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Does anyone know who the singer was of the greatest musical number in human history? I'd love to knight them, or give them a medal, I heard Chewbacca has a bunch he wants rid of...
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What it says here. Happy 15th anniversary to Bionicle’s 2006 storyline! It’s where six of our Matoran friends, Jaller, Hahli, Kongu, Hewkii, Nuparu, and Hewkii, became new Toa called the Toa Inika, and they went to fight against a team of six evil lizard monsters that are counterparts to Toa called the Piraka. The Piraka are from a species called Skakdi, and they were once members of the Dark Hunters until they went rogue. The Piraka are Zaktan, the mysterious air-using leader who can turn into tiny insects called Protodites; Hakann, the egoistic fire-using guy who can shoot mental blasts; Vezok, the water-using spy who can absorb and copy powers; Avak, the stone-using engineer with the big cheeks who can make prisons that can counter his enemies’ abilities; Reidak, the strong earth-using hunter who can adapt to things; and Thok, the ice-using guy who can make inanimate objects to life and use them as weapons. The storyline happened because the Toa have to find a Legendary Kanohi with a mind of its own called the Kanohi Ignika, aka the Mask of Life, to heal the Great Spirit Mata Nui to prevent him from dying, otherwise their world will be collapsed. The mask is located in the island of Voya Nui, where the Piraka are here to steal it. They used Makuta Teridax’s essence called Antidermis to enslave all but six of the island’s Matoran residents. The Piraka teamed up with a rogue guardian of the Mask named Brutaka. The Toa Nuva couldn’t defeat these guys. Things get worse when a seventh but rogue Piraka named Vezon, who is actually a part of Vezok and is crazy, like the Joker from DC Comics and Gollum from The Lord of the Rings, got the mask and has an enlarged Rahi spider called a Fenrakk as his steed. The Toa got help from another guardian and Brutaka’s ex-friend named Axonn, who is Bionicle’s own Hulk from Marvel. The Toa freed the people and faced many battles, including one with Umbra, who is a guardian of the mask who has light powers. When the Toa reach to Vezon and fight him, Fenrakk was turned by the mask into the mighty Kardas Dragon. However, the Toa defeated all of the Piraka and the dragon and Matoro got the mask because it chose him to be its bearer, but the dragon hurt Matoro, and this caused the mask to fly into the ocean, which caused the events of the 2007 storyline, with the Barraki and Mahri Nui, to happen. The storyline has five chapter books, five comic books, a video game called Bionicle Heroes, which is one of the best things that Bionicle has, and a bunch of online games, including the Voya Nui Online Game. Sadly, there is no direct-to-video movie for this for some reason (why?). However, the 2006 storyline is one of my favorite storylines because of the content that it has. This year also was the last year to have a combo Titan set, which is Vezon and Kardas, for some reason (why? Because of the budget?). But, I love the sets. The spines, glowing red eyes, and glowing teeth of the Piraka are cool. So are the squishy masks and light-up swords of the Toa Inika. We also got some promotional videos, like “Yo, yo, Piraka”, which is a rap song with the Piraka, and The All-American Rejects’ song with the Toa Inika called “Move Along”. These songs are awesome. How do you feel about the storyline? What’s your favorite moment and set? I love the fights, and I love Reidak, Nuparu, Axonn, Brutaka, and the Vezon sets the most. The video game is quite awesome for how complete it is compared to Bionicle: The Game in 2003 because nothing gets uneven. The game may have glitches and it’s a bit repetitive and tedious, but it’s a very good game, and it should be remastered to have better graphics, set accuracies, dialogue with voices, and get rid of the glitches. I love that the game references to Bionicle’s past years before 2006, despite Bionicle not having its 5th anniversary celebrated for some reason. We got a lot of fan favorites in that year, and this is the first year where we got sets that have bendable arms and legs and can have human-based body structures at the same time (we always see people with stiff limbs, Toa Metru’s shoulders being in a V-shaped position, and uneven arms from the past years before 2006). I also love that the Toa have their own evil lizard-based counterparts to fight, despite the monsters having limited elemental powers that require using certain weapons or others. Fond memories, and I wish we can have that again if everything goes well in Lego Ideas’ voting campaign with Bionicle as a choice this year. That year was also the only year to have a Great Being in a set, who is happened to be in in disguise of a Matoran named Velika. That year was the second year to have play sets, where we have mini-figures that are made of many pieces rather than one or two (2005 was weird). This year also is the first year to have canister villains with individual personalities rather than swarm enemies. We got some combo models, and one of them, Irnakk, was sold as a set that has the exclusive golden Thok spine and Technic tubes. It’s a pity that Jaller, Kongu, and Matoro don’t have a combiner. If they did, I would imagine it would be a bulky-looking Toa, like Jovan. Plus, how come Irnakk got a set box rather than having the other three-canister set combiners get them, too. This year is basically the last G1 year to have new designs before the other years used much of the same pieces.
