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Yeah so I have all 3 but was wondering if I should take them all apart to build the behemoth that is the multibuild of them all. I have them on display rn so that's why I'm hesitant, thinking about building it once then putting it back normally, if I do do it I'll send a picture and probably post another thread lol but yeah what do you all think?
Here is my krana haul which I bought from Bionicle Superstore on bricklink, it is 75% complete according to the Canon. Enjoy... (My hand scar is in the other picture to show that I'm posting my own collection and not reposting another) I am missing all pahrak kal krana, because the one I own is in a freshly opened, formerly sealed set.
Built using digital bricks in Bricklink Studio. No parts were harmed clipped in the making of this build. Glossy render kindly supplied by Marko (aka Cezium) via Blender 3D: A System build of a Bionicle symbol (so I'm now like 60% sure I posted this in the wrong forum...) - EDIT: Instructions for a new version of this MOC are now available from my Ko-fi page:
Just made this little guy. It’s based on one of those early Bohrok pictures, the one where it shows the Matoran, Turaga and Toa on the top and the Bohrok forms on the bottom.
The only ones I can really think of is how much Mr. Makuro bears a strong resemblance to Turaga Matau, his mask specifically. Another one is the Bohrok (I wonder what it's even called; an eyepiece?) part in the Furno bike. Does anybody know anything else, I'm really interested in hearing more about these discoveries!?
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(Similar to previous games, this story will take place in a drastically alternate timeline. The game will largely ignore a lot of the GSR stuff, including the forced gender assignments for each element, and instead focus on some of the more mystical aspects of the G1 story. If seeing the early years of Bionicle reinterpreted and retold like this isn’t your cup of tea, go somewhere else.) THE STORY Two years have passed since the events of the first game, and the situation on Mata Nui is worsening. Swarms of roving Bohrok rampage across the island, growing in number and strength with each passing day, laying waste to the landscape. Colossal defensive barriers now surround each of the villages, shielding swathes of land and wildlife from the wrath of the ravenous creatures. Debates rage in every corner of every settlement as to how this crisis should be combated, with no clear answers. Some argue for unity, while others petition for independence. Followers of the old gods urge for the resurrection of Makuta, while other factions suggest that nature be allowed to take its course. Regardless of what line of thought one chooses to follow, one thing is abundantly clear: something needs to be done, and soon. The remaining Krana have been found, but their power is wavering. Unconfirmed sightings suggest that the rumoured ‘Generals’ of the swarms, the Bohrok-Kal, have awoken, and if they have freed themselves from their ancient prison, then it’s only a matter of time before the Bohrok Queens rise... and all life on Mata Nui succumbs to their ravenous hunger. HOW IT WORKS Although I imagine that most of you will be somewhat familiar with how these games work by now, I’ll give a quick rundown of the basics nonetheless. The game will consist of seven rounds, known as Episodes. (However, the number of rounds may be increased or reduced if I feel it necessary) These episodes will last 3-5 days, depending on how much is happening, and I will announce in this topic when each episode begins or ends. Over the course of each episode, players will use PMs to travel between locations, interact with other players, and a wide variety of other actions, which will be elaborated on further below. When each episode is concluded, the actions that occurred across the various PMs will be combined into a scene and posted in this main topic. Keep in mind that even if you, the player, knows something from reading the scene, that doesn’t necessarily mean your character will know those same things in-game. In regards to PMs, there are two kinds: OFFICIAL and BACKDOOR. An Official PM is any PM that I have been added to. Anything you say or do in these PMs may or may not find its way into the scene, so be careful. Actions and moves made in Official PMs are the only ones that will be acknowledged in episodes, so if you wish to travel, or communicate, or do anything that will actually happen, it needs to be declared in an Official PM. Each player and village will have an Official PM, and others will be established as the game goes on. (So please ensure you have room in your inboxes for multiple PMs). A Backdoor PM is any PM that I’m not included in. These are the PMs where you can form secret alliances, communicate covertly with other players, or whatever else you wish. Keep in mind, though, that anything you say or do in a Backdoor PM will not be acknowledged as having actually happened. This also means that information gained in a Backdoor PM can’t be used in-game unless your character has another way of learning it. MOVES There are a great many actions you can take over the course of an episode, and very few limitations to what they moves can entail, but here’s a brief overview of some of the more common moves you might choose to make. Communication – The simplest and most integral of moves, this is the simple act of talking to another player. Obviously, you need to be in the same PM as the other person for this to work, but aside from that, there aren’t many limitations to this. Remember, only conversations that occur in an Official PM will be included in the episodes.Messages – Each Koro also has access to a limited number of small Kewa birds. As scavengers, they’re easier to feed and care for than most other rahi species, and serve well at the task of delivering handwritten messages between villages. Due to their small size, there is a slight risk that they can be intercepted by larger bird species, but they still provide the best way of delivering anonymous messages. (In other words, if you send a message by bird, your name won’t be explicitly mentioned in the scene unless someone sees you, or you include your name in the letter). In addition to this, certain roles also have the authority to send NPCs via Gukko bird to deliver messages on their behalf. Combat – Depending on how you all choose to “negotiate”, this might happen a lot, or not at all. How it works is fairly straightforward – you describe your action, then the other player/s involved will describe their response, and counteraction. You might choose to ask me to roll for certain stats to better your