika, Onewa, encased the Mask in a stone. Vakama was so pressured about his guilt for his team being mutated that he went alone. He got captured by Visorak and then was taken by them to Roodaka. Roodaka tampered with Vakama’s animalistic side to convince him to join the Visorak army, so Vakama agreed to help the army. Vakama wasn’t acting like himself. Sidorak had Vakama be a new leader for the army. The other Toa Hordika and one of the Rahaga names Norik, who is the leader of the Rahaga, were shocked to witness this when Vakama captured the other Rahaga. They went to find Keetongu in Metru Nui. They found him hiding. He is very intelligent, like the shape-shifting Rahi. He didn’t want to cure the Toa because he didn’t think that they were worthy, but he did want to help the Toa fight the Visorak. The Toa, Norik, and Keetongu went to the Coliseum to fight the Visorak. The Toa were fighting against a large army of Visorak while Norik went to rescue his fellow Rahaga and Keetongu went to fight Sidorak and Roodaka. Matau went to find Vakama. They fought each other, but Matau apologized to Vakama for his criticisms and reminded him of the Matoran, so Vakama came to his senses. Vakama rejoined the Toa while he had a plan that could help the Toa defeat the army. Roodaka cruelly betrayed Sidorak while Sidorak knew that he couldn’t defeat Keetongu alone, but Keetongu smashed Sidorak on the head, killing him. Roodaka became the new queen of the Visorak and then got the Toa surrender. Vakama showed up and then tricked the Visorak into being free, so the Visorak leave the city. All the Toa except Vakama shot Rhotuka at Roodaka, but Roodaka had a piece of the Makuta of Metru Nui’s Toa Seal on her chest, so she let them hit it. When Vakama was preparing to fire his Rhotuka, Norik knew that if all six elements hit the piece, it could free Makuta, so he tried to warn Vakama not to do it, but it was too late because Vakama did it, anyway. When all six elements hit the piece, that freed Makuta, but hurt Roodaka so much that she fell unconscious. Makuta used his shadow powers to save her and then teleported her to safety, leaving only the piece behind. The Toa picked up the stone, keeping it as the Makuta Stone that they, as Turaga, would use as a way to tell the story about Makuta putting the Great Spirit Mata Nui to sleep. The heroes were worried about the Makuta, but Keetongu looked at the Toa as worthy to be cured because of their heroism, so he cured them back to their Toa Metru forms. After the whole ordeal of being a Toa Hordika, one of the Metru Nui named Nuju decided to speak flying Rahi because he doesn’t want to forget about the fall of Metru Nui and the Toa Metru’s arrogance, unless there is someone worth hearing or for emergencies or times of joy. That’s why he has this habit when he is a Turaga in the island of Mata Nui in 2001 (he did that in the Mata Nui Online Game in 2001). When the Toa brought the Matoran to the island of Mata Nui, Vakama thought about the Vahi, so he told his friends that he had to go get the mask alone. Karzahni revived himself by using his remaining king root to grow back. When Vakama found the mask, it was cracked and leaking super-dangerous Time energy that could destroy the Matoran Universe, so he had to patch it up to prevent the disaster from happening. Makuta was also looking for the mask, and he had Karzahni to help him get it, but had to fight against Keetongu, who got in the way, first. Keetongu is powerful enough to hold Makuta off, but Makuta ran away from him. He and Vakama found each other, but they also encountered an evil guy named the Shadowed One, who is the leader of the Dark Hunters. TSO was looking for Nidhiki and Krekka from the 2004 storyline, but found out that Makuta ate them, so he decided to fight Makuta and Vakama and get the Rahi from them. TSO brought some fellows with him, such as his bodyguard named Sentrakh and servant named Voporak, who was a hulking, powerful and mutated member of Sidorak’s species with time-based powers who could track down the Vahi. Voporak led TSO and their cronies to the mask in the first place. Vakama and Makuta had to work together to fight the Dark Hunters, and they won and defeated them. Karzahni got destroyed when its king root got destroyed by Makuta during the battle. TSO declared war on the Brotherhood of Makuta for all of this. Makuta tried to get the mask from Vakama, but Vakama stopped him by convincing him that he would destroy the Vahi if Makuta gets closer to it, so both of them agreed that Makuta would leave Vakama and his people alone for a year. Makuta teleported Vakama back to Mata Nui. That’s where the Toa Metru became Turaga in the 2004 storyline, and then Makuta attacked them and their people on the island with his infected Rahi in the 2001 storyline. The Toa Metru accidentally left behind a Matoran Sphere that contained Ahkmou, and when Makuta noticed it, he opened the sphere up, and then told to Ahkmou everything about the history of Metru Nui and lied to him that the Toa Metru betrayed and abandoned Ahkmou, so Ahkmou became Makuta’s new evil ally. That’s how Ahkmou caused problems in the island of Mata Nui in the Mata Nui Online Game in 2001. In the present, when Vakama finished telling his stories of the Toa Metru, their people moved back to Metru Nui and started rebuilding it. The End of the 2005 storyline. In fact, The End of the whole Metru Nui story arc (2004-2005). That’s the story. Now for the sets: Basically, all sets shoot spinners called Rhotuka, which have various magical powers. Each of the sets has a rip cord and a gun called a Rhotuka Launcher, and after you put the rip cord in the Launcher and the Rhotuka on top of the Launcher, you pull the rip cord out quickly, which can make the Rhotuka fly. For the medium-sized sets, there are the Toa Hordika and the Visorak, which are in canisters. The Toa Hordika look like hunchbacked and monstrous versions of the Toa Metru while their masks look like animals’ faces. They have uneven arms, as the right arm can bend with gears while the left arm is simply a Toa Mata leg piece from 2001. The right arm is also longer than the left. They have new foot pieces, bent-looking forelegs, torso pieces that have Rhotuka Launchers on the back, chest armor pieces, and the neck pieces. The neck pieces attach the mask and Bohrok eyes from 2002 to form the head. Each Toa Hordika have two dual-colored and flexible weapons, which can charge up their Rhotuka. The Toa look cool, even thought that the unevenness and bent-looking bodies look kind of weird on them. The Visorak are big spiders that have Rhotuka Launchers on their backs. They have huge and various heads and mandibles. They also have various legs and introduced long thigh pieces. You sneeze the body to make the mandibles pinch. They have Bohrok eyes. They look kind of cute. The small sets are the Rahaga, who look like Turaga-like versions of Rahkshi, as their heads and staffs look like Rahkshi’s. They have Rhotuka Launchers on their backs, too. They look cute. There are two special edition canister sets called the Toa Hagah, which are the original Toa forms of two of the Rahaga, Norik and Iruini. They look like Toa Metru and Toa Lhikan, but they use extra armor, spears, and Rhotuka Launching Shields that shoot Rhotuka and contain extra Rhotuka. They also have new masks. Originally, they were going to be Toa Dume and Toa Nidhiki, respectively, but they didn’t happen, so we wouldn’t see what these Toa look like. But, it does explain why Iruini’s mask is shaped like Nidhiki’s Dark Hunter head and Norik’s mask looks like Dume’s. Anyway, the Toa Hagah look very cool with their weapons and their gold and silver armor. Too bad that we don’t see what the other Rahaga look like as Toa Hagah. Now, for the Titans. There are three of them, and they are Sidorak, Roodaka, and Keetongu. Sidorak is the red and black guy with the ram-like head who has a clawed right hand with a Rhotuka Launcher in it and a blade on his left arm. The blade juts out for battle while his claws contain his Rhotuka for storage. Roodaka is a female black and silver reptilian lady who looks feminine who has a Rhotuka Launcher on her right arm and a weapon called the Catcher Claw on her left. The Catcher Claw can spin around. Keetongu is a one-eyed yellow and bulky Rahi who has a Bohrok head shell on his head who has a blade on his arm and a spinning weapon similar to Roodaka’s on the other, which with shield pieces rather than claws. You can open his chest to reveal his Rhotuka Launcher in there. The titans look cool, but they have uneven-looking arms that don’t have actual hands. There