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Welcome back! With a new year's worth of sets starting to be revealed, there's finally work to be done on the lists again. To use them, simply click on the list you want below to open the full-sized version, open it in any image editing program, and fill in the boxes using the colors from the indices. Sets Masks Individual Kanohi and Masks of Power Krana Kraata Kanoka Rhotuka Mask-like Back Up Links Can't see the above images or the links aren't working? Try here: SetsMasksKanohiMasks of PowerKranaKraataKanokaRhotukaMask-likeExamples For some examples of them in use, here are my lists: SetsMasksKranaKraataKanokaRhotukaMask-likeI hope you all find them as useful as I do. ~|ET|~
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Been out of touch with things for years, but as I do another nostalgic round-up on my BIONICLE collection, I'm having an itch to go after a holy grail of mine. The White Metal Krana Kal. Trophy of one of my favorite sets in the line (yes I love the Bohrok Kal. Most of the things about the Swarm get me, but the silver bois especially), and I would've loved to find one back in the day. Didn't exactly try crazy back then (i was more stringent about duplicate sets, never bothered to check every Kal in every store), and now I'm wondering what the cost would be to go for it now. From what I've read, the WMKKs are relatively cheap compared to the other precious metal masks out there (over 5000 units out there helps). Couple hundred, I hear? $300, give or take? Or are things inflating? Also, from my initial overviews, I see that even the WMKKs are scarce on secondary markets online, so I suppose I need to track down a current owner. I'm guessing BZP's old WMKK/SSKK Tracker page (now only visible on Internet Archive) offers leads, but it being that old and with members not so active anymore, I doubt it. So with my desires, I have a two queries: -How much would a WMKK with its original back and certificate card set me back in money today? -Is there any reliable way I can start asking/looking around for current owners to barter with? Redirect me to the proper topic if needed.
I am giving away my entire BrickLink inventory for FREE including free shipping to anyone within Europe. The store password is "allforfree." I only have two conditions for this transaction: You take the entire lot as is.You can keep, give away or resell any of the items but you cannot throw any of them away.Anyone interested can feel free to post a comment or PM me. Pro tip: the collectibles are mostly generic but the promo CDs and the Lhikan Greatswords are a steal so better hurry up.
How do you guys feel about buying BIONICLE and other LEGO-related merchandise from casual or former fans if they have no idea how much the merchandise is currently worth on the market? Last year I saw a huge lot of BIONICLE sets and pieces for sale on a local trading website and I specifically contacted the seller to ask if he'd agree to sell me just three mask for about 20% of his asking price. At first, he was reluctant but as soon as I insisted, he agreed. Now, most people would assume that what I did was fair (as I did at the time), but here's the thing: his asking price for the entire lot wasn't much to begin with; it was 100 BGN, which amounts to about 60 USD. On top of that, the masks I got were a chrome Hau, a misprint green Matatu and a trans-yellow Kaukau. I subsequently kept the Hau, sold the Matatu for slightly more money and traded the Kaukau for a Toa Inika Promo CD, which was the only copy I had ever seen in my life. So I don't consider that I cheated the person as I barely got any money out of the purchase directly, and chances are the he wouldn't have even bothered to put any of the pieces up for individual sale; he just wanted to get rid of the lot for a quick buck. But I did still deliberately withhold information from him regarding the current market for these pieces and in all honesty, I would never do that again with a clear conscience. I see a lot of people on Facebook tend to brag when they make purchases like that and I can't help but a feel a bit... disappointed. If the seller is aware of how much they can get for an item but sell it to you cheap anyway, that's perfectly fine. But if they don't have a clue and ask you how much you'd give, and then you casually offer $20 for a sealed Toa Lhikan set, that is cheating, IMHO. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.
