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I recently decided to give my old "G2 Toa of Time" MOC a bit of a makeover - thought I'd post a new topic for the result. This was my entry for the MOC category in BZPower's The Legend Continues contest from a couple years ago, titled "Bingzak, Toa of Time" (it managed to secure third place in the first round - one place to low to advance, but still, it's something ). I was going for what a G2 Toa of Time would look like, with the idea being that Bingzak would, similarly to Takua in G1, acquire a legendary mask and be transformed into a 7th Toa. The top half of the Mask of Time is from Shapeways. I usually avoid using 3D-printed pieces, but this was sort of a special case - since the theme of the contest was "stuff you wanted to see happen if G2 continued," I really wanted to do something with the Mask of Time halves. Gallery You can see the original version of this MOC (as entered in the contest) here. I'm pretty pleased with how the updates came out (particularly in regards to his "shield"), but any feedback is welcome!
There seems to be a widely accepted theory that the Kanohi Vahi has a missing upper half. Why does everyone think this? I would like to know.
So While at work, I had an hour to think about the Original Bohrok Story line, and I decided to outline my own Tweak to it to make it a little more War-Like/darker The following is just an outline, so there may be plot holes, new concepts that go against the original story, as well as some areas in need of expanding. Any suggestions are appreciated. "The Bohrok Wars Alternative Timeline" - The Toa Mata defeat Teridax the same way as the in the original version. They appear on Kini-Nui and everything is as it was: a paradise. There is no sounds of destruction, no screaming Matoran, Only peace. - Weeks go by, and the Villages thrive. The Toa Mata begin to explore more of the Island and test their abilities even further. They slowly begin to develop abilities they once thought undoable. - A single earthquake created by Onua reaches a dark Cavern Beneath the Island...A single Tahnok Va awkens and emerges from a small chamber. It makes it's way to the surface to see the Island as it is. It returns to the nest to find a room with two sleeping giants. "it is time." a dark voice echoes throughout the cavern. Next to the creatures lies a whole in the shape of a Tahnok Shield. The Tahnok Va presses it's head into the wall, and a line of light shines from the hole. It travels across the floor until it reaches the two sleeping giants, the Bahrag. Gahdok's eyes open... -"The Day Mata Nui Stood Still." A massive earthquake shook the island, as six entrances were created out of the earth. Six breeds of Bohrok emerged. The Bohrok began their attack. Two matoran exploring the icy coast of Ko-Wahi run into a group of Tahnok...they never returned home. - The Toa and Matoran are quick to notice the new creatures attacking their homes. They try to fight individually with their new powers but sustain heavy casualties to each region. Matoran are killed. The turaga are injured. The Toa Retreat to Kini-Nui with the Turaga, The Matoran fortifiy each village and prepare for attacks. The Boxors are built. -The legend of the Bohrok is revealed, as well as the way to defeat them. It Takes two weeks for the Toa to keep the Bohrok at bay while collecting the eight breeds of Krana. During this period, Lewa, Tahu, and Onua briefly are taken control of by a Krana. The Original Onu-Koro is destroyed, Ko-Koro is badly damaged, and Ga-Koro sinks beneath the waves. Po-Koro and Ta-Koro are the only ones left Standing. Le-Koro is still intact, but for about a week is under the control of the Krana. -Once the Toa Collect all the Krana, they enter the nest similarly to the original story. They Receive their Exo-toa Armor and shed them as well. But as they combine their powers to trap the Bahrag, they find themselves teleported to the surface. They realize what has happened and begin to make their way back to the nest. We find Teridax in a frail body, exhausted from the mental effort of teleporting six toa a few miles away. The Bahrag are furious. They trigger the release of the Kal as a fail-safe. With one more Mental blast, Teridax shifts the landscape around the nests to hide the entrances. He collapses. For now. -The Kal reach the surface and challenge the Toa Mata. They easily Defeat the Mata and if it were not for the quick thinking of Pohatu, the Kal would have been victorious. The Toa retreat to Kini-nui. The Kal gather the swarms and begin to push across the Island. They destroy anything and anyone. -Artahka sits in his throne room and finishes his newest creations. six new powerful masks with a hidden secret in each. He teleports them to the Island of Mata-Nui and shares a vision of their power with Turaga Vakama. -Turaga Vakama shares his Vision of the Nuva Masks with the Toa Mata. Using their Golden Masks, the Toa Mata set off to find these Nuva masks, while the Matoran defend the villages. The Mata battle many Bohrok along their journey. -Each Toa finds their nuva mask, and when removing their golden mask and placing the Nuva Mask on, they are enveloped in a bubble of proterdermis that leaks out of each mask. The Golden mask changes back to their original color and singular power, then vanishes from sight. Each Mata mask finds themselves appearing before a matoran from each Koro: Matoro, hewki, Kongu, Jaller, hali, and Nuparu. The Matoran hide the masks where no one will find them. -The Toa find themselves changing into Toa Nuva. 6 Nuva Symbols appear in the Suva's of each Toa. The Toa soon find their powers have increased. -The Toa Nuva regroup to Challenge the Kal. With their new increased power, they defeat each Kal and destroy the krana that controls them. They then venture into the nest (having been found with the help of Kopaka's enhanced mask of vision) and finally seal away the Bahrag. The Krana become inactive, and the Bohrok fall still. -Six Bohrok Va 'manage to escape' the Toa Nuva and Matoran as they gather up all the Krana. They retreat into the catacombs beneath Mata-nui to where the Kal had originally come from. There, they retreave six new Krana Kal and return to the Bohrok Kal. -The Kal soon discover that the Nuva Symbols hold the key to releasing the Bahrag and the Nuva's powers (Through a little telepathy from Teridax). While the Nuva repair Kini-Nui, the Kal attack and steal the Nuva Symbols, robbing the Toa Nuva of their powers. While on their way to return to the Nest, Teridax interveins again. He places the image of the original Kanohi Mata and the idea of sealing away the Toa Nuva permanently into the minds the Kal, in order to exact revenge. The Kal split up and find the six Kanohi masks, while being pursued by the powerless Toa Nuva. They regroup outside Kini-nui and defeat the Toa Nuva. Kohrok-Kal almost kills Onua, but is stopped when reminded that "to be sealed away is a much worse fate than mearly death. Let Mata nui condemn their actions." Kopaka nuva is the only one to hear this before passing out. -When the toa come to, the Kal are gone. They locate the Nest and find the Bahrag. After defeating the Exo-Toa, the Bohrok enter the chamber of the Bahrag. There they find the Nuva Cube, and around it six slits where the Kanohi masks go. After placing the masks, they slide away to reveal 6 canister holes in the ground. The Kal sense the Toa Nuva's approach and move towards the cube to free the Bahrag. -The Toa nuva attempt to attack the Kal, but to no avail. A force Field appears around the Kal as they complete their mission. Kopaka eyes the six holes around the cube when a bolt of lightning flashes out and engulfs him. It drags him down into the hole where it seals shut with a echoing click. -Pohatu, Onua and Lewa fall victim to the same lightning bolts and are sealed away. As Tahu is being dragged down, Gali has made her way out of reach. Tahu Summons the Vahi and uses his last remaining strength to throw it to Gali. He instructs her to save the future and is sealed away. -The Kal finish their mission, the Bahrag are freed, and Gali feels her elemental powers completely disappear. She stares at the Vahi, and escapes the nest out into the harsh sunlight of Po-Wahi. She hears the echoing stomps of Bohrok behind her and knows what she must do. Placing the Vahi on her face, she turns back time and disappears into the past. -Gali finds herself watching the toa emerge from the Bohrok nest celebrating their initial defeat over the Kal. She sees her past self with her brothers. She activates her newly acquired mask of speed (found between the ending of the bohrok and the second coming of the Kal) and races towards Ga-Koro. -Gali comes across Turaga Nokama, and after convincing her of the alternate timeline, she shows Nokama the Vahi. Nokama believes her, as she knows that Tahu currently possess the mask of time. Gali informs her of the Kal being revived, finding their original Mata masks and stealing their nuva symbols. Nokama and Gali agreed that the Toa must find their Mata masks so that they wouldn't be sealed away, and let the Kal steal the nuva symbols in order to have the best chance of defeating them. Nokama gives Gali a familiar mask of stealth. "You must not be seen, but you must ensure the survival of the toa. But if they are successful, you will not exist." -Nokama approaches the Toa-Nuva and Turaga at Kini-nui and congratulates the toa. She reports that the stars have revealed their original masks have been reborn, and in order to ensure the continuation of Toa, the Nuva must set out to find them. (the Nuva are unaware that six matoran had received their Mata masks and hid them around the island for safe keeping) The other turaga are skeptical, but say nothing until the Toa have embarked. Nokama fills in her brothers on Future Gali's story, and the other turaga agree. Future Gali appears before the Turaga. All six turaga agree, that in order to defeat the Kal, the Nuva symbols will be the key. Future Gali agrees to follow the toa and provide assistance as needed. -The Kal again steal the Nuva Symbols, but find themselves too late from finding the original mata masks. The Nuva set off after the Kal to retrieve their symbols. Teridax, unknowing that the Nuva have retrieved their original masks, attempts to meddle and plants the thought of the masks into the minds of the Kal. When they find the location where Pohatu's mask had been, they find it to be gone. Angered, they continue to search for the Bahrag. -The Nuva and the Kal clash on the dunes of Po-Wahi. The Kal now have no reason to keep the toa alive, and before they can deliver a killing blow, Future Gali summons a tsunami to engulf the kal and sweep them away. Present Gali watches her future self approach before passing out. -Present Gali awakes to a strange looking version of herself. Future Gali keeps it brief, and tells her of her theory about how to use the symbols to defeat the Kal. As the other toa stir, she disappears heading back towards Ga-Wahi to await her fait. -The Nuva follow the Kal into the nest, where the Kal have defeated the Exo-Toa and are currently shielded around the Nuva Cube. Tahu activates the mask of time. Present Gali remembers what her future self told her, and encourages her brothers to reach out towards their symbols. The power turns out to be too much for the Kal and each fall to their own power. The Bahrag remain asleep and the Toa's power return. -Future Gali feels her body beginning to fade, the Vahi has already disappeared. more and more her body turns into swirling energy and soon their is nothing left except the mask of stealth resting on the great kanohi statue above Ga-Koro. -As the Nuva exit the Nest one last time, Gali sense a small swirl of energy "reconnect" with her. She suddenly feels a vision of Future Gali's fate, her adventure, and her destiny. She nods towards Tahu and replies "that mask, is more powerful than you realize brother." Tahu laughs and the Nuva head back towards their villages. The Nuva place their Mata masks into their Suva's and the Nuva symbol absorb the masks, turning into a replica of the Kanohi Nuva. Each Toa picks up their replica mask and places it onto their face, merging their old power with their new ones. A beam of light flys into the sky, heading towards the great volcano, where a particular stone totem awaits it's master to come and claim it. It absorbs the light from the Six Suvas and waits... -The Bohrok War is official over.