is a combo Titan set that is a mix of all three of the titans, and that is Voporak. He’s a big and bulky guy with four arms, and he carried two spinning weapons similar to Roodaka’s and Keetongu’s and a Rhotuka Launcher. This guy is awesome, and I like his design. However, his double-jointed upper arms look kind of weird, and his lower arms don’t have hands. The Rhotuka are used to show codes for you to use to unlock some stuff in the Bionicle website. There is also an extra Rhotuka pack. The Launchers and Rhotuka are cool, and the Launchers can shoot them and the spinners fly very high. I believe you may need better storage for the spinners, though. There is also four Lego system playsets in 2005. I’m not a playset fan, to be honest, but they look very cool. I like the elite Visorak in them, and it is interesting that there is one that has a golden version of Makuta’s Mask of Shadows for a head while there is one that is bulkier than a normal Visorak set. The glow-in-the-dark Visorak are cool. I like the giant mask pieces that shoot Rhotuka, and they’re so big that you can wear them. Lol. The Toa Hordika look silly, though. I mean, they are one-piece statues that don’t pose. Now for the combo sets. We have a lot of them. There is one for each three of the Rahaga, each two of the Toa Hordika, three of the Toa Hordika, two of the Visorak, three, and all six. All of them are Rahi, but the one with the blue and white Visorak is an elite kind of Visorak while the one with Vakama, Matau, and Whenua is a monster called a Protocrain that is made of Matoran who got combined by the Energized Protodermis in the story. There are three combiners for the titans, which are one for Keetongu and Sidorak named Sentrakh, one for Keetongu and Roodaka called the Shadowed One, and of course Voporak. Sentrakh is a Dark Hunter who serves as the Shadowed One’s bodyguard. The combiners in general look decent, but some of them are weird because of their uneven parts on here and there. I wish there are a combiner for all six Toa Hordika and one for Roodaka and Sidorak. Now, for the media. The storyline is told by many things. There are six comic issues, which tell the Toa Hordika’s quest to build the Airships, and there is one that was never published completely. There is the third direct-to-video movie called Bionicle 3: Web of Shadows in October 2005. There are six online animations that tell the Toa Hordika’s quest for the Mask of Light, four to five chapter books called Bionicle Adventures (if you count Maze of Shadows), a guide book called Rahi Beasts, where it shows Rahi of any kind, including the ones from a Lego-building contest in 2004, and the Bionicle Encyclopedia, where it tells the story of how Nidhiki turned from Toa to Dark Hunter. The Dark Hunters convinced him to betray his team, he joined the Dark Hunters, he trained and was partnered with Krekka, and Roodaka turned Nidhiki into an insect-like monster. This also presents Zamor Launchers, which were the main guns in the 2006 storyline, as the books and the sixth comic issue previews that storyline. There are two music videos and several non-canon online games. There was also a contest to build a Toa named Krakua, who is a Toa of Sonics from the future who told Toa Vakama through a vision given by a creature in the tenth chapter about what would happen in the future, including the Toa Inika from the 2006 storyline. That’s foreshadowing. The comics and books are good. The movie is also good, but it’s not the best because I am kind of not fond of how the Toa Hordika and Rahaga were animated, and I don’t like Vakama’s behavioral issues, how Sidorak was scared of Keetongu, and the Toa Hordika freed Makuta. It felt sort of rushed. I am also sad that there were not any more Miramax films after this (but we did get Bionicle: The Legend Reborn in 2009, but it was made by a different company. I wish there are films for the 2006, 2007, and 2008 storylines, as well as 2001, 2002, and early 2003). Of course, there is a handheld role play video game called Bionicle: Maze of Shadows, where the Toa Metru’s adventure to get some Energized Protodermis is told. There was also a contest for Dark Hunters. Now, for the story. Well, it’s okay, but not the best, and the sets in there weren’t the best either. I mean, the Rhotuka Launchers did make some things complicated. I am not fond of how Vakama betrayed his team, Sidorak acting like a whiny baby, and the Toa Hordika freeing Makuta. I mean, they unleashed the madman who will take over the world. It’s their fault. Plus, the Dark Hunters should have had a larger role in this, like Roodaka hiring them to get the Toa Hordika. It’s interesting that Roodaka admires Makuta, even though that he doesn’t socialize with her often. Some of the 2005 pieces were used in the later storylines, like Umbra in 2006 using a Rhotuka Launcher. So, how would you celebrate the storyline’s 15th anniversary? What are your best moments and memories for the storyline? What are your favorite sets and characters? What medium reminds you of the storyline? Well, I could watch the movie again and read some of the Bionicle stuff. I do like the movie, comics and chapter books the most. My favorite characters are Vakama, Matau, Norik, Sidorak, and Keetongu. Matau is funny as always. My favorite sets are Whenua (the Thumpers are cool), the red Visorak, Keetongu, and Voporak. The things in the media that remind me of the storyline are: DC Comics - villains playing with animal-based mutations. Roodaka is like Harley Quinn while the Joker is like Makuta, who doesn’t socialize with her often, despite her dedication, servitude, and admiration for him Marvel - villains playing with animal-based mutations. Mystique is like Roodaka while Magneto is like Makuta. The Visorak are like monster counterparts to Spider-Man. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - villains playing with animal-based mutations. Transformers - In Transformers: Animated, there is a Decepticon called Blackarchnia, who was once an Autobot named Elita One who got mutated by giant alien spiders to became a twisted monster. Ninjago - Ninja fighting giant spiders. Plus, there are spinner sets that fly. Harumi is like Roodaka while Garmadon is like Makuta. In one episode in Season 9, how the Oni Titan sits is like Keetongu in Webs of Shadows Legends of Chima - big spiders. Hero Factory - the Brains are kind of like the Visorak because they look kind of like spiders and how they mutate their victims. Bionicle 2015-2016 - the Skull Spiders are kind of like the Visorak. Sonic the Hedgehog - Amy is like Roodaka and Sonic is like Makuta for how Amy tries to show her admiration to Sonic, but Sonic is not interested, despite Amy showing her dedication and loyalty to Sonic. Ben 10 - Dr. Animo likes to play with animal-based mutations. The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy - there is a TV movie where there are giant spiders invading a school. Thor: Ragnarok - Hela is sort of like Roodaka. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith - Anakin is like Vakama when he was manipulated by a conniving and selfish villain to become evil.
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Hey all! I've managed to get my hands on another pearl gold Visorak Vohtarak/Kahgarak shell and am putting it up for auction here just like the last one! See photos below, other than a bit of a stress mark on one of the bottom parts (picture included) it is in quite good condition. (Photo of stress mark) Here's how the auction will run: Rules: This sale will be in auction format.The auction begins at the time of this posting, and will end after approximately 48 hours have passed since the previous bid was made, i.e. after 48 hours of inactivity. Please bid by leaving a comment with your bid amount on this thread. Bids by PM will not be accepted and I will refer you to the comments if you PM me.The starting bid will be $75.00 USD.Please make bids in USD, and do not bid up by any less than $1.00 USD.You may bid as many times as you like.I will post the winning bid and bidder in the comments after the auction ends. Bidding remains open until I post this comment, even if 48 hours have passed. I will try to post the winner as soon after the 48-hour window as possible. Payment/Shipping: PayPal is my preferred method of payment.The item will be shipped from Seattle, Washington, USA.Shipping within the United States will be an additional cost of around $3.00. I am willing to ship internationally, just know that the costs will be higher. I will be happy to provide international shipping quotes upon request. Thanks, and good luck bidding!