A friend is offering me a sealed 8530 kanohi pack for £10, is it worth buying one, or is the chance of getting a "default" mask just too high, or what about the slight possibility of a yellow kaukau? what does everyone think, please share your thoughts
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It recently dawned on me that there's a very obvious discrepancy with the way collectibles were distributed and advertised in the first few years of BIONICLE. The truth is, I've always felt there was something off but never managed to put my finger on it until just now. That's what happens when you're bad at math but your mild obsessiveness gets the better of you. So check this out. Of all the collectibles (and subsequently projectiles) released by LEGO as a BIONICLE accessory, 5 types were packed in conjunction with another type—a total of 3 packs with 2 types of collectibles in them. Those were namely: 8559/8569 Kanohi (Silver and Gold) and Krana8597/8598 Kanohi Nuva and Krana8599/8600 Kanohi Nuva (Silver/Protodermic) and Krana-Kal At first, that seems normal enough, until you consider the total number of collectibles available through each pack (not counting rares or misprints; just the advertised ones) and the ratio between them, which is as follows: 8559/8569 12 Kanohi and 96 Krana (1:8)8597/8598 36 Kanohi Nuva and 96 Krana (3:8)8599/8600 6 Kanohi Nuva and 48 Krana-Kal (1:8) It's common sense that you won't get all of the collectibles right away and you will most definitely have a huge surplus—but that's the entire sales pitch, so it's fine. The problem comes from the unequal surplus resulting from the ratio between the two types of collectibles. Basically, to get every collectible from each type of pack you would need to buy a hypothetical bare minimum of: 8559/8569 32 packs (with a minimal surplus of 52 Kanohi)8597/8598 32 pack (with a minimal surplus of 28 Kanohi Nuva)8599/8600 16 packs (with a minimal surplus of 26 Kanohi Nuva) Hold on, does that sound right? 52 Kanohi!? That sounds like an awfully huge surplus just in theory, let alone in practice. Now this might just be me, but it seems like common sense that if you offer your consumers a product that they know will result in a reasonable amount of surplus, depending on how determined they are to obtain a full collection, that's absolutely fine, as long as the ratio is 1:1. The way I see it, there are three criteria by which any surplus can be deemed "okay": If the total number of obtainable collectibles is divisible by the minimal number of necessary packs (e.g. 36 packs of 8525/8530 Kanohi to obtain a full collection of 72 Kanohi; not considering the 6 types of eye pieces as collectibles).If the ratio between different collectible items is exactly 1:1.If the complete list of available collectibles is openly displayed on the packaging, or at the very least advertised inside. Collectibles are a gamble and that's entirely fine because you have your consumer's unspoken consent that they won't get a full set of anything from the first attempt, but they can at least feel free to try. Getting them, however, to (knowingly or otherwise) consent to a huge surplus by design is pretty darn questionable. Take the very first instances of collectibles like BIONICLE's, namely the 8508 Slizer/Throwbots disks (proto Kanoka) and the 8515 RoboRiders wheels. The former had a total of 48 disks in packs of 5 (minimal surplus of 2; no big deal), while the latter had a total of 128 wheels in packs of 4 (no surplus). Neither had a full (or at least comprehensive and not in any way misleading) list of every collectible, available inside or on the actual packaging. All in all the only exemplary pack of collectibles were the original Kanohi, as they covered all three of the criteria above. Unless of course you count the 14 misprints, which were a mistake; the infected Hau, which wasn't advertised; or the Vahi, which was suggested on the packaging but ultimately never included. But I consider all of those deviations not necessarily in violation of any of the criteria. And what was the deal with the Kanoka anyway? Was there ever a complete list of all the disks you could get anywhere? Never mind the surplus (I don't think there was one). The Rhotuka were also fine, I think; there wasn't much to them. Everything from then on was all projectiles. Tell me what you guys think? Am I making any sense? I'd love to start a discussion out of this.
