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Well, it’s been a few years but I’m back with more goodies to round out your collection! Check back often for updates. Please PM me with any questions or order requests. All prices are in USD, all transactions will be made via PayPal. KANOHI ALL silver Kanohi - $3ea MIRU Red - $13ea Blue & White - $9ea Nuva White - $17 AKAKU Green - $6 Blue - $5 Nuva Red - $4 Nuva Blue - $11 PAKARI Brown - $5 Red - $6 Green - $6ea Blue - $4 Gold - $5 HAU Brown - $6ea Black - $18ea Nuva Blue - $7 KAUKAU Red - $12 Gold - $4 KAKAMA Blue - $7 Green - $8 Nuva Black - $6 RAU Orange - $8 Tan - $9 KRANA ALL - $0.50ea OTHER Prototype red tohunga feet - looking to trade for other protos or mold tests Mismold Kalmah armor piece - make an offer! Protodermic Miru - $3ea Shadow Kraata - $2ea — Thanks and happy hunting! Sam
Hey all! It's been a while but I'm back with some new goodies for sale! See below for photos and prices, all prices in USD. I'm happy to ship US domestic or international, just be aware international shipping costs a minimum of about $14. PM me your shipping address and I'd be happy to get you an estimate. Payment will be sent via PayPal, I'm open to giving discounts on large orders, just ask! Please PM me with orders rather than commenting, I'd like to not clog up the comments section unless people have questions. I will update this post as needed with what's still available. RARE ITEMS Pearl Gold Vohtarak Shell - $75 (open to offers) Pearl Light Gray/Silver Akaku Nuva - $25 Trans-Neon Green Skull Scorpio Mask - $15 5-Hole Kraahkan - $75 (open to offers) Brown Noble Ruru Misprint - $10 Blue Noble Ruru Misprint - $14 Green Noble Matatu Misprint - $17 Trans-Medium Blue Kaukau Misprint - $50 Gold Vahi - $15 Orange Vahi (2 available) - $9 Disk of Time - $2 OR free with purchase of 2 or more Vahi masks FLASH SALE ITEMS - $1ea All just $1ea, multiples available of all shown above! KANOHI MATA HAU Brown - $2.50ea White - $5ea Black - $8ea KAUKAU Trans-Black - $5ea Trans-Neon Orange - $11ea Trans-Green - $8ea Trans-Red - $7ea MIRU Blue - $5ea White - $7ea Red - $7ea KAKAMA - ALL $4ea AKAKU - ALL $3.50ea PAKARI Blue OR Brown - $1.50ea Green OR Red - $3.50ea White - $6ea GOLD & SILVER KANOHI $3ea OR $16 for one of each of one color (set of 6) KANOHI NUVA $3ea NOBLE KANOHI Ruru - $1ea All others - $4ea KRANA/KRAATA Wild Kraata - $1.50ea Purple Krana (light purple on the left, dark purple on the right) - $1ea Bohrok-Kal disks - $1ea OR both for $1.50 Krana Va - $0.60ea SETS Glopo Dream Builders Masters of Disaster Doomsday knockoff (complete, never assembled) - $15 OTHERS: Click this link to go to my eBay store to see sets I have available. If you're interested in anything PM me, we can arrange a direct deal through PayPal for 10% off prices listed on eBay. Thanks for looking! Sam
I don't usually look for super rare masks and items as I am yet to collect every set in sealed condition due to irrelevance to the story, however, this item is relevant to the story and in order to complete my cannon Krana collection I must purchase this rare item. My starting offer would be $200 and I would likely pay over paypal through goods and services. If anybody has this item and would like to sell it to me or counteroffer, I will be willing to buy it. This thread is closed, here's the link to my new one:
2020/08/22: Please check up-to-date Kraata availability below, after a recent pending sale. Small restock expected next week. Greetings all -- I'm back again in search of Kraata, and offering up many in kind, among various other collectibles. As usual, I'm also interested in Nestle items, particularly the throwing stars aka spinners. My target Kraata are the empty squares in the chart hidden below. Due to many duplicates, the Kraata I have on offer are tabulated in text form instead. Please also note the various other things I'm offering if they're of interest, including a handful of Krana as well as BIONICLE and Technic merchandise. I'm happy to negotiate pricing if anyone would like to buy or sell excess quantity in the course of trade as well. Thanks -- please post or PM if you have any questions or issues! Wanted Kraata: Kraata on offer: Krana + other merchandise on offer: ~~
Happy Bionicle day everyone! I'm using the attention of this day to search for ANY Grey Plastic Krana-Kal from protosquad owners! (Also looking for metal krana, particularly Vaccuum Metal Krana-Kal) I have included a picture of some of the krana I am searching for below (image not mine - I wish!): Hope everyone has a great Bionicle day! HM
Hi all. I'm looking to sell this almost complete lot of Krana and Krana Va. It contains 92 of 96 Krana (missing blue Ja, yellow Xa, black Ja, tan Vu). I believe the purple Krana are all the same style, please check the UV light photo for details. Hopefully someone can finish this collection off! I'm not sure what a price on this would be so feel free to PM me with offers and discussion. You can also message me on the BZPower Discord at Biohunter#9345. Thank you!