Check out my Flickr for quotes, flavour text and design write-ups, and my Instagram and Twitter for more photos!
I don’t even know if this is the appropriate place to put this. I would have put it on the Biomedia Project forums, but they apparently don’t exist anymore. My family got digital cable sometime in 2005, and I was addicted to Comcast’s On Demand service for a really long time, particularly Cartoon Network. Video On Demand was a relatively new concept at the time, and perhaps because of that, it was really light on the advertising, at least with kid shows. There would be a short sponsor plug at the beginning, and sometimes, but only rarely, a full commercial after that, then your show. Well, sometime in late winter/early spring 2006, I was greeted by this sponsor plug: It had some kind of moving blue background, waves, I think, and the Piraka logo popped up. That was it; there was no commercial following it. Now, I was very into...well, I wouldn’t call it “piracy,” but I liked to record the On Demand episodes onto DVDs because the lineup rotated regularly for some of the shows. This bumper was used for a pretty long time (several months, I think) so I was able to record it multiple times to DVD. Alas, those discs are all gone, along with this short sponsor plug. It’s not on BIONICLE Media Project, nor anywhere else, I think, despite these kind of bumpers being all over YouTube. Lost BIONICLE history, no matter how small, is still lost BIONICLE history, and I don’t think there’s any hope of recovering it unless someone else happened to record it at the time and still has it. Or find out what ad agency made it and see if they have it in their portfolio. Would anyone be able to help find this? It may not seem worth the effort, but I kind of feel responsible for it being lost, seeing as I recorded it and then lost the discs...
Here are six revamps/tributes for the Piraka Hakann, Avak and Vezok, and the Toa Inika Kongu, Nuparu and Matoro! Had lots of fun, and heaps of nostalgia, reading through those ancient Bionicle texts then figuring out how I could make the most faithful revamp/tribute for each character. Which one of these is your favourite? Check out my Flickr for quotes, flavour text and design write-ups, and my Instagram and Twitter for more photos!
Back in 2006, I caught a Bulgarian commercial of the Piraka/Inika Nestle toys on the air. I recorded it, had another member put some English subtitles on it and it made the BZP news. Just today, I stumbled upon a very similar video (in English) that appears to have been produced by the exact same studio, albeit for some slightly different Piraka/Inika Nestle toys. Perhaps someone from BMP may be interested in contacting them to see if they have a better quality version of the first video still saved somewhere? @JrMasterModelBuilder?
At the beginning of the Ignition Saga, the Piraka invade Mangaia and Teridax plants the knowledge of the Kanohi Ignika in their mind. He uses the Skakdi to transport his essence to Voya Nui, but why did he need them past that? He clearly needed the toa to use the mask of life to save Mata Nui as per the Mahri story and his interactions with Matoro, but as far as I know he was not expecting the toa inika to arrive/be formed. As far as he knew, the toa nuva would have remained defeated by the Piraka, and Mata Nui would have died—ruining The Plan. So, why did he help them? Could he have tricked the Piraka into using the mask to save mata nui? Can Skakdi use mask powers? Would he have tried to use the mask himself?
Man, I just watched these things for the first time since probably 2006. Anyone else remember these things? They were coming out right around when I was first getting into Bionicle. I think they were probably the first story material I was really exposed to, despite not being canon, since I wasn't getting the comics at that time and I didn't start buying the books until I had enough of the sets under my belt, so later in the year. Despite not technically being cannon, they did a really good job of setting the mood of the year in my opinion. They showed the Piraka infighting but begrudgingly working together and really captured the feeling of going down into a cave to find the mask of life. Also gotta comment on the small games included. These things are actually surprisingly hard. I only got passed one of them on my first try (the boulder) and just skipped the rest. I don't know how 8 year old got passed them, but I know he would have had too much pride to just skip like I do now. The fifth one with filling in the Inika names is actually a pretty cool concept for a game, but I just find it hilarious the way they just get slightly bigger each time you correctly select a letter.
in the ending of bionicle heroes it happens a clifhangger that is implied that the next game will be set in the 2007 story events what you think it would look like
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Hello all! Long-time lurker, finally I have decided to try and hunt some of the earlier sets that I had when I was younger. If you have any extra sets that you are looking to get rid of, please let me know! I might be interested in them I'm mainly looking for any sets starting from Piraka all the way to Phantoka. If you have any up for grabs let me know!