chances of landing or evading a hit (more on stats later), in which case you’ll need to wait for me to determine the outcome of the dice rolls before proceeding further with the battle. Command – Regardless of your role, you may at some point find yourself in charge of groups of NPCs. As with regular combat, battle with NPCs will be turn based, with the commanding players dictating to me which re/actions they wish to take. However, battles between NPCs will not be won solely based on whoever has the largest force at hand. The way you take advantage of terrain and resources, as well as your use of strategy and logistics, will have a major impact on deciding the outcome of any engagement. Travel – Another straightforward action, this is the simple act of going from one location to another. How long this takes will depend on where you’re travelling, who you’re travelling with, and what might happen along the way. As a baseline rule, though, it takes roughly 24 hours IRL to travel from one Wahi to another. Other – There are plenty of other things you can attempt. If you can think of it, and justify being able to pull it off, it’s probably worth a try. ROLES Turaga – In a slight divergence from canon, Turaga is simply the name given to the Matoran who’ve been appointed to lead each village. They get the final say in most decisions, and can potentially overrule the commands of other roles. Captain – Serving as both Captain of the Guard, and Admiral of the navy in certain cases, this role oversees the protection and defence of their village, and is expected to take charge during combat operations. Should the Turaga be killed or incapacitated, it may fall to the General to lead the Koro in times of crisis. Diplomat – These guys handle trade, negotiation, etc. with the other tribes. Much of their time is spent travelling across the island, speaking with their counterparts in the other villages. Some diplomats also have access to certain shady contacts, who may be able to provide them with integral Intel on other villages. Should a Diplomat be eliminated, or deliberately sever trade, it will take three episodes for the other villages to run out of whatever resource that diplomat was dealing in.Other – Each Koro will also have a fourth player. It’s up to you to pitch to me what capabilities and privileges this additional player may have – they may be a religious leader, a spymaster, or something else entirely. In some cases, this role may instead go to a returning character who is estranged from their home village. GETTING STARTED You don’t need to have read or participated in the original BZPMN to play this game, but if you wish to read up on the events that have come before, they can be found in the Season 1 topic. There is also a blog post explaining some of the events that have transpired between seasons, and a map of the island. Please post in the topic which village you would like to be assigned to, then send a PM to me entitled BZPMN 2: [Your Username]. Include in this PM your stat sheet (see below), your character’s pet (if they have one – see below), a short description of your character if you wish, and their name (if you want them to be called something other than your current username). Once all spots have been filled for a village, I’ll gather everyone into their village PMs, where you can decide on your roles. After this is done, I’ll create a short, introductory prologue episode, and then the game will begin in earnest. STATS For the most part, I’ll be relying on player’s own logic and decision-making skills to determine the outcome of most of their actions, but for those of you who prefer to use numbers for these sorts of games, the stats below will help generate more divergence between players during actions and encounters. You have 15 points to distribute between the three categories, although you are limited to a maximum of 10 points for any given stat. Whenever an action occurs that requires a roll, your stat will be combined with a RNG roll out of 10, resulting in a total value out of 20. Strength – this stat relates to any action involving brute force or endurance, such as overpowering an opponent, fighting on despite an injury, and so on.Agility – this stat is used for actions relating to speed and finesse, such as attacking quickly, dodging incoming blows/projectiles, and sleight of hand. Intellect – this stat is used for actions involved perception and persuasion, such as convincing or deceiving someone, or noticing hidden things. PETS While resources are somewhat scarce on post-cataclysm Mata Nui, there are nonetheless some Matoran in positions of power who can afford to own and care for rahi companions, which can provide certain benefits. Players are limited to only one rahi pet, which will share the same stat sheet as their owner, and are just as vulnerable to fatigue and attack. Brakas – Annoying, noisy, ape-like rahi, these creatures are extremely dextrous, adept at climbing trees and walls. While not the brightest animals around, they do understand simple commands, and can be instructed to fetch objects and the like. However, they’re not the most stealthy of creatures, and are therefore better suited as distractions. Dikapi – Well acclimated to a desert environment, these creatures are known for their strong beaks, and heightened endurance. A Dikapi is capable of carrying two Matoran, or one Matoran and additional equipment, without reducing travel time. A Dikapi can make multiple trips across the island without needing any sustenance or rest, making it an ideal mount for those who plan to do a lot of frequent travelling. Ussal – Similar to the Dikapi, Ussal crabs can be used to carry two Matoran, or a single Matoran with extra gear, without impacting the time it takes to travel. As well as this, many of them have been trained to serve as mounts in combat, particularly in the Great Ussalry of Onu-Koro. Gukko – Graceful, four-winged birds, these creatures were frequently used as mounts in Le-Koro. The few that survived the inferno have found new homes in the other villages. Riding one reduces the travel time between any location by half, but once the destination is reached, the Gukko will require 24 hours IRL to rest before it can be used in this way again. The Gukko can still fight and travel during this cooldown time, if need be. Hapaka – Agile, dog-like rahi, these bipedal creatures are known for their sociable, curious nature, and sharp, barking cry. They understand basic commands, can track scents, and make for amiable companions or guard dogs. Kavinika – The bigger, meaner cousin of the Hapaka, these vicious lupine beasts are more savage and hard to control than their relatives. Kahu – Cunning, hawk-like rahi, (for the