- Pearl Gold
- Visorak
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Hello Bionicle fans, Special offer for the Trans-Red Kanoka SEALED (with French Bionicle comics #1) Price on BL $40 Price on BZP $35 - 1 sold, 2 remaining Special offer for 10202 Ultimate Dume (with exclusive Mask of Power) SEALED Price on BL $100 Price on BZP $90 - 1 sold, 2 remaining Build your Visorak or Vahki army (all SEALED sets)! 8743 Boggarak $9.80 (7 available) 8745 Roporak $9 (8 available) 8746 Keelerak $12 (11 available) Price on BZP : Buy 6 or more for $8 each, buy 12 or more for $7 each 8614 Nuurakh $9 (12 available) 8618 Rorzakh $9 (31 available) Price on BZP : Buy 6 or more for $8 each, buy 12 or more for $7 each Full set of 96 Krana $250 $150 Full set of 48 Krana-Kal $150 $100 Full set of Kanoka including "175", TRK, Tan, Disc of Time $300 $200 (best offer accepted) Full set of 2001 Toa Kanohi $5 red hau, trans-blu kaukau, green miru, brown kakama, black pakari, white akaku (many sets available)Full set of 2003 Matoran of Mata Nui (8581-8586) SEALED Price on BL $48 Price on BZP $40 Kanohi 2001 prototypes Price on BL $395 (for Trans-Dark Blue Kaukau or Green Miru) Price on BZP $350 (best offer accepted) Prototype Toa Pohatu + Prototype Rock Price on BL $392 + $98 Price on BZP $400 (best offer accepted) Many sealed sets from 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Click here to go to my BL store Rules Please PM only if you are willing to buy, thanks!Worldwide shipping with tracking for up to 2 kg : $19 (Europe $15) - not insuredPayment : Paypal or IBAN (Europe only)
Hello everyone! It is I, Lewa0111 Nuva, back to the forums once again! As you are probably aware if you've read my blog or the first chapter of TNI, I've decided to rewrite the early chapters of most of my first comedies, since the old chapters were terribly low-quality and embarrassing, especially by my current standards. After the first few chapters, the remainder of the chapters of this comedy will be reposted mostly verbatim from the original so I can get right away to work writing new chapters! Unfortunately, as a result of the hackings/archive purge, the original classic is no longer available online. I am working on ways to restore it, but for now I suppose we'll have to make do with our memories. 'Tis a sad day. Also, even though these chapters are remakes of the original chapters, I will be accepting new questions for Matau! I will still be using the original questions sent in for the chapters I'm rewriting, but in addition to that I will also add new questions to the chapters if I receive them. Any "storyline" segments of the comedy will remain the same, though, and the characters and their amusing quirks will likewise stay the same. So, let's begin! Ask Matau! A BIONICLE comedy by Me! Chapter 1: Embarrassing Moments *Matau is seated behind an empty desk in the living room of his house, which has several large posters of himself on the walls* Matau: HELLO, BZ-NUI! ...I always wanted to loud-shout that. Welcome to Ask Matau! That's the show where you send me questions and I answer them in hilarious ways! So, first things first, let's begin. Computer, how many messages for--hey, wait a second! Where's my computer? Orkahm: It still hasn't been delivered yet, Matau! Matau: Where'd you come from? You're not even in this comedy! Orkahm: I thought this was Ask Orkahm, no? Matau: ...No, it isn't. Orkahm: Oh, sorry. *leaves* Matau: Why did he just throw leaves at me? Oh well. *brushes off the leaves* Anyway, if I don't have a computer, I suppose there's nothing left to do but wait for the Metru Nui Postal Service Matoran to show up! *A Vohtarak walks in* Vohtarak: Hey Matau! Did the computer come in yet? I want to play MNOG! Matau: No, we're still waiting. And I already told you, you'll have to wait until my show is over, because I need the computer to answer questions with! Vohtarak: Okay, fine. Just don't forget to tell me when it comes in! *walks into kitchen* Matau: Oh, that's right. I forgot to mention that I adopted one of each Visorak after Vakama set them free. Pretty stupid of him, really, he could have had his own private army and taken over the world! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA-- Okay, that was bizarre. *Doorbell rings* Matau: *opens door* Here it is! Finally! Metru Nui Postal Service Matoran (MNPSM): One package, straight from Onu-Metru Electronics, for a Mr. Metru. Matau: My last name isn't "Metru!" But yes, that's me. MNPSM: Here you go. *drops package on Matau, who gets crushed flat by the weight and leaves* Matau: Ouch...I ordered a computer, not leaves! MNPSM: Oh, but Onu-Metru Electronics is doing a promotion. Buy one computer at W599 or higher and get a free pile of leaves! Matau: Fine, I'll douse them in cheese and feed them to Roporak I guess. Thanks, random Matoran! MNPSM: You're welcome! Bye! Matau: *pushes box off of himself* That was odd. But at least I've got my computer now! Let's open it up! *Later...* Matau: Ah, I finally got my computer set up! Time to start it up and...hey, wait a minute, it's white? What do they think this is, Ask Nuju The Nerd? Time to make some adjustments! *Matau pulls out a bottle of Metru green spray paint and uses it to spray the computer...and the walls...and the ceiling...and himself...and the whole house* Matau: Uh...maybe I got carried away? Who cares, let's just start this computer! Computer: You have 3 new messages. Matau: YOU CAN TALK!? AAAH! TALKING COMPUTER! Computer: No, I can't talk. I was just telling you how many messages there are. Matau: Oh, okay. ...Hey, wait a minute, you just talked! Just now! Computer: No I didn't! Matau: Oh, just shut up. Anyway, on to the e-mails. Computer, first question. Matau: Do I really have to answer this? Keelerak: Well, it is a show called "Ask Matau..." Matau: You Visorak are so annoying. Keelerak: Well, it's true! Matau: Doesn't make it any less annoying. Anyway, to answer your question, yes, I have gone out with Nokama. There was this one time, for example, when we went to a restaurant...actually, let's just start a flashback! [FLASHBACK] *Nokama and Matau are at a table at the "Coliseum Cafe," a really fancy restaurant, and Matau is wearing a tie* Random Matoran #35: *dressed as a waiter* What would you like to eat, sir and madam? Matau: Nokama, ladies first! Nokama: Why, thank you, Matau! Let's see, I think I'll have...hmm...well, this grilled Kane-Ra dinner looks good...actually, no, maybe the Vuata Maca salad...never mind, I think maybe...*Five hours later* Nokama:, no, scratch that, I might want the Kikanalo Taco...wait, never mind, I think I prefer the... Matau: Nokama:, no, wait, I've got it. I'll have the fish platter. Matau: *muttering* That took long enough... RM#35: Okay. And you, sir? Matau: I'll have the fried Muaka drumstick dinner. RM#35: Very well, let me just write down your order... *accidentally grabs Matau's tie instead of his pencil* Matau: *choking noises* Can't...breathe! Help! Nokama: > Matau, would you stop clowning around? RM#35: One...fried...Muaka...drumstick...dinner...and... Matau:! Nokama: This isn't funny, Matau! Matau: Not...a...joke... *Kongu, seated at the table behind them, stands up and snaps a picture of Matau* Kongu: Matau: RM#35: Nokama: Is something wrong, Matau? *Random Matoran #35 lets go of the tie, which smacks into Matau, slingshotting him out the window and sending him flying all the way across Metru Nui, smashing into the Prison of the Dark Hunters and smashing into Nidhiki and Krekka, and all three of them fly all the way around the world and land back in the Coliseum Cafe, landing on top of Nokama* Nokama: MATAU!! I SAID STOP CLOWNING AROUND!! Nidhiki: Oog... Krekka: Uh...what's that word I'm supposed to say when it hurts again? Oh yeah: "Ow!" Kongu: [/FLASHBACK] All Visorak: Matau: IT WASN'T FUNNY! And by the way, Kongu was in for a lot of pain that evening... Okay, enough embarrassing flashbacks, next question! Computer: Displaying Question 2. Matau: What are you talking about? I never bumped into things, ever! Computer, next ques-- Keelerak: Hold it! Here, Matau, let's watch the movie. *Keelerak pulls out a DVD of LoMN and puts it in the DVD player, skipping to a scene* Matau: That doesn't count, Nokama wasn't around! Keelerak: She was in the stands! Matau: Okay, fine. So I crashed ONCE. Big deal. Keelerak: Well? Matau: ...Okay, fine, so I crashed into something twice when Nokama was around. That doesn't mean anything! Keelerak: We'll see... *skips to another scene* Matau: Okay, I admit it! I crashed into things a lot! Happy? Oohnorak: No, you still didn't answer the question! Matau: Fine. Well, I crashed into things because I was distracted by Nokama's charm! Anybody would be distracted if she was around! Keelerak: Vakama wasn't. Matau: He was too busy blaming himself for everything, that's why. Computer, next question! Matau: Well, my most embarrassing moment? Let's see, that would have to be... *reads the rest of the question* Hey, wait a minute. Something seems suspicious. Nice try, Onewa! Computer, respond to this message. Computer: Sending your reply now. *At Onewa's house...