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My fav hero is probably rocka. He's not as cheesy and stereotypical as the other Heroes. He also defeated all the main big baddies in every wave he was. He's kind of underrated.
"A noble warrior who serves The Lightbringer, with unwavering dedication and resolve. Never one to shy away from battle, this fearless soldier has faced tremendous foes, and has always emerged victorious". Santriel - Seraphic Soldier by Mohamed Marei, on Flickr A slightly different build this time, which uses primarily #system pieces as well as the occasional Bionicle armor parts for shaping. Do let me know what you think!
Hey guys I was just wondering, does anyone know who won the HF Breakout building contest? I was lucky enough to get one of the five winning places and was told my model would be shown with the other winners in the next club issue. Well, they never did and I still haven't seen the other winning models to this day. Anyone know who else one or have pictures of the models?
>dir Experimental.HFF QQQ.HFF Gallery.HFF > Experimental.HFF The Hero Factory Experimental team push the boundaries of science by using new technologies on the field. Although not the most unified of teams, they always get the job done. Jack Rubicon A relatively new hero, Rubicon has been built to push beyond the thresholds of past hero's using a new secret power source alongside his hero core. His body glows with energy and he stands taller than most heroes, unfortunately his ego is bigger than most heroes as well. His faith in his personal might is such that he refuses to use any weapon but his fists. Griffin Hybrid The second hero of experimental team. After his old body was torn apart in a mission gone wrong, Hybrid volunteered to a procedure to be rebuilt with parts from other bots. Unfortunately he needed additional secondary Hero Cores installed to power these new parts and keep the influence from his new limbs in check. Hybrid is a powerful hero with multiple abilities, but although he tries his best, the additional Hero Cores and foreign limbs have not helped his psyche at all. Errol Gladius A veteran Hero who's succeeded in many missions, Gladius was the original test bed for the multi Hero core technology installed in Chimera. Although his earlier days were troubled after the incident where his cut off his arm, his multiple personalities eventually merged into one experienced warrior. Since then he's refused to get a replacement arm, though no one knows why. As the most experienced hero, he leads Experimental team in all missions, and is one of the few whom can get Rubicon to follow his orders. Flynn Blaze An ordinary rookie with a burning passion for heroism. Blaze is the ordinary hero of the team, equipped with a flame blaster and flaming fists. Despite his enthusiasm, the power of the experimental hero's causes him to doubt himself. While Blaze wonders about his position in the experimental team, he does serve to keep the group grounded. > QQQ.HFF Error (^"$&*$%EVAEL%^)*WON@>>::@ ) ??? You should not be reading this. Image captured from mission 1237 >Gallery.HFF
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Just a few creations I built a while ago but work kept me from uploading them. Breez This one I was planning on making for a while as well, I did mix a little Queen of Blades into this one as well as a hint of Poison Ivy too when building, though the lower legs aren't my favorite part but with what I had it works. Detail shots: As for the little critter, I wanted create a "pet" for Breez which at first was supposed to the a quadruped Venus-flytrap like creature but instead I went with a two legged walking mouth, it kinda looks like the Hulk version of Pac-man. Rocka This one is pretty much an updated version of the 'revamp' I made quite a while back. Though I must mention that the neck articulation is a little limited due to the big back armor. Detail shots: Evo (note I switched the glatorian head piece to a trans green one instead of orange at the point of the making of this post) This one is a pre-spec ops version of Evo, I also planned on giving him more than one attachment but at the moment of it's creation I wanted to keep the yellow pieces for another revamp I will post soon. Detail shots: Stringer This one was mostly based on Metal Gear Solid, I even planned on giving him a box, but I kinda forgot about it with the busy days I had lately >.> But, I should be able to make it sometime soon. Detail shots: Rotor Thought I give this fella a little upgrade, only kept the legs with minor changes as those looked solid as they were by default, and before anyone points out yes he has long arms, but if he stands up properly proportion wise it should be okay, yes the torso is a little stubby too, but then again he soars the sky he can't be too big either, plus he is a ROBOT, who don't have to follow human proportions as well. Detail shots:
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Well, here he is at last. I built the original version of this MOC way back in 2011, shortly after Bionicle's 'end,' but I've been slowly making changes to it over time and it certainly looks very different from the original. He is one of my most prized MOCs, I hope you like him as well! Also, if you're interested in seeing more of this guy, and talking with a bunch of other Bionicle fans about Bionicle: The Audio-Narration-Project, then head over to my channel at 4PM Central Standard Time on October 24th for our 1000 subscribers livestream video! Front Back Action Pose Just a little word here, I always thought to myself when Click transforms, who's to say he can't transform into other things? That concept has lived out in the form of this Scaranax Launcher (Like the name? ) Weapons Comparison (As you can see, the original model has sacrificed his leg guards ) Once again, be sure to tune in for our channel's livestream! As of now, you guys have seen all my big Bionicle MOCs, and with college happening, I'm not exactly sure when I'll have time to build more. Hope you guys liked 'em!