purposes of this game, think of them as being more like a bird of prey, big enough to ride on your arm or shoulder), these intelligent avians have been trained to follow simple commands, and are capable of intercepting and grounding their smaller Kewa cousins. VILLAGES As detailed in the blog post linked above, many things have changed on the island of Mata Nui during the past few years. The villages have embraced a newfound sense of multiculturalism, allowing Matoran of any element to reside within their walls. As such, there are many who believe that the names of the villages are outdated, and in desperate need of changing. S0, after a village has been filled, players will have the opportunity to decide if they wish to rename their village. Once the villages are filled, players will be arranged into a group PM, which will contain more in-depth information about the Koros. Ta-Koro A veritable fortress of stone and metal, Ta-Koro is encased in towering fortified walls, and surrounded by a moat of lava, with a retractable drawbridge to prevent enemy access during a siege. They primarily trade in metal and other goods mined from within the volcano. The village’s total population numbers at around 1000, with 300 of those serving in the guard, and 100 more in the navy. The population consists mainly of Ta and Su Matoran. Turaga - Grav Muthbren (Burnmad) Captain - Nakali (Onaku) Diplomat - Dornak (Toru Nui) Exile - Elittra (Voltex) Ko-Koro Making judicious use of the natural defences at their disposal, Ko-Koro is situated beneath a colossal block of ice that separates two glaciers, and is surrounded on all side by crevasses. The village is accessible only via a bridge connecting to the main entrance, and a secret tunnel known to only a few high-ranking officials. With a population of skilled rahi hunters, they trade heavily in sophisticated animal traps, as well as various captive rahi and other animal goods. Their population is roughly 1000, with 300 serving in the Sanctum guard, and a further 100 in the navy. Most of the inhabitants are Ko and De Matoran. Turaga - Unit Captain - Romana (TTL) Diplomat - Stark (Voltex) Recluse - Tuili (xccj) Po-Koro Situated on the vast, open plains of Po-Wahi, the skilled carvers and masons of Po-Koro have had to work hard to establish their village’s defences. A high stone wall encircles the village, and the surrounding landscape is dotted with statues and monuments that are both visually pleasing, and make for decent cover in a firefight. Officially, the population is currently around 750, with 250 of these operating as a defensive garrison, but the city is still home to a great many criminals and fugitives. Po-Koro is primarily populated by Po-Matoran, but is home to a wide variety of others as well. Turaga - Zee (ZippyWharrgarbl) Captain - Kunduj (Trijhak) Diplomat - Ehksidian (Finch) Scout - Kaathe (Voxumo) Onu-Koro Hidden away in a cavern deep underground, Onu-Koro’s isolation is its greatest defence. A singular large tunnel connects from the village entrance to the surface, but there are numerous other entrances known only to the populace. Their exports include minerals and metals mined from beneath the earth, Their population sits at around 750, with 250 of these serving in the Ussalry. In addition to the resident Onu-Matoran, the village has also come to house a large population of Fa and Fe Matoran. Turaga - Onaku Captain - Kefana (Jed) Diplomat - Domor (Burnmad) Mining Chief - Oxokoro (Drakua) Ga-Koro Nestled in the heart of Naho Bay, Ga-Koro is built atop a network of giant lily pads growing up from the seabed, connected by sturdy bridges and walkways, and held aloft by a series of pumps. Much of the surrounding land is dense mangroves and inhospitable bogs, meaning that the safest approach to the village is by boat. Beyond their trade of food and water, their other goods include fish, rope, and bamboo. They have a sizeable population of 1100, 325 of whom serve in the Marines, while a further 125 make up the Gukko Force. In addition to the resident Ga-Matoran, Ga-Koro has also come to be home for the Le and Bo Matoran. Turaga - Tomodo (Scrubbish) Captain - Maxas (Toru) Diplomat - Guurahk (RG) Spymaster - Azalea (FF) Kra-Koro Built atop the ruins of what was once Kini-Nui, the sprawling encampment that makes up this ‘village’ is protected by a labyrinthine mess of defensive trenches, imposing barricades, and rudimentary ramparts. It remains largely self-sufficient, housing Matoran of all elements and skillsets, and trades nothing to the rest of the island save for vague promises of ‘salvation’. The population is believed to number somewhere around 500, and given the fanatical nature of the inhabitants, it’s expected that most, if not all, of this number would commit themselves to the defence if Kra-Koro were ever to come under attack. Turaga - Tuyet (GM NPC) Captain - Davros (Timelord) Diplomat - Trijhak (the mad) Spy - Hua (Scrubbish) ARTEFACTS The island of Mata Nui is home to a great many strange and powerful items and devices, some originating from ages long gone, others having been constructed in more recent times. Krana Xa – provides more complex control over the Bohrok, allowing the wearer to control 30 Lehvak and 15 Lehvak Va. (Currently worn by Tuyet of Kra-Koro). Krana Vu – allows the wearer to control 20 Tahnok, and 10 Tahnok Va, as well as fly short distances. (Currently in Elittra’s possession)Krana Su – grants the wearer greatly enhanced strength, and allows them to control 20 Gahlok, and 10 Gahlok Va. (Currently in Ga-Koro’s possession). Krana Za – allows the wearer to, with concentration, read the surface-level thoughts of others, as well as control 20 Kohrak and 10 Kohrak-Va. (Currently owned by Kaathe of Po-Koro).Krana Ca – provides the ability to generate a weak, temporary energy shield, and allows the wearer to control 20 Pahrak, and 10 Pahrak Va. (Currently owned by Tuili of Ko-Koro).Krana Bo – gives night/low light vision to the wearer, and provides control over 20 Nuhvok, and 10 Nuhvok-Va. (Currently in Onu-Koro).Fire Sword – the famed weapon of Toa Tahu, the blade remains hot to the touch, and constantly emits a flickering, torch-like light. (Currently in Onu-Koro).Air Axe – once wielded by Toa Lewa, this weapon is incredibly light, and meets with no resistance when being swung through the air, allowing it to be wielded far more dextrously than is normal for an axe. (Currently owned by Grav of Ta-Koro). Water Hooks – the weapons of Toa Gali, these peculiar tools have a strange habit of making their way back to each other should one of them be dropped or thrown. (Currently possessed by Unit of Ko-Koro).Earth Claws – once owned by Toa Onua, the tips of these weapons are deceptively sharp, able