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My views of the Comics Forum 2.0 - Part 2

Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen


Alright, time for more! This time, I think I'll go with a random assortment of comic makers. Some have stopped a while ago, and some still make comics today.


Disclaimer: If you are angry at any of these, then... Well, sorry. These aren't meant to offend. Also no reason to get angry, as chances are these represent something you've either said or done, or a comedic representation of something. All in good humor.


Let's continue on with the second batch!


Random comic makers








Dr. Giggles


Takuma Nuva


Authors note: So, some may be a little confusing to understand. Mainly Tent and Soran. With Soran, it was based off something he did elsewhere. Not gonna go in to it too much. With Tent, it was based off his comics, "I Ship It." You can look it up to see what I mean.


Second disclaimer: Some may notice I can do things of a higher quality regarding graphics, but these aren't meant to be serious. Even I dislike them. Hate them as you will. I shall gather tomatoes to throw at them.


Credit to Varderan for the kit!


Enjoy guys!




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The Dr. Giggles one couldn't have possibly been more accurate.


I have to ask a question... Who had the idea to name your siblings "Snickers" and "Giggles"?


Cause that has got to be the best name game ever. Not even being sarcastic, I just noticed that XD



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I don't understand why I have a... game cube box...(?) for a head. I think my favorite though is Terton, it makes way too much sense, same with Dr. Giggles.



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I don't understand why I have a... game cube box...(?) for a head. I think my favorite though is Terton, it makes way too much sense, same with Dr. Giggles.




Sure thing, Unsorrowful ;)



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I feel as though that drawing has scared me for life ;-;


And yeah, next time (dun dun duuuun) I should do that :P



What can I say? When I say I drew it years ago I mean that I drew it NINE years ago. :P Needless to say, I wasn't very good.


Takuma Nuva

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Vataki"Vahi" Teridax, on , said:


The Dr. Giggles one couldn't have possibly been more accurate.


I have to ask a question... Who had the idea to name your siblings "Snickers" and "Giggles"?


Cause that has got to be the best name game ever. Not even being sarcastic, I just noticed that XD




They named their own characters, actually. :P Although Snicker originally named her character "Haley786" and later renamed her character "Snicker."

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I don't understand why I have a... game cube box...(?) for a head. I think my favorite though is Terton, it makes way too much sense, same with Dr. Giggles.




It's actually the default profile picture for BZPower users without one. Interesting concept, some are funny, others not as funny. Good job all the less.



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