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About ARROW404

  • Birthday 02/25/1994

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    Bionicle, Medieval/fantasy/viking, Legend of Zelda, Lord of the Rings, the Bible

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  1. OOC: Definitely cool with me IC: Gashril - Fort Razorfish His answer impressed her. Word play, metaphor, and most likely a lie, but delivered with enough charisma to distract from the thought. She chuckled. "Well put." And then he was gone- just as well, she had nothing more to say. As before, she reflected on things once she was back at her cot. Given the information she had on Sohmak and T'harrak, his answer couldn't be true. If he was treating Zakaz as a Sarke ring, making T'harrak his 'dragon' would violate the principle of honor the Spineless Slugger was known for. And Fort Razorfish made little sense as a starting point. She could only speculate as to his true motives. Clank. What was with those metal arms of his anyway? The 'Slugger' was famous for using his bare hands, not gauntlets like those... Had something happened to his arms? That would give him reason to leave the Sarke ring... Though not to make T'harrak the shadow leader of a fort. "Hmm..." she huffed quietly. There was still so much she didn't know. It was normal to draw few conclusions. But one thing, she could say: she liked Sohmak. He gave off the vibe of a bruiser that the people of Zakaz loved, but he was smart under it. A different kind of smart than T'harrak. She could see in it the tactical thinking that went into a Sarke match. Weighing advantages and disadvantages, spotting weak points and exploiting them. She was not 100% convinced- though she rarely ever was- that he and T'harrak could be the new Irnakk:Dii, but the conversation had increased her faith in him. Much remained still to be seen, but the plan remained on a steady course. She and the rest of the Tahtorak crew (the name was sticking) were going to remain loyal to Sohmak and aid him in keeping the fort in line if need be.
  2. IC: Gashril - Spineless Bay, Fort Razorfish She took the implication. She looked around- too many people. She stood up and stepped closer- close enough she could speak at a low murmur, but not enough that she was within reach of his pincers. Her sword remained on the ground by her cot. "Maybe it isn't my place. Probably isn't, actually. But, you're the first sarker I've heard of taking control of a fort. Why'd you do it? Why not let someone else take up the role of leadership, while you bask in the glory of the ring?" She tried to convey by her tone her deference to him, and her respect for the chain of command. He didn't owe her an answer. But she was curious.
  3. IC: Ushadra A Chameleon Rahkshi. Funny coincidence, that. Bofen had just set out and had met two illusionists before anyone else. What could this portend? If anything. But no, her master had returned. The Rahkshi followed his will. Perhaps this was a sign. She would watch for further insights. Bofen fought hard. There were several moments where she thought the Rahkshi had won, but ultimately, the Toa proved the victor. Surprising, but not terribly so. Chameleon worked well for a first strike, but not so much in battle. Bofen had been lucky to face a non-combat Rahkshi. What to do now, though? Should she rejoin him? Approach from a distance and regroup? She pondered her options a while, while Bofen waited for her to show up. She didn't have a Kraata to infect him with- he had seen to that. Another may show up in the future, but... did she really want to keep sticking with him? Every additional minute she stayed by his side was another risk he would discover her true element and mask power... and allegiance. It was risky. No, she ultimately settled. She had gathered information on the Toa of the Bog. That would do for the time being. She would leave him be. Still under the illusion of a bird, she dropped from her perch to the forest floor. The sun was dipping. She ought to return to her brother's camp in the Dark Walk. Oh, but why not indulge one more mischievous impulse? Her voice, whispered as softly as the wind, carried towards Bofen on her elemental power. "You have taken your first step," she murmured, her voice layered over by echoes of her words, as if the trees around Bofen were speaking. She wondered what he would think, smiling to herself, and vanishing for good. Perhaps he would take her to have been some sort of jungle spirit. Or an emissary of Mata-Nui. What were they called? Valkyr? Whatever conclusion he reached, she would be happy to let him have it. She looked forward to meeting him again. Maybe next time he would make for a willing convert. Or an unwilling one.
