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It's great, isn't it? Keeping out diseases and mending itself and whatnot. Only problem is when you get scars or pimples or stuff like that. Makes me wish for a nice thick scale armor plating. Evolution screwed us over on that. I mean, we don't even have fur. Or retractable claws. Or extra springy legs. Cats are amazing. They have claws and legs. They just need wings and gills, then they'd be perfect. Some people might have made a pun there, but I didn't, because I'm too awesome for that. I am not above, however, laughing at bad puns, because sometimes you just gotta. I also laugh at other peoples expense, even though it makes me feel bad. Feeling bad is bad. Whenever I feel bad, I watch ponies. Whenever I feel happy, I watch ponies. I just watch ponies in general. If I have to do something, it'll have to wait for ponies to finish. Makes my mom mad, though. She tells me to do things and stuff. I like to do things, but only if they're things I like. I like ponies. And Sonic. And TF2. And BZP. Oh hey, BZP got a new skin today. It looks nice. I like how it's called a skin, 'cause it's like the outer layer of a site. Just like human skin. Skin is great, isn't it? Keeping out diseases and mending itself and whatnot...


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