The car I've been wanting since I was a kid has come up for sale at a really good price, and I'm not passing it up again. View the imgur album for pictures: Prices are in USD. SSKK = $2750 Complete VMKK set = $1800 SOLD WMKK = $275 Inside tour Gali mask = $750 SOLD Complete Toa Mata Kanohi set = $250 Complete Toa Nuva Kanohi set = $250 Complete Turaga Kanohi set = $90 Complete Krana set = $150 Complete Krana-Kal set = $75 SOLD NYCC clear Tahu mask = $40 Sealed Vahki Nuurakh w/ Mask + Disk of Time = $50 I have a complete set of Kraata that may or may not be for sale, I'm banking on no, but if I don't have enough for the car that will also be sold. I also have a second almost finished Kraata set that might join, along with miscellaneous other items.
Just made this little guy. It’s based on one of those early Bohrok pictures, the one where it shows the Matoran, Turaga and Toa on the top and the Bohrok forms on the bottom.
I really want to buy an SSKK with card. Please message me if you have one you’d like to sell along with how much you would like for it (I’m very open to hearing any and all prices). Thank you for any help.
I bought some Bionicle from eBay recently which contained quite a few Bohrok and therefore quite a few Krana. While trying to work out which Krana came with with sets I found an unusual one. I split them into 3 groups of Bohrok - Bohrok Va - Bohrok Kal following several guides from online and ended up with this. Imgur gallery Using Bricklink to define colours for the different sets, they are as follows; Bohrok Blue Orange Red Green Lime Medium Blue Bohrok Va Yellow Purple Dark Grey Tan Black White Bohrok Kal Flat Dark Gold Metal Blue Metallic Green Pearl Dark Grey Copper Pearl Very Light Grey I can't find anywhere that references a light gold krana. What have I found?
I have been 3D printing for a while, and one of my overall goals has been to 3D print Kanohi and other BIONICLE components. BEHOLD! A fully 3D printed krana za. I think the detail is acceptable, and I have 2 shapes to work with. Pretty soon I will have more colors to work with, including different colors of translucent. Sometime I might be able to take requests for parts, but I am afraid it takes quite a bit of my time and I will not be able to take many requests at a time. I also have a limited capability to modify parts, therefore I might be able to put small logos or emblems in masks or krana. Feel free to send me ideas or something cool you would like to see! LightPurpleKrana
This is a small moc I made a while back as a reintroduction as I haven't made any constraction mocs since 2009. His story is as follows: A krana created by the Bahrag had a strange malfunction, even when active it appeared dormant in colour, considering this a faulty krana they discarded it, eventually it fell into the hands of the dark hunters who created a mechanical body for him to control, he did not believe in the dark hunter's ideals but worked with them as they had saved him from behind destroyed years ago, due to his dormant colouring he could lure targets in and then spring to life, eliminating or taking them hostage, whatever the mission required, he wielded the marble blade, it can slice through stone despite weighing almost nothing, making it a light and efficient weapon. The images are huge so I will only link the gallery to make this post more manoueverable, insights into the build are included below each image: Please leave whatever constructive feedback you like as I value opinions that can help me improve I have another moc coming soon, it is much bigger and more complex.
