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So, today come to me Mask of Time G2 from shapeaways (link), and I pointed it using Citadel Auric Armour Gold paint. You can see how I put G1 Vahi on G2 Vahi, but sadly they berley stay together, and even a little touch makes it fall off. Big gallery:
This character doesn't have a name yet, I'm intending it for roleplay and was wondering what you guys think of it, feel free to post your honest thoughts on it. If the image is too large then I'll have a link to a post on my tumblr blog below.
- *Far far away from the shores of Okoto, there is a small island with a temple built on it. That temple is the home of the Protector of Time. He lives in solitude so he can be in harmony with the universe. One day a pleading call echoed in his temple, the inhabitants of Okoto were in need of heroes to save them from a great menace. Soon he heard the village elders' prayer and he used his powers to summon those great heroes the people of the island needed so desperately.* Since we are getting all these on the nose references about the Vahi (which honestly only the old fans get, new comers will have next to no clue what it's supposed to be) I had this idea of a character guarding/being in control of the mask. Though since I don't have an actual Vahi I had to settle with the adaptive Kakama Nuva. Detail shots:
Hey I noticed there isn't an Adventure Time thread. So I made one. Talk about everything relating to Adventure Time
I wonder if anyone ever tried to reject destiny and tried to follow their own path. What became of them? What if you mess with destiny by utilising a Mohtrek to destroy all of your past selves? What happens then? Would they be destined to do that? But then they would no longer exist, since they would have never been alive to destroy themselves in the first place, and... destiny explodes! It doesn't know what to do. Destiny is defenestrated. Of course, there is then the matter of a messed-up timeline, and occasionally I like to think timelines are like the roots of a plant, and that these timeline roots are in boxes next to each other, boxes being like dimensions, and each time a new action is taking a new part of the root is created, but of course there's only so much space in the box... eventually there's no more space. Various branches of these timelines them begin to intersect with each other, and of course that causes all sorts of problems... so there's only so much 'time' if you will until the timeline breaks down and havoc is spread across the world as all decisions now result in all outcomes and there are multiple instances of the same being. Of course, even then the roots of the timeline can't intersect forever, still only so much space in that box. It then permeates through to other boxes containing their own root-timelines! Different dimensions then affected by this. That doesn't make any sense at all, does it? I'm terrible at explaining this. Just imagine a tree's roots inside a box and imagine what would happen once the roots have taken up all the space, and substitute that for timelines.
- rejecting destiny
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Gallery: Front: Side 1: Side 2: Back: Back unconcealed: Protector of Time: In the mystical island of Okoto, before the six elemental heroes were summoned to protect islanders, they had their own hero. Vahi, the Protector of Time, who used to guard the legendary Mask of Time found a suit of armor from a past time which granted him immense power. He dubbed it, "Tengen Toppa Goruden Toa" which means "Heaven-Piercing Golden Warrior" in the ancient Okotese language. He has since left the Mask of Time in the hands of other Protectors and left Okoto to pierce his fate and save a universe trapped in an endless cycle of violence. His last words to the Protector of Fire, who questioned his decision were, "Of course I must leave! Who the Karzahni do you think I am? Mine are the spear, flamethrower and blaster that will pierce the heavens and fined the mythical being Mata Nui. Farewell, brother. Do not believe in the Vahi that believes in you, or the you that believes in Vahi, but the you that believes in you." After that, the other Protectors never saw Vahi again, though they can sometimes hear the sound his finishing move, Giga Spear Slash.