* Onewa's Computer: You've got mail! Onewa: Awesome! I bet it's Matau's most embarrassing moment. Let's read. Onewa: Awesome, let's open that file and... Computer: You've got Literal Air Mail! Onewa: What the--AAH! *A tornado erupts from his computer and blasts him into the wall* END Bob the Word Counting Matoran: This chapter has 1,381 words. Lewa0111 Nuva
So, as far as I recall, the Toa Hordika and some Rahi in Metru Nui are the only beings in the Bionicle lore we see who have been mutated by hordika venom - however the Visorak Hordes are told to have ravaged countless lands, and to be a force feared across all the islands. Surely, in all of their conquests, they infected other beings? Like, hundreds of them? How come no other Hordika infected beings are ever encountered? Was the Hordika Venom attribute exclusive to those Visorak who were in Metru Nui, or do all of them have it? Do they not use it more often? Do they "decide" whether or not to use it? Does the king order them to use the venom, and otherwise they are forbidden to use it? Do beings infected with Hordika eventually succumb to the venom after a period of time as mutated savages? Even if the real explanation is that there are plenty of other Hordika-infected beings out there, we just don't see them, I would have loved to see them appear more often as enemies. Either way, where are all the Hordika victims?
Excuse my poorly alliterative title. :^P Anyway, here's the question - I don't recall reading anything anywhere about the rahaga and Keetongu doing anything about the mutant Rahi that would've remained after the Visorak occupation of Metru Nui - and that is a problem. It means that: 1. Mutant Rahi should've appeared on Mata Nui. A few would've moved out of Metru Nui, which probably ran out of resources to sustain them after the Visorak and Toa Hordika (but mostly the Visorak) trashed the place, to the more fertile and resource-rich Mata Nui for snacks. 2. The increased power levels and aggression of the mutated Rahi would've made them akin to invasive species in real world ecosystems - they'd wipe out the normal, unmutated Rahi that escaped the Visorak by getting onto Mata Nui, causing the whole Rahi population of Mata Nui to be devoid of non-mutants. 3. Mutant Rahi would've been a threat when the Matoran returned to Metru Nui post-Mask-of-Light. So, yeah. I'd appreciate input on this.
Well, here's another MOC from my Flickr galleries that I've been meaning to upload. I've always imagined that Visorak Venom doesn't cause such a drastic change as it does in the sets and movies. Much of the Metru's armor would still be there, but with spikes and extra armor grown through it. I've drawn this concept before (poorly), but this year I realized that the new Bionicle 2015 armor pieces have pretty much the perfect aesthetic for a Hordika/Metru foot, and so Whenua Hordika Revamped was born: Flickr Gallery Some interesting things to note include the opening jaw, the posable shoulders and waist, and the working spinner. So, comment, critique, and hopefully enjoy!
Gallery One of Okoto's many species of Rahi, and among the more dangerous, the Golden Rurei possesses both formidible tusks of pure lightning and a launcher on its stinger tail which you should definitely beware of. Those who manage to dodge the lightning strikes and shocking tusks sent their way by a belligerent Golden Rurei are often frustrated in their attempts to take them down by the natural golden armor plating from which they take their name. But the inherently dangerous nature of the Golden Rurei is not only a curse, but a blessing, as they're also among the few Rahi capable of preying on Skull Spiders, making them good to have around so long as you know how to stay out of their way. The Golden Rurei here began as an experiment in using Metallic Sand Yellow parts (especially that Visorak head, which I'd never actually managed to make use of before) in a contemporary creation, not necessarily an easy feat given both the rarity and age of pieces in that color. Though there's still not as much of it as I'd like, I think on the whole it worked out about as well as could be expected, and hope you enjoy it - especially so because, as I'm not going to have access to my part collection for a few months, this is likely to be my last solid creation posted here for a while.
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- 13
- Flat Dark Gold
- Visorak
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Here is a link to the pictures Any advice on how much this is worth?
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- Keiththelegokid
- lego
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I recently acquired an interesting piece that I hadn't even heard about or seen until this year for quite a steal. I present to you, a pearl gold Vohtarak shell. Compared to the other two colors at a couple different angles. I had heard about PG Masks of Shadows from the metru nui playsets, but never Vohtarak shells. As far as I know, there are only two owners of said shells, both on BZP. I don't know if I was out of the loop or what, but have any of you guys heard about PG Vohtarak shells?
The Mimic Menace - Oohnorak Revamp (BBC #69 Entry)
joev14 posted a topic in Bionicle-Based Creations
This MOC was going to proceed the rest of my 2004 Revamps, but with the contest coming up, I wanted this to be my entry. First and foremost, this is meant to be just what it says, a revamp. Please give feedback as though it weren't a contest entry, that's just an added bonus. A few notes about this MOC. I wanted to completely recreate the body of the MOC, still to scale with the original, the legs are a little bit longer, but otherwise, it's nearly the same size. Although the ripcord only fits in halfway, if pulled hard enough, it can still launch the spinner a reasonable distance. And of course, my favorite part of the MOC, the thread, so you can hang it from your sister's ceiling and scare the living Mata Nui out of her. Please upvote and comment! Front Back Side Top Bottom Face New and Old Comparison Ripcord Thread The Mimic Menace vs... KITTY! Once again, please comment and upvote! Thanks! EDIT: In response to everyone who keeps stating again and again that it needs to be CCBS, there is absolutely nowhere where it says that it needs to be CCBS. I can design this MOC using any parts I want, and I chose not to use any CCBS parts.- 23 replies
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- I bought this from someone a short while back. I've never seen something like this, and I've tried researching it to find other info. The only thing I could find was a 2005 BZPower post showcasing this figure and a hordika Vakama figure similar to this. It's made of lego besides a small metal skeleton underneath the lego (to support it) The smaller visorak on the top of it is just for size comparison and not part of the actual statue. Would something like this be collectible and is it one of a kind? Does anyone have any kind of information about these things?