So while we all rejoice at the return of the great bionicle I think we are forgetting about a little theme that was around until just recently, that theme being hero factory, in this topic you can post your final thoughts and fond memories of the theme. P.S Please don't turn this into a rant topic.
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I can't seem to find a thread on this, but for those who have seen the movie, what did you think? (Remember to use spoiler tags.) For those who haven't seen it, what do you think of what you know about it? Anyone love it? Hate it? Why? Favorite/least favorite character(s)? Personally, I really enjoyed the ride, but I felt some improvements could have been made to the pacing, but I can't blame them in a sub two hour movie. Ironically, I actually had a strange dream where Baymax was in Metru Nui last night, hahah. Naturally, I liked Baymax the most (I'm a definite robot fan).
Ok this is a bit of a bugbear for me. We never have seen the master of creation (by that I mean the mask not the MU) all we know is he is taller than a Toa/Glatorian. The only other clue we got was from the fact that Karzahni Is most likly built like him. Well Karzahni as he was before he went insane and rebuilt himself. I've had little luck finding a draw interpretation of Artakha and I'll be having him in my Comic collab. Thanks to gen 2 part of my problem is taken care of though. The Mask of Creation design is most likly what it looked like in both gens. But beyond that what does Artakha look like. I'm thinking a mix of Ekimu and a Glatorian. Also with the grey green armor. Anyone got a better take?
I have a theory about how herofactory may be connected to bionicle in the future. (i know its been confirmes that they are seperate but this is more of a excuse to have all or mostly hro factory parts on a bionicle moc) my theory goes that after matanui defeated teradax and reformed spheus magna that the greatbeings abandoned the matoran universe feeling that its safe and they are un needed. but as the matoran/ agori start to industrialize and get a cirtaint sense of security there begins to be crimes seemingly commited by service bots they made and a severe lack of toa as there are no longer "destinies" for matoran thus as toa died there werent any more made to replace them. thus less protection from threats so a matoran named makuru desighned sever Psudo toa that were etirly or at first mostly robotic that were powered by cores made of energized protodermis. they name a city after him to celebrate his inventions that are revelutionary! but makuta still lives on in a essence that feeds of evil present in the hearts of all of the heros matoran (many familiar names such as matoran toa rahi sorta fade in time during this industrial age) and eventualy makes a semi come back.he begins to make new forms of krata that he keeps on one of spherus magnas moons ready to strike if he fails again (the alien brains) he then posseses who he considered the most impure hero von nebula and attacks but is defeated and imprisioned in a staff. thus the brains were released. the firelord and his goons were bots that were mutated by protodermis ect. so what do you all think feel free to expand and fix holes.
To all you DC Comic fans who loved Smallville, here's the topic where you can comment characters you felt should have been in the show who weren't. Here we go! Who I think should have been in it: Shazam Green Lantern The Watchmen Black Manta Nightwing Imperiex Scarecrow Power Girl Wonder Woman Solomon Grundy Anyone else agree?
