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Bad Movie is Good?



You know when you're watching a bad movie, but it's so bad that it's good? As in, the acting is wooden and the dialogue is terrible and everything sucks but it's stil an enjoyable movie?


Why is that? It's seriously so weird.


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Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus. Utterly awful, but fun to watch because it is so bad, it unintentionally becomes a comedy.

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Are you talking about the kind where the badness is so hilarious that it becomes good, or the kind where you find yourself appreciating the intent of the movie even though the execution is highly questionable?

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At some point, a movie becomes so bad, you can't help but laugh at it and thus enjoy yourself. You could say it's related to how people can find stupid things funny.

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Mask of Light.



Yuk yuk yuk yuk.....

MoL was just plain bad (apart from the soundtrack, which was awesome even though it ripped off a ton of other soundtracks).


- Vorex

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Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus. Utterly awful, but fun to watch because it is so bad, it unintentionally becomes a comedy.


I was thinking of the exact same movie, except I think it was supposed to be a comedy. I haven't seen the movie, but I've seen the trailer and I've come across other movies by the same studio in a Best Buy. Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus, Two-Headed Shark Attack, among others.


A movie I have personally seen that fits this description is Battlefield Earth. Everybody involved took it in all seriousness, but it turned out to be one of the most unintentionally bad films ever.



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