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This post will be updated with new sale items and prices periodically, so check back frequently! UPDATE HISTORY: 2/11/17 HUGE Update! 12/13/16 Posting Updated 11/17/16 Initial Posting Hey everyone! I've got LOTS of stuff for sale this time around! Mostly looking to sell, but would definitely be interested in trade offers for rarer kanohi and collectibles! I ship from the US but will ship internationally if buyer is willing to pay higher shipping costs. All transactions will be made through PayPal. Message me with your preferred shipping address for shipping cost estimates! The goods (all prices in USD): Kanohi Gold Kanohi Mata ~ $4.50 each Silver Kanohi Mata ~ $2.50 each Kraahkan and Avohkiis ~ $6.00 each Toa (New!) Haus ~ $7.00 each Miru (red) ~ $5.00 Kaukaus ~ $4.00 each Kakamas ~ $3.25 each Pakaris & Akakus ~ $2.50 each Kanohi Nuva ~ $2.50 each Noble (New!) Matatus, Raus, and Rurus ~ $3.00 each Hunas ~ $2.50 each Komaus & Mahikis ~ $2.00 each Vahis ~ $7.00 each Shadow Kraata ~ $1.50 each Copper Hunas (US version) ~ $5.00 each (New!) Misprints Black Matatu ~ $20 White Ruru ~ $20 each Krana $0.50 each Buy 6 or more for $0.40 each! Tohunga (New!) No disk, $5.00 each Add disk, $6.00 each (New!) Sets (Verified 100% Complete, no instructions/packaging, unless otherwise noted) Full Set of 6 Toa Nuva OR Mata ~ $55 Full Set of 6 Toa Metru ~ $40 Vezon & Fenrakk (no cape) ~ $32 Cahdok & Gahdok ~ $75 Manas ~ $85 Nui-Rama ~ $25 Nui-Jaga ~ $25 I also have TONS of random spare parts, as well as several other complete sets (Toa, Bohrok/Bohrok-Kal, Rahkshi, Visorak), so if you're after something specific feel free to ask!! Comment or PM with any questions or offers. Thanks for viewing!! -Sam
It recently dawned on me that there's a very obvious discrepancy with the way collectibles were distributed and advertised in the first few years of BIONICLE. The truth is, I've always felt there was something off but never managed to put my finger on it until just now. That's what happens when you're bad at math but your mild obsessiveness gets the better of you. So check this out. Of all the collectibles (and subsequently projectiles) released by LEGO as a BIONICLE accessory, 5 types were packed in conjunction with another type—a total of 3 packs with 2 types of collectibles in them. Those were namely: 8559/8569 Kanohi (Silver and Gold) and Krana8597/8598 Kanohi Nuva and Krana8599/8600 Kanohi Nuva (Silver/Protodermic) and Krana-Kal At first, that seems normal enough, until you consider the total number of collectibles available through each pack (not counting rares or misprints; just the advertised ones) and the ratio between them, which is as follows: 8559/8569 12 Kanohi and 96 Krana (1:8)8597/8598 36 Kanohi Nuva and 96 Krana (3:8)8599/8600 6 Kanohi Nuva and 48 Krana-Kal (1:8) It's common sense that you won't get all of the collectibles right away and you will most definitely have a huge surplus—but that's the entire sales pitch, so it's fine. The problem comes from the unequal surplus resulting from the ratio between the two types of collectibles. Basically, to get every collectible from each type of pack you would need to buy a hypothetical bare minimum of: 8559/8569 32 packs (with a minimal surplus of 52 Kanohi)8597/8598 32 pack (with a minimal surplus of 28 Kanohi Nuva)8599/8600 16 packs (with a minimal surplus of 26 Kanohi Nuva) Hold on, does that sound right? 52 Kanohi!? That sounds like an awfully huge surplus just in theory, let alone in practice. Now this might just be me, but it seems like common sense that if you offer your consumers a product that they know will result in a reasonable amount of surplus, depending on how determined they are to obtain a full collection, that's absolutely fine, as long as the ratio is 1:1. The way I see it, there are three criteria by which any surplus can be deemed "okay": If the total number of obtainable collectibles is divisible by the minimal number of necessary packs (e.g. 36 packs of 8525/8530 Kanohi to obtain a full collection of 72 Kanohi; not considering the 6 types of eye pieces as collectibles).If the ratio between different collectible items is exactly 1:1.If the complete list of available collectibles is openly displayed on the packaging, or at the very least advertised inside. Collectibles are a gamble and that's entirely fine because you have your consumer's unspoken consent that they won't get a full set of anything from the first attempt, but they can at least feel free to try. Getting them, however, to (knowingly or otherwise) consent to a huge surplus by design is pretty darn questionable. Take the very first instances of collectibles like BIONICLE's, namely the 8508 Slizer/Throwbots disks (proto Kanoka) and the 8515 RoboRiders wheels. The former had a total of 48 disks in packs of 5 (minimal surplus of 2; no big deal), while the latter had a total of 128 wheels in packs of 4 (no surplus). Neither had a full (or at least comprehensive and not in any way misleading) list of every collectible, available inside or on the actual packaging. All in all the only exemplary pack of collectibles were the original Kanohi, as they covered all three of the criteria above. Unless of course you count the 14 misprints, which were a mistake; the infected Hau, which wasn't advertised; or the Vahi, which was suggested on the packaging but ultimately never included. But I consider all of those deviations not necessarily in violation of any of the criteria. And what was the deal with the Kanoka anyway? Was there ever a complete list of all the disks you could get anywhere? Never mind the surplus (I don't think there was one). The Rhotuka were also fine, I think; there wasn't much to them. Everything from then on was all projectiles. Tell me what you guys think? Am I making any sense? I'd love to start a discussion out of this.