Hero This story was based very loosely off the events of Ignition and the surrounding stories. It has been quite vastly changed to fit my storytelling needs. This story was written for Disciple, for the short story write-up jam for Christmas. I hope you all enjoy. I’m so sorry it’s so late. The entire story got very long so I decided to put it in a Google Doc. Read it here.
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So I was rereading the BIONICLE Legends books, and a thought struck me. Why did Velika allow the Piraka to take over Voya Nui. Now, I know he was a Matoran, and could only do so much, (or so it seems given how easily he took out Tren Krom and Karzahni later in the story, but I'll get back to that later) but hear me out. The whole conquest of Voya Nui hinged on tricking the Matoran into thinking that the Piraka were actually Toa. At least long enough until Zaktan fixed up the way to create Zamor spheres. So, why did Velika go along with their charade? He knew what Toa looked like. He knew what Skakdi were. AND I'm willing to bet he knew that the Ignika was under Voya Nui, so visitors to the island probably were up to no good. Now you may say that he kept his mouth shut because he was afraid of retribution from the Piraka when the Matoran knew instantly who the piraka were. Or maybe he didn't want his cover blown as a great being, so therefore only spoke in riddles and hints to "help" and not give all the answers away completely. I can buy that, but it's still a big risk to take considering loosing the mask of life would basically be fatal to the universe as a whole. We all see later that he is perfectly capable of taking care of himself (as shown later with the late Tren Krom and Karzahni) so he probably wasn't afraid of the Piraka themselves. He very frequently helped the Voya Nui Resistance, and the Toa Inika (and Nuva) on different occasions. Of course when they met the Toa Nuva after their defeat of the Piraka, the Matoran attacked them believing they were allies of the Piraka (Velika again, would know that this time they were actually Toa). So what do you guys think? Do you think it's all just a fluke from creating a character and then later deciding he's a Great Being? Or do you think that Velika had different motives for letting the Piraka basically control the island that housed the universes greatest weapon ever? Let me know, I'm interested in discussing this.
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We all know the struggle of not being able to replace the batter within those pesky glowing eye pieces first used with the Piraka, right? i.e These: Well, about a week ago I discovered a way to replace said battery. Firstly the type of batter used is a CR927 3V Lithium Battery placed + side up: In order to replace the battery this is what must be done. First, take a tiny flat-head hand screw driver and place the tip of it within one of the two inward crevasses on the backside of the piece, and slide the head of the screwdriver up to the round circular portion of the piece which holds the battery. Once this is done hook the tip of the screw driver inwards and carefully pull up, the outward plastic of the second half may bend as you are doing this, however from my experiences it is unlikely to be predominately bent in any major way or snap, but it's probably best not to bend it too much. Once the bottom portion of the piece has been separated you may continue to remove it, or just let it open enough for the old battery to be able to fall out and so you can place the new one in, + side up like the old one. One the new battery is in place snap the two halves of the piece back together, during such process the battery may jostle around a bit, but just as long as you have a steady hand it's unlikely to misalign greatly, let alone fall out. Also during the process of snapping it back together the connection between the battery and metal prongs may activate, giving you a glimpse of the new light to be emitted from the piece now. Once you have the two halves together into one with the new battery in-place, you can now test the light capability of the piece, and if all went well you can now use it properly again. Than go ahead to use it however. I hope this has been a helpful read, I am unsure if anyone else has been able to figure out how to remove the battery, let alone open the piece up before this, but since it's something we all at least to some degree know the struggle of I thought I should share this.
This is the second part of my 2006 Scenery Images series. I was inspired by the supporting comments from my last post to make the 2006 Scenery Images a Series. He are some more pictures. Enjoy! Balta watches from a high cliff in the Green Belt. Velika and Garan discuss their next move against the Piraka. Vezok rests on a small ledge overlooking a stormy Voya Nui Bay. Reidak emerges from a small pond after a devastating battle with the Toa Inika. The Kardas Dragon has escaped the Volcano and begun it's journey.