So, we all remember those prototype images of the sets on a decorative shelf that got leaked last summer, yes? Here's the original image. Why do I bring this up? Because, in one of the topics in BST, someone mentioned there being a "prototype Mask of Creation" in the upper-right-hand corner of the package. Intrigued, I pulled up an image of it, and took a good look. Realizing it was the same design from the other early image, I decided to check the prototype versions of the Mask of Creation that were featured on the LEGO BIONICLE Facebook page shortly after the line's resurrection was announced. Interestingly, none of the masks... Even remotely resemble this... (There were others on the FB page, but they all featured overly-ornate head-adornments, whereas this one is plain) Interesting, yes? Now, I can understand it being used in something that was nowhere near finalized if it actually is a prototype version of the Mask of Creation. However, 2015 is already under way. Why use that same image on any package if that mask design doesn't exist? Or, does it? The team revealed that a Mask of Time will exist in this new wave, but it will be a whole mask this time, rather than just the bottom half of one. This could mean that the Vahi 2.0 will have the same features as the original did, or it could just mean that the new Mask of Time will cover the whole face, while bearing little to no resemblance to its predecessor. My question is: Could this mask potentially be the Mask of Time? Or perhaps some other mask we've not yet heard of? Thoughts? Theories? Theatrics?
When the newest story and promotional videos had hit the web, keen eyes had spotted some cheeky Vahi easter eggs. Not only that, but one of the main temples, the Kini-Nui of Okoto, if you will, is called the Temple of Time. Surely this isn't all audience pandering, because I think that time is going to be a major thing in this new line. Sure, the Mask of Time easter eggs may just be some fan service, but the Temple of Time is surely hard evidence. I mean, come on, there's a pendulum in the temple. Perhaps when the Protectors combine their powers, they can have control over time. My theory is that the Protectors and the Toa encounter a dangerous threat when the Lord of Skull Spiders finally gets his hands on the Mask of Creation, or even the Mask of Ultimate Power, the only way the forces of Okoto can stop them is by using the very powers of the unity of the Protectors - time. They could manage to harness the Time energy and put it into a physical form, but they do not have the skill to craft such energy into something like a mask, hence the Vahi easter eggs. But of course, Ekimu could craft a Mask of Time. This leads the Toa to eventually find Ekimu's forge, and with their powers, they manage to wake up Ekimu and Makuta, and they form an alliance with him in order to craft the Mask of Time. So, Ekimu does make a Mask of Time and the Toa defeat the Lord of Skull Spiders, retrieving the Mask of Creation. But in my established story, waking up Ekimu wakes up Makuta, and vice versa. After this, Makuta realises his goal, and plots to take over Okoto a second time. Carrying guilt for causing Makuta's release, the Toa unite once more, now with Ekimu's help, to defeat the rogue Maskmaker. Note: If this counts as a potential spoiler, well, excuuuse me. This is just guesswork here.
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This is a pilot story. I want to make longer story later, but I want to make short version first, to see your reactions and suggestions. Sorry for grammar mistakes, I write stories only in czech, which I am really good in, but I don't know, if english will end so well... Setup: My story extends from moment when Vakama have created Kanohi Vahi - Mask of time. It shows, what could happen then. Vakama's Time Wave of protodermis hit the ship. "So what is your plan?" screamed Whenua on Vakama "Plan? Who needs plan?" replied Vakama "I hope you know what are you doing!" said Nuju. Me too, thought Vakama. Ship finally reached Teridax's island. "Stay here!" said Vakama. "No way!" said Whenua immediately, "We go with you!" "Who will save matorans then?" argued Vakama. "Vakama is right," Nuju said, "we don't have much time!" Vakama jumped out of ship. He used his Huna to become invisible and ran to the center of island. There was a large column of shadow, caused by Makuta. When he came, he hid behind a large stone and saw Teridax's back. "I was waiting for you Vakama" he said with darkness in his voice, "but I wasn't sure if you come. Unfortunatly, you are the one who holds the great mask of time." Vakama looked on Vahi in his left hand. He loaded his kanoka launcher. "Do you think that one silly Kanoka disc can end this all?" laughted Teridax. He flew high