to penetrate stone and metal alike with unnatural ease. (Currently located in Po-Koro).Ice Sword – formerly the personal weapon of Toa Kopaka, this blade gives off a constant, intense aura of cold. (Currently located in Kra-Koro). Toa Shield – the other tool of Toa Kopaka. Like the rest of the Toa tools, the shield appears to be utterly indestructible, although the impractical network of gaps in the surface of the shield make it semi-useless for fending off regular weapons. However, the shield has proven itself able to negate elemental attacks. (Currently in Ga-Koro).Staff of Light – formerly wielded by the short-lived Toa of Light, Takanuva, this staff is allegedly more powerful than the other, comparatively dormant Toa Tools. (Location currently unknown). Makuta’s Mask – once worn by the Dark God Makuta himself, the mask is many sizes too large for a Matoran to wear, and is always cold to the touch. Many believe that this is where Makuta’s spirit still resides.Infected Masks – tainted by Makuta influence, Matoran who wear these items often hear an unfamiliar voice inside their minds, a voice that urges them to indulge their darkest vices and desires (to be very, very clear – I am not trying to mind control players. The voice from the mask is just a voice, and can be ignored).EPISODES As each episode occurs, it will be linked here. Season 1 Teaser – Countdown to Chaos Prologue – Another Story's Beginning Episode 1 – Broken Koros, Part 1 & Part 2 Episode 2 – Dreams of Chaos, Part 1 & Part 2 Episode 3 – Beneath the Surface, Part 1 & Part 2 Episode 4 – The Dawn of War, Part 1 & Part 2 Episode 5 – A Slaughter of Ice and Fire, Part 1 & Part 2 Episode 6 – The Cost of Victory, Overture Episode 7 – Into Darkness, Finale Season 2 Teaser – Evolution of an Island Prologue - A Chorus of Warnings Episode 1 - Stand Alone Episode 2 - The Calm Before The Storm Episode 3 - The Bohrok War Begins CANCELLED
Bohrok Kal/ Krana kal current situation
James Attack posted a topic in Bionicle Storyline & Theories
Bohrok Kal Possibilities and Outline So we all know about the bohrok kal, six special variations of standard bohrok created to free the bahrag if something happened to them. So we know right now that most of the bohrok kal are dead, except for lehvak who is in space orbiting spherus magna however his krana is still intact on spherus along with a few other krana kal. So where are the krana right now? are they in the possesion of the turaga still? were they given new bodies? We also know that the bahrag are on spherus, so will they create more kals? The red star is also a thing so will that rebuild them or not since their krana's are still intact. Also theoretically kohrak kal could also be rebuilt as he just fell apart. P.s can bohrok operate on their own without krana? After all they were av matoran once. Just thinking from Lehvak kal's point of view.- 5 replies
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Bohrok Kal/ Krana kal current situation
James Attack posted a topic in Bionicle Storyline & Theories
Bohrok Kal Possibilities and Outline So we all know about the bohrok kal, six special variations of standard bohrok created to free the bahrag if something happened to them. So we know right now that most of the bohrok kal are dead, except for lehvak who is in space orbiting spherus magna however his krana is still intact on spherus along with a few other krana kal. So where are the krana right now? are they in the possesion of the turaga still? were they given new bodies? We also know that the bahrag are on spherus, so will they create more kals? The red star is also a thing so will that rebuild them or not since their krana's are still intact. Also theoretically kohrak kal could also be rebuilt as he just fell apart. P.s can bohrok operate on their own without krana? After all they were av matoran once. Just thinking from Lehvak kal's point of view.- 1 reply
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Yes, obviously the topic title is a joke It's an older drawing, but I totally forgot to post it until now, so here it is! Just your run-of-the-mill Bohrok thingie. I was trying to go for a more insectoid feel here, not sure if I succeeded. :/
Hi, guys! I know that Bionicle had ended a year ago sadly, but let’s be happy about Bionicle for something else. You see, this year, 2017, is the 15th anniversary of Bionicle’s 2002 storyline. I know that this year that we got the music album for the movie, Bionicle: Mask of Light’s 14th anniversary, but if you think this isn’t enough for this year, then let’s celebrate the 15th anniversary of the 2002 storyline. That would enlighten you more. Let me tell you the 2002 storyline: The 2002 storyline is about the Toa Mata fighting against a new menace that Makuta Teridax awakened, which are chicken-like creatures called the Bohrok, who want to destroy the island of Mata Nui and enslave its people with their mask-like “brains” called the Krana. The Krana are both the Bohrok’s strength and weakness, so the Toa have to collect lots of their Krana in order to defeat them while a Matoran named Nuparu invented mechs called Boxors to fight the Bohrok. After the Toa did, they find the Bohrok’s nest, where they discover mechs called Exo-Toa. They use the mechs to fight against the Bohrok’s twin queens called the Bahrag in order to end the threat. However, the Toa learn that using their elemental powers is their only hope, so they combined their powers to imprison the Bahrag. Then, the Toa touch Energized Protdermis, which transform them into stronger versions of themselves called the Toa Nuva. The Bohrok are defeated. To celebrate, let me ask you this: What are your fond memories about the storyline and/or what do you like about it? For me, I like the Bohrok. They look cool, and it’s very cool that they work like an army, can turn into balls, and can attack people using their heads, like a chicken pecking, and launch their Krana to mind-control their victims. The Bohrok are the villain counterparts of the Toa Mata because of their elemental powers (well, except for Levahk because it has Acid powers while Lewa has Air powers, but both are green. Lol. ). It’s neat that the Bohrok have those Turaga-like creatures called the Bohrok Va to assist them. The Va too can launch Krana and has Bohrok shields for heads. The Boxor is quite impressive because it has hook-like hands that can punch Bohrok, similar to Iron Man from Marvel using his Hulkbuster armor to fight and defeat the Hulk. The Exo-Toa are awesome because they are mechs that can be used by the Toa, and the Toa could use them to fight the Bahrag. The Bahrag are epic because they look like giant versions of the Bohrok, and when they attack people with their heads, they