- It's not much Im aware of it but at least it's not another good guy posted to this "contest". As for the lack of visible fangs, simple, due to the limitation of CCBS you'll have to imagine that the fangs are behind the mouth covering armor plate that can retract to reveal the fangs, and those are obviously not so huge but more realistic size. EDIT: Since I forgot about submitting this the right way I discard this as my entry since it was just meant to be a joke of a creation, which I on purpose didn't put much effort into.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or whatever your celebration of choice, fellow Bionicle fans! As we eagerly await 2015 and our favorite franchise’s return, it’s time for yet another installment of the Lewa# Studios Holiday Series. This time, starring everyone’s favorite Visorak and a certain Bohrok-Kal! Note: The previous Christmas special, written back in 2011, can be found here. As usual, a link to the previous comedies in this year’s Holiday Series can be found at the end of this post. Enjoy! Toa Santa and the Web of Not-Shadows A BIONICLE comedy by Me! Part 3 of the Lewa# Studios Holiday Series 2014-2015 It was a very little-known fact among the denizens of the MU that they all lived inside Mata Nui’s robotic body. It was an even lesser-known fact that Metru Nui, despite being located in Mata Nui’s head, was not the northernmost part of the MU. Mata Nui, in fact, has hair! Inside that hair, atop Mata Nui’s scalp, Toa Santa finished his preparations on the land of Hara-Nui. This was an island at the northernmost part of the MU, meaning it was literally the inside of Mata Nui’s scalp (an accident with a Toa of Gravity long ago meant gravity there was the opposite of the orientation of the rest of the MU). It was also very cold for no particular reason. Toa Santa, being a Toa of Ice, thought this was the perfect place to set up his workshop where he made presents to give to all the good MU denizens each year on Naming Day. “Hey, Mini-Bohrok #1827468217364827365826359871269527813465978236589372648907651! What are you doing?” shouted workshop boss Kohrak-Kal, who had finally achieved his lifelong dream of appearing in a Lewa0111 comedy. The aforementioned Mini-Bohrok looked at the disk in its hand. “I was polishing this disk, and also made fifteen other presents while you were busy saying my very long number.” “Hmm, good point. We should figure out a better numbering system for you guys…” As Kohrak-Kal turned away, Toa Santa entered the room. “Ho ho ho, Happy Naming Day Eve everyone! Are we all ready for the trip?” The Mini-Bohrok all cheered. “We’re definitely ready,” said Kohrak-Kal excitedly. “Though we could use a better numbering system for our Mini-Bohrok. It took me too long to say this one’s number. But anyway, when do we leave?” “Oh, right, you’re new. Transferred here through the Lewa# School of Comedy Internship Program, right? Every year, we leave in our flying Axalara with all of the presents on December 32nd at midnight. We start at Metru Nui and make our way to Mata Nui’s feet I mean...uhh...the southern islands! Yeah, southern islands! Definitely not feet. No idea why I said that.” " " was all Kohrak-Kal had to say in response to that. “The other Bohrok-Kal will be joining us, of course. We only have until midnight on the 33rd to give out gifts to every good MU denizen in the universe, after all! And the bad ones will get Zamor lawn chairs instead!” Kohrak-Kal looked confused. “Wait, Zamor launchers? Wouldn’t most villains like getting a free weapon?” “Not Zamor launchers, Zamor lawn chairs. They look kinda like Zamor launchers, but when you open one, it turns into a lawn chair instead. This usually causes most villains to go crazy when they see it.” “Oh, okay.” “Anyhow, let’s get moving! We’re leaving tomorrow morning at midnight o’clock sharp!” Toa Santa then left the room. “‘Midnight o’clock?’” asked Kohrak-Kal with a . * * * Meanwhile, in Metru Nui, everyone was getting ready for Naming Day Eve in their own way. Matau had decorated a fake tree entirely with pictures and action figures of himself in his Toa days, Vakama kept blaming himself for not having any decorations, Onewa had gone senile and thought it was Halloween again and thus was wearing a Kanohi Puhmpka all day, and the Toa Nuva were busy taking care of the holiday rush at the hotel (except Lewa, who was lazing around in his Manager’s Suite as usual). Turaga Dume in his typical over-the-top holiday obsession had attempted to get the entire Coliseum/Colosseum/whatever decorated to look like a giant Naming Day tree, but mostly just succeeded in somehow setting the entire thing on fire (good news for Tahu, but not too much for anyone else). Even Tava was going all-out baking more pies than usual, enough so there would be 3.14 for everyone in the city. On the roof of the shared hut of Turagas Matau, Nokama, and Whenua, the six Visorak were lounging around, bored. “I’m bored,” said Oohnorak redundantly. I just said that! “...” ellipsed Suukorak. [Translation: “Why don’t we do something fun for Naming Day then? Everyone is preparing in some way.”] “No he isn’t,” observed Keelerak, watching Everyone the weirdly-named Po-Matoran wandering around on the sidewalk below. “In fact I think he’s the only one not celebrating.” “Bah, humbug!” shouted Everyone. Boggarak groaned. “Darn it, I was gonna be the Scrooge reference this year! He stole my idea! Guess I have to be festive after all…” he said, adding an emoticon for good measure. Keelerak just shrugged (somehow). “I feel like Everyone just hates all holidays.” “But that’s not true! Most of us like holidays! I mean, just look at the Toa and Turaga!” argued Vohtarak. “I meant Everyone, not everyone.” “Because that was so helpful,” commented Boggarak sarcastically. “Oh, shut up.” “...” ellipsed Suukorak. [Translation: “Can we please stay focused? What should we do to help celebrate this year?”] “He’s right,” put in Keelerak. “...” [Translation: “Yes I am, thank you!”] “I dunno, what did we do last year? Didn’t we just play online games all day? I think we should do that again,” suggested Vohtarak. “I vote no to that stupid suggestion,” Boggarak answered. Keelerak reached back into the compartment for his Rhotuka spinner, rummaging around beneath the spinner. He tossed out a stuffed Muaka, a few Zamor spheres (which fell off the roof and accidentally enslaved some random Matoran walking below), a Wii remote, a bag of dog food, and some pliers before triumphantly pulling out a large book. “A-ha, here it is!” he crowed. “I knew I had it in here somewhere.” “What is it?” asked Oohnorak, dodging the crows flying out of Keelerak’s pincers. “Is it my autobiography?” “ ” Keelerak emoticonned. “No, and since when do you have an autobiography? This is my scrapbook of all the crazy hilarious adventures we’ve all gotten up to, as well as the others on Metru Nui. Let’s see…” As the emerald Visorak flipped through the book and Roporak tried to shoo away the crows now pecking at his abdomen, Oohnorak started rummaging around through his own compartment but gave up after a few seconds. “Hmm, guess not, then. I thought I had written one, but apparently it’s not here.” “Since when do you write books?” “...” [Translation: “And since when can you not remember if you wrote one or not?”] “Uhh…” uhhed Oohnorak. “Hey, look, a distraction!” “WHERE? I love distractions!” As Vohtarak turned to find the distraction, Oohnorak shot out some webs and Spider-Manned away through the buildings. “‘Spider-Manned?’” asked Boggarak. “Really?” Look, you try finding a better word to describe that! I’m the author, so what I say goes. Now quit complaining. Boggarak groaned. “Ugh...fine…” THANK YOU. Anyway, Keelerak continued flipping through his scrapbook, finally slamming it shut in frustration. “Last year we didn’t do anything. A few of the Toa got together and helped the Narrator recite a Naming Day poem, but that was about it.” “Typical. I told you, we never celebrate anything around here,” said Boggarak. “Which Toa were they? Maybe we can ask them for advice.” “Onua, Tava, Takanuva, Kopaka, Matau, and Nokama, according to this.” Everyone stared at Keelerak. Keelerak stared back at Everyone. “What are you doing here?” “I was looking for the bathroom…” said the Po-Matoran. “ ” all of the Visorak emoticonned. “It’s definitely not