  4. IC: Gashril - Fort Razorfish She gave a grin back as good as she got. But there was a pause there, her spine tensing, spikes standing on end as a feeling of danger welled up. But it was no more than a passing sensation, gone as soon as it had come. Had she imagined it? Perhaps. "Will do, boss," she said as he left. Again, she had been honest in what she had said. She had just left much out. As she did as he ordered- got some rest- she reflected on their conversation. Sohmak was cautious. She knew that. But the extent of it had exceeded her expectations. This was acceptable, but confusing. Why take up the mantle of leadership? Why a sarker? It occurred to her... perhaps she could just ask. "Boss?" she said, opening her eye and sitting up. He hadn't gotten far yet. "I actually just thought of a question, if you don't mind."
  5. IC: Ushadra "Luji" "Sure, sounds like a good idea," she said with a nod. As she turned to leave, she heard another sound beyond the slow purring of the sleeping Muaka. The whir of Rahkshi armor hydraulics. She hummed quietly to herself. How would this Toa handle it? The Muaka made a sound. It sniffed the air. Then, shaking off its sleep, it began to paw at the ground before rolling off on its treads to look, undoubtedly, for the Rahkshi she had just heard. Depending on the Rahkshi's power, it could be the Muaka's last attempt at a meal. Or it could be the end of the Rahkshi. If the Rahkshi survived, though... she smiled privately as she sliced her way through the underbrush, slowly and silently circling around back toward Bofen. How would the upstart Toa of Fungus handle a Rahkshi encounter? Maybe if she played her hand right, she could get the Kraata to infect him! She shook her head. She was getting ahead of herself. She extended her hearing through her element and listened, halting her progress. The Muaka had found its prey, but the Rahkshi had noticed it as well. There was a sound of confusion from the Muaka, then... Clank! It yelped, then retreated with a dripping sound. Undoubtedly injured, and deciding this prey wasn't worth it. The Toa of the Bog was now alone with a Rahkshi, and a Makuta follower. And he didn't even know it!
  6. IC: Luji - Obelisk, former location of the Rama Hive "Something there?" she asked, humming pensively. Her mask glowed and she peered at it for a while, studying it. "Seems to be a Muaka. It must have claimed this territory for itself. Sleeping to digest a recent hunt, I'd wager," she said. "It's definitely not safe to get close with that Rahi there. What do you want to do, though?" she asked, looking to him. "You wanted to come visit the place. How badly do you want to see the Obelisk up close?"
  7. IC: Gashril Her eyebrows rose in a look of genuine pleasant surprise. Getting a plan shut down never felt good, but his reasons for doing it were good. Again, he proved he had a good head on his shoulders. Although honor could only get one so far on Zakaz, so that part she was less enthused by. "I respect it," she said with a nod. "I wouldn't suggest we fake it, mind you, but..." she waves a hand, "doesn't matter now. You've made your point." Her stance straighted a little more respectfully now, hand that had previously sat casually on her hip now hanging more resolutely at her side. "You're different from the leaders I've followed until now, I'll definitely give you that," she said with a slight nod. "I and the rest of the gang will remain loyal as long as you keep steering us toward greatness in a smart way. I promise that." She clanked a fist against her chestplate. "Please consider them your own men and women, not mine."
  8. IC: Ushadra - Approaching the Obelisk She laughed with him at the mental image of the couch mishap. It had been a long while since she had partaken in enjoying some good old slapstick comedy. "Oh I still visit the Koros now and then- mostly Le, obviously. But frankly, since my... I guess I could call it an 'awakening', I've found most of that stuff stuffy. Suffocating, even. Except the food," she chuckled. She spread her arms. "The jungle, though... The jungle is freedom. Because of the danger lurking within it. I risk my life every day out here, but for the freedom that comes with it... it's completely worth it." A bold-faced lie. She was a willing and joyful servant of Makuta. She spent most of her time in the shadows of the Dark Walk, not the jungle. She had paid several Koros some surprise visits, however. "Oh, the Obelisk shouuuuuld beeeeee... right there!" She pulled back a curtain of leaves and revealed a less dense forest glade. Hardwoods were growing up from the floor, already taller than either Toa by several Bio, but between them, peeking through, was the stark, dark shape of the Obelisk. "The spot where Matoran became Maru."
