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Some BrickFair Pics from Saturday

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. I am back again to give you guys another entry related to my trip yesterday (Saturday) to BrickFair. I kind of worn out though (All that walking, sitting, and standing for hours were not great on my knees. Argh...), so I am going try to keep this short mostly.


Alright, so today (Sunday) I was looking through all 221 photos I took at BrickFair yesterday and well, I ended up throwing away like 94 photos out of that. XD So yeah, if I had to conclude anything about my photo taking skills, it is that I should never be given a camera since even the photos that I kept weren't so great. lol


So yeah, if I learn anything from this trip, it is that I need to try to take my time taking photos next time. Although admittedly it could not be help as I naturally did not want to lose my friend in crowds there and I also did not want to get into other people's way. *shrugs*


But anyway, I decided that I was going to show a few of photos that I liked here and maybe the rest later, when I have more time/when I am less tired. First of which is showing that I apparently did see Mister Evil Blog Master during my visit, apologizes for not saying hello. I can and am rather shy and reserve person in real life, so I found it hard to build up the courage to say hello.


Next photo is of BZPower Visitor Logbook about two hours before I signed when I had to leave with my friend to go to the movie. Again, it shows that I was there while Evil Blog Master and crew were around. Once more, I am sorry about that, people. If I ever go again, I'll at least try to say hello.


Alright, now this photo is special in that it has Black Six in the background. I actually did not realize he was in the background when I took the picture, so it was nice little surprise for me when I looking back at the photo. Especially considering I was tempted to take a photo of him one of the three times that I stared at him behind Bionicle table later on that day.


I didn't though because I thought that would be kind of weird. lol Not that, I hadn't come off weird enough by signing the logbook and not saying hello to anyone there when I did. XD Yeah, I guess I am weird. *shrugs*


Okay, moving on from that, the last picture that I am showing today is a photo that I took, while we waiting in DC traffic. And it is of the Washington Monument from afar. I thought I would share this one because I think it is my best photo taken during the trip. That and I thought that people, who have never been Washington DC, might like to see it.


*yawn* Alright, folks, that's all I got for today. I hope you like it and thanks for taking the time to read this. Good Night, BZPers.


- JMJ 2012


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Yeah, I think lo-resness is mostly because I settle with using the first picture taken. That and I did crop it to removed the cars from the background, so the image ended up scaling kind of weirdly. *shrugs*


I guess I probably should experiment more with this camera since my photos probably could of look slightly better than this, I imagine.


- JMJ 2012

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@Takuma Nuva: I am sorry, sir. I did not know it was you at the time. That and you were gone when I finally build up the courage to at least sign the book (Which I was nervous about doing in the first place since I thought people would yell me because they would think I was trying to touch the MOCs or something.).


But again, I am sorry about that. My shyness and nerves have always been my biggest issues when meeting new people and well, I let it get the best of me that day, sorry.


- JMJ 2012

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