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ALERT: All Heroes to the Sector C-8. The Shadow has been sighted fighting Nagos. Repeat the Shadow has been spotted. Nagos has risen a fearsome Ogre. Defend the civilians. Repeat Sector C-8 IMMEDIATLY. Name: Ogre Species: Unknown Weapon: Claws, Strength Affiliation: Nagos Bio: This hulking behemoth creature is Ogre. It has been mutated by the serpentine villain, Nagos. The Hero Factory is unsure of how Nagos came upon this monster, but scientists have concluded that he has some sort of psychic link with then creature. His massive claws, heavy and dense hooves and size make him a formidable enemy, be warned heroes. I think Ogre is my tallest MOC to date, he is about 12'' tall. I am extremely happy with how he came out. He is completely made of parts from hero factory sets, no bionicle, no technic. "Incoming!" Name: Zoom Species: Robot (hero) Weapon: Frost blade, his sword is extremely cold, if nescessary he can use the energy of his core to bring his sword down to almost absolute zero, freezing anything it touches. Affiliation: Hero Factory, The Law Bio: Zoom was created for solo combat. Using his extreme speed he can out run and out maneuver almost everyone. His jetpack and armor is specially designed for high g-forces. He has spent majority of his activation time tracking down the engima known as the "Shadow" and fighting Nagos. With Zoom I was trying to get a very robotic look Name: Nagos Species: Unknown Weapon: Giant Swords, His mind Affiliation: Unknown,but presumbly to the highest bidder Bio: Much is unknown about Nagos. What we at Hero Factory do know is that he commits random acts of violence and chaos. He steals, assassinates, kidnaps, every felony imaginable. There is no visible pattern to his actions, yet he is highly dangerous. Wherever he goes the "Shadow" follows doing his best to save those caught in his evil. I really wanted to build a naga after realizing how many of those arm pieces I have so I did. Name: Unknown, called "Shadow" Species: Unknown, some think he is a early prototype hero, others claim they have heard him call himself a "Toa" Affiliation: Good Weapons: Hand of Omega Destruction. According to eyewitness reports, the claws on his HoD can tear through the thickest armor and shoot bolts of shadow (we don't know what that means) Bio: He appears, he fights, he disappears There ya go all my MOCs that I have assembled now.
Early on in the invasion of the so-called Brain Slugs near Makuhero City and on surrounding planets, many HF scientists decided to experiment with the Slugs and their effects on their hosts. In a process similar to the creation of a vaccine using weakened bacteria, a wounded Brain Slug was forcibly connected to the back of a Rookie Hero by the name of Cade Marler. The ethics of the experiment were just as questionable as the results. As the Brain Slug affixed itself to Marler's spine, the young hero's left side- the right side being his dominant side, a feature integrated into recent Hero personality matrices- gradually became sickly green, twisted, mutated... in a similar fashion, rage, destruction, and distrust filled his mind, and he was unable to control it. The physical mutation of the Brain Slug continued to take root, and so did the mental aspect. Over time, however, Cade was able to regain his control over the mental and physical infections. It became a valuable asset. With enough concentration, The young hero was able to keep the Slug's effect in check most of the time, and bring forth its anger when he needed it most, specifically in battle. The mutated left arm's spiny protrusions became quite useful weapons against all manners of enemies. Marler still has to be careful, though, because if he overexerts himself the parasitic Brain Slug will take control. C l i c k t h e i m a g e a b o v e t o v i e w t h e g a l l e r y . This is a bit of an older build, from five months or so back, when Eurobricks had their Hero Factory Month contests. (Until this point I'd never posted Marler on BZP, only on flickr and EB, so yes, this is allowed as an entry.) I figured it'd be better to participate and post an entry instead of sitting around with no inspiration building nothing, and Cade Marler just happened to fit the category and requirements. As you can tell, a bit of a different style from most of my MOCs. Despite the comparative simplicity, though, I'm fond of it. I tried to use a name here that'd be more fitting of an actual person than a fictional hero. (I guess I succeeded, because apparently, someone- I think it was Invi- has a relative with almost this exact name.) Feedback is appreciated, as are votes.
Alright, from the 1.0 to the 5.0 (Brain Attack) and whatever that one upgrade is, which one is your favorite upgrade in Hero Factory and why. My favorite is the 5.0 (Brain Attack), the new armor and helmets look great but the only thing i don't like is the new heads and some of the weapon look really odd (like bulk weapon) plus i love that they are still using the exo-force arm.
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Hey guys! I've been a fan of Bionicle for years and you may recognize this song from a while back. It was used for an ad video that Lego released for Bionicle. The song is called Hero by All Insane Kids. I recently got into doing guitar covers and decided to attempt covering this amazing song. I hope I did it some justice! Leave me a comment and tell me what you guys think. I would love to hear your feedback!
Which one do you like better? My opinion is Hero Factory
The title implies the topic idea perfectly. What's your favorite HF game?
The title leaves me speechless for an explanation. There have been a lot and I like how they've made one for every arc.
Mocpages gallery Feedback appreciated.
