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Wreck-It Ralph & Memories

Jedi Master J.


Am I the only one that can't wait to see this film in theaters? Really I don't know why, but ever since I saw the trailer for it last Saturday; I have been really itching to see this film when it comes out.


I guess part of that might be because of the cameos from real video game characters in it. Although I also like what seems to be the implied plot of the film. *shrugs* So yeah, I guess I'll probably be checking that film in November. Hopefully I can get my friend or someone else to go along with me since I am not a huge fan of going to movies by myself.


Really that's particularly why I hadn't watch a lot recent films lately because I usually don't have anyone to go with me. Like for example, I still have not seen the The Dark Knight Rises yet (Not that it matters really since I never been a huge follower of this trilogy of Batman films. *shrugs* Still I would like to see it though since I like to see what the big deal is and all.) and I hadn't watch The Avengers either (Although that's not surprising since I never been a big Marvel fan.).


Again, I guess I am just weird like that. lol Not that surprising since I am generally weird person compared to most people. *shrugs* I am not sure why really. I guess it is just a product of upbringing or something.


But anyway, I guess while I am here, I could show you guys another video that I took from BrickFair. It is nothing special. It is just a video of LEGO Clock with a moving pendulum spinning back and forth. I thought it was pretty cool though, but that's not surprising since I generally like stuff from Technic and Mindstorms lines of LEGO.


Hm...You know all this talk of stuff like Mindstorms and Technic has kind of reminded me that technically BrickFair is not first LEGO event I ever been in my life. I actually have been to starting event for the FIRST LEGO League at least three times, I think, back when I was in middle school and was part of a LEGO Robotics Club.


Aw...Good memories. I wonder how that teacher of mines is doing now because from what I heard they might actually be cutting classes like his at the school that attend as a child. Which sadden me greatly as it was classes like that made me realize I had an interest in Engineering to begin with. Without it, I don't know where I would be now. I probably wouldn't even have my job now. :(


And man, I don't think I am ever going to forget how my best friend from my old neighborhood end up winning in a raffle one of Manas sets from 2001 during one of these events (And this was in 2003, by the way.). lol I wish I had his luck at the time.


Hm...I wonder what he doing now. Well, obviously he going to be in college, I imagine. Man, I wish I could talk him and catch up. I really rather miss the dude, but I guess I am nothing more than a stranger to him now since it has been seven years since we talked. *sigh*


That's life for you, folks. Well, its my life at least. *shrugs* But anyway, I think I have ramble enough here, so I am going to call this an entry. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. Talk to later, BZPers.


- JMJ 2012


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:kaukau: I'm not totally excited, but it looks like a really cool idea. I have no memories of Wreck-It-Ralph, but I remember playing Q*bert, which became one of my favorite games, so it was so awesome when I saw him in the advertisement.



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@Emperor Kraggh: I am pretty sure Wreck-It Ralph is just a fictional retro character that they made for the movie. I could be wrong though.


Well, my interest in it is most in the plot of the movie and checking out what characters from real video games end up getting cameos in the movie.


- JMJ 2012

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