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UPDATED 9/7 6:30 PM PDT Thanks for the overwhelming interest! Thought this post needed an update so here ya go! Some collectibles for sale/trade! Primarily looking to sell, but will gladly trade for other collectibles (primarily kanohi) if they catch my eye! I prefer to ship within the US but will ship internationally if buyer is willing to pay higher shipping costs. All transactions will be made through PayPal. Message me with your preferred shipping address for shipping cost estimates! The goods: Red Line = Sold Yellow Line = Reserved Orange Vahis ($7.50 ea), Shadow Kraata ($1.50 ea) Collectible Kanohi ~ Blue Pakari Nuva $2 ~ Blue Kakama Nuva $2 ~ Blue Akaku Nuva $2 ~ Green Pakari Nuva $6 ~ Brown Hau Nuva $1.50 ~ White Kaukau Nuva $3 ~ Red Akaku Nuva $1.50 ~ Dark Gray Hau $1 ~ Orange Matatu $3 ~ Silver Kaukau $2 ~ Silver Akaku $1.50 ~ Silver Kakama $2 ~ Trans-Glitter Avokhii $5 ~ Clear Kaukau $20 ~ Trans-Dark Blue Ruru $1 ~ Purple Pakari $1 2001-2003 Set-Standard Kanohi (Kraahkan $5, all others $1 ea) Other Set-Standard Kanohi ($1 ea) NEW! Wild Kraata ($1.25) & Krana (light purple $1, all others $0.50) I also have LOTS of complete sets and tons of spare parts, feel free to ask about anything! Some sets I have (I price competitively, discounts given if not 100% complete): ~ Keetongu ~ Sidorak ~ Vezon and Fenrakk ~ Axalara T9 ~ Cendox V1 ~ McDonald's Tohunga ~ 2003 Matoran ~ Rahkshi ~ Various Bohrok & Bohrok-Kal ~ Various Toa Mata/Nuva Comment or PM with any questions or offers. Thanks for viewing!! -Sam
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I was looking, and I'm surprised that I haven't seen one of these topics before. So, it's exactly what the title says. And tibia topic is solely meant as a place where you can brag about your huge collections to late-comers like me. (JK) So, like I said, I'm a late-comer to Bionicle, just getting incredibly into it in the last two months or so, so I only currently have two masks from G1 that I ordered off of Bricklink: 1xKadin, Mask of Flight (On Toa Nuparu) 1xNoble Rau (Melded Metru type, on Ahkmou) And for some reason I swear I have an Akaku somewhere off of Kopaka Mata, but I have no idea why I have that feeling. So, post your Kanohi collection!
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Hello once again everybody! With so much excitement over BIONICLE's return, I thought what better time than now to finally update and post all of my checklists? These lists are intended to be simple in design and easy to use. They mimic the style used by many collectors for some action figure lines I also collect. To use them, simply click on the list you want below to open the full size version, open it in any image editing program, and fill in the boxes using the colors from the indices. There have been numerous changes since last I updated. These include the additional of several entire lists! Updates for 2015 are also well under way and will be continuously updated as new items are unveiled or images become available. Complete: Sets, Masks, Krana, Kraata, Kanoka, Rhotuka, Mask-like Sets Masks Krana Kraata Kanoka Rhotuka Mask-like Back Up Links Can't see the above images or the links aren't working? Try here: SetsMasksKranaKraataKanokaRhotukaMask-likeExamples For some examples of them in use, here are my lists: SetsMasksKranaKraataKanokaRhotukaMask-likeI hope you all find them as useful as I do. ~|ET|~
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I can't stop making these topics. Can I get banned for that? Anyways, what is the rarest BIONICLE set or collectible that you own? Honestly, I have nothing at all that I would consider rare. I have yet to get any special items, although I do have three Hero Packs on the way. Have fun and don't flame or attack anyone please!