It has been a very long time since my last post. I took a long break from bionicle but I watched the Piraka Animations and I'm back into it. So I took a few pictures. Toa Nuparu visiting an isolated lake in Voya Nui. Toa Nuparu flying above the Desert of Sorrows. Reidak the beastly Piraka in pursuit of Dalu.
First off, my apologies for the long title. I couldn't come up with anything shorter that was adequately descriptive. Anyways, some backstory on this: Nearly six months ago, perhaps more, I had come across a meme regarding somebody who had the entire Bee Movie script printed onto a tee shirt. It was a neat, albeit rather dumb idea, only really done with little effort because they could. From this I dawned upon the idea; what if I transcribed Legacy of Evil, and made an image of Zaktan OUT OF THE TEXT. The result is as follows, after so much work, (and plenty of assistance from fellow coworkers like my dear friend -Whiplash-, Ranaki Pakewa, and JrMasterModelBuilder) what I believe to be a wonderfully minimalistic approach to such a vastly complicated concept, that perfectly encapsulates everything about Zaktan, right down to the text itself being reminiscent of the mass of Protodites that make up his form. As usual, let your thoughts be known below. And to answer the potential question right away: No. I am not going to do a Bee Movie version. So don't bother asking. xD
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Confession time: Until today, I've never listened to the Piraka Rap before. That's right. I went nearly nine years without hearing that song. My reason for this is that I just never got around to listening to it. But today, I decided to change that. I went onto Youtube and listened to the song for the first time. It...was not what I was expecting, to say the least. As for why I chose now to do this, I've seen other people talk about this song before and post some rather interesting thoughts about it. This inspired me to want to make a poll and see what other members thought about this piece of Gen 1 Bionicle history. But if I was going to make it, might as well listen to it first, right? So basically my question to you all is this; what is your opinion on the Piraka Rap? Did you love it? Hate it? Not sure what to think of it? I'm curious to see what other members think of this song. As for me, I personally didn't like it, but its not the worst song I've ever heard. Though I can't help but think that this is a song Vezon wrote about the other Piraka while he was bored in the Chamber of Life. Now I turn this over to all of you. Vote away! P.S. If there is anyone here that hasn't heard this song yet, here is a link to a video with the song so that you can listen to it too.
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^Gallery (when public)^ Front Side Pose Torso Construction (partial) Soooo yeah, when i think Gen1 i think piraka torso and spine pieces, and I had a pair of piraka torsos conjoined by an L-bracket in my bin already for who knows what reason. Pardon the bad photos, i could not find my camera in time and had to borrow someone else's, oops!
Skakdi of the tundra plains, Frax roams the icy wasteland with mercenary objectives. Armed with a small knife and the Bow of the Icy Winds, which absorbs wind and frost from the air to fire bursts of icy death. My first venture into this style of large scale yet minimalist design, a scale I plan on exploring more in the future - he's by no means perfect, but I'm very happy with how he turned out. Some more pictures available on my Flickr.
The Skakdi warrior Torak. He wields a wickedly sharp protosteel blade and his armor is dotted with the teeth of less-skilled Skakdi foes. At one point, he was involved in a lucrative quest for the Mask of Control. Soooo this is my first Bionicle MOC in a solid eight years. Nice. Comments, constructive criticism, deconstructive criticism, complaints, suggestions and gripes all welcome. Thanks for looking! Oh that's embarrassing- I didn't mean to have asymmetry in the back. I actually do have another bushing in LBG. Update! Got some forearm armor and some brass (or Bionicle equivalent. Iron?) knuckles.
Only been a Bionicle fan after Hero Factory discontinued, I love the 2015 Bionicle sets and curious about the Gen 1 storyline. I already knew all the story in Gen 1 and I think the story itself is excellent. But when I discover the storyline of 2006, I find out that the Toa Nuva has been defeated by the Piraka gang. Next the Toa Inika's defeat the Piraka gang while they're lacking in experience to been a Toa. Now the question that bother me about the 2006 storyline is how the Piraka's defeat the Toa Nuva while the Toa Nuva are stronger than them. What make it more annoying it the Toa Inika's successfully defeat the Piraka gang while the Toa Nuva are way more powerful than them. Anyone who know the answer to this question?
