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The other day, my girlfriend suggested that I pick her up from work and teach her how to build something, since she didn't grow up with LEGO and had no idea how to do half the things I do. Since a Chevy Camaro is her dream car, I suggested we try that. So, I picked her up, and took her to my work (Bricks & Minifigs, the original store here in Washington), and we set to work. About 3.5 hours later (with some parts suggestions and techniques from my own experience), her dream car was built! And with her permission, I'm showing it off to the lot of you. (Photos taken with her phone--hence, the odd angles) Front-ish Front-ish with doors open Front/above Side Back/above Rear Holding car with her new Sigfig Sometime this week, we're going to replace the windshield and add handles on the doors. And yes, it can fit two Minifigs. Thanks for looking. Comments? Critiques? Cranberry pancakes?
The topic say it all : What's the first Bionicle G2 set you get? For me, it will be 70791 Skull Warrior. The set is designed well and it has some useful parts.
Hey everyone, looks like I have a blog now. I didn't really become a premier member for the blog, but here it is. If anyone has ideas for what I should put here, please let me know because I have no clue.
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This character doesn't have a name yet, I'm intending it for roleplay and was wondering what you guys think of it, feel free to post your honest thoughts on it. If the image is too large then I'll have a link to a post on my tumblr blog below.
What was the first Lego theme that you were a fan of? Mine was Lego Harry Potter. I've been a fan since I was 5 or so (2003). It wasn't until 2006 that I discovered Bionicle.
If you had taken a several year hiatus on BZP and had decided to check back in one day, what would be the first place on the forums you'd go?
If we exclude this the gray-and-white avatar that everyone gets when they first join, what was your first avatar on BZP? I believe mine was this Infected Hau (wow, it looks cooler than I remember). ... *Sniff*
I think there was another topic like this somewhere...ah well. So what was the first topic you ever created? Was it popular? Was it locked 4 hours afterwards? My first topic was a question in Media discussion (back when we Media Discussion still existed) asking where I could download the Bohrok defender of Mata Nui (or whatever it was called) game. It was answered and locked within a day.
Title says it all. Mine was a blue Kaukau Nuva that I got from Gali Nuva, which was also my first set.
So I was browsing through BS01 earlier, when I came acorss a piece of information that surprised me. I don't know if this is common knowledge that I missed or something others might be interested in - hence this topic.Norik was not the original leader of Makuta Teridax's team of Toa Hagah. Apparently, there were others that came before him, but later got replaced, whether they got killed or what I don't know, but I guess being bodyguards for the Brotherhood of Makuta is a dangerous job.We know that the Toa Hagah teams were formed more than 75,000 years BGC, be cause Makuta Spiriah had one before his exile around that time, but after Miserix's exile 78,100 BGC, because when he met the Hagah in Dwellers in Darkness, their history and purpose had to be explained to him.If Teridax's team was formed at the same time as all the others (and I see no reason why this should not be true) then Norik was not a part of it, because the earliest time we see him is only about 6,000 BGC at at that time he is in a Non-Brotherhood team with Varian. He must have been recruited to the team some time after this when an earlier member of the team needed replacing.This raises questions about whether the rest of the (known) team were also replacements at some point. Maybe Norik was the only one, and he was made leader on recruitment, or maybe had had to work his way up, deferring to the more experienced members of the team until he proved himself or they got replaced.
So, I'll have a free blog for a week. Neat. I might buy a premier membership when this is all done. It depends on how much I like this and other perks. I don't think I've ever had a blog before, and I know I've never had a BZPower one. Okay, so, I guess I should tell about myself and my interest in Bionicle and BZPower. Well, I like to type fan-fiction. Looks like a good place to add some links to my story topics (to save you the trouble of using the links in my signature )! I have been working on a long series of epics (well, the series is only four, but the epics all together are long). This story focuses on Toa and Matoran and starts (link to the forums archive there) in a region I made up called Yrenta. Most of the story takes place in that little corner of the Northern Continent, with some action elsewhere -- later, as Toa become less common, the characters must cover more territory to make up for the lack of other heroes. Anyway, I have one story on the side: a comedy called Story of Pehkui Nui. Personally, I don't like the script-style for comedies, so mine is written in standard format. I have not yet written any stories that take place outside the Matoran Universe, but I will feature Spherus/Aqua/Bota/Bara Magna sometime. I'd really like it if you'd read and review my stories. I recommend you start with Tale of Yrenta, which starts in... I think you know where... during the reign of the Barraki. Now, the latest story is called End of Yrenta, and yes, it will feature the end of Yrenta. I'm getting to it. It's running really long -- 40 chapters as of now, and while I'm pretty sure I'm well over halfway done, I still have some more story arcs and a general idea of the ending in mind. If I had known it would be this long, I would have made it two stories. Maybe I'll split it when this is all done. We'll see. I