Sorry to say, this isn't Project Reignition either if anyone was wondering that. I figured while I'm taking pictures of that, I'll just take pictures of some other MOCs I haven't posted yet, so I thought of these guys. Normally I don't build with Hero Factory besides an armor piece or two on a MOC somewhere, but I decided to try it out, and these two guys came out of it. Enjoy: Jason BlizzardEveryone on high alert! The evil criminal Frostbyte has broken out of Hero Factory prison and must be captured before he can siphon all heat out of Fabulox 18, creating a new ice age on the desert planet! We're sending in Jason Blizzard, newly equipped with ski blades and a force blaster to stop him! He'll be able to travel quickly over the ice and get Frostbyte behind bars! Yeah, that was my attempt at a LEGO-style description for him. Anyways,FrontThe inspiration for this guy mainly came from a Gali MOC I saw somewhere that used an interesting connection on the feet you'll see later, and I thought "Hey, I could put something on there!" and ended up slapping Breakout Breez's blades on there as Kopaka-Nuva-esque skis. Then I just built up with what I had, and decided to try out a custom torso on that awesome 1.0 torso piece. He didn't turn out too bad. Equipped BladesAlso like Kopaka Nuva, I figured out his skis can detach from his feet and make a sword-like thing for him. His ski pole also moves to the top of his gun, his feet are changed back to the regular attachment, and voila! Hands (or tentacles, or claws, or whatever) up!Just a quick pose for fun. SkeletonMostly so you can see the torso design and partially how the skis attach. There's not much else to see here. Ski AttachmentFinally how those things attach! It's pretty simple, I'm surprised I didn't think of it earlier (although I never use those feet anyways.) Now, what's this? Some kind of giant turtle? My expeditions have taken me far, but I've never seen anything like it. You know it's kinda...oh no, RUN! "Don't you dare call me cute!!" So, yeah. It's a vicious...swamp warrior...thingy. I tried to think of something to call it, but nothing came to mind. Basically, my little brother got Ogrum recently, and after seeing Aanchir's cute little Bogwaddle (scroll to the bottom of the post), I knew I had to try using that face. I eventually used almost exclusively Ogrum's pieces (I don't think the ball joint or small socket under his hood are from him, but you'll see that in a sec) to put this guy together.Storywise, this is a Swamp Warrior found on a distant planet who uses his (I'm not even sure if it's a guy, or even has a gender) staff and crystal boots (boost running speed and jump height) to defend his village from the threats of the swamp in which they live. YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!It's rather hard to see here, but those Piraka Spines flow really nicely with those Savage Planet claw pieces on the shoulders. His lovely smile "At least you didn't say cute." I really love that face. Hood Attachment In case you were curious. The shoulder armor attaches to the top of the Brain Attack head and the ball joint to make a shell-like hood that looks pretty good. I may try it somewhere else. Also shows that nice flow of the shoulder armor I mentioned earlier. Hope you enjoyed, I still have a few smaller MOCs I want to post, and I'll be finishing up pics of Project Reignition during that time. There's a lot of pictures to be taken, and the good camera died right in the middle, and I still can't find the charger.
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Official topic, as approved by Makaru. Reposting this topic because I got confirmation from B6 that the pictures were fine to post after all. Ironic that on the same day a topic was created and locked, finalized pictures are found. Over at the site, finalized pictures (with no confidential markings) of the Hero Factory Winter 2012 sets have been found, along with their official names. I compiled the pictures into a gallery that can be found here. Heroes: Rocka - $12.99Furno - $12.99Breez - $12.99Evo - $7.99Surge - $7.99 Villains: Thornraxx - $7.99Toxic Reapa - $7.99Jawblade - $7.99Splitface - $12.99Black Phantom - $19.99 Of note are, obviously enough, the presence of only five heroes and five villains respectively, as well as the heroes and villains being divided into two sizes; the normal villain size and the standard hero size. Other notable things include the fact that all Heroes are equipped with a pair of handcuufs that utilize a new piece alongside the chain piece used in Hewkii Inika, and a redesigned Thornax Launcher (top half is a new piece, bottom half is a Thornax Launcher). Also Black Phantom is surprisingly epic win. I didn't think he would be. Discuss. -Mesonak
Hi everybody, I've decided to start making superhero emblem mosaics. To start, I've made the Green Lantern emblem. ^Click for LARGER picture!^ If you would like me to make a specific emblem, please PM me!
Gallery: "Floridian is the best RoboBall player around and the muscle of the Upsilon Team. With his tough armored cladding and gruff, eager-to-win disposition, villains should think twice before tangling with him!" $10 suggested retail. I'm writing a story about my own Hero Team that'll be out by the summer, so stay tuned! Please use constructive criticism, keeping in mind that this is a request MOC (Orange, Blue, White; Football Player), as well as the fact that I build things like a set and do not use that much innovation... Comment away, have fun, and thank you. : )