The Piraka Dine At McDonalds A Comedic Poem In a land quite far from home A villainous group of six did roam Diverted from their destination They pursued without hesitation A meal, not a mask, no impossible task. Or so they had hoped, as they helplessly groped In their pockets – they had none – for money unknown. Zaktan, the leader, had pointed with certainty To one double gateway of golden variety Held from the ground by a long metal pole To from the surrounding area call The hungry to feast for a menial price On food that was only debateably nice. They entered the restaurant, growling within Their stomachs. They hardly knew where to begin. Reidak went first, for his hunger was greatest He ordered a double with cheese, and a side Of a salad, to boost his nutrition. And Hakann knew that it was his fate (est?) To order a double with peppers inside Withstand the burn, strengthen his pride. And Vezok stepped up to the counter to choose A Fillet-Of-Fish, with which no one could lose. Avak, enthralled with the thought of a toy Ordered a meal for an 8-year-old boy. Thok a cold wrap, and Iced Mocha drink (Inside, he was beginning to think Of betraying his leader and going away To Wendy's, which he would prefer any day.) Carefully Zaktan chose one breakfast meal Announcing that he would devour with zeal His glorious biscuit of sausage and egg (Daring his underlings challenge his choice) But, as said above, the group had not the dregs Of a salary decent with which they could pay For this meal they had spent choosing Most of the day. Alas, they all cried! And some aspect inside Each, at the thought of the loss, quickly died. What foolish land they had wandered into Where you needed green paper to pay for your food! There was growling and screaming and gnashing of teeth Until – thank the spirit! - one old lady took pity And bought them their food, for she said Zaktan (vaguely) reminded her of her dead kitty. At this Zaktan bristled (his comrades just laughed) But they had acquired their lunch at last So they swallowed their pride and a table selected Then, for a moment, sceptically inspected. It was just slightly damp, and preferring one clean A different seating location they detected. Down they sat, and prepared to dig in At last, their meal time could begin! But from nowhere a vortextious portal appeared (Is vortextious a word? Well, I'll still use it here.) From it, a Skakdi of silver emerged With no spine to his name, but to his face merged An Olmak – twas Vezon! He chuckled and said, “I hope you don't mind. I am hungry, you see.” He reached out with swiftness and swept up the trays Of the meals the Piraka had chosen so carefully. Then he arrived in a new time and place In a realm ruled by a giant face With gears behind forehead, it watched its domain As the visitors steadily streaming in came To the Comedies forum, in which they all read Of the hamburger-thief, with name of Vezon. And realizing he was still watched from above, He turned his face upwards, eyes met yours, and said, “Now comment, dear reader. This poem is done.” So, this is my first comedy here. I wrote it in maybe 45 minutes, just on a whim, and then decided to share it. Hope you like it.
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A MOC I recently made using the new Skull Skorpio mask.
Back in 2006 when I was ten years old, it wasn't that long ago I had finally got to see Mask of Light. Which is the first bonkle film, about the search for the seventh Toa, Takanuva, Toa of Light and later Shadow but then just Light again. How the Avohkii transformed Takua into Takanuva stuck with me. So when 2006 rolled around and the Mask of Life was a thing the Piraka were searching for, as were the Toa Inika, I did the thing that seemed logical at the time: I thought that one of the Voya Nui Matoran would find the Mask of Life, put it on, and become VEZON, PIRAKA OF LIFE. I was thinking that it'd totally be Piruk because I liked green sets the best at the time. Then, of course, it didn't happen like that and I got upset because I wanted to know where Vezon came from. WHO WAS HE AND WHAT MATORAN WAS HE?!?!? I clearly didn't understand what Skakdi were. Then it was revealed Vezon was part of Vezok once, so I thought that when Vezok put on the mask of life, he and Vezon would become one. Then 2007 happened and the Ignika decided it wanted to go diving. I was thinking that Dekar would put on the mask and become... HYDRAXILOS AND SPINOCTUNKA. No, not really. I did briefly wonder at the time why there wasn't a Gadunka + Hydraxon + Maxilos combiner like there had been with that kind of set for the past three years. Also, here's a little blast from the past for some of you: Remember when people were theorising that Toa Ignika was Matoro?
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WW4: Did Brutaka have a tagline similar to the Piraka like "The Bully", "The Drifter" etc, or am I just imagining things?