can try to eat them, similar to the Muaka and Kane-Ra from the 2001 storyline. The Toa Nuva look very cool. They are like Super Sonic from Sonic the Hedgehog, but the transformation is permanent. I like their silver armor. Makes them look stylish. I love their weapons because of the designs and the Toa can use them with two functions, one for fighting and one for transportation (it’s what the Toa Masters from Bionicle’s 2015 storyline had). Their masks look like that they just came out of a mutating goo, which I find cool as well. Next, the combo models. The Bohrok and Bohrok Va Kaita are cool, but the Bohrok Kaita’s legs look kind of hollow, and they have stubby arms. The Toa Nuva Kaita are awesome as well, but the one with Lewa, Kopaka, and Gali looks weirds because of how the instructions build him. I mean, he looks like a strange-looking hunchback. The alternate models are alright. It’s cool that Boxor can be rebuilt as a big steed. The Bahrag look mighty cool and terrifying as a giant spider-like creature, but they look very weird, and I don’t think that the mouth-chomping function is stable because there is so much stuff in there. The Boxor’s alternate form is alright, but it looks a little weird because it has awfully-long arms pointing downwards. As for the story and media, I think the story is very good, and the comics and Bohrok Online Animations are great. I like the part where Onua encourages Lewa to remove the Krana from his face (the second time Onua saved Lewa from being mind-controlled. The first being Lewa being controlled by an Infected Kanohi.). The Toa Mata going scavenger hunting for Krana is a neat quest, though I wish we could’ve seen more of it, like see in each and every Toa Mata collecting all of his/her Krana before regrouping at the Bohrok Nest. It’s interesting that the Krana are like organic counterparts to Kanohi. It’s awesome that the Toa Mata and the Matoran used mechs to fight the Bohrok and their queens. It’s also cool that the queens have all of the Bohrok’s powers and extra ones. It’s awesome to see the Toa combing their powers to imprison the queens to end the threat and then get transformed into the Toa Nuva. For the Bohrok Animations, I thought they’re good. It’s neat to see what the Matoran are during the Toa’s adventures. It’s where we see Hewkii and Macku “secretly have a crush with each other”, and I find that cute and funny (even though that Greg Farshtey made love non-canon). I also like the part where Takua went to confront the Bohrok while trying to protect the Matoran. I like that the animations used the animation style from the Mata Nui Online Game, though that I wish that there’s a similar game for the storyline. So, guys, what are your fond memories of the storyline, what do you like about it, what’s your favorite 2002 set, favorite character(s) in 2002, favorite moment in the storyline, what things remind you of the 2002 storyline, and/or how would you celebrate it? For me, well, my favorite sets are the Bohrok, Exo-Toa, Bahrag, Tahu Nuva, Lewa Nuva, Kopaka Nuva, and Onua Nuva, and my favorite characters are Tahu, Lewa, Onua, Nuparu, and the Bahrag. The things that remind are: 1. The Cybug craziness from Wreck-It Ralph in 2012 2. The mutated monkey rampage from The Powerpuff Girls Movie in 2002 3. The Brain Attack and Invasion From Below storylines from Hero Factory 4. Those tiny Insecticons that transform into balls from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen in 2009
Hello, I posted a topic for these earlier this year but it has since died; so this is a re-post of this topic. Anyway, I have quite the haul of Bionicle sets that have been packed away for years and I'd like to get rid of them for more space and money towards my gaming collection; as such, I am not looking to trade for other sets. Ideally I'd like to part with everything, so with that said here is what I've got: Strikeouts indicate sold items, while bold indicate on hold items. 2001 8531 Pohatu 8532 Onua 8533 Gali 8534 Tahu 8535 Lewa 8536 Kopaka 8537 Nui-Rama Toa Mata Promo Mini CD x1 8540 Vakama 8541 Matau 8542 Onewa 8543 Nokama 8544 Nuju 8545 Whenua 8546 Power Pack (No original box. Includes: CD, Hafu and Chrome Hau) 8548 Nui-Jaga 8549 Tarakava 2001 - McDonald's 1388 Huki 1389 Onepu 1390 Maku 1391 Jala 1392 Kongu 2002 8550 Gahlok Va 8551 Kohrak Va 8552 Lehvak Va 8553 Pahrak Va 8554 Tahnok Va 8555 Nuhvok Va 8556 Boxor 8560 Pahrak 8561 Nuhvok 8562 Gahlok 8563 Tahnok 8564 Lehvak 8565 Kohrak 8566 Onua Nuva 8567 Lewa Nuva 8568 Pohatu Nuva 8570 Gali Nuva 8571 Kopaka Nuva 8572 Tahu Nuva 2003 8573 Nuhvok-Kal 8574 Tahnok-Kal 8575 Kohrak-Kal 8576 Lehvak-Kal 8577 Pahrak-Kal 8578 Gahlok-Kal Nuhvok-Kal Mini Promo CD Tahnok-Kal Mini Promo CD Kohrak-Kal Mini Promo CD Lehvak-Kal Mini Promo CD Pahrak-Kal Mini Promo CD Gahlok-Kal Mini Promo CD 8581 Kopeke 8582 Matoro 8583 Hahli 8584 Hewkii 8585 Hafu 8586 Macku 8587 Panrahk 8588 Kurahk 8589 Lerahk 8590 Guurahk 8591 Vorahk 8592 Turahk 8593 Makuta 8595 Takua and Pewku 8596 Takanuva 2004 8601 Toa Vakama 8602 Toa Nokama 8603 Toa Whenua 8604 Toa Onewa 8605 Toa Matau 8606 Toa Nuju 8607 Nuhrii 8608 Vhisola 8609 Tehutti 8610 Ahkmou 8611 Orkahm 8612 Ehrye 8614 Nuurakh 8615 Bordakh 8616 Vorzakh 8617 Zadakh 8618 Rorzakh 8619 Keerakh 8621 Turaga Dume and Nivawk Comics BIONICLE 1: The Coming of the Toa BIONICLE 3: Triumph of the Toa BIONICLE 4: The Bohrok Awake! BIONICLE 5: To Trap a Tahnok BIONICLE 6: Into the Nest BIONICLE 7: What Lurks Below BIONICLE 8: The End of the Toa? BIONICLE 9: Divided We Fall BIONICLE 10: Powerless! x2 BIONICLE 11: A Matter of Time BIONICLE 12: Absolute Power BIONICLE 13: Rise of the Rahkshi! BIONICLE 14: At Last -- Takanuva! BIONICLE 15: Secrets and Shadows BIONICLE 16: Toa Metru! BIONICLE 17: Disks of Danger BIONICLE 19: Enemies of Metru Nui x2 BIONICLE 20: Struggle in the Sky BIONICLE 21: Dreams of Darkness BIONICLE 22: Monsters in the Dark BIONICLE 23: Vengeance of the Visorak BIONICLE 24: Shadow Play BIONICLE 25: Birth of the Rahaga BIONICLE 26: Hanging by a Thread BIONICLE 27: Fractures McDonald's Comic 1: Challenge of the Rahi (slight page wear) x2 All items come from a smoke free home! Everything here (unless stated otherwise) is in wonderful condition and includes the complete figure (I mean they were packed away for years in protective tubs), I do not have the instructions or canisters. I'd definitely like to sell these to anyone who may be interested in any of these or would perhaps even want them in bulk just for the spare parts, I just want to get rid of it all. This will probably be the last time I post this topic, anything I have left over will just get sold in a lot locally. Note: I'm also willing to trade for items on my gaming wish list. Thanks!