- #bohrok
- Alternate Timeline
(and 3 more)
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Hello, I am looking to buy both variants of the vahi, the orange and gold varieties, price can be negotiated.
I'm looking for an assortment of masks which are uncommon in the UK, they are: Both colours of the Vahi Orange - £3.90/$5 Gold - £7.80/$10 Trans Neon green miru - £2.30/$3 Ultimate Dume mask - £3.90/$5 2 poisoned hau nuva variants - Green Stripe £3.90/$5, Red Forehead £3/$3.80 US copper huna - £2.30/$3 117 Ta Metru Kanoka £1.50 I've included Ideal prices based on the Rare collectibles topic and bricklink. I would also rather trade with countires which offer cheap shipping to the UK. PM me if you would like to sell any of these items, price can be negotiated Thread being locked down: If you still want to offer me these items you can still PM me
The End of Time, by SkullKid Narmoto ran through the thick jungle toward the Temple of Time. The temple’s bell’s tolls were so loud, that it rattled the molecules of his very being. His age was getting to him. His muscles screamed, his armor cracked, but he kept going. Suddenly, the world went black. When Narmoto came to, he was face-first on the ground. As he looked around, he noticed two things. One, the root that tripped him was unusually large. How he didn’t notice it while running befuddled him. The second thing he noticed was the wind against his naked face. His mask must’ve fallen off when he tripped. After a brief survey of his surroundings, Narmoto found his mask. Taking it in both hands, he prepared to return it to its home, but something stopped him dead in his tracks. Was this his mask? It was familiar, but it seemed off. Gone was the ornate red metal and translucent orange ore that made up his mask, and before him was a light orange mask, rounded, save for a grated fixture around the area his mouth would be. The bells chimed again. Narmoto had no time to be confused. He took one last look around before he threw on this alien looking mask, and moved forward. If those bells were chiming, it could only mean trouble. As the Protector of Fire climbed the stairs, he thought back to the past few weeks. Ever since Ekimu returned with news of the Toa’s departure and completion of their destiny, peace had returned to Okoto. Ekimu had returned to his forge, and had taken Narmoto in as his apprentice. He had tinkered with mask making in the past. The art itself was lost for the most part after Makuta and Ekimu’s big clash, but he managed. He’d never made real masks of power, but he’d made his fair share of ornate, non-powered masks for his village. When Ekimu took him on as an apprentice, the mask maker gave him full access. Any material he desired, he got. Any advice he needed was given. Any formula, any power source, everything was at his fingertips. He was content with this life. He even began to consider his retirement as the protector, and whom he might pass the torch too. Things began to change however, when Ekimu encouraged a new task, one that had been puzzling him for ages. The task: the completion of the Mask of Time. Legend claimed that the Mask of Time that lay in the Temple of Time was only one half of a mask. The lower half was lost a long time ago. “I have searched the oldest prophesies, the most ancient of legends, and none give hint of what might of happened to the lower half.” Ekimu mused. “But if it’s impossible to find the lower half, perhaps we can make it a new one.” Many formulas were tried. Ore from a meteorite, possibly the oldest metal on the planet, was gathered. Bones from ancient beings were dug up and carved out to create a frame. After forging, the mask was quenched in water drawn from the Temple of Time. However, no matter what the shape, the density of the metal, or how long it was forged, it shattered every time. With each failure, Ekimu became more and more agitated. Narmoto had never seen the usually calm and collected legend lose his temper. But the apprentice kept at it, despite the continuous failures. It was when a seemingly desperate Ekimu suggested maybe a combination of elements needed to be added to the formula, that Narmoto questioned the master Mask Maker. “With all due respect, my liege, this is not the way. This would lead to destruction! You can’t repeat Makuta’s mistake for this!” A wildness that had occupied Ekimu’s eyes for weeks now had left them as realization fell over him. He excused himself, saying he needed to meditate. Narmoto too took his leave. It was late, and tensions were high. Once he arrived at his home, he finally was able to rest. Unfortunately, this was short lived, for the very same bells that rung now, cried their shrill toll. Narmoto shook his head. He had to focus on the now, not relive the past. The temple’s bells chimed again. He reached the top of the stairs and stopped. Something felt off. Everything felt cleaner, shinier, and new. It felt wrong. “HALT trespasser!” A voice boomed from the open door that faced him. Two figures, tall, slender, and covered from head to toe with armor emerged, wielding shields that depicted the elements. The one with red and gold armor had a shield adorned with images of fire and sparks. The other had blue and silver armor with a shield depicting the ocean and torrential rain. “This is the Temple of Time, stranger.” The red one exclaimed, its words almost sounding like the average Okotian, but with the slight uncanniness that gave away its artificiality. “It is off limits to all except for high level mask makers, and elemental protectors.” Two things went through Narmoto’s mind at once. The first was simply him trying to comprehend what he was looking at. This was impossible. These were ancient automated warriors that he’d learned about on only the most ancient of tablets. They were created by ancient mask makers to protect sacred lands. But they were as ancient as those tablets, and had long since fell into disrepair, without Makuta and Ekimu around to keep them running. But these two automatons were up and running. The second he figured he could solve immediately. “My name is Narmoto, Protector of Fire like my father before me. You might not recognize me because of my mask.” He pointed to his mysterious orange replacement mask. “Incorrect response. Turn back or be forced back.” The blue automaton hammered his shield with his fist in a show of force. Narmoto had no time to question these two. In a swift motion, he removed the cloak he was wearing, and threw it at the face of the blue one. He took advantage of the beings temporary blindness, and unloaded his elemental blaster at its head. It was quick. The blue being fell to the ground, sparks flying from where its head should be. The temple’s bells chimed. Narmoto was about to book it, leaving the red one behind him, but a simple glance changed everything. The red being was gone, replaced by what looked like an Okotian Villiager. “What did you do!?! He was my brother! HE WAS MY FRIEND!” The villager screamed. Narmoto looked over to where the automaton should have been laying, but what he saw gave him the greatest chill he had ever felt. Most of the body was covered by his cloak, but what stuck out were not the feet of the robot he’d just dispatched. They were much smaller. The red villager tackled Narmoto, too distracted to see it coming. “YOU DID THIS TO US! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US!?!” he cried, a deep mourning resonating in his voice. The bells chimed again. “I-I’m not….you…he…you both weren’t like this a moment ago…who are you?” Narmoto stammered. His fear had only just begun, for the villager rapidly began to change. His body broadened, gears and tubes emerged where they weren’t before. His arms and legs shortened, and the hands that gripped Narmoto’s armor began to turn hot as they began to morph into fire laced claws. “I…REMEMBER...WHAT…you…diiiiiiiiiiiiiii…..” An electronic buzz reverberated from the villager’s head, which began to elongate. The now round, buglike being, threw Narmoto to the side. “It…must…be…cleaned….” The creature’s now severely distorted voice said. The robotic bug suddenly jumped at Narmoto. Time inched by as he faced death. There was so much he’d done with his life, but there was so much more he wanted. He’d never completed his mask-maker training. He’d never fallen in love and had a child of his own. He’d never climbed the tallest peak of Mt. Ihu. Mt. Ihu, he thought, that’s not right. Just then, wind blustered by his face as stone stalactites impaled the red beetle-like creature. Narmoto looked for its source. Standing there, triumphant, was Nilkuu, grinning, elemental blaster in hand. “Come, on fire-spitter,” said the Protector of Stone, “You’re gonna let that take you out. I thought fire consumes all?” “Fighting fire with fire was never my strongest suit” Narmoto admitted. Nilkuu hoisted Narmoto to his feet, took off for the main hall. Narmoto looked back, trying to convince himself that he didn’t have killed an innocent life. Nilkuu was the first to speak. “You gonna tell me what that was all about? The new mask, robo-bug back there, the bells?” “It’s a long story, much of which I don’t understand.” Narmoto mused. “But if there are answers to be found, they will be in here.” He pushed open the inner sanctum door, just as a new set of chimes reverberated through the hall. Inside, he could see the stairs that led up to Mask of Time. But unlike the rest of the temple which looked completely refurbished, the inner sanctum appeared to be in further disrepair then they had left it, like millennia had passed with no upkeep. At the top, the other Protectors stood, waiting for the two. “Come on, Kohlii-head!” Nilkuu exclaimed, making his way up the decrepit stairs. “Not a moment to waste!” “Kohlii-head….what?” Narmoto questioned. The term seemed familiar, but he couldn’t place it. He followed his brother in arms up the stairs to meet the other Protectors. Vizuna, Protector