and landed behind Vakama's back. "I know what do you think of right now Vakama," said Teridax, "Huna was always my favorite mask. Do you know why? Some thought that Huna will hide them from my sight. Huna however don't hide your shadow. And I am the master of shadows!" he started to laugh. Vakama took Vahi and put it on. Vakama ran to center of the island. He saw shadow of first Vakama behind stone. I wasn't sure if you come, he heard in distance. He hid behind another stone. When Teridax landed next to first Vakama, he took a little stone and throwed him in distance. "You brought your friends!" laughed Teridax, "how sweet!" Both Vakama's put on their Vahi's. When first Vakama jumped of ship, third Vakama activated Huna and quietly hopped on. He get back to Metru with other Toa, without being seen. He get to his workshop and created what he tried only few times, before he became mask maker - a sword. He used his elemental powers to make it more powerful and put it into lava. He made his first sword. Most powerful in whole Metru. He took his Vahi and put it on. Vakama used Huna and jumped on ship. "So what is your plan?" screamed Whenua. "Plan? Who needs plan?" replied first Vakama. When he was jumping of ship, he nearly hit third Vakama, but he avoided him. He ran to center of the island. He was running 50 metres behind second Vakama. When both Vakama's disappeared, Teridax was very confused. Even darkness column was weaker than before. He came to Teridax's back preparing his elemental sword, but suddenly he turned and shouted: "Here you are! You cannot escape me now!" Teridax grabed Vakama's shoulders with his red eyes turning into darkest black. Black fog came out of his mouth. Another Vakama has appeared right behind Teridax with sword prepared. He stabbed his sword right between Teridax's wings. "AAAAAH!!!" screamed Teridax. Magma was flowing from place where sword penetrated Teridax's skin. It came out even from his eyes. Dark column in center of island has disappeared. "Thank you," said Vakama, which nearly died. "You welcome," said Vakama, which killed Teridax, "I bet you know what you have to do now." Vakama nodded and put his Vahi on. The End I hope it was at least little bit mind freaking and you didn't get lost in this story, because at some point it started to be confusing even for myself! Share your thoughts and please, tell me if it was interesting for you or if it was boring. Note: I know it created paradox on end, because if Vakama was killed, how could he travel in time to save himself? I'll explain that in another story.
This is the Kanohi Cyrus, a unique mask created when the three legendary masks are fused. Along with granting its wearer with power over time, life, and creation, the mask of reality gives its bearer elemental control over all forms of matter and energy, allowing the user to change reality around them as they wish.
Okay, so, in Bionicle canon, the MU runs on the three basic element things or whatever they are, Creation, Life, and Time. Corresponding to these are the three legendary masks. Now presumably destroying one of them would destroy that certain aspect in the universe (and probably send all the matoran civilizations into utter peril...). This was of (somewhat) major significance for the Bionicle story "Time Trap" in which Vakama and Makuta team up against Voporak, who wished to steal the Vahi (right?). At the end Vakama made Makuta promise to leave the Island of Mata-Nui alone for 1 whole year (yeah like what utter good that probably did, that's probably not even enough time to get their villages built!) by threatening to destroy the kanohi, which would rip time to shreds or something like that... Whaaa!?!? So my questions here are, how did the matoran live before the Vahi's creation!?!? If the Vahi was destroyed, then there would be no time. It was always prophesized that the mask would be created but there was the time before it was created which means that there was no time before it was created which means that everything before the creation of the Vahi existed but is... in a very interesting state of being. But we know that can't be possible so what's the deal with that!?!? ALSO, the Vahi opens up the window to the Great Beings brilliance/madness even more. If it was destroyed would it only mess up time inside the Mata-Nui robot, or would it affect THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!?!?!?!?!?!? Are these Great Beings even bigger geniuses than we had originally thought? (Oddly enough though their brilliance seems a bit off, they can create a mask that can control time but they can't make baterra that work, a Marendar that won't turn on automatically... wha!?) So can you guys help me out? This just seems a little off to me... what do you all think?