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Hello Bionicle fans, Special offer for the Trans-Red Kanoka SEALED (with French Bionicle comics #1) Price on BL $40 Price on BZP $35 - 1 sold, 2 remaining Special offer for 10202 Ultimate Dume (with exclusive Mask of Power) SEALED Price on BL $100 Price on BZP $90 - 1 sold, 2 remaining Build your Vahki army (all SEALED sets)! 8614 Nuurakh $9 (12 available) 8618 Rorzakh $9 (31 available) Price on BZP : Buy 6 or more for $8 each, buy 12 or more for $7 each Full set of 96 Krana $250 $130 Full set of 48 Krana-Kal $150 $90 Full set of Kanoka including "175", TRK, Tan, Disc of Time $300 $180 Full set of 2001 Toa Kanohi $5 red hau, trans-blu kaukau, green miru, brown kakama, black pakari, white akaku (many sets available)Full set of 2003 Matoran of Mata Nui (8581-8586) SEALED Price on BL $48 Price on BZP $40 Kanohi 2001 prototypes Price on BL $395 (for Trans-Dark Blue Kaukau or Green Miru) Price on BZP $199 with free worldwide shipping (offer valid until March 20th 2017) Prototype Toa Pohatu + Prototype Rock Price on BL $392 + $98 Price on BZP $199 with free worldwide shipping (offer valid until March 20th 2017) Many sealed sets from 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Click here to go to my BL store Rules Please PM only if you are willing to buy, thanks!Worldwide shipping with tracking for up to 2 kg : $19 (Europe $15) - not insuredPayment : Paypal or IBAN (Europe only)
I have many Kanohi Nuva and Krana for sale. Also I have a Nuju Hordika set I am taking best offers on. Check them out: Kanohi Nuva Krana Nuju Hordika
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- Kanohi
- Kanohi Nuva
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Hello Bionicle fans, Special offer for the Trans-Red Kanoka SEALED (with French Bionicle comics #1) Price on BL $50 Price on BZP $45 Special offer for 10202 Ultimate Dume (with exclusive Mask of Power) SEALED Price on BL $120 Price on BZP $110 Full set of 96 Krana $250 $150 Full set of 48 Krana-Kal $150 $100 Full set of Kanoka including "175", TRK, Tan, Disc of Time $300 $200 Full set of 2001 Toa Kanohi $5 red hau, trans-blu kaukau, green miru, brown kakama, black pakari, white akaku (many sets available)Full set of 2003 Matoran of Mata Nui (8581-8586) SEALED Price on BL $54 Price on BZP $45 Kanohi 2001 prototypes Prototype Toa Pohatu + Prototype Rock Many sealed sets from 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Click here to go to my BL store Rules Please PM only if you are willing to buy, thanks!Worldwide shipping with tracking for up to 2 kg : $19 (Europe $14.50) - not insuredPayment : Paypal or IBAN (Europe only)
- Buyer pays PayPal fees and shipping (must be tracked). Only offering it for $2000 USD this weekend. If I don't sell it now, I likely won't sell it at all as I just got a job that will pay for the car I want over the span of a few months. First come first serve!