of Jungle and Kivoda, Protector of Water were watching the mask from a distance, while Kargot, the Protector of Earth was tending to the Protector of Ice, Izotor, who seemed to be in a daze. “Kargot, what happened?” Narmoto asked, concerned. Kargot looked toward her long-time friend, recognition absent from her eyes. “Who…….Narmoto? What’s with the mask?” Kargot queried. “Not important right now. What’s wrong with Izotor?” “I don’t know.” Kargot looked worried. Narmoto had rarely seen her like this. She was usually the brave one of the lot. “We were the first to get here. When he saw the mask, he tried to grab it, but it….affected him.” Kargot returned her focus to Izotor, who looked around franticly, whistling and clicking like a bird. Narmoto looked to where the Mask was, floating above a basin of water. He noticed the difference immediately. Before when they came to summon the Toa, the mask was golden, and the water in the basin was pure. Now, the mask was rusted over, taking on a more orange appearance, like age had gotten to it. Cracks were forming on the outside, and pieces of it were falling off into the basin. “This is what I was talking about,” said Vizuna, “My tail has been going crazy ever since the bells went off. It has to be the mask.” “I’ve never seen a broken mask do something like this,” Kivoda said, walking over to Izotor. “Do masks usually leak their power when broken?” Everything seemed to click in Narmoto’s mind. These odd fluctuations, the age of the Temple, the resurrection of the Temple guards, all of that must be the Mask’s doing. “It would make sense,” the crimson protector said. “Such powerful masks rarely exist or have been broken…but the Mask of Ultimate Power was shattered by Ekimu, and we all know the results of that.” Dread began to fall over the gathered leaders. The destruction of the Mask of Time could lead to something even more catastrophic than Makuta and Ekimu’s cataclysmic battle. Kargot approached Narmoto. “What should we do? You’re a mask maker now. Do you think we can fix it?” Narmoto reached his hand out, but stopped half way. “I don’t know. I don’t think I should even touch it. Didn’t it mess up Izotor?” “Who?” Kargot asked. “…Izotor…” Narmoto said slowly, “…Izotor, Kargot…our friend.” Narmoto looked around. Izotor was nowhere to be seen. “Izotor…who is Izotor?” Kargot asked again. “There is just the five of us Narmoto.” “No! That’s not right…I…” Narmoto paused. He couldn’t remember what he was fretting about. The name that was just in his mind was gone. Kargot put her hand on his shoulder. “Narmoto! Snap out of it. We need to figure out what to do!” Vizuna spoke up. “My tail is driving me nuts! I can’t…I can’t focus. Maybe if I..” He grabbed for the Mask of Time, but as soon as he touched the rusty mask, he was flung back by an invisible force. The bells chimed again, as Vizuna collapsed on the floor. “Oh no…” Kargot gasped. Kivoda ran over to his fallen brother as Kargot stood by. Narmoto was shaking. Something was wrong. He felt there was something else missing. That couldn’t be right though. There was always just the four of them leading Okoto. Kivoda shook the unconscious Vizuna, trying to wake him. Suddenly, with a swift push, Vizuna launched Kivoda into the air. “NO! This…this isn’t right!” Vizuna cried, as he began to transform. He grew taller, one arm growing longer, and more beast like. His shoulders broadened as his full frame hunched over. “We…we were fighting….spiders.” The bells chimed again as Kargot ran forward to try to calm the now monstrous looking Vizuna. Narmoto ran to help…he couldn’t remember. There was no one to help. He gripped his head as a massive headache rendered him useless. Kargot put up her hands. “Vizuna, it’s going to be alright. Let me help you.” Vizuna jumped back. “No! No! We were fighting…..spiders…..” “Yes, we defeated the Skull Spiders, Vizuna. Come on, we need to get you help.” Kargot said, trying to coax Vizuna from the shadows. “No….the Visorak. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE VISORAK!” Vizuna screamed, launching himself at Kargot. A bright light illuminated the chamber, and both Kargot and Narmoto covered their faces. Vizuna cried out in pain. When the light dimmed, Narmoto looked down to see Ekimu blocking the enraged Vizuna. “GO! Narmoto, take the mask, and leave. Return to my forge. I’ll meet you there.” Ekimu grunted, as Vizuna clawed at his shield. Narmoto had the urge to ask questions, but was stopped by Kargot. “We have to go.” She said, urgency in her eyes. Kargot reached for the mask. “NO!” Narmoto said. “Wait! Don’t touch it.” He took a deep breath, his mind clear for the first time in hours. “I believe this is my destiny.” And with that, he grabbed the decaying Mask of Time. Everything went white. Everything was quiet. Everything stopped. Narmoto blinked. No, it wasn’t all white. He could make out the outline of a vast city, reaching far into the distance. He stood on a balcony, overlooking the vast metropolis. This looks…. “Familiar, right?” a voice said. Narmoto jumped. Sitting on the ledge right next to him was a Toa, but not like he’d ever seen. He was grey, thin and lanky, with a mask that looked sort of like Tahu’s did. The Toa pointed to his mask. “My mask reads minds. Don’t freak out too much. You didn’t the first time we met. Krakua’s my name…or do you remember?” “I’m sorry, I think you have me confused for someone else.” Narmoto said, puzzled. Krakua sighed. “I was afraid of that. This will be tougher than I thought.” He paused. “Sit with me, won’t you?” Narmoto, careful to not fall off, took a seat with the tall grey Toa. “Where are we?” “Well, nowhere really. This is just an echo of what once was. Residue of the destruction of the Vahi” The name Vahi resonated in Narmoto’s mind: it was the ancient name of the Mask of Time. Then the rest of what Krakua said hit him like a brick wall. “Wait, what do you mean?” “Maybe it’d be better to show you, Vakama.” When Krakua spoke that name, the world erupted. A massive war surrounded him. Toa of all shapes, colors, and sizes teamed up with other armored beings amongst an onslaught of vicious warriors. Some had toothy grins, others had elongated obsidian helmets with war paint. There were even more of those beetle-looking robots. Amongst the carnage was a hooded figure, holding on high a rusty orange mask, a truly monstrous being under his foot. The Mask of Time Narmoto thought. “It’s the final moments of the War of Spherus Magna. That hooded figure right there is Velika, the last Great Being. He led an army against the combined forces of the Toa and Glatorian. When a great leader called the Shadowed One tried to use the Vahi to secure the victory, he almost lost control, and Velika struck him down.” Narmoto stared at this, confused, which Krakua noticed. “That’s not as important as what’s about to happen.” Suddenly, out of nowhere, the Mask of Time flew out of Velika’s hands, as an orange figure appeared out of thin air, flying overhead. Narmoto immediately recognized the mask he wore as the one he found in the forest. “And there you are. Always seeming to cheat fate, right Vakama?” Krakua laughed. Vakama landed in the arms of a Toa Narmoto immediately recognized as Onua. The other Toa soon gathered around him, to protect the elderly leader. Vakama and Velika began speaking to each other, but Narmoto could not hear their words. “What are they saying?” Narmoto asked Krakua, who frowned. “The details aren’t important, but this was the end. You threatened to break the Vahi, knowing full well what would happen if Velika didn’t stop. You’ve made this gamble once before. This time, though….” Velika raised an arm as he telekinetically began to disassemble the biomechanical beings around him, with a crazed look in his eyes. As more Toa charged, more fell. None could stand his might. Those who didn’t crumble immediately thought twice about charging and backed away. All that stood in his way now was Gali, Onua, Lewa, Pohatu, Kopaka, Tahu, and a gold-clad Toa he mistook for Ekimu. The gold Toa leaped forward, and just as his attack was about to connect, Velika knocked him aside. Each of the remaining Toa put their hand on Vakama. They all knew what was about to happen. “There was no choice,” Krakua said. “Velika had caused so much carnage already, and would cause so much more unchecked. No reality was better than a reality where he ruled.” There was a solemn moment before the hammer came down. The mask cracked. It hit again. Another crack. With each impact, and new crack formed, and in turn, the reality around Narmoto cracked too. Then, it shattered. Everything was white again. It was just him and Krakua sitting on an invisible ledge. Krakua was silent. Narmoto was numb. “After you broke the Vahi, time began to unwind. Everything happened at once, and never happened. Time ran backwards for some while for others it moved forward. The universe ended that day.” He paused. “But it also began that day too. The universe established a reality loop with constants. There is always a threat of shadow to take over the land. There are always six heroes summoned to fight it. There is always an object, imbued with the power of time that holds together that reality, no matter how brief it might be. And then there is always you, a wise sage, with a will of fire to guide the heroes to their task. You may take on other names and faces, but you at heart are always Vakama. Always the mask maker that accidently created this loop in the first place. Every time, the loop plays out the same. Shadow tries to conquer light, but light always prevails. Then, the object imbued with Time falls apart, and the cycle happens again. But this..” Krakua motioned between them.”