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My head is bruised but unbowed.




They never tell you the truth.

Your parents, your teachers, everyone. They never tell you about the real world.

"Tell the truth and trust in God," they said. "Everything will be okay," they said.

They lied.


They taught us to tell the truth, as we stood there, eager children in our fresh clothes stained by the grass. They taught us to trust each other.

Why could no one trust me?

Why did people hate it when I told the truth?


I've always been able to see more than people told me. I could tell when my mother was upset or my father was hiding something. I could tell when the teacher was lying or other students were keeping secrets.

What I wasn't able to see was what would happen if I let them know that I knew.


So I did... and they hated me for it.

If this had been the middle ages, I'd probably have been burnt as a witch. Burnt with torches.

Today, I get burnt with words and glares.


Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.


It bothered me a lot back then. Why did they lie to us?

It doesn't bother me now.


By now, I'm beyond caring about what happens. Back then, I used to reveal secrets in all innocence, like a child eating too many cookies and getting sick.


I reveal secrets as a part of my daily life. I relish it. The look of shock and hurt on their silly faces. The pain they've caused me, thrown back upon themselves.

They've earned it.


You might call me sadistic and twisted. Chances are, you'd be right.

People say a lot of things about me. That I'm Lucifer. That I'm evil.

I wouldn't go that far. I do what I think is right. What they think - what you think - doesn't matter to me. You people. You poor, deluded children.


Say what you want about me. The fact is, I'm honest and you can't handle it. I speak the truth and you know it.


So I say the truth as it is, reflected in the mirror. I read the writing on the wall, say it aloud for all to hear. And you don't want to listen.


You don't want to listen but you have to. It's like there's a horror film unwinding in front of your eyes. You don't want to see it but you can't look away.

And soon, doubts start growing in your mind. And you can't deny the truth of what I have said.


And that, my dear friend, is where you find the truth.


I tell the truth. I always have. I always will.


If someone had told me back then about how things were, I might not be who I am today. If someone had taken a moment to tell me the truth, I wouldn't have spoken out so much.


But by now, I'm beyond regret. I'm beyond what-ifs. I am what I am and nothing can change that.


Except maybe a time-machine and a lightsaber.



I'm going to be going a bit fast with entries, because this blog lasts less than a week and I'm currently writing my 15th chapter in my story. This is so much fun. ^_^


Just saw the Dark Knight Rises today. I swear, this movie is the best I've seen all year. *realises she hasn't seen many movies in the past year*


Alright. Christopher Nolan is a freaking genius and anyone who says otherwise is going to be cut down brutally. With an axe. And all manner of torture devices.

Less than 3% of the movie gave me cause for complaint and that's a first. And I still say to my cowsick friend, dude, Robin is totally awesome and Florence is a good place to get a coffee.


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