  9. IC: Ushadra "Luji" - slowly approaching the former location of the Rama Hive At the explanation of his mask power Ushadra had to consciously restrain herself from feeling nervous. She was used to faking her emotions. Had he used the power on her? No... If he had, he wouldn't have told her what he could do. She'd never encountered such a mask before. She restrained herself from thinking 'how troublesome'. If ever there was a mask that countered her illusions, that had to be the one. Instead, she forced herself not only to smile, but to focus on positive emotions, herself. Though she did smirk behind her illusory mask as he talked about the kind of life Mata-Nui wanted them to have. Oh if he knew... "Oh, that old stuffy life?" she scoffed humorously. "Impossible. I've seen too much. They'd brand me a heretic and throw me out for just what I've told you now." Which wasn't the half of her beliefs. "Coming back to what you said before- about bad coming about when people upset the harmony of the cycle of creation and destruction. I think that's actually why Makuta is so powerful now. Think about it. Before Makuta rose, the island was all about building, building, building. Prosperity, peace, and all the principles and virtues. You know how people say 'too much of a good thing isn't good', right? I suspect- just a theory of mine- that Makuta became so powerful, probably because the inhabitants of the island suppressed that destructive part of themselves so much that the proverbial dam broke. And... I don't know, I guess it broke so hard that Mata-Nui had to take a nap." She laughed. "Sorry, sometimes I make light of serious subjects. I hope that doesn't bother you." She held up a finder and added. "The reverse of this theory being that, after too much destruction, the reverse might happen. Makuta takes a nap, and Mata-Nui rebuilds. Like Ta-Wahi's edges after a volcanic eruption."
  10. IC: Gashril - Spineless Bay, Razorfish As a fellow De-Skak, she could hear the edge of distrust in his voice. She'd be careful not to lay it on thickly. "I've seen a few times, when a leader goes down, the one who rises to fill the vacuum often ends up questioned by others," she explained quietly. "It's a delicate time, what comes next. You did a good job putting T'harrak in her place and galvanizing the troops, but what if we did something to really establish you? Show that you're not meant to be messed with. Like causing an upstart to try to take the 'throne', so to speak, then humiliate them enough to discourage anyone else from trying?" She shrugged. "Well I mean, I say 'we', but I don't wanna be too bold. I haven't really done much to earn anyone's trust yet, I get that. But what do you think, sir?" She tacked on that 'sir' with as genuine a nod of deference as anyone had seen.
  11. IC: Ushadra "Luji" The Toa of Sound covered her look of disbelief with an illusion of interest, at just how much this Toa could talk. Several times she had opened her mouth to comment, but hadn't managed to get a word in edgewise. She hid her relief as he offered her a chance to speak, in turn. He reached over to pat her shoulder and she hastily adjusted her spot to be where her illusion was, avoiding the awkward situation of his hand passing through it. "Friends sounds good to me!" she said energetically. "Aha... I don't mind how much you talk, but I'd like to be able to interject a little more often, you know?" she said sheepishly. She paused to let him apologize before carrying on. "What you say about the role of bog and fungi is really interesting and important, though!" she says, raising a finger. She suddenly pauses, her mask activating, then relaxes. "Gukko," she explains, nodding her head to where the Rahi was nesting. Still, she continues with a softer voice. "Anyway. Back in Ga-Koro, I used to be a priestess. You know the principles? Not Unity, Duty, Destiny, but the ones that come out of them. Purity, willpower, prosperity, et cetera. Well, after roughing it out in the wild for a while, I came to realize how naïve a lot of that was. We create, we prosper, we have faith... but the things considered the opposite of those- destruction, poison, fear- they aren't negative. They're part of nature! Fear leads to protection, and security. And as you just aptly pointed out- when something dies, what's left needs destruction to rebuild into something else. It's a cycle," she says, swirling her finger cyclically. "Creation, destruction, creation, destruction." She hops over a fallen log. Already, plants were growing out of its trunk. "The jungle never waits long before reclaiming lost territory," she repeats what she said earlier. "Studying nature has helped me see past the narrow dogmatism I used to have." She giggled, amused. "Oh what the sisters in the Temple of Gali would say if they heard me say such things now."
