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The Itching It Hurts So Much



For some reason I've been so itchy today and it hurts so much and I have to scratch it but it only goes away for a while... Ow it hurts... I'm not kidding, my legs and back itch so much it's not funny... AGH! I've tried so much... Skin moisturizer doesn't work. I just tried some anti-itch and it still itches somewhat- but now I have to try not to scratch or it'll itch worse...


Anyways, it actually snowed today. It snowed, can you believe that? The fourth of April, and it snowed. Awesome.


The field trip was fun. We went to the Boston Museum of Fine Art, and looked at Greek and Roman pottery and statue, and Renaissance art about that period, which of course glorified living in a dirty hovel with no modern conveniences. But hey, that's art. I had fun, mostly by mocking the paintings with my friends, although really, modern standards sure have changed from those of the painters'.


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