also like to MOC. Wait, that's not a verb. I like to build custom Lego models -- and lately it's been nearly exclusively Bionicle. I have a Brickshelf gallery full of my Bionicle models, and so far it's only Bionicle models (and some pictures. No fancy drawings, just sprites and a couple stylized character cartoons. I'm not much of artist, but I do mess around in Paint Shop Pro sometimes). Lots of the custom models I see on Brickshelf and pictures of these conventions... they're just stunning. No way I can compete with that. I'm a mediocre builder, but hey, I have fun with it. And the focus is on fan fiction more than innovative builds. I like to make models of the characters in my story. If you read my story, please take a look, because those models are what my characters look like. Accept no alternative! I think I might even try to eventually MOC every named and several unnamed characters in my story. Yeah... maybe I'll make that into a project. Here would be a good place to post updates on how that's coming along, right? Well, we'll see about that. But speaking of projects, this would also be a good place to tell of the other little project I have. If you'll scroll down to my signature and see the... oh, nevermind. Here it is: End of Yrenta is featuring a battle between Toa and their allies and the Brotherhood of Makuta that takes place 802 AGC. If you have any characters from your own works that you would like to make a brief appearance or be mentioned as participating, please message me. Now, I don't want to give away too much information, but this involves about fifty to sixty Toa and an army of about a thousand to two thousand. Er, a big difference in that last bit. Call it about 1500, then. After centuries of preparation, the Toa mastermind of this operation has recruited enough members to strike against the Brotherhood. They'll be attacking an island fortress. A small yet strategic location off the coast of the Southern Continent. Just a little place that the Brotherhood uses as a staging ground and communications outpost. It's not a major target. Really. Anyway, I think this would be a great opportunity to reach out to my fellow fan fiction authors. (Wow, I don't usually call myself an author... 'writer' will do, even though it's all typed, not written... sorry for my rambling.) With the numbers of Toa declining, I think that it would make sense that several of these Toa would come from other writers' stories. Of course, non-Toa allies are welcome to join. Just no Brotherhood of Makuta (obviously) or Dark Hunters. I don't like to 'hijack' other peoples' characters, so I'll make sure whatever role they play is alright with you, and as far as the plot goes they won't do much more than show up for the battle. So far, two fellow writers have responded to this. The first is Maganar, who has allowed me to use his Toa of Fire Tignioni (hey, read his epic, too!), and the second is rahkshi guurahk, who has let me use a Toa of Air named Ebanus. Judging from his signature, Ebanus is his BZPRPG character. Sorry, guurahk, I have not gotten into BZPRPGs yet. Maybe someday. If you're reading this, you two, thanks again. I hope you like the story. Everyone else, here's a recruitment message from Toa Iskanemo: "It has been eight centuries since the Great Spirit Mata Nui was forced into sleep by the treacherous Brotherhood of Makuta. For over eight hundred years, the Makuta have been allowed to spread their shadow over the lands and seas. The one faction that has had most success combating them is the Dark Hunters, and know that the Shadowed One has a spirit as evil as any Makuta's. Will no heroes make a stand against the Brotherhood? We Toa oppose them in small groups, but only to be wiped out one by one. We will not prevail that way. So let us band together! Only then can we overthrow the Brotherhood and bring the Makuta and their allies to justice. I speak not only to Toa, but to all inhabitants of the universe. There are not enough Toa left for us to do this on our own, and besides, it is the duty of all beings to oppose this plague upon our world. It is the Duty of all of us to serve Mata Nui by punishing those who wronged him, for he cannot. I believe he will be awakened someday, but until that day we must fight back for ourselves. If we wait, it will dishonor him -- or worse, doom us all. So please, seek me out, and tell me you will fight by my side." So, I want YOU! To lend me your characters to have them participate in this much-needed stand against the tyranny of the Makuta and the corruption of the Dark Hunters. I won't kill any of them off (unless you want me to... which would be unexpected...), I promise, though they will see much battle and death. Whew, what a post. So, how is that for the beginning of a blog?
First off, I'm not a great artist.Second? This isn't my first drawing, but it's one of the ones that turned out good. The others aren't worth mentioning.So, onto the drawing!Explanation? Dilphlanix is a newer character of mine, so new I don't know what species to make him (people suggest him to be a member of Pridak's original species... Or a member of my reptilian species, a Draconian). He wants to gain immortality, and to do so, he thinks that learning every power in the universe will allow him to do so. He's mastered the six basic elements (Earth, Stone, Fire, Water, Ice, Wind) and will let nothing stop him from achieving his goal.Constructive criticism and comments wanted!
Alright so for a project, we had to make an elemental superhero/villian, and I leaped at the opportunity to make this: free to comment, and tell me how I can improve him!
It's... it's finally back. May the wave of new posts and topics begin. Anyway, how did everyone spend their time without BZPower? I mostly browsed around the internet, plugging myself into various forums. I also worked on my RPG a bit, which I hope to have on here sometime soon.