  12. OoC: All good! IC: Gashril - Razorfish common area She thought Fort Razorfish's new leader doth protest too much. But then again, she knew what she knew. Her face was touched with a doubtful frown at the suggestion T'harrak would run off to another fort, but that quickly changed to an eager grin as Sohmak mentioned trusting her to keep her folks aware of that. "Ah, I had a thought about that, actually, if you don't mind me being so bold." She dropped her voice, casting a suspicious glance around. "Not about the Tahtorak Beach squad so much- I told them to follow you already- but how to make sure the rest of the group doesn't get any ideas into their heads about power vacuums."
  13. OoC: Sorry about the wait, had a busy week! IC: Ushadra, "Luji" "The jungle never waits long before reclaiming lost territory," she confirmed with a nod. "You're not far off, the Rama Hive is back that way," she said, pointing about 40 degrees off from directly behind them, more to the north. He hops over a root. "We'll avoid some marshland that's hard to traverse if we take the long way around here though, so follow me!" She measured her pace to his own as they went, not too fast nor slow. "As for me, I've been wandering around. I actually used to live in Ga-Koro, but have spent more time in Le-Wahi ever since uhh... I think it was around the time the ILF's base got destroyed, if that gives you a frame of reference. A bit after. Do you know about that debacle?"
  14. IC: Ushadra The illusory Toa had spent the night in the second hut Bofen had provided, though she had made sure to wake up before him to put her illusion up before he could see her true form. She set the fire again, the same way she had the previous day, as they prepared to set out. A quick trip to her camp had her all equipped and ready, pack on her back, walking stick in hand, and dagger at her hip. "Honestly, I haven't really kept track of how long it's been," she answered, truthfully for once. "Years, though, definitely. As for cool spots, there are more here in this wahi than in any other, that's for sure! The highest peak of Le-Wahi, where the top of the trees break out over the canopy is beautiful. The many rivers and waterfalls so far off the beaten path I doubt anyone has even named them. Kini-nui is also almost part of Le-Wahi. Ooh, and the Dark Walk too! The site of the wahi's biggest battle against the Makuta. The obelisk, where the Rama Hive once stood, until the whole island came together and destroyed it, and where the prophecy of the Toa Maru was born!" She sighed. "That isn't even the half of it, honestly! I've visited every other Wahi, but Le is, without a doubt, the most spectacular. And dangerous too, though. Except maybe for Onu. You never know when there's a Muaka lurking in the brush. Well... I do," she said, tapping her mask, which, by its appearance, was an Arthron. "The Mask of Sonar is probably the best you can have out here. It can tell you where any living things are in your vicinity, even someone cloaked by a Volitak! I've been able to avoid most unnecessary fights as a result, but those I run into are usually over shortly." She drew her dagger. "See this dagger? Wrong! It's actually a shortsword, but it looks like a dagger, so I can slash my foes without them even realizing it! Most fights end pretty quickly with that kind of surprise advantage~" She paused finally. "So! You seem a little green- pun intended, but I do mean that- how long ago did you land on the island?"
  15. IC: Gashril - Fort Razorfish The Shrill Blade listened, with a slowly growing smile - a real one, the Slugger's affable speech surprising her in a welcome way. She knew he was... she didn't want to say "softer", but he certainly wasn't as harsh as the average Skak, especially Sarke champs. Oh, and he was sharp too, with that question. "Mmmmm..." she rumbled pensively. "A real sharp question. You ask more of those than Zanakra did." She gave him a grin, letting him know that was a compliment. "Well... Seein' as we're bein' honest here, Razorfish wasn't our first choice. We had several leaders before this one. And on our trip around the island trying to make it into the fort of a leader that didn't lead to their own deaths for once, we wound up here." She rumbled again as she realized that didn't answer the question much. "Mmmmmm but why stay, though?" She scratched at the side of her neck, openly looking at nothing as she mulled it over. "Frankly, we haven't really had the time to think it over. T'harrak sounded the retreat, that sounded smart, so we went with the smart option. And trying out a leader who just saw- and might learn from- the previous boss's death could be promising... And frankly, it beats walking to the next place... again." She gave him an amused grin. "We left the other places after getting a good feel for them first. Haven't had time for that in Razorfish yet. Bosses who took over were always too big for their breeches- type to get themselves killed soon after. I dunno you that well yet, so I'm willing ta give you a shot."
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