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So here I am writing my first entry in a blog. Ever. Seriously, I've never had a blog before.

Just wondering what to do with it. Man, the possibilities are endless.

I could write reviews of songs I listen to, the books I read, the movies I see... (going to see the Dark Knight Rises tomorrow ^_^)

Or then I could mess around and make it a journal for Naina, Anne, Mike, Jason (characters of my story). That'd be fun.

Not sure what to do with this, just think I'll do whatever takes my fancy at the moment. :P

Kudos to whoever can guess the reasoning for my blog's name. (PM me if you can. I'd love to hear your theories for why it's "Light and Sight".)


My name is KH/Naina. Hoping to see you around, worthy BZPer.


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Writing in-character entries sounds like a really cool idea (one that I may utilize in the future, if you don't mind :P). What sort of story are you authoring?

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Haha, thanks, it just occurred to me.

I'm writing a teenage fiction - Naina is a girl with an uncanny ability to see things. I also possess this ability, hence the name.

Mike, Anne and Jason are all people who are trying to help, because Naina is marginalised and isolated thanks to her unique blessing and curse.


Incidentally, you probably don't remember me, but I was an editor on BS01 like you - KH?

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No, I remember you. You were a prolific editor on BS01, I believe, and you wrote a prose comedy back before BZPower upgraded to its current form.

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Yeah, that's me. That comedy never got anywhere since I got kidnapped by real life and the life I wish had never been real. D:

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