Sup. I'm clearing out some unneeded collectibles from my collection, here's photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. And below is the complete list, plus prices. Underlined items are FREE of charge, save for shipping and handling. My prices are in euro, but you can check what the equivalent is in your currency. I will accept PayPal payments only, in both euro and dollars. I live in Bulgaria, but shipping costs are very cheap, even with tracking, as long as you keep the package under 1 kilogram. US buyers, please be informed that currently doesn't provide online tracking information for certain countries, but it's still advisable to take the extra precaution and pay for tracking. I will not be held responsible for lost packages that aren't traceable. Now that we have gotten the basics out of the way, here's the list. Everything, including prices, shipping and payment is still negotiable, as long as the offer is reasonable. SLIZER DISKS (1999) – €0.50 SUB/SCUBA: 3 Lights, 4 Lights, 5 Lights ICE/SKI: 2 Lights (x2) CITY/TURBO: 2 Lights, 3 Lights JUDGE/JET: 3 Lights ROCK/GRANITE: 3 Lights JUNGLE/AMAZON: 2 Lights, 6 Lights ROBORIDER WHEELS (2002) – €0.50 FROST: Flame DUST: Fuel, Stunner ONYX: Laser, Twin Saw POWER: Grab LAVA: Driller, Flame, Stunner, Toxic (x2) SWAMP: Fuel, Ninja (x2), Skeleton THE BOSS: Axer, Driller, Laser KANOHI (2001/2002) – €3.00 AKAKU: Silver KAUKAU: Black KRANA (2002) – €1.00 ZA: Purple (Dark?) VU: Dark Green (x2), Black CA: Red, Purple (Dark?), Lime YO: Light Blue, Yellow JA: Dark Gray, Yellow, Purple (Dark?) SU: Light Blue, Orange, Yellow, Tan BO: White (x2), Yellow KRANA-KAL (2003) – €1.00 ZA-KAL: Gahlok-Kal VU-KAL: Pahrak-Kal CA-KAL: Lehvak-Kal YO-KAL: Tahnok-Kal, Nuhvok-Kal BO-KAL: Kohrak-Kal KRAATA (2003) – €0.50 (Standard), €1.00 (Nonstandard) LEVEL 2: Standard Lerahk LEVEL 3: Black/Sand Yellow Metallic LEVEL 4: Standard Guurahk, Standard Panrahk LEVEL 5: Lemon Metallic/Dark Green, Dark Gray/Sand Blue Metallic LEVEL 6: Standard Kurahk, Standard Vorahk KANOKA (2004) – €1.00 GA-METRU: 265 ONU-METRU: 631 MISCELLANEOUS – €0.00 KANOHI SHELEK: Black/Silver TOA MATA HEAD PIECE: Silver GLATORIAN HAND PIECE: Crimson
Welcome! Thought it was time I got myself organised so I'm giving my Bricklink store an official portal here on BZP too! I've already had a great many very smooth transactions with BZP members here, be they buying, selling or trading, and my Bricklink feedback is at 100% where I intend to keep it so you're in safe hands guaranteed! I've been casually trading in Bionicle for a good few years now, growing my own collection in the process. Over the last couple of years I've got serious and now I'm finally getting organised as well with the shop inventory growing every day and new stock coming in all the time! I intend to continue trading for the forseeable future and am happy to proxy buy if there is a particular set or item that you're looking for, just ask! I'm currently still (read: constantly) in the process of inventorying the many sets I have and I believe those listed in the shop currently only represent around 20% of my actual stock so if you're looking for something you can't find please feel free to drop me a line here, there or anywhere! I also have bags of collectibles which aren't online yet due to time constraints, I'm happy to check through what I have for those who are interested however. I'm ALWAYS on the lookout for more collectibles as they tend to move quickly so it's definitely worth checking in, the more valuable collectables I have ARE usually up online though so do check the store as well if you're looking for Euro misprints or the like as I'll upload them intermittently! It's worth noting that I AM planning further expansion into Hero Factory but currently stock only a small selection. I do have a Witch Doctor and Black Phantom in my possession but neither are complete and I won't be ordering any missing parts for the forseeable future. If you have a particular interest in these or any other Hero Factory sets please let me know and I'll see what I can do, otherwise I'll add new items as they come in! I'm going to use this top post for two additional purposes which are likely to change over time so do keep an eye on it. First up is what I'm currently keen to sell (and therefore may be cheaper than usual!) and second is what I'm looking to buy or trade. So first up... MOTIVATED SELLERS! So these are items I have a lot of and would like to see turned into new stock or simply things I've had a long time and no longer want! Today I have a few things to report so if any of these tickle your fancy do please let me know! Right now I'm finding space is at a premium since I've recently come into possession of a great deal of canisters! I have full sets of 6 for some lines including Piraka, Nuva, Metru and I believe a few others but I would