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Angry and I know it





My name is Naina. I'm a twelve-year-old girl. I'm an American Born Confused Desi, or whatever they call it. I'm an only child and a seventh grader.

And at the moment, I'm also furious.


Mom and Dad are fighting downstairs. That wasn't my fault.

Or was it?

Whichever it is, it doesn't really matter. The main question is whether they'll split up.


I can hear Mom screaming at Dad that she should never have married him - just what she says every other day. It's kinda monotonous. She should really think up some new insults.


Was it my fault that I could tell that they were going to get a divorce and couldn't swallow their sugared lies? Was it my fault that I spoilt their so-carefully prepared plans to let the kid know Mommy and Daddy were separating?


Maybe. Maybe not.


All my life, I've been able to see things. It took me a long time to realise I could see them. It took me even longer to realise other people couldn't.


I've always been this way. Always been Naina.

It's all I know how to be.

I have no friends. I have never wanted friends. Alone is what I have. Alone protects me, like a cloak in the dark winter night.


Today, I'm writing this blog because I want something new. Maybe see how ordinary people think. You're reading this line and shaking your head. You're ordinary.

I'm not. I never have been.

And I don't want to be.


My name is Naina. I have the unusual ability to read people and situations. I hate the world and everyone in it. I have always been Naina and I always will be. Nothing can change that. Nothing.




Please post your comments on Naina's character if you're interested. :) She's a little bit like Sherlock from the BBC serial.


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Is Naina's ability to "see things" that you mentioned in a previous entry basically an increased sensitivity to detail? (I've never watched Sherlock, so I wouldn't catch any similarities, sadly.)

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It is highly sensitive observation, in a way.

It's a bit hard to explain, if you don't have it. Let me try.... A person's character is essentially nothing but the emotions that drive them the most - pride, anger, resolve, sympathy, etc. Furthermore, a person's facial expressions and body language reflect what they're thinking at the moment. To some extent, anyone can pick up emotions and thoughts, especially for close friends.

People train to be able to read body language and facial expressions to a greater degree.

However, I, and consequently Naina, can read a person's face without training. It's something I've been able to do for years without really thinking about it. I always assumed everyone could, you know?


Naina is a precocious child and shows this to a high degree. She can read any person like a book within five minutes of meeting them. She can tell you their secrets and worries, the truth behind what they say and what they don't say. She knows too much and always has. And that's her curse.


Just like Sherlock Holmes could tell a man's profession and personal history through telling physical signs.

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I've never heard of that ability before, but considering studies have shown you can read emotions even if you're blind, increased empathy doesn't sound far-fetched. I imagine it will provide a lot of plot opportunities for your story.

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Oh, it does. It's the basis for the whole story. :P

It's part of my daily life so it only made sense to write about it. It's not always a fun thing to have, but it does grant certain gifts.

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