Death Decisions is the final instalment of the HT Adventures saga and concludes the time traveling adventures of Henkka and Alex. They find themselves in a new time period and new bodies to control, two Toa. They will have to fight for a chance to return home, to their own time, but can both of them leave? And what is the role of the Toa of Iron named Stronin in all of this? Like it's preceding epic, Forgotten Destiny, this story was collected and assembled from posts made in the popular Bzprpg game of Bzpower. The assembler of this book, Toatapio Nuva, would like to thank everyone involved in the making of this story, both for their interesting characters and their contributions to the story. Permission has been asked from every contributor and they have been credited for their work in the character list. This book wouldn’t exist if not for them. Minor edits have been made here and there to blend the posts together better, but nothing major.Credit should also be given to the TV series Quantum Leap, which has inspired the fashion of time travelling of Henkka and Alex. Although the idea of time travelling for these characters existed without Quantum Leap, the style of correcting past mistakes has been greatly inspired by the show. Special credit goes to Totally Prodiguous Artist for his character Stronin, who plays one of the biggest roles in this story! DOWNLOAD (Word document) This epic works a bit differently. Since it's actually complete, you can simply download it in a neat word document. Please leave feedback in this topic. Reviews are greatly appreciate. And be sure to check out Forgotten Destiny before, if you have not.
So, one day (yesterday) I was playing Crystal Conflict and remember how many animated GIFs their sprites had which led me to making this. It was quite a painful process extracting these (The walking poses in particular), but I managed to finish this quite recently and thought I would post it in a a topic early. Astro Fighter Sprite Sheet (These were made by the producers of Mars Mission Crystal Conflict, The Lego Group and 4T2 Multimedia and were extracted by Damaracx (Me)) Box (This was made by the producers of Mars Mission Crystal Conflict, The Lego Group and 4T2 Multimedia and were extracted by Damaracx (Me)) Rocket (These were made by the producers of Mars Mission Crystal Conflict, The Lego Group and 4T2 Multimedia and were extracted by Damaracx (Me)) Breeding Pit (These were made by the producers of Mars Mission Crystal Conflict, The Lego Group and 4T2 Multimedia and were extracted by Damaracx (Me)) As far as I know of this is the first kit that began as being solely another theme a side from Bionicle.
Prologue Blades flying, steel clashing. Nothing could truly describe what Kayn was witnessing. He had experienced his fair share of lengthy and blood spilling battles but nothing had prepared him for this. Heroes falling, Toa, after Toa, after Toa. He had slept the night before wishing he wouldn't have another one of his haunting nightmares, he got what he wished for, only to wake up the next morning to a living one.The battle was fierce, bullets flying by and narrowly missing the edges of his already heavily scarred grey Kanohi Hau. He turned around to check on Vhisola, she was fighting a Goldic Guard like everyone else. Something was slightly strange though. He was wearing an orange Kanohi Ruru, standing out from the usual orange Pakari. The strange Goldic sharply turned around and threw his protosteel dagger towards Kayn. Swiftly, Kayn stepped to the side, but something was wrong this time...this time he felt the sharp pain of a blade that had pierced his gunmetal chest plating. The strange Goldic waved his arm up in the air, signaling to the rest of the enemy. The Goldic that were nearest to the one wearing the Ruru grabbed an odd device from a pouch on the side of their leg and threw it on the ground, almost instantaneously, the guards started to retreat. Kayn readied the small gun located under his wrist and aimed it promptly at the "Ruru" that was retreating. Kayn pulled the small trigger on the back of the firearm and watched as the shot hit the "Ruru".The Goldic that Kayn had been able to shoot was left behind by the rest of his men. While Vhisola went to go check on the remaining Toa, Kayn quickly switched his vision on to the objects that two of the Goldics had left behind. "Vhisola! Get the Toa with the Kakama over here!"Vhisola didn't even need to relay what Kayn had just said as the Toa with the Kakama had already heard it and gotten over to Kayn. "I need you and your friend to take these as far away as possible and figure out what these are.""I see, the device is pulsating a strange noise quite rapidly, we never know what this thing could be. On it"The Toa with the Kakama and one of his friends rushed off with the device while Kayn got up to investigate his wound. It didn't look to good. Slowly, Kayn started limping over to the "Ruru".This was taking longer than Kayn thought, the "Ruru" was crawling towards the cliff that meets the vast ocean and with Kayn at a limping state, they would already be near the edge before Kayn caught up with him. Kayn started to feel even stranger than before, he had been stabbed and gotten