need to check! These things take up a lot of space but they do increase the value of the sets inside them (particularly in a full set of six!) so I'm not looking to give them away but I WOULD like to move some of them on to new homes where they can be enjoyed! I also have a lot of boxed sets right now including unbuilt (sealed bags in open boxes) Makuta and Nidhiki. I also have Nocturn, Mutran and Vican (in a beaten box!) and a bunch of others. I believe I have Brutaka in there and even the 'Quest for the Masks' board game which is actually a pretty good game! Currently I have a lot of Rahkshi and Vahki sets so I may be able to offer these for slightly lower prices than normal, many are currently unchecked and some Vahki may be missing their disks right now. (If it's in the store then it's complete) Let me know if you're after any of these guys and I'll help if I can! In non-Bionicle stock I have a few Mars Mission sets which I'd love to move onto another collector. Some of them are listed while others are currently part of an order that seems to have stalled (filed NPB dispute) so will be available again soon. I also have a few other sets which aren't in the store yet including the Huge space station set in it's original box. If space sets are your thing then these are definitely worth a look as some of the sets are pretty great! Finally, not so much a motivated seller but certainly something worth mentioning nonetheless, the Toa Mata Nui trio in the image above are all currently for sale and I MAY consider taking offers on the first one to sell if it's going to a good BZP home. These sets sell all day long so I'm not open to lowball offers but I don't really need three of them and they're taking up inventory space that could be filled with something else right now so make me an offer if you're interested! LOOKING TO BUY Finally, these are the things I want! I'm trying not to invest too heavily in my own collection right now but there are always things I'm on the lookout for which will be listed below! Whether you'd rather sell or trade I'm always open to offers if you happen to have something I need so please let me know if you do! Right now, my Kraata collection is the next big thing and I still need a LOT of the wild kraata and a few of the purple stage 7s too. I have an up to date list of the ones I need so if you have a reasonable amount of spares yourself please let me know so I can add them to my collection!!! Rarer items I'm after include a bluish grey rhotuka to finish off that collection and some of the less common kanoka including all of the ones shown in my sig! Most notably I'm after a Golden Kanoka, preferably with the box so please let me know if you have one of these. I also need 5 more VMKK to finish that display so let me know if you have any leads on those as well and I'll be sure to return the assistance if ever I can! Finally I'm looking for shop displays and banners right now as well so if you have any of the display tubes knocking around being neglected please do let me know as I can add them to an ever growing collection of retail items! That's it for now, thanks for stopping by and remember I stock pretty much every set there is (regardless of whether or not they've made it to the shop yet!) so if in doubt just ask away! A link to the shop can be found in my signature and is also HERE for those who don't want to scroll down to it! As a parting thought there is one last item that I have yet to sell on... SAND TARAKAVA 10/10 I may well hold onto this for a little longer but at some point I will be looking to sell ST.10 so if you have any interest in owning the last replica please let me know. Starting price will be a minimum of £100 but I'll certainly consider any offers that reach me that are above that! I'll receive notifications from this topic and I also have email alerts for my private messages so I'm pretty easy to get hold of. Please don't expect an immediate response however. While I'll do my very best to get back to any enquiries as soon as possible I do have other responsibilities and must occasionally leave the computer to attend to them! Thanks again for checking out this post and please get in touch if there's anything I can do for you!
What is your ultimate dream in terms of BIONICLE sets or collectibles? It can be anything, big or small. Personally, I would like to get every set from 2008. That is the year of BIONICLE I remember most vividly, and, unlike most people, I REALLY like the Adaptive Armor. I hope the title doesn't count as religious discussion.
You should expect these topics regularly from now on. What is your favorite BIONICLE collectible? You can answer the poll, but I would appreciate if you explained why in a post. Personally, I like Kanohi masks the best because they are the most universally-used items, and there are tons of cool designs.