…this hasn’t happened. In fact, I’ve been waiting for it to happen for what seems to be eons.” Narmoto looked puzzled. “Why you though. Why are you here and no one else from…the first reality?” Krakua shrugged, “I‘m not sure exactly. It could be my destiny, a previous connection we shared, maybe just the universe being cruel, or maybe I’m just your guardian Great Spirit. I’m not even sure if this is the real me. I might just be an echo too. What I do know, and have waited so long to tell you is this. You have a choice to make. You can either break the mask or continue the cycle, which is not the worst way to go. It’s consistent, and though the events might be a product of the Vahi’s influence, the lives are real. Or, you can repair the Vahi. This will stabilize the current reality. I cannot promise everything will return to the way it was, but life will go on here until the end of the natural universe.” Narmoto considered his choices. On one hand, who knows what the next reality would hold, or if he would ever get to this point again. On the other, he wasn’t sure what was left to save. Who knows what havoc the Mask of Time caused outside of the Temple? In his hand appeared his realities Mask of Time. It was so fragile, like it would shatter at any moment. “It’s your choice, brother.” Krakua said, his voice fading “I’m just the messenger. This decision is up to you.” Reality bled back in like a liquid, and filled the space around him. He was back in Ekimu’s Forge, what remained of the Mask of Time in hand. Narmoto took the mask, and put it on the table. He knew exactly what he was going to do. He wasn’t a destroyer or a fixer. He was a creator. He heated up the forge, took a pair of forging tongs, and began to melt down the Mask of Time. As he did, he could feel the coils of space-time begin to unravel around him. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion, but he persisted. He took the molten metal, and poured into a round cast. As it cooled, he began to hammer and mill out the form burned in his memory. Reality began to fade as white oblivion over took it. After what felt like years, or maybe it was seconds, it was done. And for a brief moment, everything felt normal. Narmoto took the mask, complete for the first time, and put it on. He turned to face the oncoming oblivion. Now Narmoto thought, Let’s see what a real mask maker can make. Then, Narmoto, Vakama, and the countless names he was called before now, activated the Vahi for the last time.
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Ekimu shielded his eyes from a blinding flash of white light. When the light cleared, Ekimu was given only a brief final glimpse of the six Toa before their physical forms dissipated before his him. His eyes widened as they transformed into six beams of elemental energy. The spirits of the Toa rapidly ascended into the heavens above. After soaring through Okoto’s atmosphere, the spirits of the six Toa settled into six stars in the sky above.Ekimu felt a strange mix of emotions following the sacrifice of his allies, the Toa. He felt relieved that his brother, Makuta, had been defeated at last. The Toa Seal that had been created would ensure that Makuta would be trapped in the Shadow Realm forever. When Ekimu had donned the Mask of Time a millennia before, he had seen what could transpire. He had told the Toa what they had needed to do based on what the Mask of Time had revealed to him. And yet, he knew in his heart that destiny was not written in stone, it determined by individuals. The Toa had chosen to give their lives to defeat Makuta, but only because Ekimu had told them what his own Prophecy said.The Mask Maker had a heavy feeling in his chest. He suddenly felt a chill despite the desert heat of the Region of Stone, the region where the Black Crater was located. Deep down, Ekimu came to the realization that he was directly responsible for losing not only his brother but also his friends, the Toa. Even before the Great Cataclysm, Ekimu had come to suspect the envy his brother had for him. But instead of trying to help his brother with these feelings, Ekimu shut Makuta out, allowing his brother’s anger to further develop. Despite their differences, Ekimu loved Makuta, and Ekimu now realized that had he only extended his brotherly love when Makuta needed it the most, perhaps none of this would have happened. Makuta would have never forged the Mask of Ultimate Power, and the Great Cataclysm would never have happened. The hundreds of Okotans who were trapped in the Shadow Realm during the cataclysm, who were now trapped there for all eternity thanks to the Toa Seal, would have been able to live the rest of their lives to the fullest with their friends and families. There would have been no reason for the Toa to have been pulled from their own universe to that of Okoto and ultimately give their lives for a land that wasn’t even theirs. If Ekimu had only tried to help Makuta, many lives would not have been ruined.Ekimu was exhausted and weak after reverting back to his original form. He needed to find shelter for the night so that he could rest and process his ordeal. The Mask Maker climbed out of the crater and began to make his way across the desert of the Region of Stone. The desert was bare and empty, and seemingly stretched on forever. As he crossed the region, Ekimu saw heard the howling of some wolves in the distance. The wolves were native to the Region of Stone, and Ekimu remembered Pohatu mentioning his fondness for the creatures. Perhaps, Ekimu thought, the wolves were howling at the star where Pohatu’s spirit was now located. Perhaps this was their way of mourning the death of the Toa of Stone’s. Ekimu just needed to make it to the next village, where he knew he could find someone that would allow him to spend the night. Eventually, Ekimu noticed a campfire in the distance. He began to approach the light, and was noticed by Nilkuu, the current Protector of Stone.“Master Ekimu!” Nilkuu called. “I could see the flash of light from my village! What happened? Has Umarak been defeated? Where are the Toa?”“It’s a long story,” Ekimu said with a sigh. “If you’ll kindly allow me into your home, I shall tell it to you.”––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––“So…you mean to say Pohatu and the others are dead?” Nilkuu nervously asked after Ekimu had finished his account of the night’s events.“They have sacrificed their bodies and their spirits were sent to the stars. For all intents and purposes, I’m afraid they are,” Ekimu replied solemnly. “But it could have all been avoided had I only tried to reason with Makuta.”“But the Toa had a duty to Okoto- you said it was their destiny to give their lives to save us!” The Protector of Stone said.“But you forget, the Toa were not born on Okoto. We pulled them here, from their own time and universe, and we were the ones to give them that duty. Perhaps the Toa had friends of their own in their world: friends who wonder what has become of them and will never learn of their whereabouts.”“You talk in theoretics, Ekimu. What if you had been able to help Makuta a millennia ago? What if you had found some alternative to the sacrifice of the Toa? If Makuta had never started any of this, it is impossible to predict what our world would be like right now. There were plenty of other evil forces at work. Perhaps Kulta or Umarak the Hunter could have been the one to try to conquer Okoto the same way Makuta did. With all the evil in our world, it was only a matter of time before things went bad. We do not have time to dwell on such things. Even now, the Elemental Creatures are hunting down the last of the Shadow Horde and Skull Spiders. Once the last traces of the Shadow have been destroyed, we will need to build a future, and need you to lead us into that future. In fact, it is your duty to lead us. Stop looking into the past and instead into the future!”“The future…” Ekimu pondered. “I only knew what was to be described in the Prophecy of Heroes by looking into the Mask of Time. Perhaps if I look again answers with be revealed,”“Go to the Temple of Time and see what the Mask reveals to you. But if I may make a suggestion, perhaps it is best you first inform Okoto what has happened to the Toa.”“You are right,” Ekimu said. “The Okotans must know of the Toa’s heroics and Makuta’s defeat. Tomorrow, contact the other Protectors. Tell them to inform their tribes that they should gather at the City of the Mask Makers for a memorial service. After we commemorate the Toa properly, I’ll journey to the Region of Jungle to visit the Temple of Time. ”––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––For the first time in a over millennia, Okoto was to celebrate the Festival of Masks. In the time before Makuta’s betrayal, the festival celebrated the ancient Protectors and the masks worn by all Okotoans. Instead of commemorating the Protectors, this Festival honored the Toa and displayed their Elemental Masks that they were wearing when they first arrived. These Masks had been discarded once the Golden Masks of Power were claimed by their respective wearers. Following Ekimu’s awakening, the original Elemental Masks had been left in Ekimu’s care. Ekimu had never seen the Toa wearing these Masks, and had never taken a good look at them before. But as Ekimu gathered the Mask to be put on display, he noticed something very strange about them. It was common knowledge that all Masks on Okoto were powered by the Elemental Crystals. And yet, these masks did not contain elemental crystals at all, and were powered by some other means. Whatever these Masks were made of, they were nothing like the ones made by Ekimu. From his many centuries of experience with Mask-making, Ekimu had grown used to the feeling of elemental energy radiating from masks. But these Toa masks felt different. It was almost as if there was more than just elemental power coming from the Masks. Perhaps, Ekimu speculated, that the Masks the Toa had arrived in had other abilities they had only forgotten to use.Each Mask was displayed on a pedestal in the center of the ancient city. Thousands of Okotans gathered around the Masks, staring at them in awe. Since the Toa had only been on Okoto for a few short weeks, many of the Okotans had never seen the Toa and relied only upon the stories and rumors surrounding their activities. Seeing these foreign masks once worn by the Toa seemed to validate their existence to the gathered masses.Ekimu noticed the six Elemental Creatures watching the celebration. The Creatures had defeated the rest of the Shadow Horde, and had been hunting down the last of the Skull Spiders. With the death of Umarak, the Creatures no longer had to hide, and could live among the Okotans in peace. However, with the destruction of the Golden Masks of Unity in the sacrifice of the Toa, it would be impossible to communicate with the creatures. Ekimu stood before the gathered islanders to speak.