broken bones but nothing quite this bad. When Kayn finally caught up with "Ruru", the Goldic was unconscious. Kayn took a firm grasp on the handle of the dagger that was in his chest, it took a giant swift tug to get the blasted thing loose. It was stained with blood, not a very big surprise. He began to put the dagger to the Goldics throat to make sure it wouldn't do anything just as an arm came up and knocked it right out of his hand and upwards. The "Ruru" pulled out a revolver and fired out six shots, all hitting Kayn in the torso. The dagger came down and was caught by the Goldic just in time to finish Kayn off with a slash to the arm, taking it clean off. Kayns world erupted in flames, the pain was overwhelming but...short. The "Ruru" ended Kayns torment with a silent and quick tugging to the neck. Kayns lifeless body slumped onto it's knees and tumbled over the edge and into the water.The Goldic let off a quick grunt and walked away.Kayn was sinking down...down into the endless deep of the ocean, to be found by no one. Review Topic
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Hi guys, I've been toying around with this for a while now and I finished it! __________________________________________________________________________ Before there was time, there were the Great Beings. They created many worlds, masks, and creatures to inhabit the universe, but there was something missing. They needed someone to watch over these new creations, someone to protect them, someone to love them, and someone for the creations to look up to. Thus they created two rulers. A Toa of Time, Temporus. As well as a younger Toa of Life, Vitarus. They wore no Kanohi, but possessed full control over the gates of time, as well as the key of life. But peace cannot exist without chaos. An ever-present evil, slumbering in the void for eons, had awakened. It possessed no physical form, but existed in shadow. The shadow only existed to kill, deceive, and devour everything in its path. The two Toa fought valiantly against it, but they grew weaker every time they battled. In a final stand against the shadow, Temporus sealed the shadow behind the gates of time, and Vitarus locked it with the key of life. Thus there was peace amongst all of creation. But as mentioned before, peace cannot exist without chaos. Eventually Temporus, once a proud and noble protector, fell to selfish desires. He abused the great creation for his own gain, but he always wanted more. Keeping the shadow locked away in his element was not a wise choice, it made him stronger, yes. But it also corrupted him. Thus Temporus succumbed to the evil that was dwelling inside of him. Vitarus confronted him about it, demanding that he stop what he was doing. But Temporus had fallen too far; he struck down his younger brother and fled to the Far East. Vitarus could not allow his brother to continue his evil deeds. Brother or not, Vitarus had no choice but to kill Temporus. Vitarus walked throughout all of creation one last time. Once it was a beautiful place, but now creation lived in fear of destruction. Vitarus followed his brother’s well concealed trail to the void, the infinite emptiness where the shadow used to dwell. Vitarus called out to his brother one last time, demanding him to stop what he was doing. But the brother that Vitarus loved was no longer there. Now he was possessed by emptiness, shadow, and fear, the three elements that the both of them had battled for so long to purge from the beautiful creation. Seeing that he had no choice, Vitarus made the first strike, he cleaved off Temporus’ left arm. But Temporus paid no mind. Vitarus was releasing the shadow which longed to feast on the lives of others. Every time that Vitarus wounded Temporus, a shadow limb grew in its place. Vitarus had realized what he had done and immediately stopped. The shadow didn’t. It destroyed the last of Temporus’ body and materialized into a body of darkness. The shadow struck at Vitarus and nearly killed him. The shadow then gave Vitarus one chance to join him, but Vitarus believed in the same words that he had learned from the first day of life. Unity, duty, and destiny. Temporus then had an idea, “I stand united with my people!” He declared. The shadow withdrew, clearly weakened by the word. “My duty is to protect my people!” He said. The shadow responded by staggering back and howling in pain. “My destiny is to bring life, where there once was death!” He finished. The shadow was severely weakened by Vitarus’ brief speech. But it was persistent to have his way. The shadow and Vitarus battled fiercely with each other, both gaining a foothold in victory, and losing it abruptly. Mortally wounded by a cut going from his right eye across his chest, Vitarus released his remaining power and shut the shadow away in the void forever, sealing it with the symbol of unity, duty, and destiny. Vitarus perished that day, but the Great Beings immortalized him and his fallen brother in legends and masks. The legends were forgotten and the masks were lost. But one day, the mask of Time and the mask of Life would be found. And both of the Toa would live once again. _______________________________________________________________ Thanks for reading!