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So with the return of Bionicle, and the collectibles that have come with it (trans red Hau, clear Hau, gold masks), what other fun collectible ideas would you like to see? An obvious choice would be mask packs with different coloured Toa masks, like in 01, but I personally would like to see chrome plastic gold versions of the real gold masks, like the gold C-3PO figures. They would come in polybags with their own build-able podiums. Because not all of us would be able to afford the real deal glorious gold ones.
Hi guys, Up for sale: '260x unopened European kanohi mask bags from 2001'! Best price on the internet and chance of getting misprints! Priceguide - 1 x kanohi bag - 9,95 usd each - 4,- usd shipping worldwide 2-5 x kanohi bags - 9,95 usd each - 6,50 usd shipping worldwide 6-10 x kanohi bags - 9,95 usd each - 12,- usd shipping worldwide 11-49 x kanohi bags - 9,95 usd each - Free worldwide shipping 50- or more x kanohi bags - 9,95 usd each - Free worldwide shipping and comes with free store display box (boxes aren't mint) Payment - - IBAN (I prefer payment with this, fast and safe) - paypal (only if IBAN isn't a possibility) For questions feel free to PM me or e-mail: Bricklink store name: Your Bionicle Nr.1 Shop. Thank you and have a great day!
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InformationI'm selling my collectible's collection. I don't have any set prices. I'm open to hearing any offers, though I may decline. I can provide more detailed images and information about any item or items of interest. I ship from northern California and I'd prefer to ship within the United States unless it's a large order.I prefer payment via Paypal.I do not trade. Inventory Kanoka:6x Disks of Time (199)2x Po-Metru Kanoka (334)2x Ko-Metru Kanoka (447)1x Ta-Metru Kanoka (116)5x Unidentified misc. Kanohi:1x Golden Miru1x Silver Kakama1x Silver Hau1x Silver Kaukau1x Blue Pakari1x Red Kaukau1x Blue Kaukau1x Gold Avohkii1x Clear/gold Avohkii Kraata & Krana I've sold a lot of my Kraata and all of my Krana. Now selling sets: 1x 8590 Guurahk
I've been thinking lately about something that many BIONICLE fans and non-fans alike recognize as part of the theme: its collectible nature. More specifically, the masks, the brains, the slugs, even the disks and spinners many love... or hate. So I come to you with a question. With the possibility of a revived BIONICLE brand on the horizon, what are your thoughts on a true return to form with the revitalization of the beloved collectibles? Do you want to see them back and how prevalent? Or do you never want to suffer the horror of torn boxes and disappointing pulls ever again? Personally, I remain somewhat undecided. I certainly enjoy having a bunch of masks and see the appeal of it, but definitely have some concerns. Primarily over what efforts could be made to prevent a repeat of theft that seemed to plague the mask packs and possible poor distribution of certain items, making them harder to find. Or just simply the struggle of trying to collect them all. But I'm just one person, and that's why I'm here - to see what everyone else thinks. Could it work in today's market? How could it best be accomplished? Please, do share your thoughts. ~|ET|~
So, the questions of this topic are simple, what did you think of the BIONICLE collectibles? Were they a throw away part of BIONICLE or a central reason you got into BIONICLE in the first place? Were you excited about the "kollectibles" (Kanohi, Krana, Kratta, more Kanohi), but found yourself asking why did LEGO release a pack of Squids? Post your answers below. My answers, In the early days, the collectibles were a great way to get some cool parts, like masks, but I never had the funds to get very many and as such the collectibles never were a major part of my BIONICLE fandom. That being said, I do feel like something was missing in BIONICLE when the colorful masks were replaced by Zamor spheres and Squid. I thought it was cool when the Stars showed up telling me to collect THE GOLDEN ARMOR, sure I always knew what I was getting, but it was still a nice nod back to the old collectibles.
This is a topic for everyone to share their stories of Bionicles, Bionicle pieces, masks, etc. they have lost, and maybe found years later! My first Kanohi mask, Gali Nuva's Kaukau, had been missing since 2008. I was devastated to have lost it since it was my first mask from my first set. I thought I would never find it again. But last week, while going through a bunch of old stuff in the loft of my garage, I discovered several Bionicle pieces. I sorted through them, and to my surprise (and joy), I found that blue Kaukau Nuva along with 2003 Hewkii's Kakama which had also been missing for several years. I was overjoyed, to say the least.
