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Who Remembers Lesovikk's Hiatus?



I remember when the Lesovikk's Hiatus contest was first announced. I submitted two entries, and then shortly after, KanohiJournal was disbanded, and the contest slipped through the cracks. 'Twas a pity.


Wouldn't it be cool if the contest were to return? Let's consider for the purpose of this hypothetically hypothetical example that the contest would no longer be considered canon but fanon. Would you still be interested in entering? I know I would.


But -- alas! -- the contest is definitely not being prepared for a reboot, and I have nothing to do with it.


Oh well. There's always mid-August to enjoy.


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I remember that it was silly to have started the contest in the first place as canon.


Really though, if it's going to be fanon, I think there are a lot of other rich places to draw from in the story, especially if you can afford to be a little flexible with what the story can and can't do.

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I remember it fondly, it was the contest that made me want to join BZPower, just so I could enter.


Then I procrastinated and never actually entered. :P


Didn't know about it falling through though.

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I remember that it was silly to have started the contest in the first place as canon.


Why is that?


Really though, if it's going to be fanon, I think there are a lot of other rich places to draw from in the story, especially if you can afford to be a little flexible with what the story can and can't do.


I want to ensure the contest winners can still somehow be branded as canon if GregF does ever return, though, not to mention fanon material still needs to apply to the canon storyline. I'll consider widening the focus, but I don't expect to find a lot of leeway.

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Because it was bandwagoning at its finest. BZP did the same thing, to an extent, with ATYUII. Just rolling these contents out, trying to snap up every last bit of canon as conceivably possible without really considering what the overall state of the story was first. As a result, the contests floundered (and in the case of Lesovikk's hiatus, dead-ended entirely). Heck, even the last contest on BS01 was actually meant to be a two-parter that didn't quite develop as intended.


Pointedly so, we had a number of gestating contest ideas at BS01 (a few that nearly came to fruition) that I ended up having to put my foot down on because it threatened to turn into the same thing. There was little-to-no thought on what could even possibly come next from these contests, so in the face of that, easing off on ours seemed to me like the best thing to do at the time.


You can do what you want with the contest, but now that you aren't limited by that horribly restricting factor that is the official story, I would suggest doing something for the fun of it, instead of holding the collective breath.

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