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Birthday Wrap-Up and Loot



First off, thanks to everyone who wished me happy birthday--I appreciate it. Although I find the lack of a birthday topic... disturbing... :P


Also, happy birthday to my 3-years-older birthday-twin Dorek/Axel! Since we don't really know each other that well there's not much for me to say, but still--happy birthday. =P


And happy birthday to Barack Obama, too. Since he's the head of my country and all.


Anyway, onto my birthday. It was pretty funnish kinda sorta ish. I didn't really do much--basically it boiled down to staying at my sister's house last night, getting treated to a Blizzard from DairyQueen, french toast in the morning (yaay!) and then going back to my house, where we had southern-style chicken-in-rice for dinner and a homemade chocolate cake with cream-cheese-flavored frosting. After that my siblings and I hung out downstairs basically all day, and we spent a few hours (8 to 10 P.M., I think) watching There Will Be Brawl on our main TV via X-Box. 'twas fabulous--I had recommended it to my second-oldest sister over a year ago and she never got around to watching it, and from the sounds of it my older siblings (sans one older sister,) younger sister, and one of my brother-in-laws all liked it a lot.


Unfortunately--and this saddened me quite a bit--I got virtually no actual presents, despite having asked for stuff and after having gotten a full year of straight "A"s this past school year. Heck, I didn't even get a card from my immediate family--only one from my grandparents. :/


However, my dad did give me $100 to buy my own presents. I'm planning on getting this jacket (or the black version,) since--while it is $90--I've been wanting for over a year. That'll leave me with $30 left over (from other money that I have;) I'm probably going to use that to buy Pokemon Black or White 2--haven't decided which yet.


I also got a Japanese Star Wars T-shirt and a 30-pack of candy--a mixture of Skittles, M&Ms, peanut M&Ms, Three Musketeers, Starbursts, and Snickers, all standard-sized packs. Although I probably won't eat it all--I already gave one pack of peanut M&Ms to my oldest sister, and since my second-oldest did so much for my birthday I'm going to give her one of the packs, too.


So yeah, my day in a nutshell.


Also, I'm aware that I skipped out on posting that short story, and... well, honestly and to put it simply, I don't apologize. :P It'll be up late tomorrow or Monday.


So yeah. ^_^


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Desmond Hoodie? Nice. I keep meaning to buy the eagle hood one, but I don't have enough money (and would probably buy some actual video-game related things from there anyway =P).


No gifts is always a bummer, but then you just subtly remind them of that next year and cash in (which was my last year to this year).


Happy birthday to Barrack Obama! (also us)

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I'll be getting Black 2 simply because I own Black and my brother has White.


But I hope you had a great day regardless of presents or a lack of them. Although I am expecting that short story soon. Or else...

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Sorry about lack of birthday topic; yesterday was rather hectic with stuff, hence why I wasn't on much. And I had also expected there to already be one. =/


Also, as for being unsure about BW2; get White 2 - I believe you mentioned you got White 1, so unless you got Black afterward, it's best to get White 2, as the story will tie in better. ;)

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