Yikes. I gotta be honest, this is a bad take if ever I saw one. Reproductive ability is not, never has been, and never will be a necessary prerequisite to loving or being loved by someone. To suggest otherwise is to suggest that people who are sterile due to age or disability, people who don't want kids, etc. are condemned to lives of loneliness, and that is some steaming hot garbage. Have you considered that a lot of people fall in love with others based on who they are as PEOPLE rather than out of any desire or ability to procreate? If you honestly believe all that tripe I've gotta say, YOU'RE the one objectifying the concept of romance by trying to boil it down to some crude biological need, and you've been deceived way worse than anybody else in this topic, "venom of the serpent" (whatever THAT is) notwithstanding. I hope maybe one day you understand what love actually means as opposed to the ludicrous lies you've been sold. scott i am going to actually thank you in person at brickfair for this post, whenever i see you next