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Slime Spawning



I hate it. So much. I finally found a chunk in my world that spawns slimes (thank you slime finders), but I've only found one tiny slime so far. <_<


Also I'm considering playing PC TF2... but I dunno.


Also also college orientation next week aaaaaagh


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Make a 16x16x3 room at bedrock, then two more above it. Then just go do other stuff and come back later. It should be bursting with slimes.


- :burnmad:

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Do as Burnmad said, but you can keep going up until you reach layer 40. Last I heard that is the top layer a slime can spawn on.

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If you want to maximize slime spawning, light up EVERYTHING. Seriously, in a big radius around the target point, you need to make every nook and cranny to bright for baddies to spawn. Then you'll be swimming in slimeballs (eww...).


Takuma Nuva

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Got slimes; I just had to wait a bit longer, lol.


Took me forever to figure out the door I was building, though... Most complex thing I've done with redstone is a 2-note doorbell, and even that was a pain. Plus, all the tutorials online are for 2x2 Jeb doors and not the 3x2 simple sliding one I was building, so I kinda had to figure that out on my own.


Achievement Hunter has a thing for those, but theirs was powered by pressure plates, and I wanted levers on both sides, so I had to figure out just what I needed to do in the first place. It was a lot simpler than I thought it would be, once I figured out what xor gates and inverters are.

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