“Gathered friends,” Ekimu began. “I have news for you all. The evil Makuta has been defeated at last! The remnants of his forces have been hunted down and destroyed by the Elemental Creatures and the Protectors. But our ultimate victory came with a great cost. Our beloved Toa gave their lives to defeat Makuta once and for all. I have called this special Festival of Masks in their memory. May all Okoto forever remember their heroism.”The Okotans were silent, digesting this news. They were surprised by how abruptly the battle against Makuta had ended, and that the Toa they had heard talk of were gone forever.“The Toa have brought peace to Okoto. But perhaps more importantly, they have inspired us to maintain that peace. During the final confrontation with the Shadow Horde, many Okotans rose to the challenge of joining the Elemental Creatures in battle and helped to defeat them. Should evil rise again in the future, I have faith that the people of Okoto will follow the example of the Toa and rise to that challenge. But now is not that time; now is the time for peace. Please, enjoy the festival and remember the Toa!”There was a polite but rather unenthusiastic round of applause. The Okotans were understandably distressed and conflicted over the whole ordeal. However, for the first time in a millennia, they were hopeful for the future. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––The next day, Ekimu flew his newly-rebuilt airship. Since his awakening, Ekimu had not had much time to re-explore Okoto’s regions. After the Okotans had fled the City of the Mask Makers following the Cataclysm, many villages had been arisen in the individual Regions. Many of them had been burned to the ground by Umarak the Destroyer. The Region of Jungle was quite desolate at this point, with many of its villages destroyed. The Temples that housed Uxar, the Creature of Jungle, and the one housing the Golden Mask of Jungle had now been abandoned. But Ekimu did not have time to focus on that now; his attention was instead towards his destination: the Temple of Time.Ekimu entered the Temple and removed the Mask of Time from its vault. It had once given him the answers he needed, and perhaps in his confusion it would do so again. The Mask Maker hesitated for a moment before donning it. Even if the Mask of Time revealed the answers he sought, perhaps he would not like them. But Ekimu knew he had to try and obtain closure for his whole ordeal, and pressed onward, taking his own Mask of Creation off and replacing it with the Mask of Time.––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Almost instantaneously, an image began to form before Ekimu’s eyes. It was soon recognizable as a workshop, not unlike Ekimu’s own. However, this was not a place Ekimu was familiar with. Six lifeless figures were strewn across six individual tables. As Ekimu stared intently at the figures he felt a sense of familiarity towards the figures. Suddenly, it hit him: these were the six Toa! All six were far smaller in stature and wore more simplistic armor than when they had arrived on Okoto, but were still recognizable as Tahu, Gali, Onua, Lewa, Kopaka, and Pohatu.Ekimu reasoned he must be witnessing the birth of the Toa, and that this was the universe from which they were originally from. But because this was the place the Toa were constructed, their creator was presumably not far away. Ekimu looked around the workshop and saw another figure, one that made him gasp in awe. The figure was massive, at about ten feet tall. His armor was gray-green and carried a massive hammer. But the most surprising thing about the figure was his mask- he was wearing the Mask of Creation, identical to the Mask Ekimu now owned. Ekimu did not know what to make of this, he had never known where his Mask came from but he never would have imagined it was from another universe entirely. Back when Ekimu had originally learned of the existence of the Toa through the Mask of Time a millennia ago, the Mask had also revealed their names to him. Similarly, Ekimu could now sense the figure’s name: Artakha.Before Ekimu could process this any further, the vision shifted to more rapid flashes. He saw elemental heroes similar to the Toa he knew, however these were not the same beings. He was able to sense that these six collectively had a specific name: Metru. These “Toa Metru” had gathered six disks, each with a color corresponding to one of the six elements. The Toa Metru of Fire, who Ekimu could sense was named “Vakama,” began to craft what Ekimu knew was the mysterious lower half of the Mask of Time. This part of the vision was actually somewhat familiar to Ekimu during a previous experience wearing the Mask of Time, he had witnessed this lower half being forged. This is why he had known about the existence of the lower half and the mask’s name: “Vahi.” He then saw Toa Vakama using the Vahi to fight a massive, shadowy figure. Ekimu was startled by the larger figure’s resemblance to his brother, Makuta. He was even more startled by the name of the figure as revealed to him by the Mask: “Makuta Teridax.” Ekimu could tell his was not the same entity as his brother. However, he still sensed a connection between the two.Suddenly, the scene changed again. Ekimu was back in Artakha’s workshop. Artakha was hard at work crafting a Mask, and muttering to himself as he did so. “How could I have been so foolish…it’s my Great Disks! They’re the key to making the Mask of Time. Vakama only managed to create a Mask that allowed control over time, but there’s so much more potential to be found…”Artakha raised up his creation: it was the upper half of the Vahi, the Mask Ekimu now wore. “This Mask will allow me to see into the past and future…and if my theory is correct, it can be combined with the Vahi Toa Vakama crafted. The combination of the two will allow for complete control over time, even travel through space and time itself!”Ekimu realized that this must have been how the Toa traveled between universes. The Upper Half of the Vahi was on Okoto, and the Lower in the universe of the Toa. The two fragments had created a bridge between universes that allowed the Toa to travel between them.In Ekimu’s next vision, he saw Tahu, still in his original form, put on the lower half of the Mask of Time. Before him were six monstrous creatures, each holding a square object with a distinctive symbol inscribed into them. Ekimu immediately recognized them as the symbols of the Toa, which had been previously revealed to him by the Mask of Time and had since gone down in Okotan legend as such. In fact, Ekimu when built new armor for the Toa he had inscribed these symbols into their chestpieces. Tahu used the Vahi to slow down the six creatures, but the Toa of Fire struggled to control its power. His hold over the power of Time were clearly very unstable.Back in Artakha’s workshop, the instability of the Vahi’s lower half was affecting its upper half. Artakha watched in horror as the upper half of the Vahi began to tremble, and energy began to radiate from it. Suddenly, a vortex of golden energy appeared, sucking the upper half of the Mask of Time away.Instead of an individual location, Ekimu then saw the entire solar system of the Toa, consisting of three planets. Energy enveloped the entire solar system, a blast of the Mask of Time’s golden light blinded Ekimu. When his vision cleared, he saw the result: two different timelines. The universe of the Toa remained unchanged, but he saw a second one he found very familiar. It was his own. Ekimu realized he had just witnessed the creation of his own universe. The connection between Ekimu’s universe and that of the Toa was clear to Ekimu now- he lived in a universe directly parallel to that of that of the Toa. The three planets in Ekimu’s universe were alternate versions of the three world’s of the universe of the Toa, with the world where Okoto was located an alternate version of the world of the Toa. Ekimu had once described the Mask of Time’s upper half as “older than the world and the stars.” Without any shadow of a doubt, he now knew that to be true.The upper half of the Mask of Time drifted through this recently created universe. Eventually, it punctured the atmosphere of Ekimu’s world and crash-landed in what would eventually be known as Okoto’s Region of Jungle. Immediately after Okoto came into existence, elemental energy erupted from the ground of each of Okoto’s elemental regions. Okoto’s elemental Creatures formed from these beams of energy to serve as guardians of the Island. Ikir was formed from the Region of Fire, Akida from the Region of Water, Terak from Earth, Ketar from Stone, Uxar from Jungle, and Melum from Ice. In the center of the Island, two other beings were formed. A magnificent hawk was formed from Okoto’s light. Ekimu recognized this hawk as Agil, the Creature of Light. The other being was sentient, unlike the other Creatures, but still bore similar animalistic features. This was Umarak, the Shadow Hunter. Scattered across the island, Ekimu saw the the very first Okotans. Ekimu reasoned that these were original Okotans were alternate versions of the original universe’s inhabitants.What Ekimu saw next was perhaps the most jarring to him. He saw himself, as well as his brother, Makuta, waking up for the first time. This had been Ekimu’s earliest memory, and now he was seeing it from a new perspective. Even back many millennia ago, Ekimu and Makuta had come into existence wearing their respective Masks of Creation and Control. Perhaps, Ekimu speculated, he was this universe’s alternative form to Artakha, with his brother the alternate form of the original universe’s “Makuta Teridax.”The following events were of no surprise to Ekimu: he had lived them. Ekimu and Makuta crafted the first elemental Masks for the first Protectors. He saw flashes of the settling of Okoto’s Regions, construction of the Island’s Temple’s, attacks by the Skull Raiders…everything up to and including Makuta’s betrayal. Finally, he saw the rise of the Skull Spiders and the gathering of the Protectors in the Temple of Time to summon the Toa.The vision changed drastically once more; Ekimu saw the universe of the Toa once more. The three worlds that made up their solar system collided and became one. Ekimu’s final vision took place on this reformed world. He saw the six Toa as well as Artakha, and another figure that seemed to be an older, weaker form of Vakama.