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All Kidding Aside



Okay, I've seen some pretty heated posts regarding the closure (and removal) of LGD and COT. And seriously, some people really need to calm down before they get themselves in trouble.


When I first read the post regarding the removal, I figured it was an elaborate joke. I know the staff is working hard on trying to keep those Board Messages from popping up, but of all days to annouce something like the removal of two forums April 1st just didn't seem like the right time.


But now the forums are gone. And I can't believe some of the things I've read in regards to the removal. There are people who honestly are going to leave if LGD and COT dont' come back? Why? BZPower was started to serve as the home for Bionicle fans to take part in Bionicle discussion. If the removal of non-Bionicle discussions assists in removing Board Messages from the paths of those wishing to actually use BZP for that purpose...how can you argue with the decision?


I doubt the decision was an easy one to make, and I would expect they forsaw some form of backlash. But honestly, if people are willing to leave a Bionicle forum because they don't provide space for non Bionicle discussion then there's some people who seriously need to reconsider what they're doing here. There are so many other forums on the Internet that are specifically geared at various other topics. And there's no law saying that if you join BZP you can't join any other forum.


But through all this, I've started to see added benefits to the removal of COT or LGD. If all of these members who are saying they're going to leave actually leave, that's going to help keep the server load down. So it's double good for those of us who want to stick around and discuss Bionicle.


And heck, if you want to strike up a conversation about something non-Bionicle...there's always the Blogs. Surf around those for a while and you'll find all kinds of topics you can discuss. Not everybody will be able to create new entries, but I'm pretty sure everybody can post comments.


But guys, gals, calm down. The Staff is doing what they can to keep the flow of Bionicle-related discussion from coming to a screeching halt. And if losing non-Bionicle discussion is enough to chase you away from BZP all-together, then what are you doing here in the first place?


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I never noticed its absence - well, mostly that I don't go to those areas.


But still, the posts do sound very immature. Good points on the removals, T-H. It's a pity they had to go, still, but we can't stop the influx of new members. *shrug*



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On topic:

I aggree with you. This is a Bionicle Forum. In fact, I rarely went into COT after a while, and I've only posted in LGD once, and don't have time to go into either. I'm probably more interested in LGD, though, for discussion and posting some of my system MOCs.


I think everybody is getting worked up. My guess is that it'll come back in a week. Staff wants to have their fun. (and I'm guessing it'll be the same for your blog's color)



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Even though I post in COT a lot, this wouldn't have concerned me. Despite the fact I am staff and was most likely aware of what was happening, I took that out of the equation. Suppose I was a regular member. I joined BZP for Bionicle, not for the COT. COT is a luxury.


Since I was way to busy having fun at Brickfest, I didn't care what was happening on here during April fools. :P



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