- 12 replies
- 22
Hello, I posted a topic for these several months ago but it has since died; so this is a re-post of this topic. Anyway, I have quite the haul of Bionicle sets that have been packed away for years and I'd like to get rid of them for more space and money towards my gaming collection; as such, I am not looking to trade for other sets. Ideally I'd like to part with everything, so with that said here is what I've got: Strikeouts indicate sold items, while bold indicate on hold items. 2001 8531 Pohatu 8532 Onua 8533 Gali 8534 Tahu 8535 Lewa 8536 Kopaka 8537 Nui-Rama Toa Mata Promo Mini CD x1 8540 Vakama 8541 Matau 8542 Onewa 8543 Nokama 8544 Nuju 8545 Whenua 8546 Power Pack (No original box. Includes: CD, Hafu and Chrome Hau) 8548 Nui-Jaga 8549 Tarakava 2001 - McDonald's 1388 Huki 1389 Onepu 1390 Maku 1391 Jala 1392 Kongu 2002 8550 Gahlok Va 8551 Kohrak Va 8552 Lehvak Va 8553 Pahrak Va 8554 Tahnok Va 8555 Nuhvok Va 8556 Boxor 8560 Pahrak 8561 Nuhvok 8562 Gahlok 8563 Tahnok 8564 Lehvak 8565 Kohrak 8566 Onua Nuva 8567 Lewa Nuva 8568 Pohatu Nuva 8570 Gali Nuva 8571 Kopaka Nuva 8572 Tahu Nuva 2003 8573 Nuhvok-Kal 8574 Tahnok-Kal 8575 Kohrak-Kal 8576 Lehvak-Kal 8577 Pahrak-Kal 8578 Gahlok-Kal Nuhvok-Kal Mini Promo CD Tahnok-Kal Mini Promo CD Kohrak-Kal Mini Promo CD Lehvak-Kal Mini Promo CD Pahrak-Kal Mini Promo CD Gahlok-Kal Mini Promo CD 8581 Kopeke 8582 Matoro 8583 Hahli 8584 Hewkii 8585 Hafu 8586 Macku 8587 Panrahk 8588 Kurahk 8589 Lerahk 8590 Guurahk 8591 Vorahk 8592 Turahk 8593 Makuta 8595 Takua and Pewku 8596 Takanuva 2004 8601 Toa Vakama 8602 Toa Nokama 8603 Toa Whenua 8604 Toa Onewa 8605 Toa Matau 8606 Toa Nuju 8607 Nuhrii 8608 Vhisola 8609 Tehutti 8610 Ahkmou 8611 Orkahm 8612 Ehrye 8614 Nuurakh 8615 Bordakh 8616 Vorzakh 8617 Zadakh 8618 Rorzakh 8619 Keerakh 8621 Turaga Dume and Nivawk Comics BIONICLE 1: The Coming of the Toa BIONICLE 3: Triumph of the Toa BIONICLE 4: The Bohrok Awake! BIONICLE 5: To Trap a Tahnok BIONICLE 6: Into the Nest BIONICLE 7: What Lurks Below BIONICLE 8: The End of the Toa? BIONICLE 9: Divided We Fall BIONICLE 10: Powerless! x2 BIONICLE 11: A Matter of Time BIONICLE 12: Absolute Power BIONICLE 13: Rise of the Rahkshi! BIONICLE 14: At Last -- Takanuva! BIONICLE 15: Secrets and Shadows BIONICLE 16: Toa Metru! BIONICLE 17: Disks of Danger BIONICLE 19: Enemies of Metru Nui x2 BIONICLE 20: Struggle in the Sky BIONICLE 21: Dreams of Darkness BIONICLE 22: Monsters in the Dark BIONICLE 23: Vengeance of the Visorak BIONICLE 24: Shadow Play BIONICLE 25: Birth of the Rahaga BIONICLE 26: Hanging by a Thread BIONICLE 27: Fractures McDonald's Comic 1: Challenge of the Rahi (slight page wear) x2 All items come from a smoke free home! Everything here (unless stated otherwise) is in wonderful condition and includes the complete figure (I mean they were packed away for years in protective tubs), I do not have the instructions or canisters. I'd definitely like to sell these to anyone who may be interested in any of these or would perhaps even want them in bulk just for the spare parts, I just want to get rid of it all. Note: I am willing to trade items for un-opened North American versions of the following Smash Bros. amiibo: Donkey Kong, Kirby and Wii Fit Trainer. Alternately, I'm also willing to trade for items on my gaming wish list. Thanks!
I have recently decided to start taking pictures of my bionicles in real life scenes. Since my last post ( I have updated my collection of pictures. Here are some more... Lehvak receives a new Krana... Lerahk observing Le-Wahi...
Click to zoom Cracked open 15 Bohrok Awake packs tonight, figured you all might enjoy a glimpse of the spoils. The cards in the sleeves are preexisting from back when I got them in 2002 (and have a bit more play wear to show for it). Between them all, looks like I have a full set except Tahu, Exo-Kopaka, and Lewa. Gonna have to find some more packs. I've also noticed some funny production bugs. One of the Pohatus and I believe Kopaka have a much darker stripe of foil ink running through the image. Looks like a printer thing.
Hey guys, I am selling my entire collection of Bionicle sets. They are all 100% complete with containers and instructions except for the Toa Mata, which is missing a few parts (don't know exactly which ones but I can look if you need me too). As of right now they are all assembled but I can ship them unassembled as well. BOHROK 8560, 8561, 8562, 8563, 8564, 8565. All 100% complete with instructions and containers. RAHKSHI 8587, 8588, 8589, 8590, 8591, 8592. All 100% complete with instructions and containers. TOA NUVA 8566, 8567, 8568, 8570, 8571, 8572. All 100% complete with instructions and containers. TOA MATA 8531, 8532, 8533, 8534, 8535, 8536. All instructions and containers but missing a few parts. I am asking $300 for everything or if you want just one of the sets, send me a message with an offer. Thanks! ~Xtopher98
So, what do we have here - a sort of cross between a matoran and a Bohrok, with some influences by Protectors. More of a concept-y drawing, mostly due to time reasons. The idea that the Bohrok actually used to be matoran once has always fascinated me (although it's somewhat disturbing), but what if there were a way back to matoran-esque beings by means of re-evolution?
One feature of early G1 Bionicle was clone waves, which were the sets of... sets, with very similar (if even identical) builds. The Rahkshi, the Vahki, the Bohrok and Bohrok Kal... Those kinda sets. What did you think of clone waves? Would you be alright with LEGO adopting this design strategy again? Or are you more of a fan of diversity in set designs? Did clone waves bore you?
