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Hello to you all. If you remember me from a few years back. You'd probably know I started a project around the old BIONICLE TCG Quest for the Masks. You can read about my initial post here Well I can finally say that the project is now public and can be downloaded from the Steam Workshop here: the game can also be played physically using the cards from the original tcg however due to the cards rarity its better to just proxy the neccesary cards. All assets that's in the mod plus printable draft packs for a real life cube can be found in our discord: So as for how to play this game: Draft is a different way to play TCG and it was first popularized by tcgs with larger followings like Magic The Gathering. In these tcgs you can draft either new packs or packs from a predetermined card pool called a CUBE. So this is what this project is about. It's about making it possible to draft with the QFTM cards and to build CUBES using these cards. Now you know what the project is about but you are probably wondering how you play draft? To draft Bionicle quest for the masks, gather 4-5 of your friends and shuffle the card pool by rarity and deck type each card goes to. Then follow the included pack structures in the rulebook(See mod or discord) and distribute all the packs equally among your friends. When everyone is ready each player opens a pack of the same type. This pack is now considered the first pack of the draft, from these packs each player picks one card from their pack and passes it to their right. Each player then picks a second card from the pack they just received and passes it again to the right. This manner of play continues until all cards in the first pack have been picked. Then you do the same thing for the second pack(which should be of the same pack type of the first pack) but this time each player passes to the left. This continues for the third pack but packs are past to the right again. You draft the other pack types the same way, just remember to switch rotation between packs. Now you know what the project is about and how to play, so I hope to see you in our discord and that you think it's interesting enough to try out. //TheVirre2000(Tarkur)
- quest for the masks
- tcg
(and 3 more)
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Hello, Tarkur here, today I'd like to share a bit of an update of this cube project. Last week we managed to get our 5th player which means we only need one more person before we can start playtesting for real. In other words its really great news. So I thought well why not also build up a mini community around the game and there is main reason for this which I will go into in a bit. Right now though I would like to thank all the people who has supported this project so far and for the incredible people who decided to join my cause. It's been a blast interacting with all of them and to play some games of the regular game against them. Now for those who have kept up with me on reddit know that I very early on set a deadline for people to join before the 5th of December and that if we weren't enough people I would have to shut it down. I must say after seeing more and more people join my concerns have more or less gone out the window. So the deadline will here by be terminated. Now back to the mini community thing, first of you can join here: Secondly I want to build up a community around this game to help with creating awarness but also teaching people how to play the game. Further more I hope this will help Bionicle fans meet and find new friends in this community. Lastly I'd like for people to be able to support the project even tho they don't have the time or resources to help out they can still share their thoughts and opinions on the project as a whole since I'd be happy to here you all out. To conclude I hope to see you in the discord soon and if you ever want to play a game just hit us up. I'm sure we all would be up for playing some games! Also if you want sign up to the project too. //Tarkur
Hello fellow Bionicle entusiasts, So you've heard of Bionicle quest for the masks tcg, right? and you played it? If so I have the opportunity of a lifetime for you. Do you like other card games? I do and in those card games there generally exist a little format called draft. You've heard of it, right?, no? Well then let me explain draft is a format where you in turn pick cards form piles until you have a gathering of cards from which you create a deck, sounds fun? yes? Now draft can be done through two methods in most card games, either you buy new booster packs and play with those or you can use a cube which is a collection of cards chosen too work well with eachother in a limited environment. Consider it to be like building your own expansion set to the card game in question. Where you choose what strategys and archetypes you want in your cube. In other words a personalized draft experience that is replayable. Now what does all of this have to do with Bionicle Quest for the mask TCG or play testers? I'm glad you asked because I do actually have a Bionicle qftm tcg cube and draft format in development. Thusly I'm in need of a few play testers, 12 or more to be exact. Why 12? well one game needs six players hence having more than the requiered amount of players will give more varied games and it will make finding flaws in my current prototype build of the cube easier as no game will be the same. Also since qftm isn't to widely played in the bionicle community this will be a good way to see what archetypes or the most common decks people would make is or in other words finding the games meta. Because of this the cube is built based on the base set which will give the most amount of creative freedom for people to go wild. In comparison too if I would have forced archetypes on players. However you might now be wondering well how do I join this project? You can join by dming me either here on the site, on discord or reddit with a list of your qualifications. I do have some criterias though and those are as follows: - Have experience within tabletop simulator. - What times you are available. - Being able to analys things critically. So what are you waiting for if you feel that you fulfill 2 or more of these criterias, why wait enroll today and get a chance at being part of this project. Hope to be able to work with you! //Tarkur
I've exhausted every other resource I could. I can not find these cards (at least not for less than $40). Does anyone have any of the tarakava story cards? Specifically cards 221, 259, 260, or 262? Or the Kopaka card where he is with the mctoran? Thanks! Edit: figure it might be worth mentioning that I do own a lot of cards already if you're looking to trade rather than sell. Let me know what you're looking for and I'll see if I have it and post a picture.
Click to zoom Cracked open 15 Bohrok Awake packs tonight, figured you all might enjoy a glimpse of the spoils. The cards in the sleeves are preexisting from back when I got them in 2002 (and have a bit more play wear to show for it). Between them all, looks like I have a full set except Tahu, Exo-Kopaka, and Lewa. Gonna have to find some more packs. I've also noticed some funny production bugs. One of the Pohatus and I believe Kopaka have a much darker stripe of foil ink running through the image. Looks like a printer thing.
Does anyone play it? I'm an okay player, I started a few years ago but never really played all that much. Currently I'm working on a blue/white control deck, and I'm trying to find a good price for the planeswalker featured in my avatar.