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I've taken up my Metru Nui Online series again, and I've been making some progress. Last time I was here about Menol, I was asking if anyone was working on an offline version. Since then, has anyone compiled anything? I found a link to all the cutscenes, be warned, spoilers ahead. LINK
Here's some old-style Bionicle for you. Hope you like it! The Maarak was a dangerous, vampiric being that inhabited the dark corners of Metru Nui. When he had the opportunity, he would reach out and snatch Matoran away and take them to his hiding place, where he would use his venomous fangs to drain their life force. His weapons were his sharp claws and his formidable spiny tail, and he was protected by thick armour. The tail ended in a paralysing stinger, which he used to make sure his victims couldn't escape. He fought many battles against the Toa, but always managed to get away, allowing him feed freely once again. His ability to elude the Toa on every occasion made him a very real threat to the Matoran, and stories about him gave many Matoran a fear of the dark, even Onu-Matoran. He hunted with a superb sense of smell, and he could see in the dark, creep silently in the shadows, breathe underwater and withstand extreme heat. After the downfall of Makuta Teridax, he escaped the Matoran universe. He now stalks the world of Spherus Magna, where he hunts for prey from the shadows of this new world.
Well, here's another MOC from my Flickr galleries that I've been meaning to upload. I've always imagined that Visorak Venom doesn't cause such a drastic change as it does in the sets and movies. Much of the Metru's armor would still be there, but with spikes and extra armor grown through it. I've drawn this concept before (poorly), but this year I realized that the new Bionicle 2015 armor pieces have pretty much the perfect aesthetic for a Hordika/Metru foot, and so Whenua Hordika Revamped was born: Flickr Gallery Some interesting things to note include the opening jaw, the posable shoulders and waist, and the working spinner. So, comment, critique, and hopefully enjoy!
Because I haven't been on here in ages. And I feel I've done some decent work, and improved a bunch into the biomech, since I have. I finished my HB Toa "Metru" last month (after a year!). Their costumes were inspired by steampunk-ish versions of their respective professions. In chronological order: My Non-Canonical Toa of Ice Bionicle Art Squad Challenges: Flora & Fauna of Okoto (Couldn't post a thumbnail for these next two) Video Game Characters in the MU Enjoy.
Hi there! I've posted pictures of the sets that I'm selling I live in Holland and will ship worldwide. If your interested in one or more sets just pm. me and we can work something out! Also everything is listed on my bricklink: Everything is complete with instructions and box! Cheers
[uPDATE] link to the original fanfiction for those who are curious has been provided. Here is a dramatic reading of the Final chapter of Turning Point by Tollian. It was one of the best fanfics I've read back in the day and figured it'd be fun to try and voice all of the metru (and a few surprises). Tell me what you think. IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE SPOILED, DO NOT FOLLOW THE LINK. Otherwise listen and enjoy. ^^ Story written by Tollian Voiced by Me
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The Mary Sue from my really old fanfic returns in an attempt to be less of a Mary Sue. I don't really have a well-developed backstory yet, but I'm working on how to make her fit in the canon universe, because when she was created, a whole lot of the universe didn't exist (like in 2003 whenever Mask of Light came out, that's how little existed). Working backstory: After the destruction of the island of Mata Nui from Makuta Teridax and his Rahkshi, a rift forms between the Toa Nuva as they try to decide what to do with the island: Should they try to rebuild, or should they venture out to the new, uncertain city of Metru Nui. Most notably, Tahu, who is stuck in his ways, wishes to rebuild Ta-Koro to its former fortress glory, and Kopaka, taking cues from his Turaga, wishes to see to the future of the Matoran in the new world. Toa Eli (named after myself, as 11/12-year-old me would have it) arrives to help restore balace between the seven Toa, their villages, and the island paradise they once called home. Now she's a Toa of Psionics. She wears the Konohi Suletu, and carries a psionic bow and arrow which allows her to manipulate the emotions of her enemies. This is my first truly detailed biomechanical drawing....I understand there are probably a lot of flaws and I'm looking at more and more references to figure out where I went wrong and to make my designs stronger --- HB Whenua BEFORE anyone questions me: Dark skin contains the hues of the earth, of the underground. I think that it can work both ways, pale skin and dark skin. For this one, I chose dark skin. My Onua had pale-ish skin. 'Nuff said. -- You can also find my first Bionicle sketchdump (with my first EVER biomechanical drawings) here.