- 22 replies
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- clones
- clone sets
(and 2 more)
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Today, I awoke for the first time in years, and I dreamed. I dreamed of a land far away, a land torn by the elements and by war. I dreamed of battle, the crash of steel on steel, the cries of the wounded. I dreamed of victory... ... ...Fantasies. Our eyes click open to gaze upon the simple beauty of our Nest. All is neat and orderly. Our brothers still slumber, waiting for their time to cleanse the hideous land above. But now is not the time for reminiscing. It is time to work. We heave our heavy armor upright and march off to the day's labor. Our mind is special, the Queens say. We have the capacity to create, to imagine, to dre... All must be prepared, my friend whispers urgently. All must be rebuilt. Our powerful arms lift a sleeping brother from his bed and carry him to our worktable. Shards of metal of all shapes and colors rest in orderly piles, ready for their time to be used. We lift one and begin to shape it with a heatstone. Hours pass with only the hiss of sparks breaking the silence of the Nest. Our brother has begun to take on a new shape, one far larger and more powerful than before. After all, that is why they call us... Review Topic
Krana Force is a Collab Comic run by... Bonkle Toucan Sam Petewa Durahk Liuth and Tahu3.0 COMICS Display Name Goes Here-Wake one... Bonkle-Budgets Blown Display Name Goes Here-The Kal(Part 2) Display Name Goes Here-Churro Issues Bonkle-Better on Paper... Petewa-Orange Display Name Goes Here-Month of Not Acid Petewa-Bigger, Faster, Stronger Liuth-The Bohrok and the serpentine creature Display Name Goes Here-Unloved Lehvak-Part 2 Display Name Goes Here-Krana Force... IN SPACE. Display Name Goes Here-STREETFIGHTERS-BOHROK EDITION Display Name Goes Here-*Facepalm* Tahu3.0-Matoran School Tahu3.0-The Bohrok LIVE To be announced... GS/PGS COMIC Just fill out this nifty form and send it in to Petewa Via PM Name: Element: Color Scheme: Other:
Hello, I posted a topic for this stuff a few months ago but it has since died; so this is a re-post of this topic. Anyway, I have quite the haul of Bionicle sets that have been packed away for many years and I'd like to get rid of them for more space and money towards a much needed new computer; as such, I am not looking to trade for other sets. Ideally I'd like to part with everything, so with that said here is what I've got: Strikeouts indicate sold items, while bold indicate on hold items. 2001 8531 Pohatu 8532 Onua 8533 Gali 8534 Tahu 8535 Lewa 8536 Kopaka 8537 Nui-Rama Toa Mata Promo Mini CD x1 8540 Vakama 8541 Matau 8542 Onewa 8543 Nokama 8544 Nuju 8545 Whenua 8546 Power Pack (No original box. Includes: CD, Hafu and Chrome Hau) 8548 Nui-Jaga 8549 Tarakava 2001 - McDonald's 1388 Huki 1389 Onepu 1390 Maku 1391 Jala 1392 Kongu 2002 8550 Gahlok Va 8551 Kohrak Va 8552 Lehvak Va 8553 Pahrak Va 8554 Tahnok Va 8555 Nuhvok Va 8556 Boxor 8560 Pahrak 8561 Nuhvok 8562 Gahlok 8563 Tahnok 8564 Lehvak 8565 Kohrak 8566 Onua Nuva 8567 Lewa Nuva 8568 Pohatu Nuva 8570 Gali Nuva 8571 Kopaka Nuva 8572 Tahu Nuva 2003 8573 Nuhvok-Kal 8574 Tahnok-Kal 8575 Kohrak-Kal 8576 Lehvak-Kal 8577 Pahrak-Kal 8578 Gahlok-Kal Nuhvok-Kal Mini Promo CD Tahnok-Kal Mini Promo CD Kohrak-Kal Mini Promo CD Lehvak-Kal Mini Promo CD Pahrak-Kal Mini Promo CD Gahlok-Kal Mini Promo CD 8581 Kopeke 8582 Matoro 8583 Hahli 8584 Hewkii 8585 Hafu 8586 Macku 8587 Panrahk 8588 Kurahk 8589 Lerahk 8590 Guurahk 8591 Vorahk 8592 Turahk 8593 Makuta 8595 Takua and Pewku 8596 Takanuva 2004 8601 Toa Vakama 8602 Toa Nokama 8603 Toa Whenua 8604 Toa Onewa 8605 Toa Matau 8606 Toa Nuju 8607 Nuhrii 8608 Vhisola 8609 Tehutti 8610 Ahkmou 8611 Orkahm 8612 Ehrye 8614 Nuurakh 8615 Bordakh 8616 Vorzakh 8617 Zadakh 8618 Rorzakh 8619 Keerakh 8621 Turaga Dume and Nivawk Comics BIONICLE 1: The Coming of the Toa (Has some page crease wear) BIONICLE 3: Triumph of the Toa BIONICLE 4: The Bohrok Awake! BIONICLE 5: To Trap a Tahnok BIONICLE 6: Into the Nest BIONICLE 7: What Lurks Below BIONICLE 8: The End of the Toa? BIONICLE 9: Divided We Fall BIONICLE 10: Powerless! x2 BIONICLE 11: A Matter of Time BIONICLE 12: Absolute Power BIONICLE 13: Rise of the Rahkshi! BIONICLE 14: At Last -- Takanuva! BIONICLE 15: Secrets and Shadows BIONICLE 16: Toa Metru! BIONICLE 17: Disks of Danger BIONICLE 19: Enemies of Metru Nui x2 BIONICLE 20: Struggle in the Sky BIONICLE 21: Dreams of Darkness BIONICLE 22: Monsters in the Dark BIONICLE 23: Vengeance of the Visorak BIONICLE 24: Shadow Play BIONICLE 25: Birth of the Rahaga BIONICLE 26: Hanging by a Thread BIONICLE 27: Fractures McDonald's Comic 1: Challenge of the Rahi (slight page wear) x2 All items come from a smoke free home! Everything here (unless stated otherwise) is in wonderful condition and includes the complete figure (I mean they were packed away for years in protective tubs), I do not have the instructions or canisters. I'd definitely like to sell these to anyone who may be interested in any of these or would perhaps even want them in bulk just for the spare parts. Update: I am willing to trade items for un-opened North American versions of the following amiibo: Samus, Kirby and Wii Fit Trainer. Alternately, I'm also willing to trade for items on my wish list. Thanks!
This has been a long time coming, but I think I'm finally ready to bring the Builder back. For those of you who don't remember, The Builder was one of my first epics here on BZP, one that gained some popularity for its uniqueness, for the Builder is the story of a Toa caught by the Bohrok and enslaved for years in their nest, and the story of how he escaped. Leave your comments, critiques, and feedback below!