“Brave Toa,” Vakama exclaimed. “I thank you for recovering my Kanohi Vahi from Voporak. However, Artakha has a bit of distressing news regarding the Mask of Time,”“Our pleasure, Turaga,” Onua responded.“Artakha, what is it?” Gali inquired.“A millennia ago, Vakama forged the Kanohi Vahi that he holds right now from the Great Disks. That mask allows the user to slow down or speed up time. However, it was only part of the Mask’s full potential. I created another Mask of Time that would allow for Clairvoyance. Theoretically, the two Masks of Time could be combined into a complete Vahi, that would allow travel between time and space,” Artakha replied. “That’s remarkable,” said Lewa. “Where is this upper half?”“That’s the issue,” responded Vakama. “Back when Vakama used the Vahi to slow down the Bohrok-Kal, time in our universe was briefly very unstable. This instability caused the Mask of Time’s upper half to be sucked out of our universe,”“It is my belief that when the Vahi’s upper half was lost, an entirely separate timeline was created, which runs parallel to ours. My telepathic abilities have given me glimpses into this alternate timeline and it is very similar to our own. The Matoran of this alternate universe live on an island called Okoto. They are currently besieged by their own version of none other than Makuta Teridax,” Artakha continued.“I did this?” Tahu asked in shock. “Because of me, an entire universe came into existence and the Makuta continues to exist?”“I’m afraid so,” Vakama responded somberly.“The elders of this Okoto are in desperate need of assistance against Makuta’s forces. In their culture, it is you six that they foresee will help them.They have activated their half of the Mask of Time, in hopes that you six will come and save them,” Artakha explained.“By the Great Beings,” Pohatu exclaimed. “What are we to do?”“I do not know what to tell you, Toa," Vakama replied. “You have brought peace and freedom to Spherus Magna, and I cannot ask anything further of you. If you desire to go to this 'Okoto' then I can activate our half and send you there. Even if I do, there’s no guarantee you’ll arrive unscathed. The choice is yours to make.” “I’ll go,” Tahu said firmly. “It’s my fault Okoto came into existence and that there’s another Makuta out there. I have a responsibility to put this right, a duty to this island. I don’t expect any of you to come with me.”“Don’t be a fool, brother,” Kopaka quickly interjected. “If there’s anything we’ve learned, it’s that our strength comes from our unity. Perhaps Okoto is your responsibility, but if saving it is your destiny, it’s mine as well.”“As is mine,” continued Onua.“Mine too,” said Pohatu.“Count me in,” said Lewa.“We’re all with you, brother,” concluded Gali.“Very well then,” said Vakama somewhat somberly. “I’ll use the Vahi’s power to complete the connection to send you there.”“The adaptive armor I built for you should conform to Okoto’s environment. Assuming you should make it there, you will gain new forms that will allow you to live among the Okotans,” Artakha explained. “But even then, Okoto is filled with monstrous creatures. It will be extremely dangerous. There’s no guarantee you’ll come back.”“Are you sure you want to go through with this?” Vakama asked.“Absolutely,” Tahu responded. “It’s about time for a new adventure.”“Then I wish you luck,” Vakama said. “May the Great Spirit watch over you.” Vakama removed his own Mask and placed the Vahi over his face. The Mask began to tingle, and as the connection to Okoto was created a vortex opened. Vakama and Artakha watched as the six Toa stepped into the vortex, leaving their world forever.––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––That was enough for Ekimu. He removed the Mask of Time from his face and replaced it with the Mask of Creation. The Mask had given Ekimu more answers than he had expected, but he did not want to see any more. Perhaps he could gotten clarity over what really happened to the spirits of the Toa following the final battle with Makuta, but not knowing that was for the best. The Toa had changed Okoto, and their spirits would forever be kept alive by its people.Ekimu stared at the setting sun from the Temple of Time. This was a strange sort of sunset, the end of a very long story. The Mask Maker had feared he had “stolen” the lives of the Toa, but now he knew that the Toa had freely chosen to come to Okoto. Guided by unity, their duty was to come to Okoto and meet their ultimate destiny. That destiny had not been written in stone, but was a responsibility that was found and chosen by them, not Ekimu. Perhaps that was what it meant to be a hero. Whether or not the Toa lived among them, their legacy would survive forever and inspire all Okotans to be heroes, even Ekimu. It was time for the heroes of tomorrow to go and and make new legends. For that is the way of the BIONICLE. Never…The End.
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- Legend Continues
- Vahi
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So, today come to me Mask of Time G2 from shapeaways (link), and I pointed it using Citadel Auric Armour Gold paint. You can see how I put G1 Vahi on G2 Vahi, but sadly they berley stay together, and even a little touch makes it fall off. Big gallery:
So to start saving for the Nintendo Switch, I'm starting to sell the 3D printed versions of my mask. If anyone's interested, I'd say $100, (CAD) sounds fair. It seems some people on other sites are a little perturbed by the price, so let me just be perfectly up front here: In USD, I'm only making a $30 profit off of any one sale. The base price for printing and labour is $50. So it's not as if I'm just inflating the price for the sake of doing so. The mask was made with my own facial profile in mind, however it should fit anyone else all the same. NOTE: While the mask is now available in other materials, I only know for certain that it prints well in WS&F. I have used Shapeways' automatic wall thickness tool to allow it to pass for other materials, but I do not know how well it works. Unless you're willing to prototype, just order WS&F. I take no responsibility for any flaws in print quality if ordered in other materials.
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UPDATED 9/7 6:30 PM PDT Thanks for the overwhelming interest! Thought this post needed an update so here ya go! Some collectibles for sale/trade! Primarily looking to sell, but will gladly trade for other collectibles (primarily kanohi) if they catch my eye! I prefer to ship within the US but will ship internationally if buyer is willing to pay higher shipping costs. All transactions will be made through PayPal. Message me with your preferred shipping address for shipping cost estimates! The goods: Red Line = Sold Yellow Line = Reserved Orange Vahis ($7.50 ea), Shadow Kraata ($1.50 ea) Collectible Kanohi ~ Blue Pakari Nuva $2 ~ Blue Kakama Nuva $2 ~ Blue Akaku Nuva $2 ~ Green Pakari Nuva $6 ~ Brown Hau Nuva $1.50 ~ White Kaukau Nuva $3 ~ Red Akaku Nuva $1.50 ~ Dark Gray Hau $1 ~ Orange Matatu $3 ~ Silver Kaukau $2 ~ Silver Akaku $1.50 ~ Silver Kakama $2 ~ Trans-Glitter Avokhii $5 ~ Clear Kaukau $20 ~ Trans-Dark Blue Ruru $1 ~ Purple Pakari $1 2001-2003 Set-Standard Kanohi (Kraahkan $5, all others $1 ea) Other Set-Standard Kanohi ($1 ea) NEW! Wild Kraata ($1.25) & Krana (light purple $1, all others $0.50) I also have LOTS of complete sets and tons of spare parts, feel free to ask about anything! Some sets I have (I price competitively, discounts given if not 100% complete): ~ Keetongu ~ Sidorak ~ Vezon and Fenrakk ~ Axalara T9 ~ Cendox V1 ~ McDonald's Tohunga ~ 2003 Matoran ~ Rahkshi ~ Various Bohrok & Bohrok-Kal ~ Various Toa Mata/Nuva Comment or PM with any questions or offers. Thanks for viewing!! -Sam
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- Vahi
- Mask of Time
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Ever since the new BIONICLE was announced, I've mostly ignored it, as I thought it was an insult to G1 to reboot a story that had been worked on so hard. However, now it seems to be that some kind of canon connection was being established between the two generations, with the Mask of Time. Here's what I've gathered: -The Mask of Time is called "Vahi", making it the only G2 mask with a name -It is the top part of two halves, suggesting that the G1 mask that Vakama made is the bottom half -It is said to be older than the stars above Okoto, suggesting that the stars are artificial So, I haven't been following the story at all, but, having stumbled upon this, I now want to know as much as I can, so can anyone explain to me what's going on and how likely it is that some sort of connection exists?