on the roof,” Boggarak told the Matoran. “Really?” “That wouldn’t even make any sense.” “...” [Translation: “But BIONICLE characters don’t even go to the--”] “Yeah, okay, whatever,” interrupted Everyone. “I’ll check under the kitchen table next. Bye!” He then left as randomly as he had come. “Well, all that weirdness notwithstanding,” said Boggarak, “did you say Toa Matau and Toa Nokama were helping with the poem last year? That doesn’t make any sense. They were Turaga for hundreds of years before we all moved back here, as proven by the fact that the Toa Nuva are with us. So how could that possibly have been last year?” “Beats me,” said Keelerak. Then an eggbeater appeared out of nowhere and started beating him. “Ow! That’s weird! Stop it!” The eggbeater vanished. “I know why! Because of CHEESE!” suggested Roporak with a . “No one asked your opinion.” Keelerak put his nonexistent chin on one of his pincers, creating a very weird-looking pose for a Visorak, as he thought. “Well, the book says it was last year. Which makes sense, since we just got done with a crazy crossover where we visited the Toa Nuva with Toa Matau and the others. But then how are the Metru all Turaga now? It’s only been a few weeks!” “...” [Translation: “Better not think too hard about it. Our brains will explode.”] “I told you, the Cheese did it! Never doubt the power of Cheese! Cheese is sacred! Cheese is just!” “Enough,” said Vohtarak. “Go form a religion then, if you’re so--” “NO! SHUT UP, VOHTARAK!!” Keelerak, Suukorak, and Boggarak screamed (or in Suukorak’s case, subtitled) simultaneously. “ :ziplip ” emoticonned Vohtarak. Keelerak sighed. “Phew. That was a close one. The last thing we need is another crossover adventure involving CHEESEONICLE.” “Amen to that, brother.” “Aww…” complained Roporak with a . “Trust me, it’s for your own good. So, I guess we’re on our own for ideas this year, and we’ve learned not to take Lewa0111 comedy continuity (or lack thereof) very seriously. Anybody?” There was silence for several long seconds. Suukorak’s subtitles were also absent, so he wasn’t speaking either. “Well,” said Vohtarak finally, “if no one has any other ideas, I guess we’re going with mine. Online games all day!” “We are NOT doing that…” muttered Boggarak. “Then somebody better think of something.” Luckily, the Visorak who weren’t Vohtarak were saved from having to think of an idea on their own when Oohnorak suddenly Spider-Manned (shut up, Boggarak) up from another building. This time, however, they all noticed the webs attached to his rear were now much more colorful. And lit-up. And festive. “...” ellipsed Suukorak. [Translation: “Uhh, Oohnorak? Did you notice you have Naming Day lights stuck to your behind?”] Keelerak held his serious face for about two seconds before he, and the others, all burst out laughing at the sight of Oohnorak with a light-up string attached to his back end. “Shut up, it’s not funny!” “Well, this is a comedy,” Boggarak pointed out. “And it’s hilarious. What happened?” Oohnorak glared at him before explaining. “Apparently, Nuparu borrowed an old building and is using it as a discount Naming Day-themed electronics store. Thing is, Nuparu being Nuparu, he added a whole bunch of extra floors to the store, and put it right smack in one of my usual Spider-Manning spots. So I swung through as usual, and the next thing I know, I’m crashing through a store with Naming Day lights getting stuck to all of my webbing! I think I swallowed a bunch, too, so creating new webbing doesn’t help. It still comes out with lights attached.” “AHAHAHAHAHAHA--okay, sorry, that’s enough,” said Keelerak. “But you did give me a great idea--pffftttchhBAHAHAHAHAHA!” Keelerak, along with the other Visorak, all broke down into more uncontrollable laughter for several moments while Oohnorak just glared at them. Finally, they calmed down again. “Okay, for real this time, I’m done. Anyway, here’s my idea. Oohnorak? Where was Nuparu’s new store again?” “I’ll show you. But...Keelerak, what exactly did you have in mind?” As the six Visorak prepared to Spider-Man (“Ugh…” groaned Boggarak) across the city to find the store, Keelerak explained, “I’ll tell you what I have in mind. We’re going to cover the entire city with--” “CHEESE!!” “ ” was all Keelerak had to say to that interruption. * * * “Careful with that,” warned Kohrak-Kal as a squad of Nuhvok moved large quantities of boxes full of flight Kanoka, Kanohi Kadin, Kanohi Miru, Rahkshi staffs, and other flight-related objects from the storeroom to Toa Santa’s Axalara. Nearby, Nuhvok-Kal used his gravity powers to show off as he helped some Bohrok Va and Mini-Bohrok to bring the even larger quantities of gifts (and boxes of Zamor Lawn Chairs) out of the gift workshop to the Axalara. “Really, Nuhvok-Kal?” “What?” asked the onyx-flavored Bohrok-Kal as he increased gravity around a random Mini-Bohrok, crushing the robotic creature. “I’m bored.” He then continued levitating more packages over to the Axalara. Kohrak-Kal picked up a box of his own and carried it manually over to the Axalara. “This is no time to be goofing around; tonight is Naming Day Eve! This is what we’ve been working for all year!” Nuhvok-Kal shrugged. “Not my fault you have a lame power.” “Lame power! I’ll show you lame…” Kohrak-Kal unleashed a sonic blast that rendered Nuhvok-Kal temporarily deaf. A blizzard mixed with Naming Day lights and Santa hats suddenly blew in, blasting both Bohrok-Kal backward. “Knock it off, both of you,” said a randomly appeared Toa Santa. “We don’t have much time left. Let’s just get all of this loaded up!” Kohrak-Kal immediately returned to his duties when he glanced back at the Axalara. A thought suddenly occurred to him. “Hey, wait a second, how is all of this stuff going to fit on this one vehicle? I know it’s big, but not that big.” “You’ll see for yourself…” said Toa Santa as he turned away with a wink. “Hey, that’s mine!” protested Random Gahlok #272, chasing after Toa Santa to get its wink back. * * * “Prepare for takeoff,” said Toa Santa, riding on his Axalara. In front of it, nine Kikanalo with Kanohi Kadin duct taped to their feet were tied up, their backs loaded with more boxes full of gifts. The Axalara was weighted down with even more gifts, and behind it, a bizarre contraption made of superglued-together Rahkshi staffs, Miru, and Flight Kanoka was tied to the vehicle, holding the vast majority of the gifts and lawn chairs atop it. “Uh...are you sure this is safe?” asked Kohrak-Kal. “Relax, brother,” said Gahlok-Kal, tapping her brother on the shoulder. Then she paused. “Ah. Sorry. Darn about an annoying power,” she added once they realized her handplate was now stuck to Kohrak-Kal’s armor. “Just great.” “Hang on a second,” said Toa Santa, chucking a giant Naming Day tree at the two of them. The tree hit Gahlok-Kal’s handplate and unstuck it, though now she had a Naming Day tree magnetized to herself instead. “That’s slightly better, I guess. Now let’s go!” The Bohrok-Kal quickly climbed aboard (and Gahlok-Kal accidentally knocked several Mini-Bohrok off the vehicle with her Naming Day tree-hand in the process) as Toa Santa began the takeoff. “On Olmak, on Kaukau, on Elda, on Zatth! On Shelek, on Huna, on Sanok, on Crast! And you too, Vahi,” he added, referring to the red-horned Kikanalo at the front of the line. As one, the nine Kikanalo launched themselves into the air, dragging the vehicle and attached platform along with them. The Naming Day procession soared through the air on the way to Metru Nui. “The Kikanalo are all named after Kanohi?” asked Kohrak-Kal. Gahlok-Kal shrugged, accidentally knocking Lehvak-Kal off the vehicle with her tree-hand. “Oops, sorry...yeah, Toa Santa likes the theme. There’s no particular reason.” Lehvak-Kal rocketed back up onto the vehicle using his vacuum powers. “GAHLOK-KAL YOU MAGNETIC LITTLE #### YOU DAUGHTER OF A #### ####### ## I’M GOING TO TEAR OFF YOUR ######## ### ### AND SHOVE IT RIGHT UP YOUR ##### ######## #### AND THEN ## ### ## # #### ON YOUR ###### ## #### ### WITH ############### IN THE ### ## #### # ### AND ### ### ###### ### ## YOUR ### ###### # ############ SO THEN YOU’LL HAVE TO ########### #### ## ##### SIDEWAYS! ###########################################!” “ ” emoticonned Gahlok-Kal. “That was...interesting. Talk about an overreaction.” “Okay, glad I got that out