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Help Matching Animals to Powers



Okay, this is for a story, but not one of the LSO Epics, so no worries there. This is a personal one. The one I've been rewriting this summer. I've blogged about it a few times, but you don't have to know what it is. :P


Anyway, when I first wrote it, I stole the ideal of talisman from the old Jackie Chan cartoon. You know, magical stones with special powers (also like Kanohi masks) with were represented by an animal emblem. Fun stuff. (That cartoon was awesome.)


So yeah, I reused the idea, but I changed it. I used different powers, and different animals to represent each power. The show used the animals of the Chinese zodiac, but I didn't want to be restricted to those ones. So I chose my own. But some my options were pretty pathetic and didn't make sense. I'm trying to come up with some better ones now.


So here are some of the powers and animal emblems that I originally envisioned:


Super Speed: Cheetah

Super Strength: Elephant

Agility: Monkey

Healing: Flower

Senses: Wolf (Coincidentally, although it seems like a lame power, this was the one that got most used in the story.)


I also had Gravity as a power, which was represented by a hawk. But I since changed the power to telekinesis, although I'm keeping the hawk.


Plus, I had the power of illusions, but it was previously represented by a fish, which was stupid. I changed the animal to a chameleon, since they're more apt at camouflage, so it makes sense.


But see, I have two powers with no good animals. Previously, I had invisibility represented by a squirrel, and ghosting (phasing, walking through walls, ext) represented by a frog. How I came up with these ideas initially, I don't know. But I need better ones, and I'm drawing a blank.


So here's my question for you. What animals do you think would best represent the power of invisibility and ghosting? Comments appreciated. Thanks!!


People who provide best answers can get a cameo in my story as redshirts. :D




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Invisibility should be Jaguar or Black Panther, as bot nearly disappear in the Dark.


Ghosting better know as Intangibility, maybe cats since they can fit through many tightspaces, or snakes in the same vein. In terms of Cats, Marvel Comics does have Shadowcat.

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Could use an octopus for Invisibility, as they're master of camouflage on a level even chameleon's have a hard time competing with, being able to change body shape as well as color.


For Intangibility, I, personally, would use a fly or some other small flying insect, as they always seem to react quickly enough that they are more or less incorporeal, especially in relation to flyswatters and newspapers.

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Toa Onarax's suggestion for cat as intangibility makes perfect sense, but if you feel a strong need to use a squirrel that would probably work as well. Those suckers can get into spaces you would think impenetrable.


I don't know what your story plans are, but having a flower amidst all these animals is throwing me off a bit. Why not use something like a lizard (tail re-growth)?

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Regeneration with Lizards is nice, and actually it could replace the Flower Healing, seeing as a flower isn't an animal.


Also xccj, I myself have(or rather was real life sort of got in the way) been working on stuff similar to this, so I do have a lot of animals I could help with if you want.


@Xaeraz in terms of Octupi I consider them to be Shapeshifting, for the reasons you mentioned. To me Invisibility isn't about blending, but about disappearing entirely.

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