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The Dark Knight Rises



Was. Amazing.


Hands down one of the greatest movies I've seen, if not the greatest.


I really don't know what else to say. =P I highly, highly recommend it. Avengers didn't come close.


(I'll probably try to write up an actual review later, but for now I simply can't. It was so amazing. [and Joseph Gordon-Levitt is awesome])


~ Velox


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:kaukau: Bane's voice was cool, actually. Since they had to cover his mouth, they might as well make up for it by giving him awesome oratory skills. It's called the Vader Voice Principle.


What, it's not called that? Well, it is now.


Anyway, it's definitely one of the best hero films ever, though it's still second to the old happy-go-lucky Superman films I&II. Sorry, but they're hard to beat. Somehow, I doubt Man Of Steel is going to live up to them, even with Nolan producing them. I mean, the only way to beat a movie with John Williams music is with another film with John Williams music. Thus, Star Wars can trump it, but not much else.



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@ SK ~ Nope, I loved it, actually.


@ Kraghh ~ I must completely disagree with you on TDKR being second to those films. =P And, in my opinion, Hans Zimmer is quite amazing as well, and I wouldn't say a Zimmer-made film couldn't top a Williams one simply because of the music. Add Nolan in there, and it's hard to beat, IMO.

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:kaukau: I have very strong and rooted philosophies regarding how Superman should be handled. Snyder and Nolan look to be breaking each and every one of them. The reasons I gave in that last post were a bit simplistic for lack of desire to go into them. On a basic premise for my argument, however, I cite Ray Bradbury's philosophies toward media as a fundamental component in how I judge movies. I like to argue with them and beat them down with logic like I do with books, and there are certain worldviews presented in Batman that I think can only be glorified so much, and in general there is a certain attitude and mindset present in people overly praising of the Nolan films that disappoint me. However, I don't want to fully argue this topic at the present. That can wait for another day when I present my case for Superman in its quintessential form.



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