of my system. I’m not mad anymore! ” “ :doubleblink: ” emoticonned Gahlok-Kal again. “That’s not even a real emoticon, and also, no swearing allowed on the Axalara,” said Toa Santa. “Stay focused! We’re almost there!” “Sorry,” said Lehvak-Kal sheepishly, growing wool and walking on all fours as he did so. “Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah…” Finally, the Axalara carrying one Toa of Naming Day, five normal Bohrok-Kal, and one sheepish Bohrok-Kal shot out of the tunnels and entered Metru Nui’s airspace--only to run into a group of Dark Hunters on a boat. Upon closer examination, the three Dark Hunters in question were Zaktan, Hakann, and Avak, arguing about something as usual and adding even more confusing questions to the earlier-discussed continuity snarl in Lewa0111 comedies. “Okay, Nuhvok-Kal, will you do the honors?” asked Toa Santa. “Gladly!” exclaimed the Bohrok-Kal in question as he rummaged through one box until he found three Zamor Lawn Chairs. “Here you go, catch!” “What the--?” asked the Piraka simultaneously as the three lawn chairs landed in their hands. “See you later!” Toa Santa’s procession continued onward as the Piraka opened their packages. “Cool, a Zamor Launcher!” exclaimed Hakann. “Let’s use this!” He opened the package--which promptly expanded into a lawn chair, knocking him into the air only to land with a crash in the water. “WHAT THE OAIJSDFOAIWEJFWEOJBOIJA”PSIEJFAOIJGAOIHGAJRLFIHAE…” * * * “YEEEOWW!” screamed Kohrak-Kal suddenly as he was yanked off the Axalara and blinded by light. “What’s going on?” Beside him, Gahlok-Kal and Toa Santa were similarly suspended. The other Kohrak-Kal, the Axalara and attachment, and the nine Kikanalo were nowhere to be seen. “Someone tried to trap us!” said the Toa of Naming Day. “Hold on, I’ll get us out of here.” Toa Santa pulled his Naming Day Tree-shaped Toa tool off of Gahlok-Kal’s handplate and started focusing his power to blast away the sticky strands of Naming Day lights. “Look out below!” “Wait, why--AAAAAAAH!” screamed Kohrak-Kal as he plummeted to the ground several mio below. They looked around to take stock of their surroundings. The Axalara and its attached platformdog were hovering just above the ground a short distance away, and the other Bohrok-Kal were still suspended in what they could now see were webs covered in Naming Day lights stretching between the buildings above. “All right, very funny,” groaned Toa Santa. “We’ve got a real prankster on Metru Nui this year--they’re definitely getting a lawn chair if I can find out who did it. Now, let me get the others down and--” He was interrupted by the arrival of six Visorak who approached their group in a circle. Why their group was suddenly in a circle, Toa Santa didn’t know, and anyway, he had bigger problems. “Hey, we caught something just like I said! Told you I know everything!” exclaimed Oohnorak. “You don’t know everything, you just know this thing,” retorted Keelerak. “And--wait a minute, this can’t be right! Is that who I think it is!?!?!?!?!?!?!?” Pohatu appeared. “I love--” “DON’T USE THAT JOKE!” shouted the Visorak, Toa Santa, and the Bohrok-Kal. With a , Pohatu jumped back through his time-comedy warp portal into The Nuva Inn. “Wait a minute, you’re the Visorak from Ask Matau!, aren’t you? That means--” said Toa Santa. “You’re Toa Santa, aren’t you?” said Keelerak at the same time. “WAIT, YOU REALLY EXIST!?!?!?” both shouted simultaneously. Gahlok-Kal magnetized the portal shut before Pohatu could return. An awkward silence followed. “Well, this is an awkward silence,” muttered Kohrak-Kal. I just said that! You’re as bad as Oohnorak. DON’T COMMENT, OOHNORAK. “...” said Suukorak. [Translation: “Well, somehow I don’t think any of us expected this. Now what?”] “Yeah, uh, sorry about that,” added Keelerak. “We weren’t exactly expecting you.” “Who were you expecting, then?” “Onewa!” Toa Onewa suddenly fell from the sky and landed in the webbing. “HEY! What did I ever do to you, huh?” Keelerak thought for a moment. “Let’s insulted Matau, creeped on Nokama, annoyed Whenua, look like chocolate, have an ugly mask, generally act like a word I can’t say on BZP, and also sent us tons of viruses. Is that enough, or should I go on?” “YOU LET ME DOWN FROM HERE RIGHT NOW--” Oohnorak promptly tangled Onewa up even further so that his mouth was covered by the webbing. “How about no? Now, Toa Santa, where’s my gift?” “Your gift?” asked Toa Santa. “You haven’t been too nice this year. You’ve been egotistical, arrogant, condescending…” “Those are all compliments, right?” “You’re as bad as Matau,” groaned Boggarak. “I HEARD THAT!” shouted Matau all the way in Le-Metru. Toa Santa sighed. “Well, if you insist...Kohrak-Kal, do you mind grabbing me a Zamor from my bag?” Kohrak-Kal grabbed a Zamor Lawn Chair and handed it to Oohnorak. Oohnorak looked at the device. “Cool, thanks! I’ll open it later, though. First, we need to finish working on that giant statue of me I had Hafu carve.” “When did you have Hafu--you know what, never mind. I don’t want to know,” said Keelerak. “Toa Santa, do you need our help? We’re really sorry you got stuck in our prank web. But you have to admit, it is festive!” Toa Santa glanced upward at the webs of lights strung across the city. “It certainly is. And I thank you. Do you mind freeing my Kikanalo first? They can help me out.” “No problem! Guys, let’s do this.” “Sorry, I’m busy,” said Vohtarak, sitting by himself with a laptop. “CHEESE!” shouted Roporak, pulling out a gigantic spray-can of cheese and spraying Toa Santa with it. Keelerak rolled his eyes (somehow). “Sorry about them...okay, the rest of us, let’s go.” Keelerak, Oohnorak, Suukorak, and Boggarak all climbed up the webs, leaving the two obsession-crazed Visorak behind, and crawled across to where the nine Kikanalo were trapped. They all positioned themselves between two Kikanalo each. “On three. One, two, three!” shouted Boggarak, and they all cut the webs. “BLARGHLGLARGHL!” blarghlglarghled the Kikanalo, which all zoomed off in random directions, soaring over the horizon and lost to sight. The Visorak collectively facepalmed. “Great…” groaned Oohnorak. “...” [Translation: “Now what? Santa’s Kikanalo all flew away.”] “That’s all right,” said Toa Santa, hovering near them on his Axalara. “We’ll just make Lehvak-Kal and Nuhvok-Kal pull the Axalara instead!” “Why us!?” demanded Lehvak-Kal. “Because they took our only Kadin available, and you two are the only ones who can remotely come close to flying. Now get pulling! We’ve got a job to do. Bye Visorak, have fun with your pranks!” “Wha--you’re leaving already? Talk about an abrupt ending…” “Yes, well, this comedy has dragged on long enough for a one-post, and the night is almost over. I have every being in the MU to visit, after all! Which reminds me--here are your gifts,” he added, pulling out five neatly-wrapped packages to hand out to everyone besides Oohnorak. “Now, let’s be off!” With a very grumpy Nuhvok-Kal and Lehvak-Kal pulling it, the Axalara and the attached platform flew up above Metru Nui and zoomed away to visit a less webby island. “Think maybe we should take down the webs so he can come back to deliver Metru Nui’s presents?” suggested Keelerak. “Nah,” said Boggarak. “What’s the worst that could happen?” * * * Meanwhile, Vahi the red-horned Kikanalo kept struggling against its sticky, light-covered bonds. “Garreeeerrrrt!” it yelled in Kikanaloese, or, in English, “Umm, anyone? A little help here?” THE END Bob the Word Counting Kikanalo: This comedy has 3,817 words. HOLY GADUNKA! Gadunka: What? Bob: Not you….and I’m not reusing old jokes from the last holiday. Go away. Gadunka: Fine… ~Merry Christmas from Lewa# Studios! Halloween Special 2014 Thanksgiving Special 2014 :mirunu: Lewa0111 Nuva
I was looking for Rahi to MOC, and I remembered the Zivon. Though it is too large for me to MOC to be accurate with Inika builds, I noticed something after reading the BS01 article: The Zivon monster had no asigned creator. Now heres what I am pondering. Should we know who created the Zivon? If so, would it be a Makuta? I thought this should be discussed a little bit instead of blatantly asking someone to in-turn ask Greg. I personally think Chirox created it, maybe Mutran did it to one-up Chirox's creation of the Visorak, given their rivalry and all. What do you guys think?
