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10 Hours of KH3D...

Jedi Master J.


Man, I been playing that game for a long time today. And I actually would still be playing it if it weren't for the fact that it is one in morning here and my hands are starting to go numb (Sora's Boss Battle in Pinocchio World end up confusing me a bit, so I had to do reality shift thing a few times.). lol


But yeah, I am loving the game so far and I can't wait to get back to playing it. Hm...I don't think it is going to replace Kid Icarus: Uprising as my handheld game of the year though. *shrugs* But anyway, I am currently in the Three Musketeers world and so far I only have died six times with Sora and once with Riku (The deaths were all the result of foolish mistakes on my part.).


I am also inclined to agree with most people that most challenging boss so far has got to be Rinzler, although it only took about two deaths from Sora to figure out that I need to be more tactical with attacking him. Oh, and using flow motion now almost feels natural to me, so I really been taken advantage of that to help me dodge stuff (Especially during that fight with Rinzler, who's fight style kind of reminds me of style that Vanitas uses in Birth by Sleep.).


And man, this game really makes me like playing as Riku more than Sora. Although it would probably help if I gave Sora some better Spirits than 64 (Meow Wow) and Joker (Jestabocky, which I got early on because I experimented in Spirit creator.). I kind of don't want to replace them though since I feel like I have invest too much in their ability trees already to change them now. *shrugs*


But yeah, that's what I was doing today mostly. *yawn* And I guess that's all for this entry. Apologizes if it was kind of boring for you guys to read. Thanks though for taking the time to read this. Night, BZPers.


- JMJ 2012


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Haha we're at about the same spot. I just got to the Musketeers world boss with Riku.


I'm not sure who my hardest boss has been yet. Rinzler was tough, yeah, but like you said it didn't take long to figure him out.


I too had problems with Sora's boss in Pinnocchio's world. I think it was because I had decked out Sora to be all about melee attacking and it was just hard getting in close to the guy.


All of Riku's bosses have been cake so far.


And my Spirits... Yeah, I've not been switching them around too much... I've been trying to hold out to make stronger, rarer ones when I can. Right now I'm working on the triceratops one. I think I have half the ingredients to make its lowest rank? Ha...

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Rinzler definitely kicked my butt too. D: Still, the boss who killed me the most was Riku's first final boss, but that's mainly because of the effect of one of his special techniques...and I'm not good at dodging...

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