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The Dark Knight Rises Gunman

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: A gunman in Aurora, Colorado recently walked in to a screening for The Dark Knight Rises fully loaded with weapons and open-fired on the audience, killing 12 and wounding 38. Among his tools included tear gas, a shot-gun, and assault rifle, a pistol, and SWAT team garb. He claimed to the the Joker and the arch-nemesis of Batman.


This is clearly a sick, twisted individual. I don't know why he did what he did, and frankly it's not my concern. What matters is that people are dead, and they can't be brought back. Many families are going to be changed forever. There will be those spaces in homes that were frequently used by that one person in their life that will forever onward seem empty. I feel sad for them, and all I can do is pray.




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It's truly a pity that such an awful event happened. I hope those whose lives were taken have found peace in some form, and those who were affected by the event find the strength to continue their lives without their loved ones.

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It's really sad that people commit such horrendous acts, and honestly it gets you down sometimes, I just wish there was an easy way to stop such things.

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This was especially scary for me to hear about, having family in that area. We've even gone to the theater it happened at a number of times.



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