Hello everyone, I’ve been lurking around the forums without an account for a few months now, and decided it was finally time to make an account. I’ve got a large collection up for sale, I’m moving out of my parent’s place so I have to sell a bunch of my stuff. Only the sets are for sale, they do not come with canisters/boxes. The majority do not come with instructions either, however I do have 6 booklets included. I’ve made sure each set contains the exact pieces it originally came with, and that no pieces are broken or of unacceptable quality. All sets are fully assembled. FOR SALE: GROUP A (69 Sets): The following sets contain all pieces as listed on Pictures can be found here: 1389 Onepu x 1 8532 Toa Onua x 1 8564 Bohrok Lehvak (Krana Ca) x 1 8568 Toa Nuva Pohatu Nuva x 1 8577 Bohrok-Kal Pahrak-Kal (Krana Ca-Kal) x 1 8573 Bohrok-Kal Nuhvok-Kal (Krana Bo-Kal) x 1 8587 Rahkshi Panrahk x 2 8588 Rahkshi Kurahk x 1 8589 Rahkshi Lerahk x 2 8590 Rahkshi Guurahk x 4 8591 Rahkshi Vorahk x 4 8592 Rahkshi Turahk x 1 8601 Toa Metru Vakama x 3 8603 Toa Metru Whenua x 1 8604 Toa Metru Onewa x 1 8605 Toa Metru Matau x 2 8606 Toa Metru Nuju x 1 8614 Vahki Nuurakh x 1 8615 Vahki Bordakh x 1 8616 Vahki Vorzakh x 1 8617 Vahki Zadakh x 1 8618 Vahki Rorzakh x 1 8607 Nuhrii x 1 8609 Tehutti x 1 8811 Toa Lhikan & Kikanalo x 1 8736 Toa Hordika Vakama x 2 8737 Toa Hordika Nokama x 1 8740 Toa Hordika Matau x 2 8762 Toa Hagah Iruini x 1 8756 Sidorak x 1 8903 Piraka Zaktan x 1 8904 Piraka Avak x 1 8727 Toa Inika Jaller x 2 8728 Toa Inika Hahli x 1 8730 Toa Inika Hewkii x 2 8731 Toa Inika Kongu x 1 8732 Toa Inika Matoro x 1 8733 Axonn x 2 8916 Barraki Takadox x 1 8917 Barraki Kalmah x 2 8920 Barraki Ehlek x 2 8912 Toa Mahri Hewkii x 1 8947 Radiak x 1 8687 Phantoka Pohatu x 1 8691 Phantoka Antroz x 1 8692 Phantoka Vamprah x 1 8693 Phantoka Chirox x 1 8689 Mistika Tahu x 2 8978 Glatorian Skrall x 1 3540 Lego Hockey Puck Passer x 1 (I know this isn’t a Bionicle set, but it was with all of my Technic/Bionicle pieces so I’m including it in this collection) GROUP B (49 Sets): The majority of the following sets are missing 1 or 2 trivial pieces. There are also a few sets that are missing major components of the set (such as a vehicle), but the figure itself is complete. Missing pieces are listed in parentheses. Pictures can be found here: 1389 Onepu (disk) x 3 1390 Macku (disk) x 1 1391 Jala (disk) x 1 8533 Toa Gali (kanohi) x 1 8561 Bohrok Nuhvok (krana, green elastic) x 1 8562 Bohrok Gahlok (krana, green elastic) x 1 8563 Bohrok Tahnok (krana, green elastic) x 1 8565 Bohrok Kohrak (krana, green elastic) x 1 8571 Toa Nuva Kopaka Nuva (shield) x 2 8573 Bohrok-Kal Nuhvok-Kal (krana, green elastic) x 1 8574 Bohrok-Kal Tahnok-Kal (krana, green elastic) x 1 8575 Bohrok-Kal Kohrak-Kal (krana, green elastic) x 1 8577 Bohrok-Kal Pahrak-Kal (krana, green elastic) x 1 8587 Rahkshi Panrahk (kraata) x 3 8588 Rahkshi Kurahk (kraata) x 2 8589 Rahkshi Lerahk x 1 8592 Rahkshi Turahk (kraata) x 1 8592 Rahkshi Turahk (head, kraata) x 1 8595 Takua (figure only, no Pewku) x 1 8596 Takanuva (figure only, no Ussanui) x 1 8607 Nuhrii (143 kanoka) x 1 8614 Vahki Nuurakh (kanoka) x 3 8615 Vahki Bordakh (kanoka) x 1 8616 Vahki Vorzakh (kanoka) x 1 8618 Vahki Rorzakh (1 staff, kanoka) x 1 8619 Vahki Keerakh (kanoka) x 2 4879 Rahaga Iruini (gold rhotuka) x 1 8743 Visorak Boggarak (elastic, rhotuka) x 1 8744 Visorak Oohnorak (elastic, rhotuka) x 1 8762 Toa Hagah Iruini (gold rhotuka, black ripcord) x 1 8730 Toa Inika Hewkii (chain) x 1 8729 Toa Inika Nuparu (red light sabre) x 3 8910 Toa Mahri Kongu (trans-neon green dome on back of head) x 1 8911 Toa Mahri Jaller (chain, cordak bullets) x 1 8919 Barraki Mantax (small black tentacle on arm) x 1 8690 Mistika Onua (red light sabre) x 1 8991 Tuma (helmet) x 1 3541 Lego Hockey Slap Shot (white helmet) x 1 (I know this isn’t a Bionicle set, but it was with all of my Technic/Bionicle pieces so I’m including it in this collection) INSTRUCTIONS: I also have the instruction booklets for the following sets. Pictures can be found here: 8728 Toa Inika Hahli x 1 8911 Toa Mahri Jaller x 1 8689 Mistika Tahu x 1 8690 Mistika Onua x 1 8978 Glatorian Skrall x 1 3540 Lego Hockey Puck Passer x 1 I also have a small assortment of extra pieces, so if you need any extra parts I can also include whatever you may need, I’ll let you know if I have it. I am selling the entire collection (118 sets) for either $250 USD, a complete set of 2001 mask pack masks (36 great masks, 36 noble masks, 14 European misprints), or the following three sets: 8538 Muaka & Kane-Ra, 8539 Manas and 8549 Tarakava. I’d prefer to sell this as the entire collection, however I will be willing to split up the collection if the offer is good enough. I am also open to including trades in offers. Below is a list of sets and pieces I am willing to trade for: WANTS/WILLING TO TRADE FOR: 8538 Muaka & Kane-Ra 8539 Manas 8549 Tarakava 8558 Cahdok and Gahdok 8551 Kohrak Va 8581 Kopeke 8582 Matoro 8583 Hahli 8585 Hafu 8586 Macku 8593 Makuta 8594 Jaller and Gukko 8621 Turaga Dume and Nivawk 8763 Toa Hagah Norik 4870 Kualus 4877 Norik 8721 Velika 8723 Piruk 8725 Balta 8929 Defilak 8930 Dekar Vohtarak Canister & Instructions (no set) Boggarak Canister & Instructions (no set) Roporak Canister & Instructions (no set) Any 2001/2002/2003 Great/Noble/Nuva/Gold/Silver/Copper/Chrome/Misprint Kanohi (basically any mask that is not stock from a set) Movie Edition Kraahkan Ultimate Dume Kraahkan Helmet Gold Vahi Black Kanoka Disk Launcher White Kanoka Disk Launcher Black/Silver Marbled Rhotuka Spinner Bley Rhotuka Spinner Any Slizers/Throwbots Sets Any rare promotional/collectible items If the buyer is paying cash then the buyer will also pay for shipping, however if a trade is involved then we can come to an appropriate agreement regarding shipping. I ship from Canada to anywhere worldwide. However, shipping internationally is pretty expensive, but I’m open to bartering and such and we can by all means work something out. Feel free to ask me any questions!
- collection
- sets
(and 3 more)
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