Hello Bionicle fans, Special offers valid until November 30th! Yellow Ruru & White Huna : SOLD Full set of 96 Krana $250 $150 Full set of 48 Krana-Kal $150 $100 Full set of Kanoka including "175", TRK, Tan, Disc of Time $300 $200 Full set of 2001 Toa Kanohi $8 with free shipping worldwide (no tracking) red hau, trans-blu kaukau, green miru, brown kakama, black pakari, white akaku (many sets available)Full set of 2003 Matoran of Mata Nui (8581-8586) Price on BL $54 Price on BZP $45 Kanohi 2001 prototypes Prototype Toa Pohatu + Prototype Rock Many sealed sets from 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Click here to go to my BL store Rules Please PM only if you are willing to buy, thanks!Worldwide shipping with tracking for up to 2 kg : $19 (Europe $14.50) - not insuredPayment : Paypal or IBAN (Europe only)
- 2 replies
- Yellow Ruru
- White Huna
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Hello Bionicle fans, Back for a few weeks to sell a few items of my Bionicle collection! Kanohi 2001 prototypes Click here to go to my BL store Kanoka "175" $15 I have a lot of regular Kanoka to sell if interested Trans-Red Kanoka (TRK) $50 Prototype Toa Pohatu + Prototype Rock $1200 $800 This is the model to own, parts are very different from the final model, the rock itself is also completely different, check pictures below : Full set of 96 Krana $250 $200 Full set of 48 Krana-Kal $150 $120 Full set of Kanoka including "175", TRK, Tan, Disc of Time $300 $250 Full set of 2001 Toa Kanohi $5 red hau, trans-blu kaukau, green miru, brown kakama, black pakari, white akaku for $5, shipping add $5 for 1-5 sets, tracking add $2.50 (many available)Full set of 2003 Matoran of Mata Nui (8581-8586) $50 - Full set of 2001 Toa Kanohi ($5 value) offered, limited offer! Worlidwide shipping with tracking : $19 (Europe $14.50) Many sealed sets from 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Click here to go to my BL store Trades : I am only looking for the following sets 852293 Castle Giant Chess set10123 Cloud cityLego Gentle Giant Blackhole StormtrooperLego Gentle Giant Darth Vader (with Anakin's head)Lego Gentle Giant Stormtrooper (with Han Solo's head)Lego Gentle Giant Boba Fett75060 UCS Slave I75095 UCS TIE Fighter75098 UCS Assault on HothRules Trading : you send firstSelling : you pay for shipping fees, IBAN or PaypalRead my topic until here? Interested in the White Huna or Yellow Ruru? PM your offer!
!UPDATED! Hi! So, as you may have noticed, BZP member Mask Collector is selling few of his rare items, but they are... Well, expensive. I love my collection, but I know that Im gonna be able to reaquire these in in future, in difference from those misprints that MC is selling. I know that prices are little bit high, but I need a money. RULES: Let´s consider this as auction. Min raising bid is 1$. Please note that if Im not gonna work out a sale with MC, there is not gonna be any sale of my items. Exp: You can bid on whatever you want, until Ill work out a sale with MC, Then, Ill expect you to send money to my Paypal and Ill send the items. If Im not gonna be able to work out a sale with MC, then there is not gonna be any sale, sorry I also do have a minimum price for which I want to sell the items, if the bid is not gonna meet my min price, then there is also not gonna be any sale, but Im willing to negotiate on this. So, let´s start with bootlegs: BOOTLEGS SOLD I have full sets too, but they don´t have packaging and have loose balljoints and are easy to break, so I don´t think anyone would want them. Now, official Lego items: Full set of Shadow Kraata (2x) Starting bid: 25$ (For 1 full set) Disc of Time and Metru blue Ruru (2004 version) Starting bid: 5$ for Disc and 20$ for the Ruru (Almost) Full set of Krana-Kal. (2x) Missing ones are crossed out. Starting bid: 100$ (For 1 almost full set) Prototype/Misprint black Skrall shield. (8x) Starting bid: 10$ (For 1) MORE COMING SOON!!! (If you think that some prices are more than a bearable amount for you, or you want to hear minimum selling price as you are bored from bidding, PM me, I think that we can make a deal )
Hello all, as some of you may have seen, I'm selling my collection. I will be posting pictures of everything here shortly. Whoever gives me the highest offer either here or via messenger will get the item. if the prices don't meet what i'm after, I WILL NOT SELL. For now, go ahead and ask for what you want, and put an offer down. Here are a few pictures of some of my more rare items and other items up for sale. THIS WILL BE OFFERS, ONLY SELLING, NO TRADING! SORRY! Ultra Rare Kanohi WMKK Prototype Bitil Helmet Prototype Zamor and Shadow Leech Prototype Sets(I have almost everything pictured) Copper UK Komau UK Copper Huna (Right) US Copper Huna (Left) EU Misprints(1 Full set and 1 partial Set) Pearl Gold Kraahkan MEK 5 Hole Chin Kraahkan Complete Kanoka Collection(Missing only the Gold Kanoka) TNGM's Galore! MISC Kanohi(Just ask) MISC Krana(Just ask) 2015+ Items Comic Con TNGSS (X2) If I'm in the process of a trade with you, please message me and we will get it taken care of. Thanks Andre (MC) Updates will be coming shortly
- 120 replies
- Prototypes
- Ultra Rares
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