I know a lot of you are opposed to HB, and that's fine. I'm working on my own mechanized drawings too... But I like drawing people most, so I'm doing those ideas first. So thats why I present to you the next two installments in my Toa Metru HB designs: Nuju and Matau! Something that should go without saying, but I'll say it anyway: I know we all picture them differently, so we all have a right to an opinion, but these are the way that I envision them. Don't let that stop you from commenting, because I'd love to know what does and doesn't work for you. Nuju: I took some artistic liberty with his crystal spikes since they were hidden since I wasn't REALLY quite sure how a human could easily use them and didn't have a reference on hand at the time of drawing it. I'll draw them properly if I decide to draw him again. Matau: Don't have a lot to say about him. And here's the other threads with Lhikan & Nokama Vakama
Protector Well… we won. Normally, I would not waste time carving this tablet. I enjoy history as much as the next Toa - it’s just that I can’t help but think my time and powers would be better spent elsewhere, as this vast city rebuilds itself after the great battle it just underwent. Alas, a Po-Matoran whom Turaga Dume has named Chronicler of the Toa has asked me to compile my thoughts about the past weeks, so that he may include them in the new Ta-Metru Wall of History. I have only recently returned from my journey with Naho and the others to the island of Xia, where we dropped off the subdued Kanohi Dragon. What the Xian natives plan to do with it, I have no idea. But like Tuyet suggested, they can always feed it to their other ‘pet’, the Mountain, if it proves too vicious even by Vortixx standards. As we returned, we noticed that the island city of Metru Nui was in far better shape than it had been when we left. Already the southern half of Ta-Metru is almost rebuilt, after it was practically leveled by the Kanohi Dragon. Everyone’s shown so much teamwork. Even the Turaga has lent a hand where he could. Indeed, the Matoran here are truly blessed by the Great Spirit, for their leader is as wise as he is brave. These Matoran are unlike any I’ve seen. Their perseverance and creativity is unmatched by any I’ve known before. I remember well the first time I met the then Toa Dume. I was a humble tinkerer and toolmaker on the western half of the Northern Continent, taking an unscheduled break from my duties and heading to the local lava river. In my haste, I failed to notice that the lavaboard I’d ‘borrowed’ from a friend’s cubby was so worn down that it was useless even as a waterboard. Of course, by the time I finally noticed I was in the middle of the river, speeding across molten magma. I would have been lava-bones for sure if Dume hadn’t seen me on his routine patrol of the Koro. He saved me, and evidently liked me, for he made me a Toa later on. Looking back, my first thought when I received the summons from Dume via Vahki emissary was if the Turaga would remember me. I made my way north as fast as my Greatswords of Fire could fly, noticing familiar faces heading the same way, hitching a ride on the backs of their respective Vahki. Naho I already knew from my exploration of a small southern island, in search of the missing Makoki Stone. Tuyet I met while searching the far eastern part of the Northern continent and, knowing her, it was not surprising that she’d answered the call for Toa to aid Metru Nui. Nothing grabs Tuyet’s attention like the chance to smash some heads together. One other hero, a Toa of Air (Nidhiki, I believe he’d called himself), was new to me. I assume Nidhiki has a very troubled history, given by what little he’s shared. I wonder what his story is, and if he’ll ever trust me enough to tell me…The other seven Toa are a bit of a mystery, as I hadn’t the time to meet with them before the action. Dume was lucky enough to find 4 Toa of Ice willing to answer the call and take on the Dragon. Without their power, we most certainly would not have defeated the great beast. One Toa that Dume was blessed by the Great Beings to have drafted was an experienced Toa of Fire. He was the last to answer the summons, and the only one that no one else knew prior to the forming of the team. He doesn’t talk much… hasn’t even told us his name yet. He wears