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Saw dolphins at my job today

Toa Smoke Monster


At least, I think they were dolphins. Someone told me that they were NOT dolphins but creatures that looked like dolphins whose name started with 'M'. :blink: (If anyone knows the name of these dolphin-like creatures, like me know. But until told otherwise, I'm calling them dolphins!)


Anyway, I was working in my booth near the water where I sell tickets for a boat ride when two or three dolphins just appeared out of nowhere. Until today, I've never seen them there before. I was actually really bored until they showed up, so they made my day. :) It was very cool to see them, to say the least.


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Probably dolphins, then. Unless they were porpoises.


What sort of water were you near? Lake? Ocean? River? It's hard for me to judge dolphin likelihood without geographic context.


But I have seen dolphins upriver before, when I visited Savannah, GA this past spring. So I suppose anything's possible so long as you're downriver from a fall line.

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It was near the ocean or at least where a river meets with it. I guess they might have been porpoises, but I really thought they were dolphins. Oh well.

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