I thought today was Tuesday for some reason. -TNTOS-
The mysterious Transformer known only as the Timegate Traveler appeared on Cybertron one day. Nobody knows where or when she came from. She appears to hail from a future faction succeeding the Autobots, but no one can be sure. She appears to have limited control over time, and can speed it up or slow it down, or supposedly even travel through it if she taps into sufficient pure Energon. She wields dual tachyon blasters and her alternate mode is a Cybertronian hovercar. Vehicle mode Robot mode With tachyon blasters More pics and transformation in the Gallery This was my first attempt at making a G1-style Transformer, and I think it turned out well. C&C appreciated!
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Hi guys. I guess it's time for me to invade the "General Art" forum. This is something that's been going and coming off and on for a while in my head. I've been thinking about drawing a Toa of Time with an adaptive armor Vahi. Honestly, I like my Vahi a lot: ^Click for larger pic^ Here's the body: I gave him a scythe for no reason. Also, I have settled on a name for him: Vohan. As always, I am open to any C&C! NOTE: This is my first serious sketch of a bionicle figure. Also, for a MoC, since I don't have an actual Vahi, should I use the '08 Kakama Nuva?
"If you destroy my mask, you will destroy the future..." -Vohan to Sandstorm at the very VERY end of my epic. Meet Vohan, the Toa of Time and honorary member of the Toa Alpha. I never got a Vahi, so, I just used Pohatu's '08 mask. I mean, it looks the part. ^Click for LARGER pic!^ Toa Team Alpha so far (Just missing another Toa of Air, Sonics, and Fire): LINK Any C&C is welcome!
OK guys, here is where you can talk about Adventure time, post favorite quotes, and be super awesome with fin and jake.So, What is your favorite episode? Mine is the one with the secret tapes. It shows Ice king's past and how he became the crazy creep he is now. Edit: Please don't double post. Merged!-Wind-
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- shmowzow
- mathmatical
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Recently(While thinking up an idea for an RPG), I began developing a theory, one that would be the basis for the RPG. It kinda/sorta developed into it's own theory. Could the Vahi, if it was shattered, destroy all dimensions, and all masks of time? Here is my reasoning: 1. Alternate realities are decided by the choices that specific characters make or don't make, that affect the canon storyline. These choices create the path deviations that create different dimensions. 2. It is stated by Vakama in Time Trap that destroying the vahi would shatter time, creating a future that was the past, where Makuta was dead, and the next moment, he's alive. Doesn't this sound like alternate dimensions? 3. If you noticed, time continued normally before the Vahi was made, yet the mask cannot be broken without altering or destroying time, suggesting that creating a Vahi links the Vahi with other Vahis from other dimensions, tying all dimensions together in an unbreakable bond. Destroying one Vahi would destroy all. Now, feel free to tear this theory to bits -Elrond
I got a question about the Vahi that no one will probably get the answer to:p, but could discuss about it.How come the Vahi is tied to time? Okay, time was already existing long before the Great Disks were made. My theory is that Artahka managed to trap the power of time in them.