armor of crimson and silver, and wears a Kanohi Kakama. His fighting skills were unmatched by any warrior of any race I have ever witnessed. He instantly reminded me of the commander of the old Tower of Toa, and behaves very much like him as well. He probably would have made a better leader than I, but for some reason he insisted that I head the new team. Nidhiki suggested that he might make the best leader, but a silent stare from our fiery new ally put a stop to all such thoughts. And so we entered into the city of Metru Nui, some of us for the first time. After a standoff with three Dark Hunters in the Coliseum, our mission was made clear; find the beast and subdue it by any means possible, before it could cause further damage to the city. We found the Dragon perched atop the Great Furnace, its immense size making the colossal building seem like a village hut in comparison. Then the battle began. One of our Toa of Ice impulsively sent a blast of snow and hail from his weapon, hitting the Dragon directly in the eye. The creature, enraged by the pain and cold, leaped down from the structure and sent a blast of orange fire at our icy partner. The Toa of Ice would’ve surely been incinerated had Nidhiki not whipped up a miniature cyclone from the tip of his Air Scythe and shoved him out of the way. The battle quickly became a war, lasting over a month; every day fighting the dragon, wherever it tried to hide. In the course of that time, thousands of Vahki were destroyed along with much of Ta-Metru. Fortunately, in that time we all learned how to fight as a team - one of the few rewards that came of our victory. I have not the time to go into the details of all the conflicts, but it is worth noting that I now have new appreciation for the idea of having partners to fight beside you. Perhaps I’ll make a decent leader yet. Now we at last have a moment to rest. Our Ice Toa are by far the worst for wear out of all of us. Their armor is almost black as soot from their efforts to encase the beast in ice. Turaga Dume suspects that Dark Hunters might have released the Dragon from its resting place as a way of convincing him that it was in his best interest to allow them into the city; to install a base here for Metru Nui’s ‘protection’ (Ironic that it was they who endangered us and Dume’s own Toa team that sealed the Dragon in ice in the first place). Knowing what the Dark Hunters have done for the sake of control in the past, I have no doubt we’ll be seeing more of them very soon. Being a leader is not what I wanted, but it seems to be the position I’ve been tasked with. My new team is a good one. They are all excellent fighters, and seem to be getting along well enough. My fellow Toa and I agree that it would be wise to stay in the city and act as its permanent Toa team. Some of the more spirited Matoran have even given us the name “Toa Mangai”. Donning the title of protector may be the greatest honor any of us have ever received. Yes, I think we’ll stay here for a while. I have a feeling that a time will come when this city and its Matoran need all of us again. And by the Great Beings, I won’t let them down. I will never let my friends down again. - Toa Mangai Lhikan This memoir was written by Colt McCoy, edited and submitted by moi because Colt is having some troubles with account access. You can ask me any questions here in the topic but if you want to show the author some love, PM me for a link! (I'm worried about linking to his account on a non-Lego site, seeing as I skipped over the forum policies on my way here )
Unknown Location, Undefined Time-Period "Hello, pathetic hum'ns! Today marks the beginnings of a BIG project to digitally remaster--" Antroz was hit on the head by Stronius. "Erm, to thoroughly revise Terry's Horrendous Misadventures! The critically acclaimed, top-rated," Krika taps on his shoulder, pointing to the Comedy Critics, who were glaring at them disapprovingly. Antroz ignores him, and continues to speak. "...comedy written by the Dude with a Hat! Hopefully, if all goes well, we'll be rid of: Bad JokesPoor CapitalizationSmelling ErrorsConfusing PlotAnd MUCH MORE!" "So, don't expect a whole lot from this gig for a LONG while.... Infidels....." Chimed in Onewa. "And with that happy note, we bid you farewell for an unknown length of time." Finished Krika.