All right. So. Last time this was up [on the old forums] it didn't fare so well, so I'm going to see if I can get anything out of it this time around.I am willing to make either a buy/sell or a trade transaction. I'm more likely to trade for than buy something I want, though.I will NOT ship outside of the United States/Canada either. Sorry about that, but I don't like paying overseas shipping unless it's really necessary.Crossed out items are taken.WANTS:I'm looking for misprints. I know I have a very slim chance of finding them, but here's the specifics anyway. Any of the following would be nice, but I'm especially wanting the white Matatu. [*]White Matatu[*]White Ruru[*]Black MatatuHAVES:Collectibles. Not very many, because they're all duplicates of ones I have.Kanoka: [*]2x 116 - $1 each[*]2x 225 - $1 each[*]1x 437 - $.75[*]1x 447 - $.75[*]Disk of Time - $4[*]All Kanoka in one lot - $6Kraata: [*]1x LV4 Metal Green/Green - $1.30[*]1x LV2 Gunmetal/Metal Green - $1.80[*]1x LV4 Gunmetal/Metal Green - $1.30[*]1x LV1 Metal Green/Metal Blue - $1.30[*]1x LV3 Black/Orange - $1.80[*]1x LV1 Gunmetal/Lime - $1.30[*]1x LV6 Lime/Gunmetal - $1.90[*]1x LV1 Black/Yellow - $1.30[*]1x LV1 Pearl/Metal Blue - $1.30[*]1x LV4 Pearl/Metal Blue - $1.30[*]2x LV4 Lime/Yellow - $1.30 each[*]All Kraata in one lot - $15.00Krana: [*]1x Green Su - $1.20So yeah. Please buy something! I'll be checking the topic fairly regularly, so you can expect quick responses.Architect
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Hello All, I am looking for rare collectibles and a few other items, i really need kraata and some of these rare items, so please help me out. HavesCash Wants (Things in bold are high wants)Akaku Nuva:Protodermic,Black Misprints all 14Chrome Hau KranaYellow Xa, Su, ZaOrange Xa, Vu, Bo, Ca, Za, YoTan Vu, Ca, ZaGreen Xa, Su, Bo, Ca, YoLime Vu, Bo, Ja, Ca, ZaRed Su, Yo, ZaBlack Bo, XaWhite Ja, Xa, Vu, Ca, ZaGrey Xa, Vu, Bo, Ja, CaLight Blue Vu, Bo, Ja, Ca, YoBlue YoPurple Xa, Za, YoDark Purple all but Bo Krana KalMetal White Su, ZaBronze CaSteel XaMetal Blue BoMetal Green Su, YoVmkk Bo, Vu, Su, JaGpkk AllWmkk XaSskk Xa KraataOrange/black 2,5Black/orange 3Metalic green/green 2Yelloww/green 3Tan/green 1,3Metallic green/red 2,4Blue/red 2Copper/yellow 6Yellow/copper 6Cpper/black 2Metallic green/metallic blue 6Metallic blue/metallic grey 3,5,6Metallic grey/metallic blue 6Metallic grey/metallic green 2,5,6Metallic green/metallic grey 5Metallic grey/lime 3,4Lime/metallic grey 3,6Metallic Blue/Pearl 1,2,3,4,5,6Trans-Orange Kraata 1
Hi guys! As some of you may remember, back before the forums went offline, I was trying to get a project to revise the price guide off the ground. Well, now that the forums are back, I have gotten the approval from Watashi Wa to go ahead with the project and start writing a new guide. I plan on contacting Trusted Traders to help with this project, and will need some collaborators to help put this thing together as quickly as possible. I would appreciate any feedback from users of the B/S/T forum to help set the prices. Thanks for the interest, and I hope to give you all an update soon!~MAStep one is to make a spreadsheet list archiving all of the sets released by Lego.
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