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A Tropical Heaven In 2007, Pt. 1

Soaring Strawberry


*GNG Walks in wearing pink dress*


GNG *singing* Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities...




GNG: :blush: Oh, I forgot where I was... I'll be right back.


*GNG returns, wearing jeans and a Bionicle Heroes shirt*


Much better! Anyway I just got back from Grand Assembly for California Rainbow, and there is a lot to tell about this event, so...


A Tropical Heaven in 2007

Part 1: The Week Before


On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, went to two Rainbow Meetings (I visited Citrus for their mtg.) and the Jobie meeting. At Citrus Assembly, Tomcat and Goo Goo Bear's Dad each received the Grand Cross of Color (the card, you get the medallion at Grand Assembly). Sunshine's meeting became an instructional. At Jobies, The Grand Bethel Librarian visited.


Thursday was all about packing; and on Friday, Nansea, my Mom and I piled into my parents' van to arrive in Fresno. We chose to spend an extra night because I was in Grand Choir, and the Saturday practise was at eight in the morning


That was the week before, And I need to get back to work.


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Sounds like you've been seriously busy. Although, at the risk of sounding somewhat uninformed, what exactly is the Grand Assembly for California Rainbow?



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Sounds like you've been seriously busy. Although, at the risk of sounding somewhat uninformed, what exactly is the Grand Assembly for California Rainbow?




It's a Convention, but for Rainbow Girls. I need to get around to posting about the actual convention.

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