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Earlier today, while watching the second and third Bionicle films, I've noticed that some of the ambient sound effects in the background were borrowed from the Carnivores games. It seems that whoever was in charge of sound effects in these movies was really fond of the games, because quite a few of these sounds were used.In the scene depicted above, in the beginning of Web of Shadows, as the Toa Metru looked in terror at their ruined, Rahi-infested city, a lot of animal noises were heard, among which were the Moschops croak and distant T-Rex call from the first Carnivores game, and the distant Parasaurolophus trumpet from Carnivores 2. I could not help but associate these sounds with these animals, so I went ahead and added them to the picture.I guess Whenua wasn't joking when he said they had "everything" in the Archives...
Well, here's another one of my creations. Originally, I wanted to build my self MOC, but unfortunately, I don't have enough brown pieces, so I wanted to test his custom torso out, and ended up with a lot of red pieces. (By the way, if you have Onewa Metru, and would like to sell, PM me!)So, you probably don't want to hear the full story, so here's the MOC!Front ViewBack ViewHere's the part that I was a bit questionable on, mostly with the Metru arms as the back. It looks good, but it's kind of bulky from the side.Disk Launcher storageI had to make sure that he could still store his disk launcher, partially so he could fly, and also so he could have free hands.Pose 1Such an overused cliche, but I'm going to say it anyways: "you feelin' lucky, punk?"Pose 2Could be a take off pose, but I mostly based it off of this bottom right panel of comic 12, the fly-by disk throw. Custom partsHe's completely custom, not as much as I wish I could do though. Here you can see how I built him pretty well.Custom TorsoHere's the custom torso I was wondering about, with the Metru arms on back folded up. It would also make a nice body with wings if you could fill in the gaps on the sides.Comparison ShotI originally got two Vakamas, and so I thought I'd do a comparison. Unfortunately, my little brothers stole one of my Hunas, and I couldn't find it for this shot, so you'll have to make do with the adaptive Hau, which doesn't look bad. And even with my two Vakamas, I can't find one of this Metru disk. :PSo, that's pretty much it. Here's the gallery when public, comments and critism, especially on the Torso, would be appreciated. Expect a lot more MOCs from me soon, as long as I can stop borrowing pieces from other MOCs (interesting note, the backs of Vakama's legs were completely borrowed from my self MOC, I showed it off here on the old BZP . That was a pain to find.).But wait, there's more! Before you leave, check out post #10, where I show off the new version of Vakama that I redesigned based on the member's critique! Please look at this before you go on posting about the back, lack of red, or black arms, thanks!
This question is kinda out of the blue, but im just kinda wondering how strong each Toa team is/was, like including the nuva, Mahri, Hagah, and even retired ones like metru? I'm trying to catch up on bionicle sides stories and deeper main story by reading the books, but anyways could anyone rank each toa team, as 1 being the strongest? Thanks.Edit1: I was kinda asking for in terms of power-level wise/strength, but ability wise would be great to list too.edit2:WOW, Thanks for the info guys! That's just amazing info, and i think i'm starting to understand because im almost done with the first book and the mata actually work good together, despite their many idividual differences. I can't wait to start reading the metru nui saga, the voya/mahri nui saga, and karda nui saga, plus the glatorian saga.
Front Side What started off as my attempt to make Axonn turned into an overly top heavy armoured.. thingy..Funny thing was i originally intended to create an awesome foot for a MOC. But then i decided to attach it to a modified, stripped down axonn torso, As you can see, weve got many layers of armoury goodness. and a Vahki head for good measure, and Matoro's Ice Claws chucked in.Also, i didnt make any legs. this is because [*]The foot i created ended up being body armour[*]I SUCK at making legs. I try to make legs that reflect the body, but they end up being too long and too weak to support the body. so i skipped it. Ill probably attach axonns legs or something. Now before we begin, please just.. dont.. just dont tell me its blurry. I know its blurry. So assume you have already posted the comment saying its blurry and move on. If you want instructions thats fine, i just need to make them.PS: i dont think youll want instructions, seeing as its..lets say.. not the best MOC on the forums haha I called him Vahki Hordika, as it looks like a vahki, but like Uber-fied. Bring on the criticism
A random blender render I made a while back, during the "Shattering"Here! C&C are appreciated Thanks