So as you know the new Vahi of G2 has been seen and it has 2 pieces now this topic is not to talk if G1 and G2 are connected no this is to speak what would happen if the 2 masks combine. For reference im gonna use the G1 lower half power. G1 Vahi: Makes time go slower G2 Vahi: Gives you images of the past? i might be wrong in that one cause i haven't bought the graphic novel yet I think that the power is Time Travel that is my guess but what's youres?
I have: 3 Vahis: Exact condition of Vahis described here. Misprints: Other masks: *Komau on white background is Light Gray I am looking for: White Miru, Brown Hau, Black Akaku Green Ruru, Pearl Light Gold Kraahkan, Trans-Orange Kraata (TOK) 175 Kanoka, SDCC Kanoka, Shadow Kraata: stages 1 and 2 Feel free to ask me with any offer. All items are in Poland (Europe).
I've got nine orange Vahis up for sale, priced at just $7.50 each (plus shipping). For now, limit one per person (though let me know if you are interested in more than one just in case). I prefer to ship within the US but am open to international buyers as well. PayPal is my preferred method of payment. I am seeking primarily to sell but am open to trades (willing to do more than the temporary one-Vahi limit if it's a trade), let me know what you've got if that's what you're after. Shoot me a private message if you are interested or have questions. Thanks!
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- Mask of Time
- Vahi
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Has anyone heard any more about the "half-Vahi" theory? TTV talks about it here on their podcast. Basically, some LEGO guy apparently said the original Vahi was only half of a mask, and implied that maybe the Okoto people have the other half? Is this theory canon, or at the very least, not disproven? Is it still possible? or has Lego put more info forward that gives a new perspective on the G1 Vahi, and the G2 Mask of Time?
Sand Tarakava replica for sale and masks for trade
Mask Hunter Lewa posted a topic in Buy/Sell/Trade
FOR SALE Sand Tarakava replica Description: The only part which is different than in PurpleDave's prototype Sand Tarakava is mask. I wasn't 100% sure about head behind jaws (6th photo), so I made two versions and I will include parts for both of them. Instruction in form of photos on CD. Price: £50 Shipping costs: Poland: £1.45 Europe and Russia: £3.55 North America, Africa: £4.25 South and Central America, Asia: £5.05 South America: £6.85 Payment: Paypal FOR TRADE (masks for masks) I have: Misprints: *I have to mention that Blue Ruru has small white line on mouth. Other masks: I can also look for Krana if you are looking for them since few left from completing my Krana collection. I want: Flat Dark Gold Vahi Pearl Gold Ignika Feel free to ask me with any offer. All items are in Poland (Europe). -
I'm still waiting for my Hero Pack to show up, which includes what I consider to be the Okoto Vahi mask. As soon as I get it, I will post pictures of the MOC that goes with it, Betrii. Betrii was a citizen of the City of the Mask Makers that survived the Ekimu/Makuta incident. She did whatever she could to survive, avoiding Skull Spiders with her ninja-like moves and skills. She considers herself a 'Toa of Shadow'. After Ekimu was awakened, he gave Betrii the Vahi to protect and use in dire situations. So far, Skull Grinder has not managed to capture her or the legendary Mask of Time. She is quiet and only speaks when necessary. Betrii is not cold or stuck-up like Ko-Koronans, though. She is very resourceful and can adapt to almost any weapon, but she prefers her spear and shield. Her Pakari mask is not as powerful as a Toa's, but it still makes her stronger than usual. That is about all I've come up with. I'm not sure I like the name, which is pronounced beh-TREE. My Hero Pack is supposed to arrive tomorrow, so pictures will be here soon! Delays with the shipping, so forget the Hero Pack! Betrii with her primary weapons No weapons + ninja pose The back. The gear function still works, despite that black shell being so close to it. Betrii's legendary shield I can take more pictures if requested.
Alright, so a number of you may remember a few months ago when I posted about my custom forged life sized bronze Vahi. Well I'm planning to visit my boyfriend in the states this weekend, and we might be attending Brickfair (Virginia). As such, I would like to bring the Vahi with me, but I'm nervous that in crossing from Canada into the US, the border guards might give me trouble. I don't have room in my two allowed pieces of luggage to hold it, so I'd likely have to wear it as I usually do, like a pauldron: So I guess my question then is, do you think I'll be okay crossing the border with this, or would they try and say it is, or could be used as a weapon?
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- Vahi
- life sized
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I've come to the realization I am going to miss using this blog. Yes, I know I could stop being stingy with my money and donate to BZP in exchange for continued blogging access, but BZP has gotten my money before (don't say I'm not generous), but I feel personally like my usage of the site needs to be a lot higher in order to get the most bang for my buck. All I want to do is blog, though, and chat with you all about my thoughts on BIONICLE, life, pears, and the universe. I offer my Vahi that is actually made from Swiss cheese, but I know that may not be enough for some of the higher ups. Perhaps friendly BZP members can start a kickstarter-ish campaign to get me the blogging rights?? Perhaps if enough funds are thrown my way, I'll even reward the site with some new BORNICLE entries on top of re-releasing some classic chapters that are long gone from BZPower. I promise not to go full George Lucas and completely re-write or add superfluous scenes to the already-established story. Anyway, if I forget to blog again before the weekend is over, remember me, denizens of this strange, new BZPower. And even if I can no longer reach out to you from this blog, I will sporadically stay in character while posting on the forums. And in the end, when BZP celebrates its next anniversary a year from now, I will return again to grace the blog. In the meantime, remember the three virtues: profit, profit, and more profit. Uh, wait, that doesn't sound quite right! Well, you get my drift. Adieu!