As we all know, the Visorak were wiped out into extinction when Jaller, Hahli, and Nuparu brought the Heart of the Visorak to Artidax. The volcanoes there erupted, wiping out the entire species in the process. BUT, when Teridax took over the MU, he brought the species back. I believe it was stated in Journey's End when he was damaged by Mata Nui and send them to repair some damage to his body. This is basically all that is stated of them in the story after they were brought back. Which brings me to my question; Should the Visorak have been brought back from extinction? My thoughts on this question are this; storywise, I do see why Teridax would recreate them. They would have been very helpful with helping him keep the residents inside him in check. But I personally feel a little cheated by them coming back. We had one entire chapter of Dwellers in Darkness and part of another devoted to the three Toa Mahri bringing the Heart to Artidax so that Visorak would follow. They all became extinct when the volcanoes erupted. And then Teridax just 'poofs' them back into existence. I guess this wouldn't bother me as much if they were actually shown doing something of importance after this, but aside from a mention in Journey's End, we really don't see them do anything in the story after being brought back. But I want to hear other member's thought on this. Do You think the Visorak should've stayed extinct, or are you okay with them being alive again?
So everyone knows about the Visorak. The Stealers of Life, the Poisonous Scourge... created by Chirox on the Island of Visorak, named for the new species of Rahi. Later Gorast used the Heart of the Visorak to collect them all together and she made them into an organized horde. They then became the main backbone of the Brotherhood's army, along the Rahkshi, with Sidorak and Roodaka at their head. They traveled from island to island conquering anything in their path and cocooning any Rahi they came across. It was said that every single Rahi in Metru Nui was only there because they were running from the hordes. So my question is: what was the purpose of the hordes really? What did the Brotherhood see in the Visorak mutating and putting to sleep the very Rahi that the Makuta had created? Was that a part of the Plan, where Teridax thought that the Rahi could be put to better use if they were mutated and/or cocooned away until they were reawakened like he was planning with the Matoran? Or was it just the nature of spiders to seek prey and capture it, whether in the wild or not?
Welcome to the fifth installment of my new series of Bionicle flash fics, The Biological Chronicle. If you want to read the other stories in this series, you can find links to them in my signature at the end of this post. If you don't know what it is, allow me to quote from the first fic's introduction: With that out of the way, enjoy: 2005 On the day the Visorak hordes descended upon the city of Metru Nui, Rahaga Norik found himself alone and surrounded on all sides by the stealers of life. This was not entirely an accident on his part. He and the other Rahaga had emerged from the Archives a few days ago, shortly after the Toa Metru left the City of Legends. They had been debating whether to stay on the uninhabited island themselves in search of the legendary Keetongu or to leave and search elsewhere for a way to combat the Visorak when their decision was made for them by a group of Vohtarak that ambushed them suddenly. To save his fellow Rahaga, Norik managed to lure the Vohtarak away deeper into the Archives. Norik intended on circling back to rejoin the others later, but unfortunately he lured the Vohtarak into a dead end. This had been an accident on his part. He could just imagine what Iruini might say about this particular mistake of his, if he lived long enough to see Iruini again. The Vohtarak were snapping their jaws, spitting and growling at him. So far, they had not tried to shoot their Rhotuka spinners at him, but it wouldn't be long, he knew, before they figured out that he was not a dumb Rahi like their usual prey. Until they did, that gave Norik a few minutes at most to figure out his plan of action against them. The nearest Vohtarak snapped at him, forcing Norik to step back. He swiped at it with his staff, but all he managed to do was make the Vohtarak fire a Rhotuka, which he managed to dodge. The other Vohtarak were now charging their spinners, so Norik knew that he didn't have any other choice but to act. He fired his own Rhotuka at the nearest Vohtarak, the one that had tried to hit him with its spinner. A direct hit. The Vohtarak was instantly snared in an energy net, causing its brothers to shift their attention to their captured ally. They even stopped charging their spinners, giving Norik an opportunity he could not ignore. Taking advantage of their distraction, Norik flew over them, using his Rhotuka spinner to do so, and landed on the ground behind them. While the Visorak struggled to free their brother, Norik ran for it. While he was no coward, he knew there was no way he could defeat six Vohtarak on his own. He needed to find the others. Because if the Visorak were here, the time to find Keetongu was now. - Comments, criticisms, questions, etc. are all welcome . -TNTOS-
I would like to know: ¿What is the size of the visorak horde? I mean, if the visorak were at the service of tha makuta, they would have had their power reduced by A LOT when vakama disbanded them. But also, with the horde disbanded, it would shurely be a problem for the whole MU to have a large number of visorak wandering around. Unless, of course, that there are not so many of them, that they are only a couple hundred. In several points of the canon, a clash between three toa and a pair of dark hunters is considered a battle, and a group of 30 people is an army. So the word 'horde'; wouldn't it also have a smaller meaning than in our world?
This is my short story (my first), which is basically a dramatic summery of the Dark Hunter Firedracax's life. One by One Firedracax swung his blade and struck the Oohnorak in front of him. The disgusting creature shrieked the blood-curdling scream that was associated with its species, and dropped dead on the ground. Firedracax was once a Ta-Matoran, with a comfortable life, friends, and a satisfying job. Everything a Matoran could wish for. Until the Visorak came… He had recently joined the ranks of the powerful organization, The Dark Hunters. The reason: he hated Visorak. They were responsible for his friend’s death, and his mutation into the monster he was now! By joining the Dark Hunters, he had the opportunity to fight his enemy. He was assigned to an island where Visorak were nesting. He had slain dozens – no, hundreds – of Visorak during his first day. And with each one, he felt slightly better. But not better enough. He still had a vengeful hatred of Visorak, which has driven him day and night. But it wasn’t just his own satisfaction that he was fighting for; it was the destiny of the universe. Visorak were taking over island by island, mutating most of the inhabitants and forcing the rest to retreat to the north. Another Visorak jumped at him, trying to stab at him with its pincers. Firedracax raised his weapon, charging his spinner, and firing. The spinner gathered thermal energy, and incinerated the Visorak as soon as its claws left the ground. Firedracax swore he would eliminate this threat. He would avenge his friend’s death and the death of hundreds of innocent beings throughout the universe. One by one, he would eliminate all the Visorak until they were no more. One by one… one by one…
- 2 replies
- Dark Hunter
- Firedracax
(and 1 more)
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