Since Bionicle physics are not the same as ours, who's to say that their time is the same. On Spherus Magna, they have longer days because of the planet's size, and probably different years too. For all we know, time in the MU could be longer or shorter than ours. A minute in the Matoran universe could be 30 seconds in ours. So, what if 1,000 years in the MU only equates to 100 or so years in our universe. Or, what if 1,000 years in the MU equates to 2,000 years in our universe? It's just a theory, but this could mean that some parts of the Bionicle storyline could be longer or shorter than we imagined, due to time differences between universes. Also, unless the MU time is based off SM time, how would the Matoran and other MUans have gotten used to living with longer days and years and whatnot? I feel like that would not be easy.
This is my entry in the Fortnightly Flash Fiction Contest: Broken Mask. It is 724 words long. Hope you like it Fractured Time By Pikiru A lone being stood amidst the ruined shell of a universe, the fabric of reality being torn apart around him. Not that this being actually stood, it was hard to stand in a world where time was fractured, or was truly alone. There were millions of other beings out there, but he could not reach them. He could only hope that by some chance he might run across someone in the vast infinite reaches of time. The being closed his eyes as a wave of temporal energy washed over him, sending him spiraling through the past, present and future all at once, for there was no longer any difference between them. He clenched his fists and shut his eyes even tighter as the force of time overwhelmed him, every part of his body both aging and growing younger. His entire being was ravaged by the complexities of time. This was what he lived in now. Almost every moment of his life was spent being buffeted by waves of energy, hurling him through the fabric of existence. For him to stay in one place, and more importantly one time, for more then a few seconds was a miracle. He was not sure he would ever get used to the sensation. The universe was being broken and smashed to bits, then reformed anew and then once again shattered. The universe was completely destroyed, and yet was still whole in a way. And this being was the cause of it all. His name is Vakama, and he and the rest of the universe are forever more trapped in time. It hadn’t always been like this. Time was once whole and flowed in a simple straight line. Vakama had once been a red armoured wielder of fire. He had lived in an island city, but that city was threatened and he, along with his five teammates, had been called upon to defend its population. As he drifted through every second of existence Vakama often thought about his five teammates, whether they had made it to the island above, and whether they had escaped this fate. What if time was only broken inside the domes, and outside of them time still flowed normally. Vakama had no way of ever knowing the answer to this question, now that all of eternity existed at once. For a split second Vakama stopped spinning through time and as he opened his eyes he saw his home city, both incredibly old and incredibly new at the same time, and he hoped beyond hope that its population and his friends were safe. As another wave engulfed him he shut his eyes again. He had learned that keeping your eyes open while time enveloped you was tempting madness. After many victories and defeats Vakama and his team of Toa had succeeded in saving the cities population and taking them away from danger. But Vakama had gone back in search of a mask that held all the power of time with in it. He had found it, but Makuta tried to take it for himself. Vakama had confronted The Master of Shadows and threatened to destroy the mask and release the force of time within to save the universe from his tyranny. Makuta had tried to kill him then, but Vakama was faster. He smashed the mask to pieces, and time exploded. At that point the fabric of reality was drastically shifted. Every moment of time existed both at once and separately. Time was broken, the mask was broken, and the universe would never be the same, or completely whole, ever again. This is the world where Vakama now lives, adrift in time like a boat without a rudder caught in a storm. It is impossible to tell how long it has been since the mask was fractured, for every moment has an equal chance of happening at any point. To save the universe from the rule of Makuta, Vakama ended everything. It is unlikely that the universe will ever go back to the way it was, because the shattered pieces of the mask are lost in the vast reaches of time and cannot be found again. So Vakama can only fly through time, and hope that this is a better alternative than living under the rule of The Master of Shadows.
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- Borken Mask
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How long after the return of the Matoran to Metru Nui did Mata Nui and Matoro die (temporarily and permanently, respectively)? Then, how much longer after that did the Destiny War start, and how long did the war last?Oops, typo in the title: I mean for that part to say 'return to Metru Nui'.