After the mild success of our previous iteration, I, Makuta, must inform you that we had some technical difficulties involving a portal, a Mask of Ultimate Power, and a Mask of Time that had some…unfortunate…results. As a result of this, you now find yourself in Metru Nui, shortly (but not too shortly) before this place will be destroyed by me. You must collect the six Great Disks hidden all over the island to obtain the Mask of Time, which may or may not allow you to escape before I suck you into my evil villain vortex. Choose wisely, for your very lives depend on it. The clock is ticking! EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO PLAY THIS GAME. IF YOU DIED IN THE PREVIOUS GAME, TECHNICALLY THIS ONE TAKES PLACE IN THE PAST, SO YOU’RE WELCOME. IF YOU LIVED, YOU’RE A PROBLEM FOR EVERYONE ELSE NOW. GOOD LUCK. AND IF YOU DIDN’T PLAY THE FIRST GAME, YOU HAVE BECOME COLLATERAL DAMAGE…ER, SUCKED HERE BY ACCIDENT WHEN I WAS TRYING TO KILL PORTAL. WHATEVER. CHARACTERS/PROFILES: Each of the characters is on a race to acquire the six great disks to acquire the Legendary Mask of Time. Each characters has their share of power that will allow them to acquire certain disks more easily than others. The more disks you collect, the more time you will have to acquire the Mask. Each player has a maximum of 21 points to allocate toward disk-acquiring resources. For example: Enlarge (Ta-Metru): 6 Regenerate (Ga-Metru): 5 Weaken (Po-Metru): 4 Freeze (Ko-Metru): 3 Teleport(Le-Metru): 2 Reconstitute at Random (Onu-Metru): 1 Another example: Enlarge (Ta-Metru): 4 Regenerate (Ga-Metru): 4 Weaken (Po-Metru): 4 Freeze (Ko-Metru): 4 Teleport(Le-Metru): 4 Reconstitute at Random (Onu-Metru): 1 THESE ARE JUST EXAMPLES. YOU MAY ALLOCATE YOUR 21 POINTS AMONG THE POWERS AS YOU SEE FIT. You are allowed to have zero of any number of powers, and 6 of any number of powers, and 5 of any number of powers, etc, as long as your total is no greater than 21, and all of the powers' numbers are 6 or less, as 6 is the maximum for any power category. If you do not allocate any resources into a category (i.e. 0), any disks you attempt to acquire of that element will result in failure automatically. If you have six, it will automatically result in success. Any numbers in between will indicate your chance to acquire them, as decided by RNG (5/6, 4/6, etc). You are allowed to have a profile that adds up to less than 21, and the jury is out on whether it is an effective strategy. It is the hope that the CORRECTIVE MEASURES employed in this game will render such a strategy INEFFECTIVE. As such, it is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED for your profile to add up to 21 points, and it is believed that it will result in the most desirable outcome for you as a player. In addition to the above disk-finding powers/affinities, each player has one MASK OF ULTIMATE POWER in their possession. This is due to some timey-wimey stuff involving portals and time-duplication and possibly inaccurate theoretical physics. Whatever. ALL PROFILES MUST BE POSTED IN THIS TOPIC. NO EXCEPTIONS. ROUNDS (6): Part 1: Disk Finding/Acquiring Each player will be given a chance to acquire 2 Great Disks per round. Obviously, you can choose to acquire the disks that you have the greatest odds for, but only a combination of all six Great Disks will win you the Mask of Time, so choose wisely! You may have multiple Masks of Time, if you are shrewd enough. For this portion of the round, post IN THIS TOPIC which two elemental masks you wish to acquire. I will post at the conclusion of 24 hours with each player's disk finding success or failure. Part 2: The Murders In this desperate race to avoid being sucked into Makuta’s Vortex, you cannot afford too much competition. Each night you will have the opportunity to slay one of your fellow disk finders and claim their disks for yourself. The Mask of Ultimate Power – This device has a 50/50 chance of: a) Stealing your opponent’s MoUP, if they have one b) If they don’t have a MoUP due to previous theft, they will die. You will claim all of the dead persons’ disks or Mask(s) of Time currently in their possession. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE YOUR MASK OF ULTIMATE POWER BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN TAKEN, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO MURDER PEOPLE THAT ROUND. THE MORBUZAKH For each round, the evil Morbuzakh is on the prowl. This evil and despicable source of ravenous plant life will claim one player once per round, and put him in one of my containment spheres below the Coliseum. Should you be abducted in such manner, you will not be able to participate in the disk-finding or death rounds until you are freed. Your disks will remain with you, however. Claiming one or two disks during a round will reduce your chances of being abducted. Creating the Mask of Time itself will eliminate your chances of being abducted; however, the Morbuzakh will still be able to attack you if you lose your mask. Choose wisely. Should you acquire all six great disks, you will be given the opportunity to defeat the Morbuzakh on the corresponding death match. Only the six great disks can defeat the Morbuzakh. This will kill the Morbuzakh and make it so it can’t attack you…or your enemies. At the end of the SIX ROUNDS, if the Morbuzakh is still alive, it will kill everyone who does not have a Mask of Time in their possession. There are a couple of TWISTS regarding this party animal that may or may not be employed, and some that only a few players may discover. THE NIGHT AT VAKAMA’S FORGE Should you acquire the six great disks, you will be given an opportunity to spend a night round – that is, THE SECOND HALF OF THE ROUND, NOT THE FIRST HALF – at Vakama’s forge to make the Mask of Time itself. During this time, your chances of being taken by the Morbuzakh are TRIPLED, if it is still alive. Beware of the Dark Hunters that haunt the forge! THE MASK OF TIME What does this mysterious mask do? You’ll have to earn it to find out! THE FORTUNATE INDIVIDUAL WHO HAS THE MOST MASKS OF ULTIMATE POWER AND GREAT DISKS/MASKS OF TIME WILL BE THE WINNER! AND THEY MIGHT GET TO LIVE. MAYBE. IF I’M FEELING GENEROUS. RULES: 1. All BZP rules apply. Even though we are evil mask makers, we are still stuck in a children's toyline franchise. Darn. 2. If you don't respond to three disk-finding rounds, my pet Morbuzakh will eat you and your masks. You may skip as many of the death rounds as you like, but be warned that taking no action may result in your death. Rounds will move on in the 24-hour period regardless of how much response I get from you. ROUND 0: I REQUIRE FOUR PLAYERS FOR THE FIRST ROUND TO BEGIN. THE MORE THE MERRIER - THERE IS NO MAXIMUM! Please ask any questions you may have! ROUND 1 BEGINS IN 48 HOURS FROM THE TIME AT THE TOP OF THIS POST (we’re allowing more people to participate this time, since we aren’t on contest time schedule), WEATHER PERMITTING! You are allowed to enter until the moment my post starting Round 1 hits the server. Post them profiles! MOOOOOOOOOOM! PLAYER LIST: 1. Liuth 2. Ghidora 3. Lucina/Voltex 4. Pahrak #0579 5. Portal 6. Toa Kapura 7. Aerixx 8. Dallior: Rahkshi Lord 9. ToaGhost 10. Punderscore
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- vahi
- mask of ultimate
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I am looking for a gold Vahi for trade or purchase. I have an orange Vahi right now, but I'd rather have a gold one, so I'll trade my orange one for it if you're interested in that. Preferably from an American seller/trader so shipping isn't too much. I'd prefer at least like new condition, and I'm willing to pay $8-10 for it, based on the posted value in the collectibles topic. I have one potential offer so far, but I'm still looking, so please make your offers if you're interested. Edit: I decided to pounce on an ebay listing that was for more than just a gold Vahi, at a pretty reasonable price, so I no longer need that. I am, however, still interested in a Disk of Time, and I'm willing to pay $2-3 for it.
For sure? I just got told that it was confirmed that we were going to get it, so I wanted to make sure that I hadn't missed some information recently.
Hey you probably know, the Toa in the reboot are time travelers, whom the Protectors summoned using the Vahi, the Mask of Time. So time travel is a thing might be thinking "yeah, big deal" right now, but I'm here to ask an important question that doesn't really have an answer...what are the implications of time travel? What sort of consequences or effects could this have? Anyone who has seen X-Men: Days of Future Past and/or the Terminator movies - no, I'm not advocating a Bionicle/Terminator crossover unless it's a non-canon miniseries - knows the in-universe ramifications we've seen in those universes. Time travel is at least partly responsible for screwing up the Terminator franchise, so I wonder if LEGO really should've opened this can of worms. I can see it being done tastefully, but I can also see it ending badly. But enough of my opinions, I'd like to hear what you guys think!
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- 1
- Vahi
- Time Travel
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This was hand forged by a friend in Toronto who is currently taking a metalworks course in university. It's a one of a kind piece created from a 3D model commissioned from 00dude00, (former Bionicle Next Gen modeller) later produced into the Shapeways 3D print also pictured, which was then used as a base for this, which is entirely composed of approximately 4lbs of bronze. The entire process from one person to the next, took about two and a half years to reach completion. The full image gallery, including an infected version, created simultaneously as part of our arrangement, can be viewed below, including concept artwork from 00dude00, modelling progress, photos of the forging process, and information on the pictured scenes from the mask maker himself. On a side note: I... THINK this is in the right forum? The description didn't really cover anything like this, but I don't think it belongs in Bionicle based creations so... yeah. Also of more personal interest, is that this was forged almost exactly as G2 animations began circulating. Fitting, considering how much LEGO seems to want us to remember it now. xD
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When the newest story and promotional videos had hit the web, keen eyes had spotted some cheeky Vahi easter eggs. Not only that, but one of the main temples, the Kini-Nui of Okoto, if you will, is called the Temple of Time. Surely this isn't all audience pandering, because I think that time is going to be a major thing in this new line. Sure, the Mask of Time easter eggs may just be some fan service, but the Temple of Time is surely hard evidence. I mean, come on, there's a pendulum in the temple. Perhaps when the Protectors combine their powers, they can have control over time. My theory is that the Protectors and the Toa encounter a dangerous threat when the Lord of Skull Spiders finally gets his hands on the Mask of Creation, or even the Mask of Ultimate Power, the only way the forces of Okoto can stop them is by using the very powers of the unity of the Protectors - time. They could manage to harness the Time energy and put it into a physical form, but they do not have the skill to craft such energy into something like a mask, hence the Vahi easter eggs. But of course, Ekimu could craft a Mask of Time. This leads the Toa to eventually find Ekimu's forge, and with their powers, they manage to wake up Ekimu and Makuta, and they form an alliance with him in order to craft the Mask of Time. So, Ekimu does make a Mask of Time and the Toa defeat the Lord of Skull Spiders, retrieving the Mask of Creation. But in my established story, waking up Ekimu wakes up Makuta, and vice versa. After this, Makuta realises his goal, and plots to take over Okoto a second time. Carrying guilt for causing Makuta's release, the Toa unite once more, now with Ekimu's help, to defeat the rogue Maskmaker. Note: If this counts as a potential spoiler, well, excuuuse me. This is just guesswork here.
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- bionicle 2015
- vahi
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